Last updated on
by Frans Janssens
Artist's impression: Collembolan fantasy
produced by the POV-Ray raytracer
Frans Janssens © 1999
This checklist has been prepared by Frans Janssens,
since 1976, member of the
Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp, Belgium;
since 1998, laboratory associate of the
Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
The main purpose of this checklist is to resolve synonymy related
problems. Typical example: given a taxon name, verify whether
or not it is currently valid and if it is not valid what is then its currently
valid name.
This taxonomic checklist includes all Collembola species of the world.
Included are all valid names with a
complete list of synonyms in their original combinations with authors
and dates.
Old as well as new collembolan literature has been and is causing
confusion due to inaccuracies and errors.
Many of these have been corrected or will be corrected
by examining the original descriptions for taxa and correctly
applying the rules of zoological nomenclature.
Tentative taxonomic decisions, such as
synonymizing taxa or using new classification schemes,
are applied to settle open issues and/or resolve conflicting opinions.
The checklist is a reflection of the current literature.
The classification scheme is based on a compilation of recent classifications.
This checklist is kept up to date with newly published papers
and corrections are applied when errors are reported.
Last but not least, the checklist is a working document, a discussion platform
to share opinions
on nomenclature, taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics.
I would like to hear from
anyone who has corrections or additions to the list.
Frans Janssens
System requirements
In its original version of 1995, the checklist was designed to be viewed
on a system that is configured with a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.
Since 2003, the layout is redesigned for a screen of 1024 x 768 pixels.
To be able to access all provided services,
the browser itself should be configured as follows :
- frames enabled;
- Javascript enabled (at least version 1.1 capable);
- Java enabled;
- images and background images enabled;
- default proportional font: Times, size 12.0;
- default fixed font: Courier, size 10.0.
Originaly, the checklist has been designed with Netscape 3.01.
The checklist is best viewed with Netscape 3.x, 7.x, Mozilla 1.x and
Firefox 2.x.
The checklist cannot be viewed error free with
Internet Explorer 3.x due to lack of Javascript 1.1 support.
Drs J. Mari-Mutt and M. Dallwitz have tested the compatibility with
Netscape 4.x. Dr M. Dallwitz has tested the compatibility with
Internet Explorer 4.x.
The checklist cannot be viewed error free with
Netscape 6.x due to Javascript errors.
The service "Search this site" cannot be used in Firefox 3.0.x to 3.1 Beta 1
due to Javascript errors.
Overview of provided services
The following services are currently provided:
- authority - publication date cross reference of currently valid
Collembola taxon names; e-mail addresses and home pages of
authors that can be contacted through the web;
- bibliographic list of publications used to compile the checklist
(currently about 3200 publications);
- dichotomous keys to genera and species (under construction);
- directory of valid genera and available genera keys;
- discussion forum;
- educational slide show presentations (experimental);
- expertise list;
- global distribution maps of all species at
biogeographical region resolution;
- image gallery;
- habitus images;
- inter-active keys to species (under construction and experimental);
- legend of all symbols and abbreviations; a glossary of nomenclaturical
terms, an old draft of the new zoological code,
links to the new biocode;
- literature references of publications on Collembola;
- searchable biogeographical distribution database;
- searchable literature database;
- searchable valid taxon database;
- synonym search engine across the complete checklist;
- taxonomical speciation rate (from 1758 - now).
