- Last updated on 2024.08.14 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: About


Artist's impression: Collembolan fantasy
produced by the POV-Ray raytracer
Frans Janssens © 1999
This checklist has been prepared by Frans Janssens, since 1976, member of the Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp, Belgium; since 1998, laboratory associate of the Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
The main purpose of this checklist is to resolve synonymy related problems. Typical example: given a taxon name, verify whether or not it is currently valid and if it is not valid what is then its currently valid name.

This taxonomic checklist includes all Collembola species of the world. Included are all valid names with a complete list of synonyms in their original combinations with authors and dates. Old as well as new collembolan literature has been and is causing confusion due to inaccuracies and errors. Many of these have been corrected or will be corrected by examining the original descriptions for taxa and correctly applying the rules of zoological nomenclature. Tentative taxonomic decisions, such as synonymizing taxa or using new classification schemes, are applied to settle open issues and/or resolve conflicting opinions. The checklist is a reflection of the current literature. The classification scheme is based on a compilation of recent classifications. This checklist is kept up to date with newly published papers and corrections are applied when errors are reported. Last but not least, the checklist is a working document, a discussion platform to share opinions on nomenclature, taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics.

I would like to hear from anyone who has corrections or additions to the list.

Frans Janssens

System requirements

In its original version of 1995, the checklist was designed to be viewed on a system that is configured with a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels. Since 2003, the layout is redesigned for a screen of 1024 x 768 pixels. To be able to access all provided services, the browser itself should be configured as follows : Originaly, the checklist has been designed with Netscape 3.01.
The checklist is best viewed with Netscape 3.x, 7.x, Mozilla 1.x and Firefox 2.x.
The checklist cannot be viewed error free with Internet Explorer 3.x due to lack of Javascript 1.1 support.
Drs J. Mari-Mutt and M. Dallwitz have tested the compatibility with Netscape 4.x. Dr M. Dallwitz has tested the compatibility with Internet Explorer 4.x.
The checklist cannot be viewed error free with Netscape 6.x due to Javascript errors.
The service "Search this site" cannot be used in Firefox 3.0.x to 3.1 Beta 1 due to Javascript errors.

Overview of provided services

The following services are currently provided:


I would like to thank

My friend Gie Wyckmans sent me this little poem after he lost his way in the website on 2001.03.22:


dwalen door de paginas van Frans Janssens....
kwelen hoog de vogelaars
en vind geen discrepancies
die lapt furcula aan de laars
en nonsens
en janssens
hoe zit de steel weer aan de vork
hork hork


Gie Wyckmans

Frans Janssens

The Checklist of the Collembola of the World is a public service. Re-use of the data by government or commercial organisations is prohibited without permission by the author. Content available on this site has been provided by many contributors, who may have placed restrictions on how to re-use that content. Identifications of photographic specimens are tentative. This checklist is not authoritative and bears no warranty whatsoever. In no event shall the author be liable for damages of any kind in connection with the use of this checklist.