Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the genera of Actaletidae |
This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.
Felipe N. Soto-Adames,
University of Illinois, Illinois Natural History Survey, IL 61820, Champaign, USA
César Guillén,
Department of Biology, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
Frans Janssens,
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium
1(0). Dental spines absent; maxilla elongate and narrow (fig.1b); third bothriotrichum on fourth abdominal segment absent (fig.2b)........................................... Actaletes Dental spines present; maxilla globose (fig.1a); third bothriotrichum on fourth abdominal segment present (fig.2a).. ............................................... Spinactaletes |