I would like to thank
- all the people who have contributed to
this checklist by sending me reprints of their work on Collembola;
- the people who have sent me images
(drawings, photographs, scans, SEM's, video clips) of
Collembola for this checklist, and the people who allowed me
to use their images of Collembola for this checklist:
- in alphabetical order -
Alice Abela,
John Abbott,
John C. Abbott,
Joey Accurso,
Adolf Abi-Aad,
Richard Adkock,
Sate Al Abbasi,
M. Alain,
Catherine Alexander,
K. Allart,
Ken Allen,
Lee Alloway,
Jorge Almeida,
Cédric Alonso,
P.D. Amara,
Paul Amouroux,
Jody Anderson,
Mark Andrews,
Ruby Angurana,
Arthur Anker,
Franz Anth,
Zissis Antonopoulos,
Ivo Antusek,
Shi Aoxiang,
Gilles Arbour,
Ben Armstrong,
Bart Arnouts,
Tom Ashton,
Will Atkins,
Libby & Rick Avis,
Lisa B,
Ab H. Baas,
Perry Babin,
Robin Bad,
James Bailey,
Alex Bairstow,
Austin Baker,
David Ball,
Balti K.,
Thomas of Baltimore City,
Tristan Bantock,
Yvan Barbier,
Thomas Barbin,
Brad Barnd,
Colin Barnes,
Luciana Bartolini,
Enrique Baquero,
Dave Barnett,
Toby Barton also known as Racketman,
Alexander Batten-Phelps,
Nicky Bay,
Lucas Beaver,
K. Beck,
Michael Becker,
J. Bedek,
Ronald Beer,
Dick Belgers,
Rémi Benoit,
Matty Berg,
Lynn Bergen,
Ernest C. Bernard,
Harald Berner,
Paul Bertner,
Matthew Bertone,
Betsy Betros,
H. Bilandzija,
Ole Bildstrup,
Petr Bílek,
Peter Birch,
Stephanie Bird,
Martin Bloomberg,
Pete Boardman,
Alison Bockhoven,
Marc Boeddeker,
Niels Böhling,,
Stéphan Borensztajn,
Chris Borkent,
Raymond Borland,
Pierre Bornand,
Joe Botting,
Elayne Bouffler,
Zach Bowles,
Shannon Bowley,
Matthew Bowser,
Ashley Bradford,
Alf Branch,
Nathan Paiva Brito,
Keith G. Brocklehurst & Peter Bruce & Michael Chaplin of
the Springtail Study Group of the Postal Microscopical Society,
Thomas Brockman aka acjci,
Greg Brown,
Mark H. Brown,
Pierre-Marc Brousseau,
Damien Brouste,
Peter J. Bryant,
Daniele Buonvolere,
D. Burder,
André R.J. Burgers,
Jonathan Buriskin,
Galina Bushmachiu,
Christina Butler,
John Byrne,
Auris cAeli,
Philippe Caillon,
Monique Callens,
Patrick Calmels,
Caleb Cam,
Alistair Campbell,
Benito Campo,
Giancarlo Carlet,
Joan Escobet Casals,
Richart Casey,
M.R. Cassin,
Michael Caterino,
Brian Cave,
the CEH (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology),
Jacint Cerdà,
Carmen Champagne,
Brian Chan,
Justin Chan,
Vitaly Charny,
Gerard Chartier,
A. Dustin Chaffin,
Jun-Ji Chen,
Hsin-Ju Cheng,
Fred Chevaillot,
Michèle Chevriaux,
Hao-Chiang Chien,
Javier Chiavone,
Ken Childs,
Heo Song Chin,
Ferdy Chrisant,
Jesse and Sarah Christopherson,
Willy Ka Hei Chung
Ciao Ciao,
Matthew Cicanese,
Brian Cladoniophile,
Diana Clark,
Jordi Clavell,
Olivier Clerc,
Derek Cluskey,
Paul Cobby,
João Coelho,
John Cogan,
Patrick Coin,
Matt Cole,
Marco Colombo,
Robert Combes,
Marcello Consolo,
Joshua Coogler,
Paul Cooper,
Phil Corley,
Annalisse Contreras Valdez,
Faith L. Cordes,
Noel J. Cornwall also known as Aphid Twix,
Edwin Cosalan,
Manci Cosmin-Ovidiu,
Jay Cossey,
E. Costan,
