Checklist of the Collembola: Pseudachorutinae |
Genus | Number of species |
Acanthanura | 6 |
Aethiopella | 23 |
Aethiopellina | 4 |
Anurachorutes | 1 |
Anurida | 89 |
Anuridella | 5 |
Anuritelsa | 1 |
Arlesia | 7 |
Arlesiella | 6 |
Brasilimeria | 4 |
Cassagnaudina | 4 |
Cassagnaurida | 1 |
Cephalachorutes | 16 |
Ceratrimeria | 12 |
Delamarellina | 2 |
Forsteramea | 1 |
Furculanurida | 17 |
Gamachorutes | 1 |
Gastranurida | 1 |
Grananurida | 5 |
Halachorutes | 2 |
Handschinurida | 3 |
Holacanthella | 5 |
Hylaeanura | 5 |
Intermediurida | 1 |
Israelimeria | 2 |
Kenyura | 8 |
Koreanurina | 4 |
Lanzhotia | 1 |
Linnaniemia | 2 |
Megalanura | 1 |
Meganurida | 1 |
Micranurida | 29 |
Minotaurella | 3 |
Najtafrica | 1 |
Neotropiella | 19 |
Notachorudina | 1 |
Oudemansia | 10 |
Paranurida | 1 |
Philotella | 17 |
Platanurida | 3 |
Pongeia | 1 |
Pratanurida | 7 |
Protachorutes | 2 |
Pseudachorudina | 15 |
Pseudachorutella | 16 |
Pseudachorutes | 131 |
PseudachorutinaeGennov | 1 |
PseudachorutinaeIncertaeSedis | 2 |
Pseudanurida | 6 |
Quatacanthella | 1 |
Rusekella | 7 |
Sernatropiella | 2 |
Simonachorutes | 3 |
Stachorutes | 19 |
Tasmanura | 1 |
Tijucameria | 3 |
Venezuelida | 1 |
Womersleymeria | 2 |
Pseudachorutinae | 545 |
Remark by Janssens, F. 2009.02.06: Given the name is referring to the surname "Masy", strictly spoken the correct latinisation "of Masy" is "masyi". |
Remark by Kaprus, I.J., Weiner, W.M. & Nevo, E. [2005]:263: P. libanensis was described from Lebanon as Aetiopella(sic) libanensis by CASSAGNAU and DELAMARE (1955) and subsequently redescribed by ELLIS (1976) on the basis of the material from Central Crete. The comparison of both descriptions shows, that they concern two separate species. |
Remark by Dányi, L. & Traser, G. 2008:18: According to da Gama (1964) the species is a junior synonym of Pseudachorutella asigillata (Börner), but it is a valid, separate taxon in our opinion. |