- Last updated on 2023.07.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Troglopedetinae

Subfamilia Troglopedetinae Börner C, 1913:321

Genus Number
of species
Genera with number of species
  Syn.: Cyphoderinae Troglopedetini Börner, C, 1913:321
  Syn.: Paronellidae Paronellinae Cipola, NG et Greenslade, P, 2023:564
  Syn.: Paronellinae Paronellini Cipola, NG et Greenslade, P, 2023:564

  Syn.: Entomobryoidea Troglopedetidae Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1947:37
  Syn.: ... Troglopedetinae Lukic, M, Delic, T, Zagmajster, M et Deharveng, L, 2018:1159
  Syn.: Paronellidae Troglopedetinae Jantarit, S, Surakhamhaeng, K et Deharveng, L, 2020:5

Genus Troglopedetes Joseph, 1872 key  key M

  Syn.: Paronellidae Cyphoderopsis Bonet, 1931
  Syn.: Paronellidae Cyphoderopsis Wilson, JM, 1982:211
  Syn.: Paronellidae Cypherodopsis(sic) Wilson, JM, 1982:214 ISS

  Syn.: Paronellidae Troglopedetes Wilson, JM, 1982:211 nec Joseph, 1872
Remark by Paclt, 1947, cited from Ellis, W.N. & Bellinger, P.F. 1973:57: Troglopedetes Joseph, 1872 is a nomen nudum.

Remark by Ellis, W.N. & Bellinger, P.F. 1973:57: The opinion of Paclt, 1947, that Troglopedetes Joseph is a nomen nudum cannot be upheld, however meagre the description may be.

Species sp.1 Janssens F sensu Deharveng L, 1990

            Syn.: Troglopedetes sp.undet.juvenile Deharveng, L, 1990:281

Species sp.2 Janssens F sensu Surakhamhaeng K, Deharveng L & Jantarit S, 2021

            Syn.: Troglopedetes sp.undescribed Surakhamhaeng, K, Deharveng, L et Jantarit, S, 2021:158
Troglopedetes sp. undescribed from Thailand
After Surkahamhaeng K, Deharveng L & Jantarit S, 2021 Fig.16C

Species sp.3 Janssens F sensu Surakhamhaeng K, Deharveng L & Jantarit S, 2021

            Syn.: Troglopedetes sp.undescribed Surakhamhaeng, K, Deharveng, L et Jantarit, S, 2021:158
Troglopedetes sp. undescribed from Thailand
After Surkahamhaeng K, Deharveng L & Jantarit S, 2021 Fig.16C

Species absoloni Bonet, F, 1931:363

            Syn.: Troglopedetes sp. Arbea & Baena, 2004
            Syn.: Troglopedetes sp. Pérez Fernández & Tinaut, 2005
            Syn.: Troglopedetes sp. Pérez Fernández & Pérez Ruiz, 2006

             Syn.: Troglopedetes Absoloni(sic) Absolon, K et Ksenemann, M, 1942:17 ISS
             Syn.: Troglopedetes Absoloni(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1945:46 ISS
Troglopedetes absoloni from Spain
After Arbea JI, 2013 Fig.15
Troglopedetes absoloni from Spain
Ant.4 subdivided in 2 parts
After Soto-Adames & al., 2014 Fig.6

Species albus Joseph, 1872, t.t.

            Syn.: Troglopedetes pallidus Paclt, 1946 =?
            Syn.: Troglopedetes pallidus Wilson, JM, 1982:211
            Syn.: Troglopedetes pallidus ssp. distinctus Wilson, JM, 1982:211

Species caeruleus (Carpenter, GH, 1916:43) Deharveng, L & Bedos, A, 1995:22

             Syn.: Paronella coerulea(sic) Handschin, 1929 ISS
             Syn.: Microparonella caeruleus(sic) Yoshii, R et Suhardjno, YR, 1992:48 ISS

Species calvus Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:112

Species canis Christiansen, K, 1957:86

Species cavernicolus Delamare Deboutteville, 1944

            Syn.: Troglopedetes cavernicola(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, 1944 IOS
            Syn.: Troglopedetes wichmanni Delamare Deboutteville, 1950 nn
            Syn.: Troglopedetes wichmanni Wilson, JM, 1982:214 nn
            Syn.: Troglopedetes cretensis Wilson, JM, 1982:214 =?