S.J. Coulson,
Ben Coulter,
Rick Cowen also known as Bald Eagle,
Jillian H. Cowles,
Stephen Cresswell,
Iustin Cret,
Peter Cristofono,
Emma Critchfield,
Jason M. Crockwell,
DesertRat Crotalus,
Suzanne Hazel Crone,
Blanca Margarita Cuadros Barrenechea,
Thomas Cunningham,
Rob Curtis,
Lizzy Dabek,
Anthony Daley,
Bertha Damiano Palomino,
Seelawut Damrongsiri,
Even Dankowicz,
Zachary Dankowicz,
Steve Dargie,
Jono Dashper,
Andy Daun,
John Davis,
David Dawes,
Thomas Dean (and Ben S.),
Yuri Deart,
Bart De Boey,
Luc De Bruyn,
Bart Declercq,
Wim Decock,
Ben Deed,
Stijn De Groot,
Marco de Haas,
Axel Dehalleux,
Louis Deharveng,
Pascal Dejoux,
André De Kesel,
Fernando Delgado,
Tony Dell,
Miroslav Deml,
André den Ouden,
Léo-Guy de Repentigny,
Tony DeSantis,
Mark De Silva,
Jelle Devalez,
Luc De Vos,
Huub de Waard,
Albert de Wilde,
An De Wilde,
Cyrille D'Haese,
Diederik D'Hert,
Pete Diaz,
Chris Dimitrakopoulos,
B.Z. Dingo,
Tony DiTerlizzi,
Brenda Dobbs,
Joshua Doby,
Xavier Domene,
Alain Doornaert,
T.M. Driscoll,
Ester C. Duh,
H. Dumas,
Wendy L. Duncan,
Daniel P. Duran,
Justun Durham,
Matt Edmonds,
Alison Edwards,
Matthew Edwards,
Werner Eigelsreiter,
Charley Eiseman,
Sam Ekker,
Johnny El-Rady,
Martin Elkins,
Kristi Ellingsen,
Q.V. Encarna,
Victor Engel,
Paul Engler,
Anki Engström,
Mardon Erbland,
Michael Erhardt,
Jon Evans,
Keith Evans,
Mark Evans,
Benjamin Fabian,
B. Faiz,
P. Falatico,
Qing-Hai Fan (MAF Plant Health & Environment Laboratory),
T. Fandre,
Jorge Fardels,
Shane Farrell,
Inge Fauskanger,
Alan Watson Featherstone,
Csaba Fekete,
Ahn Feldman,
Mike Feldman,
Tracy Feldman,
Erdélyi Ferenc,
Spéder Ferenc,
Giovanni Ferreri,
Michael L. Ferro,
Régis Fiacre,
Miroslav Fiala,
Victor Finchuk,
Andre Fischer,
Arne Fjellberg,
Kjetil Fjellheim,
Kimberly Rama Fleming,
Jose Flores,
Shannon Foreman,
J.E. Fotografi,
Mike Freeman,
Javi Rubio Frias,
Lauri Frish,
Casper FromOZEA,
Wilfried Funk,
Steph G.,
Karl Gaff,
Judy Gallagher,
Graham Gamble,
Philippe Garcelon,
Daniel Garcia,
Matias Gargiulo,
Tim Garlick,
Alves Gaspar,
Jeremy Gatten,
Julien Gautherot,
Ray Geckoman,
G.K. Gerber,
Bill Gerth,
Helen T. Ghiradella,
Kevin Gielen,
Neil Gilham,
Nigel Gilligan,
Scott Gilmore,
Linden Gledhill,
H. Go,
Nerivania Nunes Godeiro,
Matt Goff,
Mário Gomes,
Anna Rita Gonçalves,
Carlos González,
Edgardo González Carducci,
José Rafael González López,
Phil Good,
Patrick Gorring,
Sarah Gregg,
Kenneth Geisert,
the Grinnell College,
Pierre Gros,
Joyce Gross,
Alan Grosse,
Simon Grove,
Jeff Gruber,
Ben Gruver,
Pascal Guay,
Natur Gucker,
Edwin Guevara,
Valentin Gutekunst,
David Guzman,
Alan Hadley,
Raphaël Haentjens,
Sven Hähle,
Rod Haley,
Kevin Hall,
Krister Hall,
John Hallmén,
B. Hamers,
Patricia Hampel,
S. Hamra-Kroua,
Eric Hamren,
James Haney,
Håkon Haraldseide,
Jon Hart,
Andreas Haselböck,
Kurt Hasselman,
M.J. Hatfield,
M.A. Hautus,
Tobias Hays,
Jason Headley,
Richard Heeks,
Robert Heemskerk,
Theodoor Heijerman,
Hans Henderickx,
Solomon V. Hendrix,
Liz Henwood,
David Henton-Jones,
P. Hermansen,
Jeff Higgott,
