Last updated on
by Frans Janssens
This checklist has been prepared by Frans Janssens, member
of the Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp, Belgium.
The purpose of this check list is to resolve synonomy related
problems. Typical example : given a taxon name, verify whether
or not it is currently valid and if not what is then its currently
valid name.
This list is updated regularly. Unfortunately,
it still contains a lot of mistakes. :-(
Typical errors are a) duplication of the same species name in several genera,
b) duplication of taxa at different rank (e.g., once listed at species rank and
once more at subspecies rank), c) synonyms listed as valid taxa, c) incorrect
spelling of the name of a taxon or author, d) incorrect publication date,
e) incorrect revision authority.
Your comments, flames, remarks, suggestions, etc are welcome at
Frans Janssens
Frans Janssens
The current status of the list :
Group | Genera | Species |
Actaletidae | 2 | 10 |
Anurophorinae | 14 | 297 |
Arrhopalitidae | 2 | 118 |
Bourletiellidae | 22 | 179 |
Brachystomellidae | 15 | 119 |
Caputanurininae | 2 | 7 |
Coenaletidae | 1 | 2 |
Crossodonthini | 2 | 10 |
Cyphoderidae | 12 | 131 |
Dicyrtomidae | 7 | 181 |
Entomobryinae | 20 | 445 |
Frieseinae | 2 | 158 |
Hypogastruridae | 41 | 654 |
Isotogastruridae | 1 | 5 |
Isotominae | 80 | 654 |
Katiannidae | 15 | 184 |
Lepidocyrtinae | 26 | 876 |
Mackenziellidae | 1 | 1 |
Microfalculidae | 1 | 1 |
Morulininae | 1 | 17 |
Neanurini | 68 | 449 |
Neelidae | 4 | 29 |
Odontellidae | 13 | 119 |
Oncopoduridae | 2 | 50 |
Onychiurinae | 20 | 474 |
Orchesellinae | 12 | 243 |
Pachytullbergiinae | 4 | 4 |
Paleonurini | 11 | 163 |
Paronellidae | 24 | 358 |
Poduridae | 1 | 3 |
Proisotominae | 4 | 229 |
Protanurini | 3 | 24 |
Pseudachorutinae | 46 | 395 |
Sensillanurini | 3 | 35 |
Sminthuridae | 18 | 220 |
Sminthurididae | 10 | 139 |
Spinothecidae | 2 | 5 |
Sturmiidae | 1 | 1 |
Tetrodontophorinae | 4 | 4 |
Tomoceridae | 15 | 126 |
Tullbergiidae | 31 | 200 |
Uchidanurinae | 8 | 15 |
Collembola | 571 | 7334 |
Note that the species count is optimistic and includes problematic
taxa such as unresolved homonyms, unresolved nomina nuda and
undescribed species (e.g., 'sp.').
- 1998.01.06-1998.01.25
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Poduridae and Hypogastruridae from the Iberian-Balearic area by Jordana & Arbea (1997);
- on Odontellidae from the Iberian-Balearic area by Arbea & Jordana (1997);
- on Collembola (an introduction) by Ramel (1997.12.15);
- on new Onychiuridae and Isotomidae from the Czech Republic by Rusek (1966),
publication received from my friend Wim Jacobs;
- on Collembola from Cameroun by Schött (1893).
- 1998.01.26-1998.03.06
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on the Brachystomellidae, Hypogastruridae and Odontellidae in line with the species list of Drs Christiansen & Bellinger,
list received on 1998.02 from Dr Bellinger;
- on a new Tomocerus from China by Ma & Christiansen (1998),
- on a new Tomocerus from China by Chen & Christiansen (1998),
publications received from Dr Christiansen;
- on Brachystomellinae and Frieseinae from the Iberian-Balearic area by Arbea & Jordana (1997);
- on cave Collembola from Italy by Governatori & Chiappa (1997),
publication received from Dr Gianluca Governatori;
- on new cave Collembola from Mexico and Belize by Palacios-Vargas & Thibaud (1997),
- on Friesea nauimetztli from Mexico by Palacios-Vargas (1997),
publications received from Dr Mari Mutt;
- on the phylogeny of the Apterygota by Cond‚ & al. (1997),
- on new interstitial Collembola from New Caledonia by Thibaud & Weiner (1997),
publications received from Dr Jean-Marc Thibaud;
- on a new definition of Sphaeridia pumilis by Bretfeld (1995),
publication received from Wim Jacobs;
- on Hypogastruridae from Belgium by Delamare Deboutteville (1948),
- on maritim Collembola from France by Willem (1906),
publications received from Dr Luc De Bruyn;
- Based on the locality information provided in the species list of
Drs Christiansen & Bellinger, global distribution maps of all species, genera and families will
be made available. Currently, maps are provided for the Actaletidae, Brachystomellidae,
Hypogastruridae, Isotogastruridae and Odontellidae.
