- Last updated on 2024.08.30 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Hypogastrura from Belgium

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

Hans-Jürgen Schulz, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Germany
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0). Tibiotarsi with one weakly or distinctly knobbed tenent hair.. 2
      Tibiotarsi with two or up to 6 knobbed tenent hairs........... 5
2(1). Postantennal organ lobes in their basal parts not raised...... 3
      Postantennal organ lobes in their basal parts raised.. assimilis
3(2). Ventral tube with 3 + 3 to 7 + 7 setae........................ 4
      Ventral tube with 8 + 8 to 11 + 11 setae.............. sahlbergi
4(3). Mucro very slender and without lamellae............. manubrialis
      Mucro with broad outer lamella......................... vernalis
5(1). Metatibiotarsus with two tenent hairs.............. purpurescens
      Metatibiotarsus with three tenent hairs................. viatica