Kurtis Himmler,
Donald Hobern,
Robert Hochhalter,
Kathie Hodge,
Julian Hodgson,
Alain Hogue,
Dav Holla,
Mary Holland,
Martin Holmstrups,
Jarmo Holopainen,
Helen & Andy Holt,
Steve P. Hopkin,
Tom Horak,
Jean Hort,
Mark Horton,
Rich Hoyer,
Dash Huang,
Christian Hugues,
Aaron Hunt,
Corey Husic,
Marie-Louise Huskens,
Geoff Hyde,
Invertebrados Chile,
Gal Ivanov,
Valter Jacinto,
Ian Jacobs,
Guillaume Jacquemin,
Dejan Janevic,
Charlene Janion-Scheepers,
Ludwig Jansen,
Joannes A. Janssens,
Jonas Jäschke,
Till Jäschke,
T. Jeales,
John Jeffery,
Alex Jimenez,
Lucas Gutiérrez Jiménez,
Jessica Joachim,
Lukas Joanitis,
F.P. Joaquim,
Joe, Entomologist in training,
Johnny 111,
Dan Johnson,
Adrian Jones,
David Jones,
J.C. Jones,
Shane Jones,
Rafael Jordana,
Preston Scott Justis,
Sylvester K.,
Gertjan Kamsteeg,
Aranya Karighattam,
Kathy & Marissa,
Bill Keim,
Yann Kemper,
John J. Kent,
Gabor Keresztes,
Steve Kerr,
Roger S. Key,
Brian Kilford,
Michael Kilner,
Tom Klein,
Ernst Klimsa,
Walter B. Klockers,
Achim Kluck,
Ursula Kluck,
Günther Klug,
Ken Kneidel,
Bob Knight,
Carey Knox,
James Koh,
Frithjof Kohl,
Marcel Koken,
Takashi Komatsu,
Edith Konik,
Josh Kouri,
Lubomir Kovác,
Marek Wojciech Kozlowski,
Charles Krebs,
Anne Krediet,
Stanislav Krejcik,
Pavel Krásenský,
Ido Kron,
Finn Krone,
Libor Kubát,
Michal Kukla,
Marc Kummel,
Michael Kunde,
Fyn Kynd,
T.F. Kyron,
Sergey L'dov,
Cesare Lacovone,
Fernando Laguna,
Christophe Lallemand,
Po Lam,
John Lampkin,
Jordan Landerman,
Jerry Lanfear,
S. Laprevote,
Thomas Larsen,
Bruno Lavoué also known as Bobgaia,
John Leavengood,
Philippe Lebeaux,
Cedric Lee,
Rick Lee,
Vincent Lefebvre,
Thierry Legrand,
Thomas Legrand,
Le Monde des Arthropodes,
J. LeMons,
Matthias Lenke,
William Leonard,
Mark Leppin,
Dean Lerman,
Jabier Les,
Jason Lestage,
Andrew Lewington,
Matt Lewis,
Antonio Liberta,
Denys Liger,
Kris Light,
Antsy Lime,
Barbie Lindsay,
James Lindsley,
Sarah LLoyd,
Jacinta Lluch,
Don Loarie,
Boris Loboda,
W.A. Looney,
Ariel Lopez,
Manuel López,
Ronny Lorenzo,
Stéphane Losacco,
Ilona Loser,
Elliot Lowe,
Jordan Lowery,
Stephen Luk,
Marko Lukic,
Jaime Luna,
Bruce Lund,
Terry A. Lynch,
Howard Lynk,
Pete Lypkie,
Ethan M.,
I. M.,
Lily M.,
I. MacAulay,
the members of the,
David R. Maddison,
Tanja Maier,
Christopher Majka,
Jyri Mäki-Jaakkola,
Leah C. Makler,
Chris Mallory,
Gurupada Mandal,
Alan D. Manson,
José Marcelino,
Stavros Markopoulos,
Frank Marquard,
Andy Marquis,
Rebecca Marschall,
Daniel Calado Martin,
Fani Martinez,
Isidro Martinez,
Eduardo Mateos,
Olivier Mattelart,
Mat Mattew,
Eric Matthews,
Sean McCann,
Jim McClarin,
James McCulloch,
Jim McCulloch,
Gary McDonald,
Mike and Diane McIvor,
Arthur Scott Mcmillan,
Natalie McNear,
Sean McVey,
Holger Mebes of SysTax,
Ron Melder,
Óscar Méndez,
Joris Menten,
Elke Menzel - van den Bruck,
Lars Mertner,
Penny Metal,
Jonathan Michaelson,
Rune Midtgaard,
Tori Miller,
Maria Minor of SoilBugs,
Cvenkel Miran,
Adrià Miralles,
David Molina,
Fernando Molina,
José Angel Moneo Fdez,
Graham Montgomery,
