- Last updated on
2020.08.11 by Frans
Frans Janssens,
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium
Peter Nolan Lawrence (),
9 Weald Close, Bromley Common, Kent, BR2 9PD, UK
Although morphological features of Collembola do not support a close
relationship with Crustacea,
the molecular evidence for a 'crustacean-like' ancestor of Collembola
and other 'hexapods' is compelling (Hopkin, 1997:21-22).
Traditionally, a semi-aquatic origin of Collembola has been proposed
(Shear & Kukalová-Peck 1990, 1991 cited from D'Haese 2002:1143).
Hopkin (1997:26) presents the following random list of events that may
have taken place during the evolution of terrestrial Collembola from a
aquatic, many-segmented, many-legged, crustacean-like ancestor:
- the second antennae were lost as they were no longer needed for
swimming (as occured also in oniscidian isopods in their transition to
- the number of segments was reduced until only the head and the three
thoracic and six abdominal segments remained.
- the legs on the thoracic segments were retained.
- the legs of the fourth abdominal segment were modified to form the
- the legs of the third abdominal segment were reduced and became the tenaculum
that holds the furca in rest position.
- the legs of the first abdominal segment developed thiny-walled
vesicles and evolved into the ventral tube.
- the legs on the second, fifth and sixth abdominal segments were
However, D'Haese (2002:1150) rejects the semi-aquatic origin of Collembola.
The semi-aquatic lifestyle is a secondary acquisition that occured several times
independently in the evolution of Collembola.
An edaphic lifestyle is the ancestral state.
While there is consensus that Arthropoda is monophyletic,
there is none on the relationships of its subordinates.
Almost every possible alternative has been offered (Giribet & Ribera, 2000:205):
Arthropoda = Chelicerata + Mandibulata (Crustacea + Atelocerata (Myriapoda + Hexapoda)) according to Snodgrass, 1938; Weygoldt, 1979; Wågele, 1993; Wheeler et al., 1993; Wheeler, 1995, 1998 (cited from Giribet & Ribera, 2000:205).
Arthropoda = Chelicerata + Mandibulata (Myriapoda + Pancrustacea (Crustacea + Hexapoda)) according to Giribet et al., 1996; Giribet & Ribera, 1998; Zrzavy et al., 1998 (cited from Giribet & Ribera, 2000:205).
Arthropoda = (Chelicerata + Myriapoda) + Pancrustacea (Crustacea + Hexapoda) according to Turbeville et al., 1991; Friedrich & Tautz, 1995; Giribet et al., 1996 (cited from Giribet & Ribera, 2000:205); Dove & Stollewerk, 2003.
Arthropoda = Schizoramia (Chelicerata + Crustacea) + Atelocerata (Myriapoda + Hexapoda) according to Cisne, 1974; Briggs et al., 1992; Budd, 1993 (cited from Giribet & Ribera, 2000:205).
Many studies unite Crustacea and Atelocerata
in the Mandibulata (Snodgrass, 1938; Weygoldt, 1979; Wågele, 1993; Wheeler et al., 1993; Wheeler, 1995,1998; Giribet et al., 1996; Giribet & Ribera, 1998; Zrzavy et al., 1998).
Others align Crustacea with Chelicerata
in the Schizoramia (Cisne, 1974; Briggs et al., 1992; Budd, 1993).
Supporters of Mandibulata do not agree whether Atelocerata is
monophyletic and sister of Crustacea (the traditional and majority position),
or whether Crustacea is sister of Hexapoda (the Pancrustacea hypothesis).
For a comprehensive overview of the rival hypotheses, see Giribet & Ribera (2000:222-225).
Given the conflicting morphological (Atelocerata), molecular (Pancrustacea)
and paleontological (Schizoramia) hypotheses, only a simultaneous analysis of
all data from extinct and extant taxa might offer a solution
(Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:197).
A comprehensive review of the phylogeny of hexapods based on molecular data,
the methods of data collection and analysis, and the conflict areas between
molecular and morphological phylogenies is given by
Carapelli, Nardi, Dallai & Frati (2006:191-204).
Any direct relationship between Hexapoda and Myriapoda is becoming
more and more doubtful and therefore the polyphyly of Atelocerata seems
increasingly certain (Dove & Stollewerk, 2003).
As more nuclear, mitochondrial gene order and protein-encoding gene data
have been examined for an ever-wider set of taxa, little or no support has been
found for any of the possible groupings alternative to Pancrustacea
(Cranston & Gullan, 2003:883).
In this paper, we will question whether or not Collembola are Insecta,
Hexapoda or Crustacea within the context of the Pancrustacea theory.
Hexapody originated at least twice independantly
in Arthropoda, making the Hexapoda paraphyletic
(Nardi et al., 2003; Cook et al., 2005).
We will show that Collembola are not so called primitive apterous insects,
but a unique and ancient group of well adapted terrestrial crustaceans.
For this reason, Lawrence (2003:I) proposes the nomen novum Gillopoda for
the Collembola Lubbock, 1870.
Paleontological considerations
Fig.r. Rhyniella praecursor
After Scourfield (1940).
Fig.r2. Rhyniella praecursor
After Anonymous (2017).
Based on the discovery of the fossil collembolan
Rhyniella praecursor (Fig.r, r2) by Hirst & Maulik
in the Devonian chert beds in Scotland in 1926, and the
striking resemblance it shows with extant species, Tillyard (1928)
concludes that Collembola are primary, ancestral, and archaic
terrestrial arthropodans and not forms readapted by retrograde evolution
as claimed by Handlirsch (1908) (cited from Handschin, 1955:41,49).
Rhyniella praecursor Hirst & Maulik, 1926
has been assigned to different families, respectively
to Poduridae (Poduromorpha) by Tillyard (1928),
to Entomobryomorpha, possibly Protentomobryidae by Scourfield (1940),
to Rhyniellidae by Paclt (1956),
to Protentomobryidae by Salmon (1964),
to Neanuridae by Massoud (1967), and
to Isotomidae by Greenslade & Whalley 1986:320.
Crowson (1985) questioned whether or not the Rhyniella fossils
are recent contaminations, because of the finding of a thysanopteran nymph in
the deposit which was clearly a later contaminant. However it has been shown
that the Collembola are securely embedded in the rock and that there was only
a single phase of mineralisation (Whalley & Jarembowski, 1981 cited from
Greenslade & Whalley 1986:319).
Most recent dating using argon/argon techniques have confirmed the chert
as being over 400 million years old (Greenslade & Whalley 1986:319),
(Pragian; older than Hunsrück Slate (Kühl & Rust 2009:227)).
Direct fossil evidence of Collembola before the Devonian is lacking
(Lehmann & Hillmer, 1983 cited from Hopkin, 1997:23).
The discovery of coprolites (fossil faeces) in Upper Silurian rocks of
412 million years in age, which could be derived from springtails,
suggests that Collembola
were an important component of the earliest terrestrial ecosystems
(Edwards, Selden, Richardson & Axe, 1995 cited from Hopkin, 1997:23).
Fig.Db. Devonohexapodus bocksbergensis
After Haas, Waloszek & Hartenberger (2003) Fig.6B
The Devonian Hunsrück Slate fossil Devonohexapodus bocksbergensis
Haas, Waloszek & Hartenberger,2003 has
been interpreted as a stem-lineage representative of the Hexapoda,
implying their marine origin and independent
terrestrialisation within the 'Atelocerata'.
(Kühl & Rust, 2009:215).
Devonohexapodus bocksbergensis was sunk to synonymy with
Wingertshellicus backesi Briggs & Bartels, 2001
by Kühl & Rust (2009:215,217,225).
The phylogenetic position of W. backesi neither is that of a stem-lineage
representative of Hexapoda, nor does it fall within the crowngroup Mandibulata.
The Hunsruück Slate provides no
evidence of an independent terrestrialisation within the 'Atelocerata' or
of a marine origin of the Hexapoda
(Kühl & Rust, 2009:215,229).
Independent terrestrialisation in Hexapoda and Myriapoda would be
the consequence, if the Tetraconata concept is followed
(Kühl & Rust, 2009:229).
Cambronatus brasseli and
Wingertshellicus backesi from the Lower Devonian,
are described by Briggs & Bartels (2001) as "crustaceanomorphs", while
Haas, Waloszek & Hartenberger (2003:49) suggest a close relationship
to Hexapoda.
But Kühl & Rust (2009:216)
see no evidence of a phylogenetic affinity of C. brasseli as a
stem-lineage representative of Hexapoda.
The marine Tesnusocaris goldichi Brooks, 1955, from the Carboniferous,
redescribed by Emerson & Schram (1991) as a representative of the
Remipedia, is condsidered to be more close to Hexapoda by
Haas, Waloszek & Hartenberger (2003:49).
This may suggest that stem lineage Insecta coexisted during the
Devonian with the more derived Collembola
(modified after Haas, Waloszek & Hartenberger, 2003:52).
A key problem to the origin of hexapods is the almost complete absence of
fossils that connect hexapods
to the other major arthropod subphyla, namely Crustacea, Myriapoda, and
The last common ancestor of hexapods and branchiopods
may have originated in freshwater during the Late Silurian,
giving rise to extant freshwater dwelling branchiopods (fairy shrimps,
water fleas, and tadpole shrimps) and insects. This hypothesis accounts for
the missing fossil record of branchiopods and hexapods before the Devonian.
Crustacean fossils are recorded at least as far back as the Upper Cambrian,
about 511 million years ago, where they are found in marine sediments.
all hexapod remains are found only in freshwater or terrestrial strata no
earlier than the Devonian, around 410 million years ago. This leaves
a gap of 100 million years to the earliest crustaceans.
(modified after Glenner, Thomsen, Hebsgaard & Sorensen, 2006:1883).
The early marine ancestor of the hexapods might have appeared more similar to
Rehbachiella kinnekullensis, a close marine relative to branchiopods
from the Upper Cambrian,
than to other hexapods.
(modified after Glenner, Thomsen, Hebsgaard & Sorensen, 2006:1884).
Reinterpretation of a fossil insect fragment
Rhyniognatha hirsti Tillyard, 1928
from the early Devonian Rhynie cherts of Scotland indicates that insects
originated in the Silurian period (Engel & Grimaldi, 2004:627-630).
This is supported by the fossil records of Archaeognatha (= Microcoryphia)
that have been listed from the early Devonian of Quebec
(Labandeira & al., 1988 cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:387)
and from the Devonian of New York
(Shear & al., 1984 cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:387),
suggesting a parallel evolution of Insecta and Collembola.
Rhyniella praecursor Hirst & Maulik, 1926, the oldest known
collembolan fossil from the Devonian red sandstone Rhynie chert beds,
Scotland, resembles extant Collembola up to such an extent that this
might be an indication that Collembola reached their evolutionary
climax already 400 million years ago.
Therefore, Handschin (1955:49) considers Collembola as living fossils.
In a molecular study of the evolution of the
mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II gene of Collembola
was shown that
values of genetic distance between congeneric species
and between families were remarkably high; in some
cases the latter were higher than divergence values between
orders of insects. The remarkably high divergence
levels observed provide evidence that Collembola
taxa are quite old; divergence levels among
Collembola families equaled or exceeded divergences
among pterygote insect orders.
(Frati, Simon, Sullivan & Swofford, 1997:145,152).
Systematic overview
Pancrustacea |
Crustacea |
Hexapoda (= Insecta sensu Leach, 1815) |
Apterygota |
(Pterygota) |
Entognatha |
Insecta sensu Handschin, 1958 (= Ectognatha sensu Hennig, 1953) |
Monocondylia |
Dicondylia |
Ellipura |
Diplura |
Thysanura sensu Lameere, 1895 |
Pterygota |
Collembola |
Protura |
Archaeognatha |
Zygentoma |
Tab.I. Conventional classification of related and
higher taxa of Collembola,
in perspective of the Pancrustacea theory.
(Monophyletic taxa in bold. Paraphyletic assemblages not in bold)
Historically, single morphological character systems formed the basis for
organising the hexapods into groups (Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:333,344).
Since the characters taken into account in such studies are independent
of each other, each study results in a different phylogeny.
Combining sets of independent characters into one study is the
approach of the 'total evidence' of Kluge (1989) and 'simultaneous analysis' of
Nixon and Carpenter (1996) to maximise parsimony of the tree
(Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:333,344).
Given the high number of characters involved, a numerical cladistic analysis
will simplify the work. Computer assisted analyses allow for combining a hugh
amount of characters (morphological, molecular, ecological, physiological, etc.)
to be taken into account simultaneously, allowing in
this way simultaneous treatment of all available evidence.
In the following discussion, the single character based groupings that lead to
taxonomic units used in the systematic classifications are
questioned by integrating manually the result of
many single and multiple character studies
in an attempt to confront the different opinions
Are Collembola Ellipura?
Ellipura Börner, 1910 = Collembola + Protura (cited from Pass & Szucsich, 2011:318; cited from Dell'Ampio, Szucsich & Pass, 2011:347).
Parainsecta Kukalová-Peck, 1991 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:387) = Ellipura Börner, 1910.