            Syn.: Troglopedetes cavernicola(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:279 IOS
            Syn.: Troglopedetes cavernicola(sic) Thibaud, J-M et Najt, J, 1988:720 IOS
            Syn.: Troglopedetes cavernicola(sic) da Gama & Ferreira, 2000 IOS              Syn.: Troglopedetes cavernicola(sic) Wilson, JM, 1982:214 ISS

Species centralis Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:109

Species churchillatus Wilson in Durrant, Smart, Turner & Wilson, 1979

Troglopedetes churchillatus from Nepal
After Wilson JM, 1982 Fig.1A

Species convergens Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:111

Species cretensis Ellis, WN, 1976:306

            Syn.: Troglopedetes wichmanni Delamare Deboutteville, 1950 =?
            Syn.: Troglopedetes wichmanni Wilson, JM, 1982:214 =?

Species dispersus Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:110

Species eberhardi Cipola, NG et Greenslade, P, 2023:564

Species fredstonei Deharveng, L, 1988:95

Species ildumensis Soto-Adames, FN, Jordana, R et Baquero, E, 2014:8

Species jeanneli (Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1945:41) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:720

            Syn.: Troglopedetina Jeanneli(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1945:41 IOS
            Syn.: Troglopedetina Jeanneli(sic) Jeannel, R, 1945:15 IOS
            Syn.: Troglopedetina Jeanneli(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:274 IOS

Species kae Jantarit, S, Surakhamhaeng, K et Deharveng, L, 2020:7

Troglopedetes kae from Thailand
After Jantarit S, Surkahamhaeng K & Deharveng L, 2020 Fig.1 inset
Remark by Janssens, F. 2020.12.21: The name "Troglopedetes kae" is confusing and misleading, especially so when the specific name is wrongly given an upper case initial character. In order to avoid the appearance that the specific name is a citation of the authorship of the generic name, the specific name should not be formed as a noun in apposition (ICZN Recommendation 31A). To avoid confusion with an author bearing the name "Kae", the new specific name which is based on a geographical name (a toponym) should preferably be formed with the latin -ensis suffix. Therefore "Troglopedetes kaeensis" would have been the recommended name.

Species leclerci Deharveng, L, 1990:279

Species longicornis Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:109

Species machadoi Delamare Deboutteville, 1946

             Syn.: Troglopedetes rnachadoi(sic) da Gama, MM, 1988:85 ISS

Species maffrei Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:108

Species maungonensis Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:108

Species meridionalis Jantarit, S, Surakhamhaeng, K et Deharveng, L, 2020:20

Troglopedetes meridionalis from Thailand
After Jantarit S, Surkahamhaeng K & Deharveng L, 2020 Fig.11A

Species microps Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:108

Species minor Hüther, 1983

Species multispinosus Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:110

Species orientalis Cassagnau, P et Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1955:385

Species paucisetosus Deharveng, L et Gers, C, 1993:111

Species rasendrans Bhattacharjee, 1985

Species ruffoi Delamare Deboutteville, 1951

Species rungsimae Surakhamhaeng, K, Deharveng, L et Jantarit, S, 2021:153

Species schalleri (Hüther, 1962) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:720

Species spectabilis Surakhamhaeng, K, Deharveng, L et Jantarit, S, 2021:133

Troglopedetes spectabilis from Thailand
After Surkahamhaeng K, Deharveng L & Jantarit S, 2021 Fig.2A
Troglopedetes spectabilis from Thailand
After Surkahamhaeng K, Deharveng L & Jantarit S, 2021 Fig.16A

Species takensis Surakhamhaeng, K, Deharveng, L et Jantarit, S, 2021:143

Species tridentatus (Salmon, 1954) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:720

             Syn.: Troglopedetes tridentata(sic) Thibaud, J-M et Najt, J, 1988:720 ISS

Species vandeli Cassagnau, P et Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1955:387

            Syn.: Troglopedetes Vandeli(sic) Cassagnau, P et Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1955:387 IOS

Species vanharteni Barra, J-A, 2006:69

Genus Troglopedetes2

  Syn.: ... Troglopedetes2 Absolon, 1907 nec Joseph, 1872
  Syn.: Paronellini Microparonella Carpenter, GH, 1916:43 partim
  Syn.: Troglopedetinae Cyphoderopsis Bonet, F, 1931:362
  Syn.: Paronellidae Cyphoderopsis Palacios-Vargas, JG, Ojeda, M et Christiansen, KA, 1985:5
  Syn.: Paronellinae Trogolaphysa Bonet, F, 1942:58
  Syn.: Paronellidae Trogolaphysa Salmon, 1964
  Syn.: Paronellidae Trogolaphysa Palacios-Vargas, JG, Ojeda, M et Christiansen, KA, 1985:5
  Syn.: Troglopedetini Troglopedetina Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1945:40
  Syn.: Paronellidae Dicranocentruga Palacios-Vargas, JG, Ojeda, M et Christiansen, KA, 1985:5

Remark by Paclt, 1947, cited from Ellis, W.N. & Bellinger, P.F. 1973:57: Troglopedetes Absolon, 1907 might be identical with Troglopedetes Joseph, 1872.