Antonio Montoro,
Eric Moody,
Sea Moon,
Jim Moore,
Cheryl Moorehead also known as Maximillian Milipede,
Rod Morris,
G.L. Mory,
V. Moser,
Gale Motter,
Michael J. Munster,
Andy Murray,
Tom Murray,
Johan Myhrer,
Steve Nanz,
M.P. Navest,
Alan Naviggioli,
Andy NCode,
Raimo Neergaard,
Felix Neff,
Daniel Nelson,
Scot Nelson,
Marcus Ng,
Dave and Sally Nicholls,
B. Nicolosi,
Lawrence Nielsen,
Matthew L. Niemiller,
Kjell Nilsson,
Assaf Nir,
Eddie Nurcombe,
Eddy Nurtjahya,
Alby Oakshott,
Barry O'Brien,
Ryan P. ODonnell,
Pierre Oger,
Michael Ohmer,
Simon Oliver,
E. Ollivier,
Brendan O'Loughlin,
Dave onefivenine,
Norman O'Neill,
Victor M. Ortega-Jiminez,
Bryce O'Shea,
Mike Ostrowski,
Alan Outen,
José G. Palacios-Vargas,
Masumi Palhof,
Michael W. Palmer,
Zhi-Xiang Pan,
Kyung-Hwa Park,
Harsi S. Parker,
Joaquin Partelo,
Jose Ramon Pato,
Dale & Elva Paulson,
Dmitri Pavlov,
Ryne Pavy,
Howard Peacock,
Robert R. Pearson,
Scott Peden,
Jürgen Peters,
Merrill A. Peterson,
Börge Pettersson,
Russell Pfau,
Walter Pfliegler,
Ed Phillips,
Neil Phillips,
Novus Philonatura,
Jérôme Picard,
Claude Pilon,
Claudio Piredda,
Natalija Pisec,
Neil Plant,
Nick Porch,
David Porco,
Ulrik Poul,
Vlazezi Pravda,
Matt Prince,
Francis Prior,
Dorothy Pugh,
Ariel Qassis,
Encarna Quijada,
Mike Quinn,
Christophe Quintin,
Sam R. ,
Nikola Rahmé,
Sanjay Rajtk,
Gordon J.L. Ramel,
Joey Ramone,
Kenneth Ramos,
Tim Ransom,
Raphael (from Paris),
Francisco Rasteiro,
Muriel Raveton,
Jeanne Laura Raymond-Léonard,
Dan Read,
Rebecca Reader-Lee,
Jacques-Alexis Réal,
James Reben,
David E. Reed,
Brigitte Reinach,
Elena Regina,
Michael Rennert,
Casey Richarts,
Mark Richman,
Deborah Ridgen,
O. Ridgen,
Eric Riffaud,
R. Rinaldo,
Dougie Ritchie,
Sion Roberts,
Alastair Robertson,
Andrew Robertson,
Hamish Robertson,
Simon Robson,
Jürgen Rodeland,
Tomas Roderigues,
Francisco Rodriguez,
Doug Roffler,
Jean Rogers,
Hanns-Jürgen Roland,
Claudio Maureira Rosales,
Armin Rose,
Joshua Stuart Rose,
John Rosenfeld,
Laurent Rousseau,
Séb Rst,
Saroj Ruchisansakun,
Eric Ryvicker,
Ulrich Sach,
Gilles San Martin,
Jacqueline Sarratt,
Kimberlie Sasan,
Jordan Satler,
Richard Saul,
John Schoenherr,
Lynette Schimming,
Per Schlütter,
Harvey Schmidt,
Jonathan Schmidt,
Marie L. Schmidt,
Rainer Schmitt,
Ken Schneider,
Steve Scholnick,
Grover Schrayer,
Eric P. Schulz,
Hans-Jürgen Schulz,
Katja Schulz,
Brad Scott,
Virginia Scott,
Jari Segreto,
Bernardo Segura,
Alex Selemba,
Sol Sepsenwol,
Joseph Sersen,
Thomas Shahan,
Anita Shaul,
Matthew J. Shepherd,
Jared Shorma,
Nikki Sigmon,
Bertie Sijbrands,
D. Sikes,
David Silsbee,
Silversea Starsong,
Eric Simons,
Michael Skvarla,
Julian Smart,
Warre Smets,
Dylan Smith,
Stevie Ursula Smith,
Felipe N. Soto-Adames,
Gordon Spears,
Bridget Spencer,
Günter H. Stanjek,
James Steffen & al.,
Thorsten Stegmann,
Alex Steiner,
Dave Steinmann,
Collin Stempien,
Steve & Alison,
Mark Stevens,
Wes Stone,
Malcolm Storey of,
Allessandro Strano,
Owen Strickland,
Coruna Stylis,
Paul Sunnucks,
P. Sweet,
Laco Tábi,
Mathew Taft,
