- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Bibliography


The bibliography contains only titles that have been consulted personaly.
Any comments, remarks, suggestions, etc to improve the quality of this list are welcome at Frans Janssens

A more comprehensive literature list on Collembola is available here.

Hyperlinks to online publications are provided whenever possible. Online publications are currently available in two formats: HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) and Portable Document Format (PDF).

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A graphical cyrillic font has been provided to represent titles of Russian publications in their original cyrillic font, rather than in a kind of transliterated latin font. More details can be found in the history.

Reprints are gratefully received at
Frans Janssens - Calluy
Tongerlostraat 48
BE-3960 Bree (Opitter)


Thanks to - in alphabetical order - Drs Javier I. Arbea, Jean-A. Barra, Colette Bitsch, Peter F. Bellinger, May Berenbaum, Matty P. Berg, Matthew Bowser, Raymond H. Brand, Yun Bu, Ulrich Burkhardt, Loren Brenton Byrne, Ricardo Sant'Anna Cabral, Jian-Xiu Chen, Erhard Christian, Kenneth A. Christiansen, Mark P. Culik, Anthony Daley, Luc De Bruyn, Maarten De Cock, Maria Cleide de Mendonça, Michel Dethier, Jacintha Ellers, Pietro Paolo Fanciulli, Shane Farrell, Cristina Fiera, Arne Fjellberg, F. Frati, Helen Ghiradella, Gianluca Governatori, Penelope J.M. Greenslade, Salah Hamra-Kroua, Stephen P. Hopkin, David L. Hu, Wim Jacobs, Dan L. Johnson, Andras Keszei, Waldemar Klassen, Marcel Koken, L'ubomír Kovác, Byung-Hoon Lee, José A. Mari Mutt, Johan Mertens, Taizo Nakamori, Francesco Nardi, G. Ortega, Zhi-Xiang Pan, José G. Palacios-Vargas, Lodewijk Palm, Kyung-Hwa Park, Jean-François Ponge, Mikhail Potapov, Andreas Prinzing, Gabriel C. Queiroz, Eric J. Rebek, Sandrine Salmon, Hans-Jürgen Schulz, Masoumeh Shayan-Mehr, Hans-Reiner Simon, J. Carlos Simón Benito, Diarusz Skarzynski, Robert E. Skidmore, José Paulo Sousa, Felipe N. Soto-Adames, Adolf Suttrop, Christoph, C. Tebbe, Jean-Marc Thibaud, Thomas Tully, Tom Vandekerckhove, Fran Van Heuverswyn, Michel Van Malderen, David Walker, Wanda Maria Weiner, Douglas Zeppelini and Rudolf Zernecke for providing me reprints of publications.

I am especially grateful to Drs Nicole Balaguer, Kenneth A. Christiansen, and Adolf Suttrop for donating a large set of papers from their personal library. And to Drs Javier I. Arbea, Jian-Xiu Chen, Erhard Christian, Kenneth A. Christiansen, Penelope J.M. Greenslade, L'ubomír Kovác, Byung-Hoon Lee, José A. Mari Mutt, Johan Mertens, José G. Palacios-Vargas, Jean-François Ponge, Sandrine Salmon and György Traser for sending me a comprehensive selection of reprints of their taxonomic work on Collembola. Also to Dr Peter F. Bellinger, Dr Kenneth A. Christiansen and Dr Chris Duffin for providing me copies of hard-to-find publications.
And to Drs Peter F. Bellinger, Ulrich Burkhardt, Mark P. Culik, Cyrille D'Haese, Rafael Jordana, Barbro Nedstam, David Nicolson, Angélique Renaud, Charles Stephen and John Weyland for communicating corrections.

The taxa mentioned in these publications are being included into the checklist, most recent publications of new species descriptions first.

Frans Janssens

Bibliographic list