The system requirements to be able to view te maps : minimum Netscape 3.01, Javascript 1.1,
background images enabled.
Dr Mari Mutt has been so kind to test the maps for compatibility with Netscape 4.04.
Dr Mike Dallwitz has been so kind to test the maps for compatibility with Internet Explorer.
The maps have a resolution equal to the biogeographical regions as defined
by Christiansen & Bellinger (1995),
publication received from Dr Christiansen.
The world map
that is used as a background to indicate the species distribution in
units of biogeographical regions is provided by the Digital Chart of the World Data Server
of the Pennsylvania State University.
- Dr Mari Mutt has transfered his 'Update Page' of the
Catalog of the Neotropical Collembola to this website.
- 1998.03.07-1998.04.10
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on the Neanuridae (including global distribution maps) in line with the species list of Drs Christiansen & Bellinger,
list received on 1998.02 from Dr Bellinger;
- on a new Blissia from Canada by Fjellberg & Potapov (1998),
- on a new Vertagopus from Europe by Fjellberg (1996),
publications received from Wim Jacobs.
- on a new Homidia from China by Li & Christiansen (1997),
publication received from Dr Christiansen.
- 1998.04.11-1998.05.20
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on the Tullbergiidae (including global distribution maps) in line with the species list of Drs Christiansen & Bellinger,
list received on 1998.02 from Dr Bellinger;
- on the synonomy of Choreutinula yanoi,
correction received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on Collembola from Italy by Kopeszki & Meyer (1996),
- on Collembola from France by Ponge (1993),
- on Collembola from France by Ponge (1983),
publications received from Wim Jacobs;
- on Orchesella cincta by Mertens (1975),
publication received from Dr Mertens;
- on cave Collembola from Belgium by Delhez & Kersmaekers (1973),
- on Collembola in caves and bird nests from Belgium by Leleup (1948),
- on Collembola in caves and bird nests from Belgium by Leleup (1947),
publications received from Hans Henderickx;
- on cave Collembola from Belgium by Leruth (1939),
publication received from Peter De Batist.
- 1998.05.21-1998.06.15
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on new cave-dwelling Onychiuridae by Curcic & Lucic from Serbia, Yugoslavia (1998);
- on the Onychiuridae (including global distribution maps) in line with the species list of Drs Christiansen & Bellinger,
list received 1998.02 from Dr Bellinger;
- on the Poduridae from Mexico by Palacios-Vargas (1997),
catalog received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on the reproduction and development of Hypogastrura viatica by Mertens, Coessens & Blancquaert (1983),
- on the life history of some Symphypleona by Blancquaert, Coessens & Mertens (1981),
- on the mating behaviour in Sminthurididae by Blancquaert (1981),
- on the population dynamics of Orchesella cincta by Mertens & Blancquaert (1980),
- on the aggregation pheromone in Orchesella cincta by Mertens, Blancquaert & Bourgoignie (1979),
- on the postembryonal development of Megalothorax minimus by Blancquaert & Mertens (1979),
- on the aggregation pheromone in Hypogastrura viatica by Mertens & Bourgoignie (1977),
- on the mating behaviour of Sphaeridia pumilis by Mertens (1977),
- on the aggregation behaviour of Hypogastrura viatica by Mertens & Bourgoignie (1975),
publications received from Dr Mertens;
- on Lepidocyrtus lignorum from England by Hale (1966),
- on cave Lepidocyrtus from Europe by Gisin (1965),
- on Collembola from Europe by Gisin (1964a),
- on Collembola from Europe by Gisin (1964b),
publications received from Wim Jacobs;
- Started to add biographic information of some of the authors (date of birth, date of dead,
and - when available - link to more detailled biographic information).
- 1998.06.15-1998.07.12
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Collembola from Michigan and Illinois (U.S.) by Brand & Dunn (1998),
publication received from Dr Brand;
- on a review of the Willemia buddenbrocki group by D'Haese & Weiner (1998),
publication received from Peter De Batist;
- on new Entomobryomorpha from South Africa by Barra (1997),
publication received from Dr Barra;
- on new Parisotoma and Sericeotoma from the USSR by Potapov (1991);
- on new Brachystomellinae, Frieseinae and Pseudachorutinae from Korea by Weiner & Najt (1985);
- on a review of the Isotoma notabilis group by Rusek (1984);
- on new Oncopodura from Korea by Szeptycki (1977);
- on new Homidia from Korea by Szeptycki (1977);
- on polymorphism in Hypogastruridae by Bourgeois (1971),
publication received from Wim Jacobs;
- on new Collembola from Malta by Stach (1967);
- on new Collembola from North Vietnam by Stach (1965);
- on British Collembola by Kloet & Hincks (1945).