Massa Takahashi,
Nozomu Takeuchi,
Mick Talbot,
Albert Tamayo,
F. Tamra,
Steve Taylor of the Illinois Natural History Survey,
Emmanuel Tcheng,
Orcha Tell,
Nicki Temmi,
Chris Ten Eyck,
Te Papa Museum New Zealand,
Opo Terser,
Igor Teslenko,
Jean-Marc Thibaud and the MNHN,
Bryn Thomas,
David J. Thomas,
Dann Thombs,
Scott Thompson,
Tim Thorniley,
S.E. Thorpe,
Sun Tiky,
Jesus Tizon,
Rob "Tography",
Maarten Tonsbeek,
Ivan Tortuga,
James C. Trager,
Edward Trammel,
Lynn Tran,
David Trently,
Steve Trewhella,
Yao-Jin Tsai,
Takuro Tsukiji,
Nash Turley,
Ernie Turner,
Ken-ichi Ueda,
Derek Uhey,
Zsolt Ujvári,
Fred Uncle,
Renko Usami,
Edith Vale,
Brian Valentine also known as Lord V,
Roel van Bezouw,
Bart Vancoppenolle,
Lance van de Vyver,
Tom van der Ende,
Jan van Duinen,
Joke A. Van Erkelens,
Rob Van Epps,
Jan van Leeuwen,
Chloe & Trevor Van Loon,
Bart Vannieuwenhuyse,
Monique van Someren,
Koen van Veen,
Bert VDK,
Susanne Venditti,
José Viana,
José Ramón Pato Vicente,
Gerard Visser,
Salvador Vitanza,
Ulrich Vogl,
Fabian Vol,
D. Voribird a.k.a. MuhKuh Pix,
Ivan Vtorov,
Michel Vuijlsteke,
Jeroen Waardenburg,
Ian Walker,
David Evans Walter,
Grant Wang,
Jishen Wang,
Phil Warner,
Dave Webb,
Doug Wechsler,
Robert Weeden,
Matthias Weise,
Ash Welch,
Bob Westfall,
C. Whit,
Simon White,
Peter Wieringa,
Bev Wigney,
Ted Wilcox,
Karen Wilkinson,
Jacques Willems,
Roman Willi,
Bruce Williams,
K. Windmolders,
Daniel Winkler,
David Winter,
Nick Wiser,
Gypsum Wolf,
Brandon Woo,
Shipher Wu,
Hui Jin Yang,
Nan Yang,
An-Ly Yao,,
Chris Yeo,
Yuzuru Yoshida,
Diane Young,
Emily Yungwirth,
Mirella Zeeders,
Siomara Zendejas,
Robert Lord Zimlich,
Kristi Zosterops & Simon,
and Domingo Zungri;
- the people who have contributed by sharing corrections
and/or copies of papers on Collembola:
- in alphabetical order -
Deborah Altschuler,
Javier, I. Arbea,
Anatoly Babenko,
Lorena Baird,
Nicole Balaguer,
Toby Barton,
Jeff Battigelli,
Peter F. Bellinger,
Gérard Breton,
Jos Bruers,
Yun Bu,
Ulrich Burkhardt,
Ricardo S. Cabral,
Michael S. Caterino,
Kenneth A. Christiansen,
Hsin-Ju Cheng,
Marco Colombo,
Peter De Batist,
Luc De Bruyn,
Louis Deharveng,
Paul Dessart,
Brenda Dobbs,
Mario Elgueta Donoso,
Trevor Dykes,
Cristina Fiera,
Michal Furgol,
Martin Furmanski,
Philippe Garcelon,
Hemant Ghate,
Philippe Garcelon,
Gianluca Governatori,
Penelope Greenslade,
Hans Henderickx,
Ian Jacobs,
Jessica Joachim,
Dan L. Johnson,
Rafael Jordana,
Wim Jacobs,
Aron D. Katz,
Stefan Koerber,
V. Kosel,
Scott M. Kruse,
Brenton Ladd,
Byung-Hoon Lee,
Inae Lee,
Koen Lock,
Mark Lodewijckx,
Lara Lopardo,
Marko Lukic,
John MacConnell,
Gurupada P. Mandal,
José Mari Mutt,
Eduardo Mateos,
Johan Mertens,
Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow,
Tiazo Nakamori,
Victor Naveau,
David Nicolson,
Bernard Nogues,
Rudy Camilo Nunes,
Claudia Marcela Ospina-Sánchez,
José G. Palacios-Vargas,
Mikko Pentinsaari,
Jérô:me Picard,
Anton Potapov,
Mikhail Potapov,
Sidney Presley,
Jurek Radwański,
Laura J. Raymond-Léonard,
Angélique Renaud,
