- Last updated on 2024.07.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Protaphorura octopunctata group

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

Ighor J. Kaprus, State Natural History Museum of NAS of Ukraine, UA-79008, L'viv, Ukraine
Romuald J. Pomorski, Zoological Institute, Wroclaw University, PL-50-335 Wroclaw, Poland
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Subcoxae1 of i, ii and iii pair of legs with pseudocelli.... 2
        Subcoxae1 of i, ii and iii pair of legs without pseudocelli...
           ........................................................ 23
2(1).   Subcoxae1 of i, ii, and iii pair of legs with 1, 0, 00
          pseudocelli respectively.................................. 3
        Subcoxae1 of i, ii, and iii pair of legs with 1, 1, 10
          pseudocelli respectively.................................. 4
3(2).   Claws always with strong inner denticle; dorsal pseudocellar
          formula 43/022/33342.............................. mongolica
        Claws without or rarely with very small denticle; dorsal
          pseudocellar formula 43/022/33343................... sakatoi
4(2).   Fifth abdominal tergum with chaetae s'; head ventrally with 2
          + 2 pseudocelli; second and third thoracic tergum with
          variable number of pseudocelli: 2-3, 2-3 respectively..... 5
        Fifth abdominal tergum without chaetae s'; head ventrally with
          1 + 1 pseudocelli; second and third thoracic tergum with
          stable number of pseudocelli.............................. 6
5(4).   Claws with denticle; fifth abdominal tergum with chaetae s';
          head ventrally with 1 + 1 pseudocellus; pseudocellar formula
          dorsally: 4[5-6]4/03[2]3[2]/4[3]4[3]4[3-5]5[6]4[3]; tip of
          antenna without cauliflower like papilla............. elenae
        Claws without denticle; fifth abdominal tergum without chaetae
          s'; head ventrally with 2 + 2 pseudocelli; pseudocellar
          formula dorsally: 43/02[3]3[2]/3335[4-6]3[4]; tip of antenna
          with cauliflower like papilla........................ merita
6(4).   Second thoracic tergum with 2 + 2 pseudocelli............... 7
        Second thoracic tergum with 3 + 3 pseudocelli.............. 21
7(6).   Third thoracic tergum with 2 + 2 pseudocelli................ 8
        Third thoracic tergum with 3 + 3 pseudocelli............... 18
8(7).   Abdominal terga i-iv with 1 + 1 pseudocelli respectively......
           ................................................ discrepans
        Abdominal terga i-iv with more than 1 + 1 pseudocelli....... 9
9(8).   Fourth abdominal tergum with anterolateral pseudocelli;
          abdominal terga i-v with variable number of pseudocelli.. 10
        Fourth abdominal tergum without anterolateral pseudocelli;
          abdominal terga i-v with 3 + 3 pseudocelli respectively.. 16
10(9).  Sensory rods of third antennal segment sense organ are higher
          than accompanying papillae, the first one is situated at
          external surface of the first internal papilla, the second
          one between third and fourth papillae (fig.33)........ nutak
        Sensory rods of third antennal segment sense organ are shorter
          than accompanying papillae, typically arranged and set close
          together behind papillae in the middle part of the organ. 11
11(10). Males with ventral organ................................... 12
        Males without ventral organ................................ 13
12(11). Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/022/3334[3]3; males ventral
          organ is located between ii and iii abdominal sterna........
           ................................................. ianstachi
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula 44[3]/022/3335[4-6]3; males
          ventral organ is located between iii and iv abdominal
          sterna............................................ eichhorni
13(11). Fourth abdominal tergum with 4 + 4 pseudocelli............. 14
        Fourth abdominal tergum with 5 + 5 pseudocelli............. 15
14(13). Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/022/33342; on fifth abdominal
          tergum ratio m/s 1.4-1.6l; abdominal sterna iii-iv without
          parapseudocelli................................ licheniphila
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/022/33343; on fifth abdominal
          tergum ratio m/s 2.6-3.0; abdominal sterna iii-iv with
          parapseudocelli............................... tetragrammata
15(13). Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/022/33353; claws with denticle.
           .............................................. valsainensis
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/022/46655; claws without
          denticle......................................... asensitiva
16(9).  Head with 3 + 3 posterior pseudocelli; claws with denticle. 17
        Head with 4 + 4 posterior pseudocelli; claws without denticle.
           ........................................... suboctopunctata
17(16). Fifth abdominal tergumi usually with two medial chaetae;
          abdominal sterna ii-iv with 1 + 1 parapseudocelli; ventral
          tube with 13-19 + 13-19 chaetae.............. quadriocellata
        Fifth abdominal tergumi with one medial chaeta; abdominal
          sterna ii-iv without parapseudocelli; ventral tube with 9 +
          9 chaetae......................................... saltuaria
18(7).  Head with 3 + 3 posterior pseudocelli; postantennal sense
          organ consists of 18-30 vesicles......................... 19
        Head with 4 + 4 posterior pseudocelli; postantennal sense
          organ consists of 34-40 vesicles......................... 20
19(18). Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/023/33342; postantennal sense
          organ consists of 18-22 vesicles; claws with denticle.......
           .............................................. nazarovensis
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/023/4[3]4[3]4[3]53;
          postantennal sense organ consists of 26-30 vesicles; claws
          without denticle................................. macfadyeni
20(18). Dorsal pseudocellar formula 44/023/34353; ratio claw/anal
          spines as 1.7.................................... caledonica
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula 54/023/454[5-7]5[6]5; ratio
          claw/anal spines as 2.0....................... decempunctata
21(6).  Claws always with denticle; postantennal sense organ consists
          of 18-26 vesicles........................................ 22
        Claws without denticle; postantennal sense organ consists of
          32-36 vesicles...................................... daviesi
22(21). Dorsal pseudocellar formula 4[3]4/033/3335[4]3; first to third
          abdominal terga without chaeta s'............. pseudocellata
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula
          4[5]3[4-5]/033/4[3]4[3]4[3]5[6]3[4]; first to third
          abdominal terga with chaetae s'.................... submersa
23(1).  Dorsal pseudocellar formula 4[5-6]3[4]/022/3335[4]3[4-5];
          dorsomedial pseudocelli on second thoracic tergum and
          anterolateral pseudocelli on fourth abdominal tergum
          present........................................ octopunctata
        Dorsal pseudocellar formula 43/012/33343; dorsomedial
          pseudocelli on second thoracic tergum and anterolateral
          pseudocelli on fourth abdominal tergum absent......... tolae