- Börner (1910),
based on a number of common characters, such as the
entognathous mouthparts with a labial linea ventralis,
as well as the lack of cerci,
created the taxon Ellipura
(derived from ancient Greek eleipsis = loss)
for Protura + Collembola
(Pass & Szucsich, 2011:318;
Dell'Ampio, Szucsich & Pass, 2011:347).
Hennig (1953 cited from Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter, 2001:115),
(1965 and 1969 cited from Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64; Dallai, 1991:267)
Tuxen (1970 and 1972 cited from Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64; Dallai, 1991:267)
regard Protura + Collembola as a monophyletic 'sister-group' of Diplura.
Kukalová-Peck (1991 cited from Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter, 2001:115),
regard Parainsecta as a monophyletic sister-group of Diplura + Insecta.
According to Hennig (cited from Dallai, 1991:267), the similarity
was supported by a list of advanced characteristics present in Protura and
Collembola. This view was revised by
Kristensen (1975 cited from Dallai, 1991:267) who concluded that
only the common features of entognathy, the modified tibiotarsi
and the absence of abdominal spiracles and cerci could be
regarded as true synapomorphies.
In addition, François (1969 cited from Dallai, 1991:267) indicates the
presence of the linea ventralis,
(cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:382)
the reduction of the maxilliary and labial palpi,
the presence of large neurosecretory cells, the 'epipharyngeal ganglia'.
In addition, Kristensen (1981, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:382)
considers the pretarsus bearing only one unguis as the ultimate
- Ellipura is supported by Hennig (1953, 1969, 1981), François (1969),
Kristensen (1975, 1981, 1991, 1995, 1997), Manton (1979), Boudreaux (1979, 1987),
Kukalová-Peck (1987, 1991), Stys & Bilinski (1990),
Brusca & Brusca (1990),
Stys et al. (1993), Stys & Zrzavy (1994), Koch (1997), Kraus (1997),
Bitsch & Bitsch (1998, 2000, 2004)
(cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:356, Pass & Szucsich, 2011:318)
and Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler (1999:203)).
In addition by Bilinski (1993 cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:382)
by Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter (2001:113,130,131,133,135,142),
by Kraus and Kraus (1994),
Kraus (1998, 2001),
Ax (1999),
Carpenter & Wheeler (1999),
Edgecombe & al. (2000),
Willman (2003),
Hickman & al. (2011)
(cited from Giribet, Edgecombe, Carpenter, D'Haese & Wheeler, 2004:320
and Pass & Szucsich, 2011:318).
It is supported by the nuclear and mitochondrial phylogeny
of Carapelli et al (2000:361).
It is supported by the morphological phylogeny of
Beutel & Gorb (2001:188,189,190,191,192)
based on following five synapomorphies:
1. presence of a linea ventralis (Kristensen, 1991, 1997; Koch, 1997),
2. mouthparts comprising entognathous maxillae and mandibles in a single
gnathal pouch (Tuxen, 1959; Koch, 1997, 2000),
3. absence of cerci,
4. absence of abdominal spiracles (Kristensen, 1975),
5. single claws.
Kjer & al. (2016:16) consider in consensus
and modified from Misof & al. (2014),
Ellipura (Elipura(sic))
as sistergroup of (Diplura + Insecta).
- The real position of Protura has been obscured by their presumed
relationship with the Collembola (Dallai, 1991:267).
- The assemblage Ellipura does not appear to form a natural group
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:353).
Autapomorphy no longer supports the Ellipura
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:355).
Ellipura is not parsimonious, based on internal anatomy
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:356).
- Ellipura is paraphyletic based on the analysis of 117 morphological
characters combined with the sequences of 18S and 28S rRNA
(Edgecombe, Giribet & Wheeler, 1999:299).
- The monophyly of the Ellipura is weakly supported
by cladistic analysis based on external morphology
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:132).
The statistical confidence level
inferred from a parsimony analysis based on external morphology
found for the grouping Ellipura
was only 39% (Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:146).
The putative assemblage Ellipura is not firmly supported by
a cladistic analysis based on external and internal anatomy characters
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:149).
The Collembola form a monophyletic clade among the hexapods.
They have a very ancient origin which split very early from an
unknown ancestor (Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:149-150).
- Data on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxides subunit II gene
does not lead to a close relationship between Protura and Collembola
(Shao, Zhang, Ke, Yue & Yin, 2000:595).
- Ellipura is not supported by the molecular analysis of
Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter (2001:135,136),
in which Collembola is sister-group of Insecta and Diplura, respectively.
- Protura either is sister to Collembola, forming Ellipura in a weakly
supported relationship based on similarity of the entognathous mouthparts
and lack of cerci, or is sister to all remaining Hexapoda.
In the latter case, Collembola form a more strongly supported relationship as
sister to Diplura + Insecta
(Cranston & Gullan, 2003:884).
- In a cladistic analysis based on 72 comparative morphological characters
the Protura and the Collembola appear as independent clades
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 2004).
- A cladistic analysis of 189 morphological characters
is ambiguous with respect to the position of Collembola and Protura;
in one topology Ellipura is monophyletic, but in an alternative resolution
Protura is sister group of Diplura + Ectognatha
(Giribet, Edgecombe, Carpenter, D'Haese, & Wheeler, 2004:324,325).
The combined cladistic analysis of sequence data of five molecular markers
and 189 morphological characters contradict the Ellipura hypothesis
by confirming the monophyly of the Diplura
and resolving Diplura and Protura as sister groups
(Giribet, Edgecombe, Carpenter, D'Haese, & Wheeler, 2004:319,328,329).
- A combined study of complete 18S with partial 28S ribosomal RNA gene
sequences yielded strong support for a clade of Protura plus Diplura,
named Nonoculata. Therefore, Ellipura is not supported.
(Luan et al, 2005:1579).
- In Collembola the hypopharynx is often a short three lobed structure,
composed of the lateral superlinguae on either side of the median lingua,
while in Protura the superlingua is absent and the hypopharynx is represented
by a narrow projection (Matsuda, 1965:106).
- François (1969) characterises the relationship between Collembola
and Protura by the persistence of a post-antennal organ, by the the presence
of a linea ventralis and by a stomatogastric nervous system
(cited from Dallai, 1974:148).
- The neurosecretory system
of Collembola is a primitive neurohemal organ, lacking proper
secretory cells, while Protura have a system with rudimentary
corpora cardiaca, as found also in some Diplura and Archaeognatha
(Juberthie & Cassagnau, 1971:61-65).
- While Collembola have maintained a certain homogeneity
in their spermatogenesis, Protura have accomplished their
evolution through a long line of successive modifications
(Dallai 1974:154).
Collembola have sperm with a 9+2 flagellum, while the sperm of Protura has a
strongly modified flagellum: 14+0 or 12+0 in Acerentomidae and
Eosentomon has an aflagellate sperm (Dallai, 1974:155).
Jamieson (1987, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381-382)
concludes in a study of the evolution of the sperma in insects that the
9+2 axoneme is a plesiomorph character of Arthropoda.
The unusual and unique sperm morphology of Protura associates them neither with
Collembola nor with any other Hexapoda (Yin et al. 1985, Dallai 1991,
Dallai & al. 2010; cited from Pass & Szucsich 2011:318).
- In the embryological development of Protura, the serosa differentiate
into the tergum or participate in the definite dorsal closure, a feature
which is unknown for any other Hexapoda but which is common in Myriapoda
and Crustacea embryos
(Fukui & Machida 2006, Machida 2006; cited from Pass & Szucsich 2011:318).
- A true anterior tentorium is present in Collembola
whilst in Protura it is reduced
(Kristensen, 1975 cited from Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64).
Bitsch & Bitsch (2000) regard the fulcrotentorium of Protura as
non-homologous with the true tentorium of Insecta,
and interpreted the endoskeletal formations of Collembola and Diplura to be
a complex endosternite composed of connective fibres rather than a cuticular
(cited from Edgecombe & Giribet, 2002:150).
In contrast, Koch (2000:383) endorsed homology between the anterior tentorial
apodemes of Collembola, Diplura, and Insecta, citing common points of origin,
for example, identical sclerotic connections with the labrum
(cited from Edgecombe & Giribet, 2002:150-151).
- Based on ultrastructures, it was not possible to find any
close relationship between Protura and Collembola
(Dallai 1976, 1980 cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:356).
- The pyloric region of Protura comprises a typical sphincter,
a pyloric chamber with specialised cells having long microvilli and, above all,
Malpighian papillae
(Dallai, 1976 cited from Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64)
while the pyloric region of Collembola comprises at the same level:
posterior midgut cells, connecting cells, and pyloric ring cells
(Dallai, 1979:175).
Consequently, the pyloric region of Protura and Collembola are very differently
organised (Dallai, 1979:175).
The lack of Malpighian structures in Collembola might be explained by
considering the excretory function of the midgut; the different
organisation of the pyloric region in the two groups, however, still remains
(Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64).
- Many other features make Protura and Collembola uncomparable:
the type of the egg cleavage, which is complete only in Collembola;
the smaller number of their abdominal segments;
the presence of a true anterior tentorium in Collembola whilst in Protura
it is incomplete (François, 1969 cited from Dallai, 1979:175);
the sperm structure, peculiar in Protura (Dallai, 1974:155);
the organisation of the ovary, which is meroistic in Collembola but panoistic
in Protura (Jura, 1975 cited from Dallai, 1979:175,177);
the presence of an unpair, rudimentary, supra-oesophageal corpus cardiacus,
only in Protura (Juberthie & Cassagnau, 1971:65).
- By definition (A.W. Leftwich), the telson is the twelfth abdominal segment,
which occurs only in Protura (Lawrence, 1978:69).
- The Protura must be regarded as an isolated clade among the hexapods
(Dallai, 1991 cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:149).
- Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart (1999:393) conclude that
Collembola and Protura each are monophyletic groups and that the grouping
Ellipura is not supported by their review of available phylogenies
and should not be accepted.
- The arthropod phylogeny based on ribosomal 18S rDNA does not support
monophyly of Ellipura
(Giberet & Ribera, 2000:222).
- Larval development in Protura is anamorphic (with segments added
posteriorly during development), whilst in Collembola it is epimorphic
(with segment number constant through development) (as in Diplura,
Archaeognatha, Zygentoma and Pterygota)
(Cranston & Gullan, 2003:884-885).
- In a 18S phylogeny of hexapods, taking into account group-specific
character covariance in optimized mixed nucleotide/doublet models,
the reconstructed tree cannot be rooted with monophyletic Ellipura
(Mishof et al., 2007:424).
This result is congruent with other published analyses based on different
markers (Luan et al., 2003, 2005; Giribet et al., 2004;
Mallatt and Giribet, 2006 cited from Misof et al., 2007:424),
Kjer (2004:507).
- While most morphologists favour Ellipura or Parainsecta,
in allmost all analyses based on one or both nuclear ribosomal genes,
a sister group relationship is supported
between Protura and Diplura: Nonoculata Luan & al. 2005
(Giribet & Wheeler 2001, D'Haese 2002, Luan & al. 2003, Giribet & al 2004,
Kjer 2004, Luan & al. 2004, Giribet & al 2005, Luan & al. 2005,
Kjer & al. 2006, Mallat & Giribet 2006, Misof & al. 2007, Gao & al. 2008,
Dell'Ampio & al. 2009, von Reumont & al. 2009, Xie & al. 2009,
Koenemann & al. 2010, Mallat & al. 2010;
cited from Pass & Szucsich 2011:319;
cited from Dell'Ampio, Szucsich & Pass 2011:350;
in addition Meusemann & al. 2010 cited from Pass & Szucsich 2011:319).
Are Collembola Entognatha?
Entognathi(sic) von Stummer-Traunfels, 1891 (cited from Börner, 1901:3,11) = Collembola + Entotrophi(=Diplura)
Entognatha Snodgrass, 1938 (cited from Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter, 2001:114) = Collembola + Protura + Diplura
Entognatha Imms, 1948:221 nec von Stummer-Traunfels, 1891 = Diplura
Entognatha Hennig, 1969 (cited from Sekiya & Machida 2011:399) = Collembola + Protura + Diplura
Entognatha Kukalová-Peck, 1991 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:387) nec von Stummer-Traunfels, 1891 = Diplura
Entognatha Kukalová-Peck, 1998 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:393) nec von Stummer-Traunfels, 1891 = Diplura
Entognatha Koch, 1997 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:393) nec von Stummer-Traunfels, 1891 = Diplura
Entognatha Koch, 1998 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:393) nec von Stummer-Traunfels, 1891 = Diplura
- Entognathy in apterygotans is a monophyletic characteristic according to
Snodgrass (1938 cited from Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter, 2001:114),
Hennig (1953, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381)
(1969, cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203)
(1981, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381 and
Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:335,345),
Tuxen (1959, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381)
(1968, cited from Dallai, 1974:148)
(1970, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Lauterbach (1972, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Kristensen (1975, 1981, 1991, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Boudreaux (1979, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Stys & Bilinski (1990, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381 and
Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203),
Machida & al. (1996, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Carapelli et al (2000:361),
Luan et al, 2005:1579.