Valeria Rocco,
Luc Schelfthout,
Jonathan Schmidt,
Peter Shaw,
Matthew Shepherd,
Yulia Shveenkova,
Alexander Smirnov,
Adolf Suttrop,
Marina Tarashchuk,
András Tartally,
Urmas Tartes,
Anastasia Taskaeva,
Kees van der Krieke,
Jan van Duinen,
Jan Van Uytvanck,
Robert Vargovitsh,
Vik Vets,
Katrien Vossaert,
David W,
Barbie Wagner,
University of Waikato,
David Evans Walter,
Timothy Ward,
Steve Web,
Wanda Maria Weiner,
Björn Wergen,
Alex Wild,
Daniel Winkler,
Anthony Kei C Wong,
Gie Wyckmans,
Dao-Yuan Yu,
Douglas Zeppelini,
and Feng Zhang.
- Dr Ali Abdel-Nasser for providing his provisional checklist of the
Collembola of Egypt;
- Dr Peter F. Bellinger for his invaluable comments on taxonomy related
- Drs Peter F. Bellinger and Kenneth A. Christiansen for providing me an
up to date list of taxa (March 1996, February 1998, April 2000);
- Dr Mike Dallwitz for his evaluation of the compatibility of this web site
against several kinds and versions of web browsers;
- Dr Luc De Bruyn, my father Jef Janssens, and Gie Wyckmans for
providing me image scans of dia positives and photographs of Collembola;
- my brother Tuur Janssens, for acquiring, during one of his trips to Poland,
the 9 volumes of the invaluable work on the
Apterygotan Fauna of Poland by Stach (1947-1963);
- Dr Dan L. Johnson and the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre
of Lethbridge, Canada, and Keith Brocklehurst for their financial support;
- Goetz Kluge for registering and donating the internet domain name
- Dr Gordon J.L. Ramel who has been so kind to integrate the very first
version of this checklist into his entomological web site;
- André De Boey, Danny Van Reeth and Benny Van Den Bossche for their
help in converting video recordings into internet compatible video clips;
- Dr David Evans Walter for providing the identifications of the Acari on
some of the habitus images;
- all friends and family who supported me in so many different ways;
- in particular my mother Lisette Huys for her continued understanding;
- and last but not least, my wife Marina Calluy, for granting me
to spend a part of my life in Collembola-land...
My friend Gie Wyckmans
sent me this little poem after he lost his way in the website
on 2001.03.22:
dwalen door de paginas van Frans Janssens....
kwelen hoog de vogelaars
en vind geen discrepancies
die lapt furcula aan de laars
en nonsens
en janssens
hoe zit de steel weer aan de vork
hork hork
Gie Wyckmans |
Frans Janssens
The Checklist of the Collembola of the World is a public service.
Re-use of the data by government or commercial organisations is
prohibited without permission by the author.
Content available on this site has been provided by many contributors,
who may have placed restrictions on how to re-use that content.
Identifications of photographic specimens are tentative.
This checklist is not authoritative and bears no warranty whatsoever.
In no event shall the author be liable for damages of any kind in connection
with the use of this checklist.