Last updated on
by Frans Janssens
This checklist has been prepared by Frans Janssens, member
of the Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp, Belgium.
The purpose of this check list is to resolve synonomy related
problems. Typical example : given a taxon name, verify whether
or not it is currently valid and if not what is then its currently
valid name.
This list is updated regularly. Unfortunately,
it still contains a lot of mistakes. :-(
Typical errors are a) duplication of the same species name in several genera,
b) duplication of taxa at different rank (e.g., once listed at species rank and
once more at subspecies rank), c) synonyms listed as valid taxa, c) incorrect
spelling of the name of a taxon or author, d) incorrect publication date,
e) incorrect revision authority.
Your comments, flames, remarks, suggestions, etc are welcome at
Frans Janssens
Frans Janssens
The current status of the list :
Group | Genera | Species | Species/Genus ratio |
Actaletidae | 2 | 10 | 5 |
Anurophorinae | 14 | 300 | 21 |
Arrhopalitidae | 2 | 118 | 59 |
Bourletiellidae | 22 | 179 | 8 |
Brachystomellidae | 15 | 119 | 7 |
Caputanurininae | 2 | 7 | 3 |
Coenaletidae | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Crossodonthini | 2 | 9 | 4 |
Cyphoderidae | 12 | 131 | 10 |
Dicyrtomidae | 7 | 181 | 25 |
Entomobryinae | 20 | 447 | 22 |
Frieseinae | 4 | 162 | 40 |
Gulgastruridae | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Hypogastruridae | 41 | 659 | 16 |
Isotogastruridae | 1 | 5 | 5 |
Isotominae | 80 | 654 | 8 |
Katiannidae | 15 | 183 | 12 |
Lepidocyrtinae | 23 | 855 | 37 |
Mackenziellidae | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Microfalculidae | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Morulininae | 1 | 17 | 17 |
Neanurini | 69 | 454 | 6 |
Neelidae | 4 | 31 | 7 |
Odontellidae | 12 | 120 | 10 |
Oncopoduridae | 2 | 50 | 25 |
Onychiurinae | 19 | 475 | 25 |
Orchesellinae | 12 | 243 | 20 |
Pachytullbergiinae | 4 | 4 | 1 |
Paleonurini | 11 | 164 | 14 |
Paronellidae | 26 | 358 | 13 |
Poduridae | 1 | 3 | 3 |
Proisotominae | 4 | 232 | 58 |
Protanurini | 3 | 24 | 8 |
Pseudachorutinae | 46 | 398 | 8 |
Sensillanurini | 3 | 35 | 11 |
Sminthuridae | 19 | 223 | 11 |
Sminthurididae | 10 | 143 | 14 |
Spinothecidae | 2 | 5 | 2 |
Sturmiidae | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tetrodontophorinae | 4 | 4 | 1 |
Tomoceridae | 15 | 125 | 8 |
Tullbergiidae | 31 | 205 | 6 |
Uchidanurinae | 8 | 15 | 1 |
Collembola | 573 | 7353 | 12 |
Note that the species count is optimistic and includes problematic
taxa such as unresolved homonyms, unresolved nomina nuda and
undescribed species (e.g., 'sp.').
- 1999.01.04-1999.01.30
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on new Metaphorura from Ukraine by Pomorski, Skarzynski & Kaprus (1998),
- on new Onychiurinae from Ukraine by Pomorski, Skarzynski & Kaprus (1998),
- on new Doutnacia from Bulgaria and Poland by Pomorski & Skarzynski (1998),
publications received from Marc Lodewijckx;
- on additions and corrections to the species list (July-December 1998) ,
e-mail received from Dr Bellinger;
- on new Sphaeridia from Peru by Bretfeld (1997),
e-mail received from Dr José Mari Mutt;
- on Digitanura n.gen from Thailand by Deharveng (1987),
- on the systematic position of the Collembola by Handschin (1955),
- on Megalothorax from Belgium by Barlet (1951),
- on the morphology of the thoracic endosternites by Carpentier (1949),
- on Xenylla welchi and Hypogastrura manubrialis assimilis from Belgium by Marlier (1948),
- on the morphology of the thorax of Collembola by Carpentier (1947),
- on Hypogastrura quadriocellata from Belgium by Marlier (1947 and 1947),
- on a human infestation by Lepidocyrtinus domesticus from Belgium by van den Bruel (1944),
- on Achorutes armata from Belgium by van den Bruel (1937),
- on Lepidocyrtus violaceus from Belgium by van den Bruel (1937),
- on Sminthurus viridis from Australia by Tonnoir (1935),
publications received from Jos Bruers;
- on Collembola pests of cultivated plants by Balachowsky & Mesnil (1936),
publication received from Gie Wijckmans.
- Keys to the genera of the Cyphoderidae and Tomoceridae have been added.
- 1999.01.31-1999.03.01
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on a new Hylaeanura from Mexico by Vázquez, Cutz Pool & Palacios-Vargas (1998),
- on a new Schoettella from Mexico by Palacios-Vargas & Castaño-Meneses (1998),
publications received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on a new family Gulgastruridae from Korea by Lee & Thibaud (1998),
publication received from Dr Lee;
- on a mass occurrence of Ceratophysella sigillata in Austria by Christian & Meyer (1997),
publication received from Wim Jacobs;
- on the evolution of the foot complex of cave Entomobryinae by Christiansen (1965),
publication received from Dr Christiansen;
- on a revision of Tetracanthella by Cassagnau (1959);
- on the first instars of Tomocerus s.l. from the British Isles by Goto (1956),
publication received from Dr De Bruyn.
- Keys to the genera of the Paronellidae and Oncopoduridae
and to the species of Hylaeanura and Schoettella
have been added.