- The implied paraphyly of Entognatha should not be ruled out completely
(Kristensen, 1997 cited from Beutel & Gorb, 2001:189).
However, differences in entognathism
(Koch, 1997, 2000 cited from Beutel & Gorb, 2001:189)
do not necessarily mean that the advanced condition found in ellipurans is not
derived from a hypothetical configuration of mouthparts in a common ancestor
(Beutel & Gorb, 2001:189).
Beutel & Gorb (2001:190) claim entognathous hexapods do not have
adhesive foot structures [ignoring in this way the clavate tenent hairs of
- Molecular analyses of the rRNA 18S supports the monophyly of Entognatha
according to Friedrich & Tautz
(1995, cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203-204).
- Entognathy is a convergent characteristic acquired independently in
Elliplura and Diplura according to
Manton (1977, 1979 cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Koch (1997, 1998 cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381),
Kraus (1998 cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381).
- The monophyly of the Entognatha is rejected by
Kukalová-Peck (1987 cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:151 and Ikeda & Machida, 2001:250),
Kukalová-Peck (1991 cited from Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter, 2001:115),
Koch (1997 cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:151 and Ikeda & Machida, 2001:250),
Kraus (1997 cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:151 and Ikeda & Machida, 2001:250),
Ikeda & Machida (1998:114),
Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart (1999:393),
Giberet & Ribera (2000:222),
Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter (2001:128,129,130,133,140,141,142,144).
- Molecular analyses of the 18S rRNA supports the paraphyly of Entognatha
according to Giribet & al. (1996), Giribet & Ribera (1998)
and Spears & Abele (1998)
(all cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:204).
- Entognathy in apterygotans is a polyphyletic characteristic according to
Stys & al. (1993, cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203).
- Boudreaux (1979, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:381)
considers Entognatha as a regressed Hexapoda,
characterised by the following autapomorphies:
modified mouthparts that are embedded into a buccal cavity
in the head capsule,
reduction of the palpi,
reduction of the eyes in Collembola (cfr. Paulus 1972, 1979)
even lacking in Protura and Diplura,
reduction of the 'ciegos gástricos',
reduction of Malpighian tubes.
- The assemblage Entognatha (Ellipura and Diplura)
does not appear to form a natural group
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:353).
Based on internal anatomy, the monophyly is only weakly supported
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:357,358).
- Entognatha is neither supported by the cladistic analysis based
on 256 morphological variables (Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:335,336,345),
nor on that of ribosomal DNA of two genes (Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:339),
while it is weakly supported in the combined analysis
(Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:340,341,346).
- The statistical confidence level
inferred from a parsimony analysis based on external morphology
found for the grouping Entognatha
is only 21% (Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:146).
- Janetschek (1969) is of the opinion that, in Apterygota, entognathy is
realised after different schemes so it should be interpreted as the result of
the parallel but independent evolution of the several groups of Apterygota;
the polyphyletic appearence of entognathy in Pterygota seems to support this
opinion (cited from Dallai, 1974:148).
- While in Collembola the epithelium of the midgut is renewed with every
moult, in Campodea, the midgut epithelium is only partly regenerated per
moult, resulting in a complete renewal only after 4 to 5 moults
(Bareth, 1969 cited from Thibaud, 1970:154).
- Entognathy is a convergent feature which has appeared in widely different
taxa and can hardly be regarded as a taxonomic character indicating affinity
(Manton, 1977; cited from Dallai, 1991:263).
- Entognathy must have been developed independently in different groups
(Remington, 1955; Manton, 1977; Lauterbach, 1980; Koch, 1997;
Kraus, 1997; cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:135).
- Different opinions exist in the realisation of the entognathy condition
in Collembola, Protura and Diplura
(Manton, 1964, 1977; Janetschek, 1969; Tuxen, 1970; Lauterbach, 1972
cited from Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64)
(Tuxen, 1970; Manton, 1977 cited from Dallai 1979:177).
- Dallai & Callaini (1979:64) suggest an independent evolution of the
three Entognatha groups from a common ancestor.
- Kristensen (1995, cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:382)
considers the 9+9+2 axoneme a synapomorphy of Diplura and Insecta,
therefore invalidating Entognatha (Collembola have a 9+2 axoneme
and Protura a 12+0 or 14+0 axoneme).
- In Collembola, the blastokinesis is completed before appendage formation.
In Diplura, blastokinesis does not occur until the appendages are almost
developed (Ikeda & Machida, 1998:109).
- Ikeda & Machida (1998:112) found a notable difference between the
entognathy formation of Collembola and Diplura. In the collembolan
Tomocerus ishibashii
(Uemiya & Ando, 1987 cited from Ikeda & Machida, 1998:112),
the labial terga participate in mouth fold formation and reach the mouth
opening, in contrast to Diplura, in which the labial terga never do so.
Moreover, a peculiar and unique labial morphogenesis is involved in
entognathy formation in Diplura, but not in Collembola.
- Grimaldi (2001:1158) recognises two types of entognathy: one in Diplura,
and another, more pronounced, in Collembola and Protura.
- In Diplura, the dorsal organ is formed by the concentration of whole serosal
cells, after the stage where the embryo segregates the inner layer.
In Collembola, the dorsal organ is formed much earlier, in the blastoderm stage
when the germ band has yet to differentiate
(Ikeda & Machida, 2001:247).
- In Diplura, as wel as in Ectognatha, the amnion is produced,
while it is not produced in Collembola
(Ikeda & Machida, 2001:250).
- The timing of blastodermic cuticle formation in Diplura is later
in comparison with that of Collembola
(Ikeda & Machida, 2001:250).
- During the stage of dorsal organ formation, three thin
cuticular layers are secreted by the embryo of Diplura.
In Collembola, the cuticular layers are formed by an area other than the dorsal
organ (Tiegs, 1942:159; Tamarelle, 1971; Jura, 1972; Uemiya & Ando, 1987;
cited from Ikeda & Machida, 2001:251).
- Traditionally, Collembola, Protura and Diplura were grouped as "Entognatha",
based on the apparently similar morphology of the mouthparts,
that are enclosed in folds of the head.
However, two different types of entognathy now are recognised, one shared by
Collembola and Protura and the second found only in Diplura.
Other morphological evidence indicates that Diplura may be closer to Insecta
than to other entognathans and thus Entognatha may be paraphyletic
(Cranston & Gullan, 2003:884).
- A cladistic analysis of 189 morphological characters
does not support Entognatha, with Diplura resolved as sister group of Ectognatha
(Giribet, Edgecombe, Carpenter, D'Haese, & Wheeler, 2004:324).
- A phylogenomic analysis of 62 nuclear protein-coding sequences
unites at least Collembola and Diplura in Entognatha (Protura were not tested)
(Regier & al., 2010).
- The entognathy of Diplura greatly differs from that of Protura
and Collembola in the developmental plan (Sekiya & Machida 2011:399).
Ikeda & Machida (1998 cited from Sekiya & Machida 2011:403) found that a
rotation of about 90 degrees of the labial appendages is involved in the
formation of entognathy in Diplura.
In Collembola (and Protura), neither substantial rotation of the labial
appendages occurs, nor do any structures exist comparable to the admentum
of Diplura
(Folsom 1900, Uemiya & Ando 1987, Tomizuka & Machida 2010;
cited from Sekiya & Machida 2011:403).
Furthermore, there are major differences between Diplura and Collembola
(and Protura) with respect to the origin of the mouth fold and the posterior
limit of the entognathy.
The monophyletic status of Entognatha cannot always be substantiated.
(Sekiya & Machida 2011:403).
- Kjer & al. (2016:16) consider in consensus
and modified from Misof & al. (2014),
as a paraphyletic grouping of Ellipura + Diplura.
Are Collembola Apterygota?
Apterygota Lang, 1889 (cited from Imms, 1948:211) = Collembola + Thysanura(=Diplura+Archaeognatha+Zygentoma).
Apterygota Imms, 1948:213 = Apterygota Lang, 1889 + Protura.
Apterygota Kukalová-Peck, 1991 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:387) nec Lang, 1889 = Zygentoma.
- Apterygotans comprise the
Archaeognatha, Zygentoma, Diplura, Collembola and Protura,
mainly characterised by the absence of wings
(see Denis, 1949; Remington, 1955; Paclt, 1956; Sharov, 1966;
cited from Bitsch & Bitsch 1998:340)
(Rohdendorf, 1961; Kukalová:-Peck, 1991 cited from Grimaldi, 2001:1153).
- The system of Handlirsch (1903, 1925) is based on paleontological
insect records from amber and on the formation of the wings and places
the Collembola in the Apterygota at the basis of the Pterygota
(Handschin, 1955:50).
- There is no relation between the nature of the palp of the maxillary
lobus externus of Japyx and Campodea, and that of Collembola
(Börner in Schultz, 1908:64).
- Diplura resemble the Thysanura in retaining intralecithal cleavage
(Anderson, 1973:177).
Eggs of Collembola exhibit total cleavage (preliminary to the
formation of a blastoderm) (Anderson, 1973:178).
- In Collembola, the chorion of the egg ruptures and the embryo swells within
its blastodermal cuticle.
In the Diplura, chorion rupture and embryo swelling do not occur
(Anderson, 1973:202).
- Based on a comparative embryology,
within the ancestors of the hexapods, an early divergence must also have
occurred between the ancestors of the Diplura, Collembola and Thysanura,
probably before any of them had attained the hexapod state
(Manton, 1972 cited from Anderson, 1973:464).
There seems little doubt, however, that the ancestors of the Pterygota
were hexapodous relatives of the Thysanura
(Anderson, 1973:464).
- The Diplura and Collembola share more embryological similarities
than either shares with the Thysanura. There is also evidence that Pterygota
are more closely related to the Thysanura than to the Diplura and Collembola.
(Anderson, 1973:471).
- Egg cleavage is complete only in Collembola
(Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64).
- The number of abdominal segments is reduced only in Collembola
(Dallai & Callaini, 1979:64).
- Apterygota is considered as being an artificial
assemblage of paraphyletic taxa (Moen & Ellis, 1984).
Therefore, it is not accepted anymore as a valid formal taxon by the
cladistic school of systematists (Hopkin, 1997:19)
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:340,358)
(Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:393)
(Grimaldi, 2001:1153).
- The Apterygota are not found to compose a natural group
among the hexapods, based on
a cladistic analysis of external and internal anatomy characters
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:153).
- Similar distances, calculated from the mitochondrial cytochrome c
oxides subunit II gene, in Collembola, Protura, Diplura and Insecta
suggest a parallel evolution among the wingless groups and the winged insects
(Shao, Zhang, Ke, Yue & Yin, 2000:593).
- Apterygota is rejected by
Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter 2001:130,133,135,136,140,141,142,144.
- Basal hexapods undoubtedly include taxa whose ancestors were wingless
and terrestrial. This grouping is not monophyletic, being based entirely on
evident symplesiomorphies or otherwise doubtfully derived characters.
Included groups are Protura, Collembola, Diplura, Archaeognatha, and Zygentoma
(Cranston & Gullan, 2003:884).
The once traditional group Apterygota comprising the primarily wingless taxa
is paraphyletic and rejected
(after Cranston & Gullan, 2003:885).
- A phylogenomic analysis of 62 nuclear protein-coding sequences
rejects Apterygota and considers Entognatha, Archaeognatha and Zygentoma
as paraphyletic taxa (Regier & al., 2010).
Are Collembola Insecta?
Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 (cited from Kluge, 1999:348,369) = Arthropoda von Siebold & Stannius, 1848.
Amyocerata Remmington, 1955 (cited from Kluge, 1999:348,369) = Triplura(=Archaeognatha+Zygentoma) + Pterygota.
Insecta Handschin, 1958 (cited from Kluge, 1999:348,369) nec Linnaeus, 1758 = Amyocerata Remmington, 1955.
Insecta Kukalová-Peck, 1987 (cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203) nec Linnaeus, 1758 = Insecta Handschin, 1958 + Diplura.
Insecta Kukalová-Peck, 1991 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:387) nec Linnaeus, 1758 = Insecta Kukalová-Peck, 1987 + Monura.
Insecta Kristensen, 1991 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:389) nec Linnaeus, 1758 = Kukalová-Peck, 1991 - Diplura.
- Insecta Kukalová-Peck (1987, cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203)
is considered monophyletic.
- Monophyly of Insecta (Ectognatha) is confirmed
by the morphological phylogeny of Beutel & Gorb (2001:189).
- It is very extraordinary for the spiracles of the tracheal system, as
found in Sminthurus, to open ventrally between head and prothorax.
No insect has spiracles either in the head or between head and prothorax
(Lubbock, 1873:77; Wahlgren, 1906:41; Davies, 1927:29).
- the tracheal system as found in Actaletes, Sminthurides,
Sminthurinus and Sminthurus is not
a reduced remnant but it is in progressive development (Wahlgren, 1906:43).
- The tracheal system of Collembola comprises two entirely independent
systems, one each side of the body. This absence of
anastomosis presents the first of several interesting primitive
features associated with the tracheal system of Collembola.
(Davies, 1927:17).
- While Collembola have segmented antennae with intrinsic muscles,
Insecta have annulated antennae without intrinsic muscles
(Imms, 1939:318).