Remark by Ellis, W.N. & Bellinger, P.F. 1973:57: Troglopedetes Absolon, 1907 is a junior homonym of Troglopedetes Joseph, 1872.

  Syn.: Paronellidae Trolgopedetes(sic) Greenslade, P et Yoshii, R, 2000:139 ISS

Species pallidus Absolon, 1907 tt

             Syn.: Troglopedetes pallidus var. distincta(sic) Absolon, K et Ksenemann, M, 1942:6 ISS

Troglopedetes pallidus from Croatia
2010.11.19 © Lukic, M.
Troglopedetes pallidus from Croatia
2010.11.19 © Lukic, M.
Troglopedetes pallidus from Croatia
2019.03.dd © Lukic, M.

Genus Cyphoderopsis Carpenter, 1917

  Syn.: ... Trogonella Delamare Deboutteville, 1951
  Syn.: Paronellidae Trogonella Thibaud, J-M et Najt, J, 1988:721
  Syn.: Paronellinae Trogonella Soto-Adames, FN, Jordana, R et Baquero, E, 2014:1

Species-group to be defined

Species sp. Deharveng & Bedos, 2000

Species lindbergi (Stach, J, 1960:546) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:723

            Syn.: Troglopedetina Lindbergi(sic) Stach, J, 1960:546 IOS

Species-group ceylonica Yosii, 1985

Species ceylonica Yosii, 1966

             Syn.: Troglopedetes ceylonica(sic) Wilson, JM, 1982:214 ISS

Species gorumaraensis Mandal, GP, Suman, KK et Bhattacharya, KK, 2019:148

Cyphoderopsis gorumaraensis from India
After Mandal GP & al, 2019 Fig.5

Species nayakensis (Stach, J, 1960:543) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:721

Species nepalensis (Wilson, JM, 1982:221) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:721

Troglopedetes nepalensis from Nepal
After Wilson JM, 1982 Fig.5A

Species sexocellatus Yosii, 1966

            Syn.: Cyphoderopsis 6-ocellata(sic) Yosii, 1966 IOS
             Syn.: Troglopedetes sexoculata(sic) Wilson, JM, 1982:214 ISS
             Syn.: Cyphoderopsis (ceylonica-group) sexoculata(sic) Thibaud, J-M et Najt, J, 1988:721 ISS
             Syn.: Cyphoderopsis sixocellata(sic) Mandal, GP, 2018:124 ISS

Species-group kempi Yosii, 1985

Species cavicola Jantarit , Satasook & Deharveng, 2013

Species decemoculatus Prabhoo, 1971

             Syn.: Troglopedetes decemoculata(sic) Wilson, JM, 1982:214 ISS
             Syn.: Troglopedetes decemoculata(sic) Wilson, JM, 1982:219 ISS

Species gracilis Carpenter, 1924

Cyphoderopsis gracilis from India
After Mandal GP & Hazra AK, 2009 Fig.42a
             Syn.: Cyphoderopsis gracilils(sic) Mandal, GP et Hazra, AK, 2009:41 ISS

Species kempi Carpenter, 1917 tt

             Syn.: Cyphoderopsis Kempi(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1945:46 ISS
Cyphoderopsis kempi from India
After Mandal GP & Hazra AK, 2009 Fig.44a

Species khaophang Jantarit , Satasook & Deharveng, 2013

Species lamottei Delamare Deboutteville, 1950

Trogolaphysa lamottei from Guinea
After Nguyen M & Soto-Adames FN, 2018 Fig.5I

Species madagascarensis (Wilson, JM, 1982:222) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:721

Troglopedetes madagascarensis from Madagascar
After Wilson JM, 1982 Fig.6

Species pauliani (Delamare Deboutteville, 1951) Thibaud, J-M & Najt, J, 1988:721

Species phangnga Jantarit , Satasook & Deharveng, 2013

Species thachana Jantarit , Satasook & Deharveng, 2013
