Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) from New Zealand After Salmon JT, 1944 Pl.64 Fig.184
Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1946:28 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Bonet, 1947 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, 1948 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, 1949 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, 1950 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Barlet, J, 1951:143 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Stach, J, 1957:16 ISS Syn.: Zelandothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C et Massoud, Z, 1963:172,tt ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:557 ISS Syn.: Megalothorax novozealandiae(sic) Papác, V et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2016:49 ISS
Zelandothorax novaezealandiae from New Zealand Outline of 3rd foot After Bonet F, 1947 in Schneider C & Deharveng L, 2017 Fig.9J
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