- The dorsal organ of pterygote insects, although
often compared with the organ of similar name from Collembola,
probably bears no relation to the latter, for it is a product of the
disruption of the serosa, and not a specific embryonic organ
(Tiegs, 1942:164; Schaller, 1970:51).
- As Imms (1936) has convincingly shown, there can
be little ground for including Collembola among the insects; the available
evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that they constitute an independent
group within the Labiata.
(Tiegs, 1947:323).
- Collembola oldest fossils are from the Devonian, while
Pterygota oldest fossils are from the upper Carboniferous
(Handschin, 1955:45,47).
But Pterygota appeared already in the Devonian (Grimaldi, 2001:1153),
even in the Silurian (Rohdendorf, 1961 cited from Grimaldi, 2001:1153).
This suggests an independent parallel evolution of Collembola and
Pterygota from ametamorph precursors in the lower Silurian.
- The embryonal development of Collembola is, as Philipptchenko, Folsom
and Imms have showed, completely opposed to that of Insecta (Handschin,
1955:44,46). A holoblastic cell cleavage continues up to the stage of 32
blastomers. Then most of the blastomers migrate to the egg surface and
form the primitive blastoderm (Handschin, 1955:44). This for
hexapodans, exceptional embryogenese is unique and characteristic for
Collembola; it does not occur in the telolecithal eggs of Insecta; it
can also be found in some terrestrial Acari (Pediculopsis) and in
some primitive Crustacea, such as Branchiopoda (Handschin, 1955:44,46).
- The tarsi of Collembola are simple; the tarsi of Insecta are segmented
(Handschin, 1955:46). To exclude influence from metamorphosis, it will
be necessary to compare collembolan tarsi with larval insect tarsi.
- Tillyard coined the term 'holomery' for the unique post-embryonal
development of the Collembola: they hatch from the egg with a number of
abdominal segments (six) that remains stable during life (cited from
Handschin, 1955:43). In Insecta, one finds 11 segments and a telson
(Handschin, 1955:46). In Collembola, the number of abdominal segments
does neither decrease nor increase during post-embryonal development
(Handschin, 1955:46).
- Collembola males and females have gonopores on thesame (fifth)
abdominal segment; Insecta males and females have gonopores on different
(eighth and nineth) abdominal segment (Handschin, 1955:46).
- In Collembola, and Thysanura, some abdominal segments bear vestigial
appendices; in Insecta: only gonopodes and gonapophyses, lacking in
Collembola (Handschin, 1955:46).
- Absence of vasa malpighii in Collembola. (Handschin, 1955:43,46).
In Collembola, the presence of structures resembling insect
Malpighian tubules is definitely excluded
(Dallai, 1966; Thibaud, 1968 cited from Dallai & Callaini, 1979:45;
Dallai, 1979:175).
The observations of Nicolet (1842), Heymons (1897) and
Phyliptschenko (1912) describing Malpighian tubules in Collembola may be
regarded as erroneous (Dallai & Callaini, 1979:45).
- Absence of respiratory system (tracheae).
Exceptions in Actaletidae,Coenaletidae
and Symphypleona; [abdominal] stigmata are absent
(Handschin, 1955:43,46-47).
- Handschin (1955:43) considers the absence of compound eyes as one of
the most important morphological features to differentiate Collembola
from Insecta. Collembola have eye patches, each composed of maximum 8
- Pterygota are characterised by a permanent adult morphological state.
The final larval moult marks the final state of the individual life.
Adult Pterygota do not continue to moult. Apterygota [implying Collembola]
on the other hand,
continue to moult even when they reached the adult state. The final
larval moult does not mark the final state of the individual life.
(Lindemann, Sweetman, von Orelli) (cited from Handschin, 1955:44-45).
- Collembola do not possess a true tentorium. It is generally
considered to be of mesodermal origin. The tentorium of Insecta is a structure
of cuticular formation that has migrated into the head capsule.
(Wolter 1963 cited from Adams & Salmon, 1972:276).
However, this opinion is challenged by Adams & Salmon (1972:276).
- Collembola are not on the same phylogenetic line as Thysanura and
Pterygota, in particular, the mode of development of the endoskeletal
tentorium is very peculiar (Matsuda, 1965:33).
- The structure of the head and mouthparts of Collembola has little in
common with that of Thysanura and Pterygota (Matsuda, 1965:69).
- The ultrastructure of the sperm of Collembola shows a 9+2 pattern of the
axial flagellar filament, which is not found in Insecta
(Krzysztofowicz & Byczkowska-Smyk, 1966; Dallai, 1967;
cited from Dallai, 1969:275).
- The maturation of the germ cells in Collembola, unlike in Insecta,
occurs almost synchronously throughout the gonad
(Dallai, 1969:275).
- The cephalic endoskeleton of Collembola,
composed on one hand of ectodermic products,
such as the suspensorium hypopharyngien and the sclerites of the oral folds,
and on the other hand of conjuctive mesodermic formations,
such as endosternites,
is very different from the tentorium of Thysanura and Pterygota
(François, 1971:47,48).
- The crystalline cone of the collembolan eyes is an extracellular
secretion of proteinic nature while the crystalline cone of the ommatidia
of insects are intracellular deposits of a mucopolysaccharid-protein
complex (Barra, 1971:52-53).
- The cerebral neurosecretory system of Collembola lacks corpora cardiaca,
while Insecta have a system with
corpora cardiaca (Juberthie & Cassagnau, 1971:61,76).
- The oesophagus of Collembola is surrounded by an aortic sleeve,
while in Insecta the aorta runs dorsally parallel to the oesophagus
(Juberthie & Cassagnau, 1971:61,74).
- The corpora allata of Collembola are located suboesophageally,
while in Insecta they are located supra-oesophageally
(Juberthie & Cassagnau, 1971:71,72).
- Neelipleona have a permanent cuticular wax secretation system,
based on detachable epicuticular tubercles,
that is unique among Collembola and even among Insecta (Massoud, 1971:197);
- Altner & Ernst (1974:121) conclude that the
mechanosensitive sensilla of the fourth antennomere of Collembola
cannot be compared structurally with
the mechanosensitive sensilla of the antenna of the Pterygota,
and consider them phylogenetically primitive.
- Paulus (1974:124) notes that the high variability in the arrangement
of the rhabdom of the entomobryomorph ommatidium is quite remarkable,
since the structure of the rhabdom of the higher Insecta is
mostly stable within each ordo.
- The spermatozoon of Collembola has a 9+2 axoneme, while in Insecta
the spermatozoon has a 9+9+2 axoneme (Dallai, 1974:153).
- A terminal web is not generally
present either in the midgut or in other microvillous
secretory epithelia of Insecta. While in some Collembola
a structure similar to a terminal web has been described
(Dallai & Callaini, 1979; Eisenbeis & Meyer, 1986; Barra
& Poinsot-Balaguer, 1987). This
finding suggest that exocytosis in insects must involve a
different mechanism from that of Collembola
(modified after Dallai, Marchini & Callaini, 1988:567-568).
- Kukalová-Peck (1991) (cited from Hopkin, 1997:20) coined the
name Parainsecta for the grouping of the Collembola and Protura to
stress the fact that it are not true Insecta.
- The manner of mesoderm formation in the Collembola is similar to that
in Diplura and myriapods, except for the Chilopoda, whereas the mesoderm of
the Thysanura s.s. + Pterygota [= Insecta s.s.] originates from a localized zone of the embryo
(Uemiya, 1992:121).
- Unlike most insects, Collembola appear to lack specialised circulatory
organs for pumping blood into the antenne
(Pass, 1991 cited from Hopkin, 1997:59).
- Tracheae probably evolved independently after Collembola branched
off from the stem leading to Insecta
(Xué et al., 1994 cited from Hopkin, 1997:59).
- Insecta have a pair of antennal vessels.
Collembola lack such vessels (Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:347).
- Ikeda & Machida (1998:112) conclude that the abdominal ground plan
with 11 segments should be assigned only to Ectognatha.
The abdomen of Diplura is composed of 10 segments.
The collembolan abdomen is composed of only six segments
(Jura, 1972 cited from Ikeda & Machida, 1998:112).
In Protura, the prelarva hatches with 9 abdominal segments, and the
abdominal segments increase up to 12 during postembryonic development
(Imadaté, 1991 cited from Ikeda & Machida, 1998:112).
- Many Ectognatha develop a pair of pleuropodia in the first abdominal
segment as an embryonic organ. In Diplura and Collembola (cf. Jura, 1972),
the pleuropodia do not develop (Ikeda & Machida, 1998:114).
- Palopoli & Patel (1998:587-588) conclude that the interaction
between the Hox regulatory target Distal-less (Dll), which is required
for the development of distal limb structures,
and the genes in the Bithorax Complex (BX-C) has changed since
dipterans/lepidopterans and collembolans last shared a common ancestor.
Although collembolans have an abdominal
region that is clearly distinct from the thorax,
and the anterior boundary of expression of the
BX-C genes agrees with that observed for true insects,
the collembolans apparently do not share the
simple repressive interaction between the BX-C proteins Ultrabithorax (Ubx)
and Abdominal-A (Abd-A) and Dll
that is observed in dipterans and lepidopterans.
- Despite the partial sequence similarity of the
metallothionein of Orchesella cincta, it is radically different
from that of Drosophila. This reflects a
large phylogenetic distance between Collembola
and Drosophila spp. (Insecta: Diptera).
(Hensbergen & al. 1999:202).
- The evolutionary rate of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxides subunit II
gene in Collembola appeares to be faster than that in insect orders.
Considering their long history of evolution (fossil record of 400 million years),
it is unsurprising that Collembola has higher genetic divergence among its
families than that among the orders of Insecta. This supports the view that
Collembola should be elevated to a rank of class
(Shao, Zhang, Ke, Yue & Yin, 2000:593).
- In the molecular phylogeny of hexapodans by
Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter (2001:135),
Collembola appear as sister-group of Insecta.
In combination with a morphological analysis, the total evidence strict
consensus cladogram puts Collembola as sister-group of
Protura + Diplura + Insecta
(Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter, 2001:141,144).
- A phylogenetical analysis of the mitochondrial sequence of 35 arthropodans
strongly supports the monophyly of Insecta -
excluding Collembola from Insecta (Nardi et al., 2003:1887).
- The phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of 35 arthropodans,
supports the monophyly of Insecta -
Collembola are excluded from Insecta
(Delsuc et al., 2003:1482d).
- The 18S phylogeny of Kjer (2004:507) excludes Collembola from Insecta.
- Because Insecta is treated as a class, the successively more distant sister
groups Diplura and Collembola (with or without Protura) are of equal rank
(Cranston & Gullan, 2003:884).
- Engel & Grimaldi (2004:627-630) reinterpretated a fragmentary insect
fossil Rhyniognatha hirsti Tillyard, 1928
from the early Devonian Rhynie cherts of
Scotland that shows that it is not only a true insect, but
relatively derived, that is it had been around long enough to have
accumulated some uniquely insect-like features. Although only the
mandibles are preserved, it is possible that they once belonged to a
winged insect. In any case, the fossil shows that the origin of insects
is much earlier than previously thought.
- The new molecular results correspond well with the fossil record and suggest
an evolutionary origin of the insects in freshwater
around 410 million years
ago rather than in the marine Cambrian environment.
(after Glenner, Thomsen, Hebsgaard & Sorensen, 2006:1884).
In Insecta, intensive proliferation of the regenerative cells of
the epithelium of the midgut during the embryonic
and post-embryonic development is observed.
However, no cell divisions of the regenerative
cells in adult Podura aquatica were observed, so they show
only the ability to differentiate.
(after Rost, 2006:74).
- A phylogenomic analysis of 62 nuclear protein-coding sequences
excludes Collembola from Insecta
as paraphyletic taxa (Regier & al., 2010).
Are Collembola Hexapoda?
Hexapoda Blainville, 1816 (cited from Kluge, 1999:348,369) = Insecta Leach, 1815 nec Linnaeus, 1758.
Hexapoda Koch, 1997 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:391) = Insecta Kukalová-Peck, 1987 + Collembola + Protura.
Insecta Larink, 1997 (cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:391) nec Linnaeus, 1758 = Insecta Kukalová-Peck, 1991 + Collembola + Protura.
Insecta Buckley & Cunningham, 2002:395,399
- Hexapoda is a monophyletic group according to
Hennig (1969), Boudreaux (1979), Kristensen (1981, 1991, 1998),
Kukalová-Peck (1991), Stys & al. (1993), Wheeler & al. (1993),
Kraus & Kraus (1994, 1996), Kraus (1998), Wheeler (1998), Willmann (1998)
(all cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:203).
- Hexapoda is a monophyletic group according to
Paulus (1979), Boudreaux (1979), Weygolt (1979, 1986),
Brusca & Brusca (1990), Wägele (1993),
Kristensen (1975, 1981, 1989, 1991, 1995, 1998), Bourgoin (1996),
Deutsch (1997)
(all cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:380),
by the morphological phylogenies of Beutel & Gorb (2001:189),
and Bitsch & Bitsch (2004),
by the 18S manually aligned phylogeny of Kjer (2004:507),
by the combined morphological and molecular phylogeny of Giribet & al. (2005:315),
by the ribosomal phylogeny of Timmermans & al. (2008:86),
by the transcriptome phylogeny of Faddeeva & al. (2015:2,6).