- 1998.07.13-1998.08.03
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on a massive occurence of Hypogastrura viatica in Hove, Belgium
by Janssens, Jacobs & De Boey (1998);
- on the Actaletidae, Arrhopalitidae, Coenaletidae, Cyphoderidae,
Isotogastruridae, Isotomidae, Katiannidae, Neelidae, Oncopoduridae,
Orchesellinae, Paronellidae, Sminthuridae, Sminthurididae, Sturmiidae
and Tomoceridae (including global distribution maps)
in line with the species list of Drs Christiansen & Bellinger,
list received on 1998.02 from Dr Bellinger.
- on the phylogeny of Arrhopalites by Zeppelini (1997),
publication received from Dr Zeppelini;
- on some Collembola from Ekeren, Belgium
by Janssens (1996).
- Started to integrate a kind of modular dichotomous key concept
(indicated with " ") into the checklist.
At this moment, the following with DELTA generated keys are provided:
- a key to the families of the Collembola;
- a key to the species of Pseudosinella cf. Christiansen & al. (1990).
- A chat room service has been provided to support inter-active
discussions during virtual meetings across the internet.
- 1998.08.04-1998.09.03
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on new Isotogastrura (including a DELTA key to the species) from Mexico by Palacios-Vargas & Thibaud (1998),
publication received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on the Entomobryidae (including global distribution maps)
in line with the species list of Drs Christiansen & Bellinger,
list received on 1998.02 from Dr Bellinger;
- on Anurophorus from East Asia and North America by Potapov (1997);
- on a new genus Maricaella from Brazil by de Mendonça & Fernandes (1997),
- on a new Rapoportella from Brazil by de Mendonça & Fernandes (1995),
publications received from Dr Mari Mutt;
- on some records of Collembola from Berchem, Belgium by Janssens (1995)
and (1995);
- on some Cyphoderus albinus records from Belgium by Janssens (1995);
- on teratological observations on Orchesella cincta from Belgium by Janssens (1995);
- on the eggs of Folsomia candida by Janssens (1994);
- on some records of Collembola from Beringen, Belgium by Viskens & Bruers (1994);
- on Hypogastruridae from the Canary Islands by Fjellberg (1992);
- on the Mesaphorura sylvatica-group from Europe by Rusek (1982);
- on Xenylla from the Salomon Islands and the Bismarck Archipel by da Gama (1967);
- on Collembola from China by Stach (1964);
- on Onychiuridae by Salmon (1959);
- on Collembola from Japan by Yosii (1958);
- on Paronellinae from India by Salmon (1957);
- on Nearctic Isotomidae by Folsom (1937);
- on cave Onychiurus from Europe by Stach (1934).
- The species list, distributed by Drs Christiansen & Bellinger on 1998.02,
has been made available in the format of an on-line searchable database
implemented in Flashbase.
The database can be accessed via the 'Database' menu option. The database is
password protected. If you forgot the password, do not hesitate to contact
Frans Janssens.
- 1998.09.04-1998.09.30
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Collembola records from caves in Mexico by Palacios-Vargas & Gamboa-Vargas (1997),
publication received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on a redescription of Onychiurus rectospinatus by Pomorski (1997),
- on a new Scaphaphorura from Bulgaria by Pomorski & Skarzynski (1997),
- on a new Protaphorura from Turkmenia by Pomorski (1994),
- on a new Protaphorura from Russia by Pomorski (1993),
publications received from Wim Jacobs;
- on Grananurida from North Korea by Weiner & Najt (1985);
- on Collembola records from Poland by Weiner (1981);
- on Collembola records from Salzwiesen by Palissa (1960);
- on new Collembola from Afghanistan by Stach (1960);
- on Collembola records from Lednice, Tsechia by Kseneman (1932).
- 1998.10.01-1998.11.04
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Tomoceridae by Christiansen (in litt.);
- on new Poduromorpha by Fjellberg from Fennoscandia and Denmark (1998);
- on cave Collembola from Slovakia by Kóvac & al (1998),
- on cave Collembola from Mexico by Mejía & al (1997),
publications received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on Hypogastruridae by Babenko & al. from Russia and adjacent countries (1994);
- on cave Collembola by Thibaud & Deharveng (1994),
publication received from Hans Henderickx;
- on Podura by Remm from Estonia (1966);
- on Collembola by Kseneman from Russia (1938);
- on new Collembola by Kseneman from Lednice (1935).
