Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Willemia |
This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.
Cyrille D'Haese,
Laboratoire d'Entomologie, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, F-75005 Paris, France
Arturo García-Gómez,
Laboratorio de Ecología y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Universidad NAM, México D.F.
Leopoldo Q. Cutz-Pool,
Laboratorio de Ecología y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Universidad NAM, México D.F.
Frans Janssens,
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium
1(0). Setae a0 absent on the head................................. 2 Setae a0 present on the head............................... 13 2(1). Sensilla e3 and i2 of antennal segment iv are large, globular, placed in cavity and covered in part by tegumental fold; setae m3 absent on third thoracic tergum.................. 3 Sensilla e3 and i2 of antennal segment iv are small, globular, not placed in cavity and not covered by tegumental fold; setae m3 present on third thoracic tergum................ 12 3(2). Fifth abdominal tergum with setae s in p2 position; first thoracic tergum with 3 + 3 setae.......................... 4 Fifth abdominal tergum with setae s in p3 position; first thoracic tergum with 2 + 2 setae, curved and crenellated.... ............................................... nadchatrami 4(3). Apical vesicle absent; anal spines absent................... 5 Apical vesicle present; anal spines present................. 6 5(4). Antennal segment iv with ordinary setae and two lanceolate setae; postantennal organ with 15 to 17 vesicles. deharvengi Antennal segment iv with ordinary setae, without lanceolate setae; postantennal organ with 18 to 20 vesicles. setonychia 6(4). Abdominal terga iv and v with setae s lanceolate.... delamarei Abdominal terga iv and v with setae s subcylindrical and acuminate................................................. 7 7(6). Tibiotarsi i and ii with 11 setae, tibiotarsi iii with 11 or 10 setae.................................................. 8 Tibiotarsi with 12 setae................................... 10 8(7). Postantennal organ with 12 to 14 vesicles; setae c1 absent on the head.................................................. 9 Postantennal organ with about 20 vesicles; setae c1 present on the head.......................................... annapurna 9(8). Setae a3 absent on abdominal sterna ii and iv; setae s m7 on third thoracic tergum lanceolate..................... wandae Setae a3 present on abdominal sterna ii and iv; setae s m7 on third thoracic tergum subcylindrical........... buddenbrocki 10(7). Antennal segment iv with four subcylindrical sensilla hardly distinguishable from ordinary setae; third thoracic tergum with setae s m7 lanceolate....................... nepalensis Antennal segment iv with two or four subcylindrical sensilla clearly differentiated from ordinary setae; third thoracic tergum with setae s m7 subcylindrical and acuminate...... 11 11(10). Antennal segment iv with four subcylindrical sensilla; postantennal organ with 10 to 15 vesicles..... neocaledonica Antennal segment iv with two subcylindrical sensilla; postantennal organ with 7 to 10 vesicles......... brevispina 12(2). Postantennal organ with 10 to 150 vesicles; anal spines present........................................... arenicola Postantennal organ with 15 vesicles or more; anal spines absent............................................ meybholae 13(1). Setae a1 absent on fourth abdominal sternum................ 14 Setae a1 present on fourth abdominal sternum............... 27 14(13). Tibiotarsi with 11 or 12 setae; ventral tube with 5 + 5 setae. ........................................................ 15 Tibiotarsi with more than 12 setae; ventral tube with 4 + 40 setae.................................................... 16 15(14). Postantennal organ with 3 vesicles; tibiotarsi iii with 110 setae............................................. trilobata Postantennal organ with 4 vesicles; tibiotarsi iii with 120 setae.............................................. namibiae 16(14). Anal spines absent......................................... 17 Anal spines present........................................ 23 17(16). Sensilla on antennal segment iv, all thick and subcylindrical. ................................................. granulata Sensilla on antennal segment iv, with another shape........ 18 18(17). Sensilla i1 and d absent on antennal segment iv - i. e. d and i1 not differentiated from ordinary setae; setae a2 present on abdominal terga ii and iii............................ 19 Sensilla i1 present on antennal segment iv and some sensilla are candle flame-shaped; setae a2 absent on abdominal terga ii and iii............................................... 22 19(18). Antennal segment iv with 2 sensilla - e3 and i2 - globular. 20 Antennal segment iv with 3 sensilla - e2, e3 and i2 candle flame-shaped.................................... trisphaerae 20(19). Postantennal organ's vesicles smooth....................... 21 Postantennal organ's vesicles with numerous secondary tubercles............................................. arida 21(20). Setae m2 absent on fourth abdominal tergum; setae s subcylindrical with acuminate apex on first abdominal tergum............................................. japonica Setae m2 present on fourth abdominal tergum; setae s lanceolate on first abdominal tergum............. fjellbergi 22(18). Sensilla d absent on antennal segment iv - i. e. d not differentiated from ordinary setae............ elisabetharum Sensilla d present on antennal segment iv.............. denisi 23(16). Fifth abdominal tergum with setae s in p2 position - thus setae p2 absent.......................................... 24 Fifth abdominal tergum with setae s in p3 position - thus setae p2 present......................................... 26 24(23). Postantennal organ with 4 vesicles................. intermedia Postantennal organ with 7 vesicles or more................. 25 25(24). First, second and third tibiotarsus with 12, 12 and 11 setae respectively; setae a2 present on abdominal terga ii and iii; setae m1 and m3 present on fourth abdominal tergum..... ................................................ subbulbosa First, second and third tibiotarsus with 14, 14 and 13 setae respectively; setae a2 absent on abdominal terga ii and iii; setae m1 and m3 absent on fourth abdominal tergum........... ................................................ persimilis 26(23). Apical vesicle simple; postantennal organ's vesicles blackberry-shaped; postantennal organ with 4 vesicles....... ............................................... multilobata Apical vesicle trilobate; postantennal organ's vesicles smooth; postantennal organ with 6 to 80 vesicles. bellingeri 27(13). Fifth abdominal tergum with setae s in p2 position - thus setae p2 absent.......................................... 28 Fifth abdominal tergum with setae s in p3 position - thus setae p2 present......................................... 30 28(27). M-row absent on fourth abdominal tergum; setae a4 absent on second and third thoracic tergum...................... virae M-row present on fourth abdominal tergum; setae a4 present on second and third thoracic tergum......................... 29 29(28). Postantennal organ with 7 vesicles; sensillum e1 present on fourth antennal segment; setae m4 present on fourth abdominal tergum.................................... bedosae Postantennal organ with 8 vesicles; sensillum e1 absent on fourth antennal segment; setae m4 absent on fourth abdominal tergum.................................... iztaccihuatlensis 30(27). Setae m1 absent on fourth abdominal tergum................. 31 Setae m1 present on fourth abdominal tergum................ 33 31(30). Sensilla d and i1 absent - i. e. d and i1 not differentiated from ordinary setae - on antennal segment iv............. 32 Sensilla d and i1 present on antennal segment iv........ dubia 32(31). Empodial appendage absent............................. koreana Empodial appendage present....................... scandinavica 33(30). Anal lobes with 2 hr setae; setae m3 present on abdominal terga ii and iii................................ anophthalma Anal lobes with 3 hr setae; setae m3 absent on abdominal terga ii and iii............................................... 34 34(33). Number of prelabral setae 2; sensilla e1 present on antennal segment iv.......................................... similis Number of prelabral setae 4; sensilla e1 absent - i. e. e1 not differentiated from ordinary setae - on antennal segment iv. ............................................. christianseni
1 Willemia biseta Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980 and Willemia bulbosa Bonet, 1945 are not included in the key.