- Among other deviations in Protura and Diplura from the basic ground plan,
Collembola do not comply to
the apomorphic characters of the Hexapoda, such as
limbs 6-segmented (in Collembola: 5-segmented), and
abdomen 11-segmented plus telson (in Collembola: 6-segmented);
Wheeler, Whiting, Wheeler & Carpenter (2001:128-129)
express some doubth on the monophyly of Hexapoda.
- Hexapoda is a polyphyletic group according to
Anderson (1973, 1979), Manton (1977), Fryer (1992, 1996)
(all cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:380).
- Hexapoda is a diphyletic group according to
Tiegs & Manton (1958), Cisne (1974), Hessler & Newman (1975),
Bergström (1980, 1992), Hessler (1992)
(all cited from Bach de Roca, Gaju-Ricart & Compte-Sart, 1999:380).
- The molecular study of Wheeler (1998) does not support the monophyly
of Hexapoda (Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:204).
- The polyphyly of Hexapoda seems unacceptable based on morphological studies
while many molecular studies indicate the reverse:
Giribet & al (1996), Giribet & Ribera (1998), Spears & Abele (1998),
Wheeler (1998)
(all cited from Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:204).
- The arthropod phylogeny based on ribosomal 18S rDNA does not support
monophyly of Hexapoda
(Giribet & Ribera, 2000:222).
- Support for the monophyly of Hexapoda is poor varying from 28% to 54%,
depending on the model used for the phylogenetic molecular analysis
(Buckley & Cunningham, 2002:397,399,400).
- Phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial sequence of 35 arthropodans
strongly supports the nonmonophyly of Hexapoda
- that is the position of the Collembola outside the Crustacea + Insecta clade
(Nardi et al., 2003:1888).
- Based on a phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences,
Collembola are placed at the base of Hexapoda, although with moderate to
low support. With the data and methods currently available, the hypothesis
of a common ancestry for extant hexapods cannot be rejected yet
(Delsuc et al., 2003:1482d).
- The mono- or paraphyly of Hexapoda is disputable, since results differ
depending on data sets and methods used in the phylogenetic reconstructions.
(Nardi et al., 2003:1482e).
- A combined cladistic analysis of sequence data of five molecular markers
and 189 morphological characters contradict the monophyly of Hexapoda
by an alliance between Collembola, Crustacea and Ectognatha
(excluding Diplura and Protura)
(Giribet, Edgecombe, Carpenter, D'Haese, & Wheeler, 2004:319,325).
- A phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Arthropoda
consistently suggests that the Crustacea and the Hexapoda are
paraphyletic with respect to each other; the Collembola are alied with
(Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1301).
- Although in a combined phylogeny, based on 352 morphological characters
and 9 molecular loci of 67 arthropodan taxa,
Hexapoda appear to be monophyletic under most analytical conditions,
in three of the analyses in which Crustacea is not monophyletic,
Hexapoda are also not monophyletic
(Giribet, Richter, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 2005:315).
- Tillyard (1928) placed the Collembola at the basis of the Hexapoda
(cited from Handschin, 1955:41). Based on the number of abdominal
segments during embryological development (Collembola: 6; Protura: 8 to
11; Insecta: 11 or 12) he concludes that, contrary to Handlirsch, the
low number of abdominal segments in Collembola, is not a secondary
(derived due to reduction) but a primary character (protomorphic
embryonical development).
On the contrary, Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:134 presumes
that the low number of segments of the abdomen of Collembola is
a secondarily acquired condition
due to a more or less complete fusion of the segments.
- Tillyard (1930) suggests that there are two
distinct and unrelated hexapod groups, the Collembola,
Protura (i.e. endognaths) and the Thysanura, Pterygota
(i.e. ectognaths) that both descended independently from
within the Crustacea.
(Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1301).
- Except for the hexapody of the thorax, and the opisthogoneaty there is
no other common character that supports the unification of Collembola
and Hexapoda. Therefore, Handschin (1955:45,47) proposes to consider the
Collembola as a separate, primitive arthropodan class.
- The six-legged condition so often found in insects is also
characteristic of some other terrestrial arthropod taxa (Diplura, Protura,
Collembola), but is probably convergently evolved in some or all of these
as an "adaptive plateau minimum" reduction from a myriapodous condition.
The name Hexapoda therefore covers a polyphyletic group and is best
avoided for true insects (Brown in Parker, 1982:327).
- Hexapoda are polyphyletic according to Wheeler et al., 1993
(cited from Regier & Shultz, 1997:903).
- The monophyly of Hexapoda is provisionally accepted as a
basic assumption by Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:341,356 (based on
Boudreaux, 1979; Kristensen, 1991, 1995, 1997; Bourgoin, 1996; Deutsch, 1997).
- Kluge (1999:352-359) supports the holophyly of Hexapoda based on six
autapomorphies: hexapody, uniform structure of maxillae,
fused labium, legs have a uniform set of segments,
unique set of spiracles, and presence of corpora allata.
- Hexapoda is not supported as monophyletic group by the cladistic analysis
based on sequence data of from two genes, ribosomal 18S and 28S rDNA
(Carpenter & Wheeler, 1999:337-340,346).
- Molecular analysis rejects hexapodan monophyly
(Giribet & Ribeira, 2000 cited from Nardi et al, 2001:1301).
- Phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial sequence of
15 arthropodans does not cluster Tetrodontophora bielanensis
with Insecta, and therefore the monophyly of Hexapoda is rejected
(Nardi et al., 2001:1301).
- The abscence of an antagonistic muscle to the depressor of the last podomere
in Hexapoda, Chilopoda and Diplopoda has been considered as a common
autapomorphy. However, Wolf & Harsch (2002:14) demonstrate that a similar
arrangement is present in scorpions. Moreover, single muscles which lack an
antagonistic counterpart but instead act against the passive bending of the
joint by the body weight, haemolymph pressure, or elastic properties of the
cuticle are common within all arthropod taxa. Rather than reflecting
phylogenetic relationships, the emergences of these features may have been
promoted by mechanical constraints, related to a marine versus a terrestrial
life style.
Indeed, reduction of distal muscles and proximal concentration of muscles
that act on distal podomeres by a
long tendon have a definite mechanical advantadge, namely, the avoidance of
large inertial masses in distal positions which would be expensive to
accelerate in each movement cycle
(Wolf & Harsch, 2002:13-14).
- The finding of the reciprocal paraphyly of Hexapoda and Crustacea suggests
an evolutionary scenario in which the acquisition of the hexapod condition
may have occurred several times independently in lineages descending from
different crustacean-like ancestors, possibly as a consequence of the process
of terrestrialisation (Carapelli, Liò, Nardi, van der Wath & Frati, 2007).
- Particularly the morphological evidence for monophyly of Hexapoda
is weak (Klass 2007), not least because the taxon's sister-group
relationships remain unclarified (Kühl & Rust 2009:229).
- A phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal protein genes
places Collembola in a monophyletic Hexapoda and reinforces the
discrepancy between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers.
(Timmermans & al. 2008 cited from Regier & al. 2010).
- The monophyly of Hexapoda is strongly supported by
a phylogenomic analysis of 62 nuclear protein-coding sequences,
in contrast to mitochondrial studies that place Collembola
among `crustaceans' rather than other hexapods
(Regier & al., 2010).
- In a phylogenomic study based on a low-coverage whole-genome sequencing
technique, in a maximum likelihood tree of an Hexapoda dataset,
Collembola are the sistergroup of Diplura,
although with a low support node value (Ultra Fast bootstrap = 75)
(Zhang & al., 2019).
Are Collembola Crustacea?
- Hexapoda are more closely related to branchiopod crustaceans
than to myriapods, based on molecular phylogeny of Arthropoda
(Regier & Shultz, 1997:902,907,908,909)
(Field et al., 1988; Patterson, 1989; Friedrich & Tautz, 1995;
Boore et al.,1995; cited from Regier & Shultz, 1997:903),
Timmermans & al. (2008:88).
Hexapoda may have originated from freshwater 'crustaceans'
rather than from terrestrial lobopods or some unknown marine lineage
(Manton, 1977; Little, 1990; Meglitsch & Schram, 1991;
Averof & Cohen, 1997; cited from Regier & Shultz, 1997:911).
- Arthropod phylogeny inferred by 18S rDNA shows that Crustacea
are not monophyletic. Collembola are a sistergroup of Branchiopoda
(Spears & Abele, 1997 cited from Lange & Schram, 1999:236).
- The molecular study of Wheeler (1998) suggests relationships between
Collembola (and Protura and Diplura) and certain crustacean groups
(Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 1999:204).
- The arthropod phylogeny based on ribosomal 18S rDNA clusters
Collembola with basal crustaceans
(Giberet & Ribera, 2000:213,214,215,217,218).
- Collembola have been clustered within Crustacea in other molecular and/or
combined data sets (Spears & Abele, 1997; Giberet & Ribera, 2000:212-218;
cited from Nardi et al., 2003:1887).
- Crustaceans may be paraphyletic with respect to insects; in other
words some crustaceans may be more closely related than others to insects
(e.g., Regier and Shultz, 1997; Brusca, 2000; Wilson et al., 2000;
cited from Oakley, 2003:522).
- Molecular studies reject the monophyly of Crustacea and suggest that
Malacostraca are more closely related to Insecta than Branchiopoda
(Wilson et al, 2000 cited from Nardi et al., 2001:1301-1302).
- Phylogenetic trees based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxides subunit
II gene show that Collembola branch out first from the Crustacea, then
followed by Protura and Diplura.
Thus, three terrestrial wingless groups are placed between archetypical aquatic
Crustacea and terrestrial Pterygota.
(Shao, Zhang, Ke, Yue & Yin, 2000:595).
- Phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial sequence of
15 Arthropoda rejects the monophyply of Crustacea.
Malacostraca and Branchiopoda do not form a monophyletic group,
with the former being more closely related to the Pterygota
(Nardi et al., 2001:1301).
- A combined cladistic analysis of sequence data of five molecular markers
and 189 morphological characters showed
an alliance between Collembola, Crustacea and Ectognatha
(excluding Diplura and Protura)
(Giribet, Edgecombe, Carpenter, D'Haese, & Wheeler, 2004).
- In a cost optimised 18S phylogeny Crustacea is not monophyletic
and Collembola are basic 'panMallocostacans' (Kjer, 2004:511).
- Lavrov et al. (2004) recover an (Insecta,
(Branchiopoda, Malacostraca)) clade and a (Collembola,
Maxillopoda) clade, based on mitochondrial datasets,
although with no statistical support for the latter
(Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1301).
- A phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Arthropoda
consistently suggests that the Crustacea and the Hexapoda are
paraphyletic with respect to each other; the Collembola are alied with
Maxillopoda. This analysis has addressed the methodological
criticisms aimed at the study of Nardi et al. (2003).
(Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1301).
- From genetic studies it is not only becoming well documented the
Crustacea rather than Myriapoda gave rise to the Hexapoda, but it appears
the Hexapoda stem from among the lower rather than the higher crustaceans,
possibly even from the Ostracoda. Whether there were terrestrial ostracods
at the time hexapods appeared in the Lower Ordovician is unknown,
but the modest diversity of terrestrial ostracods today are podocopines
which also first appeared in the Lower Ordovician. Thus, if current
interpretations of living ostracodan and fossil hexapodan body plans are
largely correct, it can be hypothesized the Ostracoda are close to the
ancestor of the Hexapoda. (Newman, 2005).
Carapelli, Liò, Nardi, van der Wath & Frati, 2007 have
assembled the largest data set available so far for Pancrustacea, consisting of
100 sequences of mitochondrial genomes,
and used nucleotide and inferred amino acid sequences of
the 13 protein coding genes to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships
among major lineages of Pancrustacea.
The phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide data set showed
the Collembola are monophyletic, and sister-group
of the (Thoracopoda (= Crustacea partim) + Ectognatha (= Insecta)).
In the amino acid tree,
Branchiopoda do not cluster with
Malacostraca, as they do in the nucleotide tree, but come
out of a well supported basal trichotomy with Collembola
and (Insecta + (Malacostraca + Hutchinsoniella)).
(Carapelli, Liò, Nardi, van der Wath & Frati, 2007).
- The among insects unique arrangement of the mouthparts of Collembola
reminded Lubbock (1873:49) of the mouth of the Crustacea.
- Hansen (1893) noted similarities between the mandibles of a number of
pterygote insects and the Malacostraca.
He also noted that the mandibular musculature of the endognathous
Campodea, Japyx and the Collembola are more similar to
those of the Crustacea than those of the ectognathous
(Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1301).
- Oulganine (1875; cited from Claypole, 1898:70) resembles the Collembola
with the lower arthropods
in the following respects : (1) holoblastic cleavage; (2) absence
of amnion; (3) possession of blastodermic cuticles; (4) the
formation of the intestine from the middle germ layer.