- The first mirror of the checklist has been established at the
University of Antwerp, Belgium. Guidelines to set-up your own mirror are
provided. Local mirroring improves access performance.
- Keys to the genera of the Entomobryidae, Tullbergiidae and Spinothecidae
have been added. Dr Christiansen has been so kind to provide illustrations
of the characters of the key to the genera of the Entomobryidae,
making it the very first illustrated key at this site.
- Dr D'Haese made available the key to the species of the Willemia
buddenbrocki group for integration in the Collembola Key2000 project.
- Dr Andreas Prinzing kindly made his thesis
'Arthropods on solitary tree trunks'
(1996) available on-line.
Bob Niles (1998),
Control & Chaos, an online newsletter of work in progress, #004, October 30, 1998
awarded this site with a short "Site of the week" discussion in
the WWW section of his newsletter:
Site of the week #2: Here's a site that suggests the Web's interactive power to
deliver complex, specialized information: Checklist
of the Collembola of the World. Amazingly, this site was developed by
a single individual, Frans Janssens, who is at the University of Antwerp,
Belgium. The main purpose of the Checklist is to resolve issues of synonymy.
In other words, the Checklist is designed to verify the status of any given
taxon name. As of 30-Sep-98, the Checklist includes 7338 collembolan species
in 570 genera and provides information on the taxonomic authority and biogeography
of each species (but not species descriptions). The biogeographic maps of
species distribution are generated on-the-fly and are a highlight of the
site. Other features of the Checklist include dichotomous keys, a bibliography,
a glossary, a chat room, and much more . . . In addition, the site demonstrates
several applications of JavaScript functionality.
- 1998.11.05-1998.12.03
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on new Collembola from Northern America by Christiansen & Bellinger (1998);
- on a revision of palaearctic Anurida by Babenko (1997),
publication received from Wim Jacobs;
- on gut contents analysis of Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni from Antarctica
by Davidson & Broady (1996);
- on Collembola on solitary tree trunks by Prinzing (1996),
thesis received from Dr Prinzing;
- on a revision of Metasinella by Mari Mutt & Gruia (1983),
- on cave Collembola by Mills (1938),
publications received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on pollen feeding of Entomobrya socia by Waldorf (1981);
- on cave Collembola by Bonet (1931),
publication received from Hans Henderickx;
- on palearctic Collembola by Schött (1893).
- Keys to the species of Sulcuncus by Mari Mutt & Gruia (1983),
and to the species of Anurida by Babenko (1997)
have been added.
- 1998.12.04-1999.01.03
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on new Hymenaphorura from Herzegovina by Barra (1998),
publication received from Dr Barra;
- on a new Schoettella from Brazil by Fernandes & de Mendonça (1998),
publication received from Dr Cabral;
- on Collembola by Hopkin (1998),
- on a key to the families of Collembola by Palacios-Vargas (1990),
publication received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on new Isotomidae from Michigan by Bernard (1977);
- on a new Neelides from the Unated States by Bernard (1975);
- on Collembola from Italy by Rusek (1973),
- on new Mesaphorura from Europe by Rusek (1971),
publications received from Wim Jacobs;
- on new Deuterosminthurus and Sminthurus from Michigan by Snider (1969);
- on Pseudoscorpions preying on Collembola by Weygoldt (1969);
- on new Neanurinae from the Amazone by Arlé (1968);
- on new Pseudachorutidae from Brazil by Arlé (1967);
- on new Pseudachorutinae from the Amazone by Arlé (1966);
- on new Hypogastrurinae from North America by Wray (1963);
- on new aquatic Collembola from Brazil by Arlé (1961);
- on new Oncopoduridae from Brazil by Arlé ([1961]);
- on new Arthropleona from Brazil by Arlé ([1960]);
- on new Collembola from Brazil by Arlé (1943);
- on Collembola from South Australia by Womersley (1939);
- on Collembola from Iowa by Mills (1934);
- on mimetism between Psocoptera and Collembola from Belgium by Ball (1926),
publication received from Jos Bruers.
- Wim Jacobs keenly observed some problems: 1. with some of the global distribution maps
in case of homonyms; Dr Bellinger confirmed the maps in error; corrections
have been provided for all homonym maps. 2. with taxon hyperlinks from
the keys to the checklist in case of replicate species names; corrections have
been provided for these replicated species names.