- In the study of the embryology of Anurida maritima,
the pair of appendages on the intercalary segment, which takes
part in the formation of the adult mouth, is homolog
with the second pair of Crustacean antennae.
The Collembola are strongly allied with the lower arthropods.
(Claypole, 1898:74).
- Claypole (1898) conducted a detailed study on the embryonic development
of Anurida maritma. Claypole (1898:278) concludes that Anurida
shows characters allying it with crustaceans and myriapods rather than
insects .
- Handlirsch (1908) considers Collembola as a more or less
recent group of insects with an extreme specialisation. He considers
them as forms with a retrograde development reaching maturity while in
a larval state. (cited from Handschin, 1955:41,45). He points out that
the antennae and mouthparts refer to a possible crustacean ancestry,
and especially if one considers the number of abdominal segments (six)
not as original but as a derived character (a reduction of the original
number of segments) (cited from Handschin, 1955:41).
- The system of Tillyard (1930) adds the embryological and
post-embryological development as a phylogenetic system from
protomorphose, anamorphose to epimorphose. The protomorph Collembola are
placed at the base of all forms. (Handschin, 1955:51).
- Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda, Symphyla, Protura, Diplura
and many Copepoda and Ostracoda
have segmented antennae with intrinsic muscles in all segments
(Imms, 1939:318);
Ectognatha have annulated antennae with intrinsic muscles only in the 2 basal
segments, such as in the 3 segments of the peduncle of
(Imms, 1939:315,318);
Collembola have segmented antennae with intrinsic muscles in the 3 first
(Imms, 1939:318).
- Handschin (1955:51) considers Collembola as more primitive than the
primitive Diplopoda and places them at the base of Diplopoda, who are
separated from the Chilopoda that are more closely related to Insecta.
- Handschin (1955:52) concludes that Collembola and Crustacea especially
have in common their embryological and post-embryological development.
- The segments of the headcapsule
are characterised by the presence of an intercalary segment, bearing a
specific sensorial organ, the post-antennal organ. The intercalary
segment corresponds with the remnants of a premandibular segment, a
segment typically well developed in Crustacea in which it bears the
antennulae or secondary antennae (Handschin, 1955:42). Imms doubths its
existance, even when Folsom observed the premandibula in Anurida.
Denis demonstrated the presence of the vestigial premandibulae. The
intercalary segment, between proto- and deuterocerebron, bears the
post-antennal organ. Insecta lack such an organ (cited from Handschin,
Young embryos of Anurida maritima have a small pair of
appendages on the intercalary segment which is probably
homologous to the second antennal segment of Crustacean (Tamarelle,
1984). These transient appendages may represent the second antennae of
crustaceans which were 'lost' during evolution (cited from Hopkin
A rudimentary pair of second antennae are briefly visible on the intercalary
segment during development of the embryo of Tomocerus ishibashii
(Uemiya & Ando, 1987 cited from Hopkin, 1997:142,143)
but these quickly disappear, as in Anurida maritima
(Tamarelle, 1984 cited from Hopkin, 1997:143).
- Tuxen showed that the tentorium supporting the mouthparts of the
headcapsule does not correspond with that of Insecta, but that it
corresponds with the suspension apparatus of the mouthparts of the
Crustacea (Handschin, 1955:42-43,46). Handschin (1955:42) notes that the
highly specialised and derived mouthparts have a doubthfull
phylogenetic value.
- The post-embryonal development of Collembola is characterised by a
periodical sexual maturity, synchronised by a specific moulting cycle.
As in Crustacea, such as Astacus. "Le parallèle avec les
Collemboles [and the Crustacea] est évident". (Handschin,
- Handschin (1955:48-49) discusses the relation between Collembola and
- Collembola have holoblastic cleavage, as in Branchiopoda.
- Collembola have a post-embryonal development cycle as in Astacus
- Feustel (1958 cited from Schaller, 1970:29) points out that the
rudimentary antennal nephridia of Collembola have much in common with those
of the primitive crustacean Cladocera.
- The zoned structure of the crystalogene cells (Semper cells)
as found in Daphnia pulex
can be compared with that observed in Collembola
(Güldner & Wolff, 1970 in Barra, 1971:349).
- in Hypogastruridae, Thibaud (1970:155-156) found that the
vitellogenesis prolongs the intermoult cycle of females,
such as in the crustacean Leander serratus
(Drach 1955 cited from Thibaud, 1970:156) and in
copepod crustacean Harpacticidae (Rouch, 1968 cited from Thibaud, 1970:156).
- The differentiation of the alimentary canal seems to relate the Collembola
fairly closely to the conditions seen in Crustacea, where a gizzard in the form
of a gastric mill is demarcated by cardiac and pyloric valves and a filter.
The filter region in Collembola collectively appears to perform a
similar function to that performed by the filter in Crustacea.
(Adams & Salmon, 1972:281).
- Those Collembola species that lack a mandibular molar plate, although
essentially terrestrial animals, persist with an aquatic type of feeding
on the water film which surrounds soil particles.
This type of feeding is called suspension feeding, refering to the enormous
numbers of bacteria and protozoa suspended in the water film.
(Adams & Salmon, 1972:283).
- Paulus (1972) compares the composed eye of Collembola with a reduced
compound eye which is remarkably similar in structure to crustacean eyes
(cited from Hopkin 1997:22).
- Paulus (1974:124) compares the additional 'functionless
primary pigment cells' of the arthropleonic ommatidium with the
corneagenous cells of the crustacean ommatidium.
- Paulus (1974:128) suggests a phylogeny of the corneagenous and primary
pigment cells of the mandibulate ommatidium in a progressive pathway from
protomandibulate crustacean ancestor to Insecta, followed by a
regressive pathway from Insecta to Anurida maritima.
Note that the ancestral protomandibulate crustacean ommatidium compares
very well with the ommatidium of Anurida maritima
(Paulus, 1974:128,fig.4A and 4H). This might suggest an alternative
phylogeny in which the collembolan ommatidium evolved indepently from the
insectal ommatidium. Both originated from the same ancestral crustacean
ommatidium, in which the pancrustacean ommatidium remains monophyletic.
Paulus (1974:130,131) does not consider the myriapodan eye as an ommatidium.
The structure of the ommatidia is very similar to those of Crustacea
lending support to the sister group status of Hexapoda/Crustacea
(Hopkin, 1997:69).
- Paulus (1979) assumed that the basic number of frontal eyes (ocelli)
was two pairs, innervated by the protocerebrum (as in Branchiopoda)
(cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:136).
Collembola have typically retained four frontal ocelli,
showing a primitive structure
(Paulus, 1979 cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:136).
- Physiological data show that springtails evolved directly from marine
ancestors: haemolymph with high osmotic pressures and mainly composed of
inorganic salts. The secondary transition from terrestrial habitats to fresh
water is physiologically much more convincing
(Little, 1983, 1990, cited from D'Haese, 2003:583).
- At the time springtails appeared, the soil and litter habitats were not yet
present; the first terrestrial arthropods lived in algal mats and emergent
vegetation; they then would have adapted to living in soaked terrestrial
substrates and, only afterwards, colonised the ground
(Shear & Kukalová-Peck, 1990, cited from D'Haese, 2003:565).
'Early Collembola were semi-aquatic'
(Kukalová-Peck, 1991, cited from D'Haese, 2003:565).
- The question as to whether the myriapods or crustaceans are more
closely related to hexapods is much debated
(Osorio et al., 1995; Nielsen, 1995; Telford & Thomas, 1995;
Dohle, 1997; Kraus, 1997; Wheeler, 1997;
cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:132).
- The colonisation of terrestrial environments occured idependently for each
apterygote hexapod lineage
(Averof & Cohen, 1997, cited from D'Haese, 2003:566).
- A total (holoblastic) and almost equal cleavage occurs in Collembola
as also known to occur in many Crustacea
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:350-351; Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:144).
- In Entomostraca, the sister taxon of Malacostraca, the tritocerebrum,
as the ganglia of the second antennal segment, is not included in the
pre-oesophageal 'brain'.
(Walossek & Müller, 1997:141).
In Podura aquatica, the ganglia of the antennae encompass the
oesophagus. The connective of the antennal ganglion makes part of the
suboesophageal 'brain'.
(Willem, 1900:Pl.IIFig.3).
- The absence of the amniotic cavity around the early germ band
in Collembola, as in Crustacea
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:351; Bitsch & Bitsch, 2000:144).
- Mushroom bodies are prominent neuropils, found in annelids and all arthropod
groups, except in Crustacea and Collembola
(Strausfeld et al., 1998:11,23,25,26).
- Palopoli & Patel (1998:587) conclude that the interaction
between the Hox regulatory target Distal-less (Dll), which is required
for the development of distal limb structures,
and the genes in the Bithorax Complex (BX-C) is similar in crustaceans
and collembolans. [note that fig.4 in Palopoli & Patel (1998:590) is flawed]
- Lawrence (1999:2,13-18; 2003:A-I; 2004:622,627)
discusses possible homologies between Crustacea and
Collembola, such as the 'accessory flagellum' of the
third segment of the first antenna of crustaceans with the sensory organ of
the third segment of the antenna in Collembola, the apical sensory organ
of the second antenna of crustaceans with the post-antennal organ
of Collembola,
the endopodites of Crustacea with the dental hooks of the furca in
the gill coxites in crustaceans with the ventral tube in Collembola,
the gills in crustaceans with the eversible vesicles of the collophore
in Collembola,
the fused abdominal legs in Crustacea with the furcula in Collembola,
However, a teratological specimen of Brachystomella parvula,
in which the most anterior ocellus of the eye patch is replaced by an additional
post-antennal organ (Cardoso, 1966:83),
makes the apical sensory organ of the crustacean second antenna homology
of the post-antennal organ questionable.
- The intertidal Anurida maritima has an endogenous tidal rhythm of
positive and negative phototaxis (Manica, McMeechan & Foster, 2000:371).
This behaviour is often present in intertidal crustaceans,
such as Cibanarius misanthropes - the hermit crab -
(Drzewina, 1907 cited from Manica, McMeechan & Foster, 2000:371),
Uca pugnas - the fiddler crab -
(Palmer, 1964 cited from Manica, McMeechan & Foster, 2000:371),
and many planktonic larval stages of crustaceans
(Douglass & al., 1992 and Warman & al., 1993
cited from Manica, McMeechan & Foster, 2000:371).
- A phylogenomic analysis of 62 nuclear protein-coding sequences
supports strongly the paraphyly of Crustacea
and groups Hexapoda (including Collembola) with the highly derived crustacean
Xenocarida as its sister-group in the monophyletic Miracrustacea
(Regier & al., 2010).
- Although Faddeeva & al. (2015) consider Hexapoda to be monophyletic,
their study of the transcriptomes of two Collembola
suggests that the transcriptomes of Collembola have more genes in common with
crustaceans than with insects. While morphologically Collembola seem
to be more related to Insecta, since they share the sixlegged
body plan as well as a terrestrial life-style in most cases
(Faddeeva & al., 2015:7),
Collembola bear a clear genomic signature of the crustaceans
(Faddeeva & al., 2015:8).
- The unique similarities in brain structure between Crustacea and Insecta
were noted and summarized by Holmgren (1916) and Hanström (1928, 1940),
and recent data has been provided by Strausfeld (1998).
(Paulus, 2000:201).
- A relationship of Myriapoda - (Crustacea - Insecta) was already proposed by
Hanström (1926) based on a comparative study of the arthropod brain.
He argued that the last common ancestor of euarthropods had facetted eyes
and an optic lobe with only two vision centers without chiasmata.
This old structure is retained in Trilobita, Chelicerata, the primitive
Crustacea (`Entomostraca') and Myriapoda. Thus the myriapod eye can
be interpreted as ancestral without the necessity of admitting
to the nonhomology between the ommatidia of Crustacea
and Insecta. This idea, at first seemingly erroneous, has been
confirmed in a number of independent studies using molecular data.
(Paulus, 2000:201).
- Scolopidia, special types of mechanoreceptive sensilla, are
found in Crustacea and Insecta, but not in Myriapoda (Pau-
lus 1986 in Paulus, 2000:201).
- Further agreement in the detailed structure of ommatidia
among Crustacea and Insecta can be found in the arrangement
of the rhabdomeres and the so-called cone cell roots
between certain rhabdomeres (Melzer & al. 1997 in Paulus, 2000:201).
- Based on neurogenesis and molecular data, findings are in favour of a close
relationship between Hexapoda and some crustacean groups
(Whitington et al., 1993; Friedrich & Tautz, 1995; Osorio et al., 1995;
cited from Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998:341).
- The old Hanström hypothesis (1926,
1928) of a sister group relationship between Insecta and
Malacostraca (Crustacea) has been revived by Osorio
& al. (1997). This assumption is based especially on the anatomy of
the Lobus opticus. Originally, the basal Crustacea
should have had a Lobus opticus with only two optic neuropiles
(Lamina, Medulla I), whereas the higher Crustacea
(Malacostraca) and Insecta however, should have had three
(Lamina, Medulla I, Medulla II, Medulla interna). The
common presence of these three optic neuropiles is a similarity which
should not be neglected. They include both chiasmata and special arrangements
of secondary neurons. At
present, it can only be admitted that chiasmata represent multiple
convergencies in Mollusca (Cephalopoda), Vertebrata
and even Euarthropoda, so that an additional convergence
between Malacostraca and Insecta would not be unlikely
(Scholtz, 1992). Strausfeld (1998), in a summary article,
emphasized the homoplasy of the deep optic neuropils and
optic chiasmata in insects and crustaceans. Comparative
neurogenesis of different arthropods also stresses the idea of a
close relationship of Crustacea and Insecta (Whitington, 1996).
(Paulus, 2000:201).
- According to Beutel & Gorb (2001:178),
hypotheses suggesting closer relationships between Hexapoda and Crustacea
are not consistent
(Adoutte & Philippe, 1993 cited from Beutel & Gorb, 2001:178),
(Averoy & Akam, 1995 cited from Beutel & Gorb, 2001:178),
(Friedrich & Tautz, 1995 cited from Beutel & Gorb, 2001:178),
(Regier & Shultz, 1997:902-913),
(Wheeler, 1998 cited from Beutel & Gorb, 2001:178).
- The chiasma of the nervi corporis cardiaci 1 and the presence of
the corpora allata relate Collembola more close with Insecta than with
Myriapoda, in which the homolog nerves do not form a chiasma and
in which corpora allata are absent
(Juberthie & Cassagnau, 1971:76-77);
this provides indirect support for the Pancrustacea hypothesis.
- The homology of tracheae between Myriapoda, Collembola, Protura, Diplura
and Ectognatha has been rejected by several workers (Kraus & Kraus, 1994,
1996; Dohle, 1997; see Hilken, 1998 for thorough study; cited from
Edgcombe & Giribet, 2002:151).
- The homology of the Tömösvary organs of Chilopoda, Pauropoda
and Diplopoda with the postantennal organs of Collembola
and pseudoculi of Protura, has been variably
(Bourgoin, 1996 cited from Edgecombe & Giribet, 2002:151)
or defended
(Haupt, 1979 cited from Edgecombe, Giribet & Wheeler, 1999:310,330)
(Bitsch & Bitsch, 1998 cited from Edgecombe & Giribet, 2002:151).
- Analysis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences data of Arthropoda
supports the monophyly of Pancrustacea (Crustacea and Hexapoda) and
the polyphyly of Crustacea (Aleshin & Petrov, 1999:184,185).
Bootstrap analysis shows that Collembola relate to Crustacea as sistergroup
of Pentastomidia:Porocephalus and Crustacea:Argulus.
Parsimonous trees show that Collembola relate to Crustacea as sistergroup of
Crustacea:Limnadia and Crustacea:Artemis.
- Analysis of molecular marker expression reveals neuronal homology
in Insecta, Malacostraca, Branchiopoda and Collembola
(Duman-Scheel & Patel, 1999:2332)
supporting a common pancrustacean ancestor.
- An arthropod phylogeny based on ribosomal 18S rDNA supports the
monophyly of Pancrustacea
(Giberet & Ribera, 2000:213,214,215,216,217,218,222-224)
and places Collembola at the base of Pancrustacea
(Giberet & Ribera, 2000:214).
- The ommatidium is available as a synapomorphy for
Crustacea - Insecta (Paulus, 2000:190).
- A phylogeny, applying the principle of total evidence,
using molecular and morphological characters,
strongly supports the monophyly of Pancrustacea
(Giribet, Edgecombe & Wheeler, 2001:160).
- Support for the monophyly of Pancrustacea varies inbetween 26% to 77%
depending on the model used for the phylogenetic molecular analysis
(Buckley & Cunningham, 2002:397).
- A phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial sequence of 35 arthropodans
strongly supports the monophyly of the Pancrustacea hypothesis
(Nardi et al., 2003:1887).
Based on a phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of
35 arthropods, Collembola are placed at the base of Pancrustacea
(Nardi et al., 2003:1888).
This conclusion is challenged based on methodological grounds
(Delsuc et al., 2003:1482d).
- Recent morphological and molecular studies suggest an alternative
interpretation to the Pancrustacea theory, that hexapods originated
within the crustaceans rather than as a sister group.
(Glenner, Thomsen, Hebsgaard & Sorensen, 2006:1883).
- A phylogenomic analysis of 62 nuclear protein-coding sequences
confirms the monophyly of Pancrustacea.
(Regier & al., 2010).
Exploring possible extra-pancrustacean ancestries of Collembola:
Do Collembola share characters with Arachnata?
Applying the Pancrustacea hypothesis to the definition of Arthropoda
according to Cisne, 1974; Briggs et al., 1992; Budd, 1993 (cited from Giribet & Ribera, 2000:205):
Myriapoda + Schizoramia (Arachnata + Pancrustacea), we will now summarise
some arachnomorph characters in Collembola.
- In most mites the tracheal orifices are situated at the base of the
legs, yet in Trombidium holosericeum the spiracles are two in number,
and, as in Smynthurus(sic), are situated at the lower side of the head,
though not exactly in the same place, since in this species they open
on the inner side of the basis of the mandibles
[in stead of between head and prothorax]
(Lubbock, 1873:78).
- The system of Versluys (1928) introduced the following morphological aspects:
cerebralisation, development of the protocerebron, and development of
the compound eye. He ommits Apterygota. He places Collembola with the
Endotropha at the base of the third etage, parallel to Arachnida;
Thysanura at the fourth etage, opposed to Crustacea
(cited from Handschin, 1955:50-51).
- The embryonal development of Collembola follows a holoblastic cell
cleavage that continues up to the stage of 32 blastomers. Then most of the
blastomers migrate to the egg surface and form the primitive blastoderm
(Handschin, 1955:44). This for hexapodans exceptional embryogenese
can also be found in some terrestrial Acari (Pediculopsis)
(Handschin, 1955:44,46).
- The tentorium of Collembola should more correctly be termed
an endosternum as it closely resembles this structure in the Arachnida
(Tuxen cited from Adams & Salmon, 1972:276).
- The spermatozoon of Collembola exhibits certain peculiarities proper
to the most primitive Arthropoda: the mature sperm is rolled up in a cyst
like in Pseudoscorpions and Araneids, the bi-stratified acrosome
lacks any extra-acrosomial material, the internal endo-nuclear cylinder is
of the type found in Limulus, the mitochondria are almost unmodified,
and above all the flagellum still has the basic 9+2 axoneme
typical of all flagella (Dallai, 1974:153).
- In bootstrap analysis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences data of Arthropoda
Collembola turns up, at least in one tree, as the sistergroup of
Crustacea + Insecta
(Aleshin & Petrov, 1999:184,185).
- The box-truss axial muscle system should be regarded as
synapomorphic for Arthropoda and plesiomorphic for Chelicerata
(Edgecombe & al., 2000 cited from Shultz, 2001:297).
The loss of all anterior oblique axial muscles is synapomorphic for Arachnida
(Shultz, 2001:297).
Note that in Orchesella and Neanura all thoracic and
abdominal anterior oblique axial muscles are lacking
(Bretfeld in Schaller, 1970:30-33), except those of the furcal segment.
- Sperm winding in Collembola is shared with arachnidan pseudoscorpions and
spiders; it differs by presence of an extracellular material around which
the sperm components enroll
(Dallai, Fanciulli, Frati, Paccagnini & Lupetti, 2002:497-498).
Collembola basic ground pattern
In the basic ground pattern of Collembola, the body is comprised of the frontal
acron, followed by 15 true segments and terminated by the telson.
All true body segments bear appendages.
The segments are organised in 2 primary tagmata: the head and the trunk.
The head is a composite of the acron fused with the 6 anterior body segments (1).
Each of the head segments bears a pair of appendages, respectively the lateral
composed eyes, the antennae, the post-antennal organs, the mandibulae,
the maxillae and the cleft bipartite labium.
The first 3 antennal segments bear intrinsic muscles (after Imms, 1939:292-296).
The mouth opening is located ventrally between the antennal and
mandibular segments.
The trunk has 9 limb bearing segments.
The limbs of the 5th, 8th and nineth trunk segment, although present in the
early stages of the embryo, are completely reduced in the adult.
Also the telson is only present in the early embryonic stages (fig.Xg). (3)
The gonopore is located ventrally at the 8th trunk segment.
The anus opens terminally at the nineth trunk segment.
The trunk is secondarily divided in two subtagmata: the thorax and abdomen. (2)
The thorax comprises 3 thoracic segments. The abdomen comprises 6 segments.
Embryonic studies show that the 6 abdominal segments are not the result
of a reduction of segments.
The appendages of the thoracic segments are adapted for locomotion.
The appendages of the abdominal segments are specialised and fused at their
The first abdominal appendage is the collophore or ventral tube.
The second abdominal appendage is only present in the embryo.
The third abdominal appendage is the retinaculum.
The fourth abdominal appendage is the furcula.
Both retinaculum and furcula form a springing device that can be secondarily
reduced in many species of Collembola.
The fifth and sixth abdominal appendages are only present in the embryo (fig.Xg).
Tomocerus ishibashii, embryo stage 3, cephalic ganglia.
Modified after Uemiya (1991:127,fig.2).
(1) In Tomocerus ishibashii the protocerebrum consists of three pairs of
ganglia (Lobes 1-3). Lobe 3 is regarded as the ganglion of the preantennal segment.
The deutocerebrum is derived from the antennal, and the tritocerebrum from the
intercalary ganglia. The tritocerebrum retains the original postoral position
throughout the life cycle. The ventral nerve cord consists of 10 pairs of ganglia
derived from the mandibular to the fourth abdominal segments. The metathoracic
and four abdominal ganglia fuse to form a synganglion during embryogenesis.
(Uemiya, 1991:127).
In stage 2, the ectoderm of the protocephalon situated anteriorly to the
antennal segment is divided into two layers. The outer layer develops into the
future epidermis and ommatidia, and the inner one develops into the anlagen
of protocerebral ganglia. In stage 2, the inner layer is divided into three
paired parts (lobes 1, 2 and 3). The lobe 3 is located just anteriorly to the
antennal segments, and the lobes 1 and 2 are situated in each side lateral to
the lobe 2. The protocerebrum originates from these three paired lobes. The lobe
1 develops into the future optic ganglion. According to Tyszkiewicz 1976, the
lobe 1 is not formed in Tetrodontophora bielanensis. It may reflect the
fact that the ommatidia are lacking in this species.
(Uemiya, 1991:131).
Xenylla grisea embryo stained for Dll.
Modified after Palopoli & Patel (1998:588,fig.1c).
(2) The terminology used when comparing tagmata of hexapodans and
crustaceans is quite confusing. In Crustacea, the thorax comprises all
post-cephalic limb bearing body segments, while the abdomen consists of
primary limbless body segments. In Collembola, the thorax comprises only the
first three post-cephalic body segments, while the remaining body segments
make part of the abdomen. In a pancrustacean context one could state that
the (pan)crustacean thorax 'comprises' both the collembolan thorax and abdomen.
Put otherwise: Collembola lack a (pan)crustacean abdomen.
(3) Palopoli & Patel (1998:588) used antibody staining in embryo's of
Xenylla grisea for Distal-less (Dll) proteins (a well studied Hox
regulatory target that is required for the development of distal
limb structures) (see fig.Xg).
In the ventral view of the posterior thorax and complete abdomen of an
embryo, at approximately 40-50% of embryogenesis, each abdominal appendage
primordium was stained black for Dll protein (arrows).
The staining in the very posterior of the abdomen was not addressed in the
study Palopoli & Patel.
The black staining in the fifth (A5) and sixth (A6) abdominal
segments is interpreted in this paper as primordia of embryonic appendages,
revealing in this way the ancestral state of the Collembola body plan.
Also the primordia of the ancestral crustacean rami of the telson (T) are
still present in the embryo.
Pancrustacean perspective on Collembola
Collembola | Head | Thorax | Abdomen | Telson |
Acron | 1a | 1b | 1c | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
"Neotenic Malacostraca like" ancestor of Collembola | Head | Thorax | Telson |
Pereon | Pleon |
Acron | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 1 |
Basic body plan segmentation of Collembola compared with hypothetical crustacean ancestor
Segment numbers in red color indicate the location of the gonopore.
In several recent molecular studies, Collembola are clustered with Malacostraca
(Spears & Abele, 1997 cited from Lange & Schram, 1999; Aleshin & Petrov, 1999; Gibiret & Ribera, 2000:213,215,216,217,218)
or closely related to them
(Carapelli, Liò, Nardi, van der Wath, & Frati, 2007).
These results seem to be confirmed by morphological comparison of their
respective body plans.
In the ground pattern of Malacostraca (Phyllocarida) (fig.h.A),
the head bears 5 appendages (Walossek & Müller, 1997:151).
Lateral compound eyes are present (segment 1)
(Walossek & Müller 1998:221).
The first antenna comprises a 3-segmented
peduncle with intrinsic muscles, bearing a pair of annulated flagelliform rami.
(after Imms, 1939:315).
The trunk is divided in 3 tagmata: thorax 1 (pereon) with 8 limb
bearing thoracomeres, thorax 2 (pleon) with 6 limb bearing thoracomeres and
the abdomen with one primary limbless segment.
The female gonopore is located at the sixth pereonic segment.
The male gonopore is located at the 8th pereonic segment.
The anus is located terminally at the telson bearing the furca.
(Walossek & Müller 1998:220).
Given the basic Collembola ground plan, the basic ground pattern of a
hypothetical crustacean ancestor of Collembola can be deduced as follows
A head with lateral compound eyes and 5 appendages.
A trunk with 2 tagmata: thorax 1 (pereon)
with 8 limb bearing thoracomeres, and thorax 2 (pleon) with one limb bearing
Primary limbless abdominal segments are lacking.
The gonopore opens at the 8th thoracomere.
The anus opens terminally at the telson bearing the furca.
Comparing both ground patterns of Malacostraca and the hypothesised
crustacean predecessor of Collembola suggest that Malacostraca are a more
derived form and that the crustacean predecessor of Collembola can act as
predecessor of the Malacostraca as well.
This complies with studies that place Collembola more at the base of Crustacea,
such as Aleshin & Petrov (1999:184,185), Gibiret & Ribera, (2000:214),
Nardi et al. (2003) and Giribet & al (2004:327).
Fig.h. Hypothesis on crustacean predecessor of Collembola.
Modified after Walossek & Müller (1997:151).
Konopova & Akam (2014:9) showed in Orchesella cincta that the
Hox genes Ultrabithorax (Ubx) and abdominal-A (abd-A) are expressed in
abdominal segments, and that they specify the abdominal appendages.
When both Ubx and abd-A are suppressed, the abdominal appendages are
replaced by walking legs (the more ancestral appendages).
This is support for the hypothesis that the abdomen of Collembola is derived
from the thorax (the pereon) of its crustacean ancestor.
Conventional hypothesis: Collembola are basal Hexapoda.
Pancrustacea |
Crustacea |
Hexapoda s.l. |
Collembola |
Protura |
Diplura |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.II. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
+---------- Insecta s.s.
| +---------- Diplura
| | +---------- Protura
| +--+
| +---------- Collembola
| +---------------- Crustacea
| +------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------------- Chelicherata
Fig.1. Simplified scheme of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(conventional phylogeny)
Alternative hypothesis: Collembola are terrestrial Crustacea.
Pancrustacea |
Crustacea s.l. |
Hexapoda s.s. |
Crustacea s.s. |
Collembola |
Protura |
Diplura |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.III. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
(modified after Shao, Zhang, Ke, Yue & Yin, 2000)
+------ Hexapoda s.s.
+------------- Collembola
| |
+-----+------+------ Crustacea
| +------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------------- Chelicherata
Fig.2. Simplified scheme of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(modified after Shao, Zhang, Ke, Yue & Yin, 2000)
Alternative hypothesis 2: Collembola are terrestrial basal Crustacea.
Pancrustacea |
Crustacea s.l. |
Hexapoda s.s. |
Crustacea in pars (Branchiopoda) |
Collembola |
Crustacea in pars (Malacostraca) |
Protura |
Diplura |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.IV. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
(modified after Spears & Abele, 1997 cited from Lange & Schram, 1999; Aleshin & Petrov, 1999; Gibiret & Ribera, 2000:213,215,216,217,218)
+----- Hexapoda s.s.
+---+----- Crustacea partim
+------------- Collembola
| |
+-----+---+--------- Crustacea partim
| +------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------------- Chelicherata
Fig.3. Simplified scheme of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(modified after Spears & Abele, 1997
cited from Lange & Schram, 1999; Aleshin & Petrov, 1999;
Gibiret & Ribera, 2000:213,215,216,217,218)
New hypothesis: Collembola are terrestrial basal Pancrustacea.
Pancrustacea |
Collembola |
Crustacea |
Hexapoda s.s. |
Protura |
Diplura |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.V. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
(modified after Aleshin & Petrov, 1999:184,185; Gibiret & Ribera, 2000:214; Nardi et al., 2003)
+------------- Hexapoda s.s.
| +------------- Crustacea
| +---------------- Collembola
| +------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------------- Chelicherata
Fig.4. Simplified scheme of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(modified after Aleshin & Petrov, 1999:184,185;
Gibiret & Ribera, 2000:214; Nardi et al., 2003)
New hypothesis 2: Collembola are terrestrial basal Pancrustacea (Hexapoda rejected).
Protura |
Diplura |
Pancrustacea |
Collembola |
Crustacea |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.VI. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
(modified after Giribet & al., 2004:327)
+------------- Ectognatha
| +------------- Crustacea
| +---------------- Collembola
| +- - - - - - - - - - Chelicherata
| +----- Diplura
| +----- Protura
+---------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------- Ectognatha
+--+---------------- Collembola
| |
| +---------------- Crustacea
| +- - - - - - - - - - Chelicherata
| +----- Diplura
| +----- Protura
+---------------------- Myriapoda
Fig.5. Simplified schemes of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(modified after Giribet & al., 2004:327)
New hypothesis 3: Collembola are terrestrial Maxillopoda (Hexapoda rejected, Crustacea rejected).
Pancrustacea |
Pancrustacea type 1 |
Pancrustacea type 2 |
Crustacea (Maxillopoda) |
Collembola |
Protura |
Diplura |
Crustacea (Branchiopoda Malacostraca) |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.VII. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
(modified after Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1300; Luan & al., 2005:1584; Newman, 2005; Glenner & al, 2006:1883)
+---------------- Ectognatha
| +---------------- Crustacea (Branch. + Mal.)
| +----- Diplura
+--+ +-------+
| | +--+ +----- Protura
| | | |
| +--+ +------------- Collembola
| |
| +---------------- Crustacea (Max.)
+---------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------------- Chelicherata
Fig.6. Simplified scheme of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(modified after Cook, Yue & Akam, 2005:1300; Luan & al., 2005:1584; Newman, 2005; Glenner & al, 2006:1883)
New hypothesis 4: Collembola are basal terrestrial Panthoracopoda (Hexapoda rejected, Crustacea rejected).
Pancrustacea |
? Protura ? |
Crustacea (Maxillopoda + Remipedia) {+ Diplura ?} |
Panthoracopoda |
Japyx ? |
Collembola |
Crustacea (Thoracopoda partim 2 = Branchiopoda) |
Crustacea (Thoracopoda partim 1) {+ Diplura ?} |
Insecta s.s. (= Ectognatha) |
Archaeognatha (= Monocondylia) |
Dicondylia |
Zygentoma |
Pterygota |
Tab.VIII. Classification of related and higher taxa of Collembola.
(modified after Kjer, 2004:511; Carapelli, Liò, Nardi, van der Wath, & Frati, 2007)
+------- Ectognatha
| +------- Crustacea (Thoracopoda partim 1)
+--+ + Diplura ?
| +---------- Crustacea (Thoracopoda partim 2)
| +------------- Collembola
| +---------------- Crustacea (Maxillopoda + Remipedia)
+--+ + Diplura ?
| +- - - - - - - - - - Protura
+---------------------- Myriapoda
+---------------------- Chelicherata
Fig.7. Simplified scheme of the systematic position of
Collembola in the Arthropoda
(modified after Kjer, 2004:511; Carapelli, Liò, Nardi, van der Wath, & Frati, 2007)
Segment |
Arachnida |
Xiphosura |
Collembola |
Crustacea: Malacostraca |
Ectognatha |
Segment |
Acron |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Acron |
1 |
(Lateral ocelli) |
Lateral ommatea |
(Lateral "ommatidia") |
(Lateral ommatea) |
(Lateral ommatea) |
1 |
2 |
- |
- |
Antennae |
Antennulae |
Antennae |
2 |
3a |
Rostrum part 1 |
Rostrum part 1 |
Embryonic intercalary appendages (Post-antennal organ) Labrum |
Antennae Labrum |
Embryonic intercalary appendages Labrum |
3a |
3b |
Mouth opening |
3b |
3c |
Rostrum part 2 |
Rostrum part 2 |
3c |
4 |
Chelicerae |
Chelicerae |
Mandibulae |
Mandibulae |
Mandibulae |
4 |
5 |
Pedipalpae |
Pedipalpae |
Maxillae |
Maxillae |
Maxillae |
5 |
6 |
Telopods tarsate |
Telopods chelate |
Cleft, bipartite labium |
Maxillae |
Labium |
6 |
7 |
Telopods tarsate |
Telopods chelate |
Telopods unguiate |
Pereopods chelate |
Telopods tarsate |
7 |
8 |
Telopods tarsate |
Telopods chelate |
Telopods unguiate |
Pereopods chelate |
Telopods tarsate |
8 |
9 |
Telopods tarsate |
Telopods chelate |
Telopods unguiate |
Pereopods chelate |
Telopods tarsate |
9 |
10-1 Embryonic segment |
10-1 Chilaria |
10-1 Collophore |
10-1 Pereopods |
10-1 Embryonic pleuropods 4 (Styli) |
11-2 Embryonic appendages |
11-2 Pereopods |
11-2 (Styli) |
12-3 (Styli) |
13-4 (Styli) |
14-5 (Styli) |
15-6 (Styli) |
16-7 (Styli) |
11-2 Pectines g.o. |
11-2 Opercula g.o. |
12-3 (Retinaculum) |
12-3 Pereopods g.o.f. |
17-8 Gonophysae g.o.f. |
13-4 (Furca) |
13-4 Pereopods |
14-5 Embryonic appendages2 g.o. |
14-5 Pereopods g.o.m. |
18-9 Gonophysae g.o.m. |
12-3 Booklung |
12-3 Opercula Bookgill |
15-6 Pleopods |
19-10 - |
13-4 Booklung |
13-4 Opercula Bookgill |
16-7 Pleopods |
20-11 Cerci |
14-5 Booklung |
14-5 Opercula Bookgill |
17-8 Pleopods |
15-6 Booklung |
15-6 Opercula Bookgill |
18-9 Pleopods |
16-7 Booklung |
16-7 Opercula Bookgill |
19-10 Pleopods |
17-8 - |
20-11 Pleopods |
18-9 - |
17-1 Fossil segment |
21-12 - |
19-10 - |
18-9 Fossil segment |
20-11 - |
19-10 Fossil segment |
21-12 - |
22-13 - |
Telson a.o. |
Sting/whip/- |
- |
Embryonic appendages 2 Anal "valves" 3 |
Furca |
Anal lobes Proctodaeum |
Telson a.o. |
Table IX. Schematic comparison of segmental bodyplan homologies in Arthropoda
(modified after Chamberlain, 1931:41; Störmer in Grassé, 1949:160-197; Weber, 1974:8,54,305; Leinaas, 1988:2833; Brusca & Bruca, 1990:608-609; Walossek & Müller, 1997:151; Palopoli & Patel, 1998:5882; Walossek & Müller 1998:220; Haas, Waloszek & Hartenberger, 2003:46; Oakley, 2003:524; Konopova & Akam, 2014:104)
Provisional conclusion
Collembola are difficult to position due to the discrepant results of
morphological and molecular phylogenies; they are probably key taxa to
explain arthropod relationships
(Giberet & Ribera, 2000:225).
The acceptance of nonmonophyly of Hexapoda s.l. implies that the tripartite and
six-legged body plan typical of Hexapoda s.l. would be a convergent acquisition
of Collembola, Protura, Diplura and Insecta s.s.
Collembola diverged early from the ancestral pancrustacean line, and the
development of a matching body plan with Protura, Diplura and Insecta s.s.
is likely the result of homology rather than direct ancestry.
The recent phylogenetic analyses of molecular sequence data suggest
a paradigm shift concerning the phylogenetic position of hexapods:
that crustaceans successfully invaded land at least as insects.
It is possible that when insects entered terrestrial habitats,
their crustacean ancestors had already diversified in marine environments and
occupied all potential niches, which could explain why insects were
prevented from colonising the sea subsequently.
(after Glenner, Thomsen, Hebsgaard & Sorensen, 2006:1884).
The recent reinterpretation of a fragmentary insect fossil from
the early Devonian Rhynie cherts of Scotland shows
that the origin of insects is much earlier than conventionaly
accepted (Engel & Grimaldi, 2004:627-630).
This indicates that insects evolved independently in parallel with collembolans.
This is confirmed by Newman (2005) who
hypothesizes that the Ostracoda are close to the
ancestor of the Hexapoda.
Given the edaphic origin of Collembola (D'Haese, 2002),
the collembolan ancestor must have completed the transition from marine
aquatic habitats to littoral soil habitats already before the Lower Devonian.
The close relationship of Collembola and Malacostraca,
is morphologically supported when
comparing the body plans of malacostracan Phyllocarida and Collembola.
This suggests the redefinition of the thorax concept, as known in Collembola,
in their most recent common ancestor.
The thorax of their predecessor apparently includes
the abdominal segments of Collembola (including the anal segment)
(see Table IX).
In other words, the abdominal segments of Collembola are
of ancestral malacostracan thoracic origin.
We would like to thank Dr Penelope Greenslade for her constructive comments.
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