- Dr Steve Hopkin kindly granted permission to provide his provisonal
checklist of the British and Irish Collembola.
- 1999.03.01-1999.04.05
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Collembola from the UK by Brocklehurst, Bruce & Chaplin (1998-1999);
- on the phylogeny of Arthropleona by Park, Kim & Lee (1996),
- on the phylogeny of Arthropleona by Lee, Hwang, Kim, Park & Kim ([1996]),
- on the systematic position of Gulgastrura reticulosa from Korea by Lee, Hwang, Kim, Park & Kim (1995),
- on new Homidia and Lepidocyrtus from Korea by Kim & Lee (1995),
- on new cave Tomoceridae from Korea by Park & Lee (1995),
- on the population dynamics of Gulgastrura reticulosa from Korea by Lee & Kim (1995),
- on interstitial Collembola from Korea by Lee & Kim (1994),
- on new Isotomidae from North Korea by Lee, Kim & Kim (1993),
- on new Entomobryidae and Tomoceridae from North Korea by Lee & Park (1992),
publications received from Dr Lee;
- on the phylogeny of Paronellinae by Mitra (1993);
- on some corticolous Collembola from Flanders, Belgium by Berbiers & Mertens (1989),
publication received from Jos Bruers;
- on the synonomy of the Onychiurus armatus group and
the Folsomia quadrioculata group by Bödvarsson (1970);
- on an alimentary study of soil inhabiting Collembola from Sweden
by Bödvarsson (1970).
- A prototype key to the genera of the Isotomidae has been added.
- Introduced a suggestion of Victor Naveau to highlight the currently
valid taxon names whenever they are selected via the synonym lists
and/or the determination keys.
This new feature will become available gradually from now on:
every time a list is upgraded taxonomically,
the highlighting is introduced for that list in particular.
- The chat room service has been discontinued.
- 1999.04.06-1999.05.02
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Isotomurus louisiana from the US by Waltz (1998);
- on Collembola from Switserland by Carl (1899).
- In cooperation with Dr Luc De Bruyn, a comprehensive literature list
of about 2600 references to Collembola taxonomy from 1972 to 1999 has been added.
- The key to the species of Schoetella has been updated, thanks to
Dr José Palacios-Vargas.
- The key to the genera of Tullbergiidae has been updated, thanks to
Dr Penelope Greenslade.
- 'On popular demand', introductory texts will be provided into the
checklists. As a starter, a short introduction to the the Collembola
has been provided.
- 1999.05.03-1999.06.05
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on a human infestation by Orchesella albosa f. ainsliei from Texas by Scott & al. (1962),
- on "myiasis" with Isotoma olivacea by Hurd (1954),
- on dermatitis with arthropod presence (with reference to Collembola
causing pruritic dermatitis in humans) by Amin (1996),
publications received from Sidney Presley and Deborah Altschuler;
- on Collembola from Germany by Handschin (1926);
- on Collembola from Finland by Linnaniemi (1912).
- A survey on records of Collembola in association with man is added.
- 1999.06.06-1999.07.05
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on Collembola as urban pests by Ebeling (1975);
- on Collembola as domestic infestations in Britain by Busvine (1966),
- on Collembola as domestic infestations in Britain by Busvine (1951),
- on Collembola causing pruritic dermatitis in Australia by Pescott (1942),
publications received from Dr Peter Bellinger;
- Illustrations have been added to the key to the genera of the Isotomidae.
- The new menu entry 'Other lists...' offers a selection of
on-line available geographically oriented checklists on Collembola.
- A report on a domestic infestation by Seira brasiliana in Florida is added.
- Habitus illustrations, kindly provided by Dr Ivan Vtorov, have been added.
- SEM's, kindly provided by Dr David Walter, have been added.
- Drs Kenneth Christiansen & Peter Bellinger made available on-line the
errata on their CONANRG.
- 1999.07.06-1999.09.05
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on additions to the species list (August 1999),
e-mail received from Dr Bellinger;
- on new Hypogastruridae and Isotomidae from Brazil by Thibaud & Palacios-Vargas
e-mail received from Dr José Palacios-Vargas, and
publication received from Dr Jean-Marc Thibaud;
- on Collembola from Belgium by Jacobs, De Bruyn & Lust (1999),
publication received from Jos Bruers;
- on wax secretions in Megalothorax by Vannier & Massoud (1967),
publication received from Dr Peter Bellinger.
- Dr Ivan Vtorov offered several additional references of Collembola literature.
- An image gallery with most stunning images of Collembola is added.
- Illustrated keys to the genera of the Hypogastruridae and Odontellidae have been added.
- 1999.09.06-1999.10.02
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on the arbuscular mycorrhizal grazing activity of Folsomia candida by Klironomos & Moutoglis
- on Sminthurus floridanus from Florida by Galley & Flowers
- on cold hardiness in Entomobrya nivalis
by Meier & Zettel
- on Collembola from Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island and South Shetlands Islands
by Convey & al.
- on the interaction between Folsomia candida and arbuscular mycorrhizae
by Larsen &. Jakobsen
- Dr Christiansen was so kind to provide the text of a talk he held last
year: "Progress in Collembolan Taxonomy and Biogeography in the next 30 years".
- An illustrated key to the species of Arrhopalites has been added.
- 1999.10.03-1999.11.01
- A tentative key to the genera of "Arrhopalitidae" has been added,
taking into account comments from
Dr Christiansen (1999) and
Dr Bellinger (1999).
- An illustrated key to the genera of Brachystomellidae has been added.
- An overview of educational on-line slide show presentations with
respect to Collembola has been provided. Suggestions and material for new
presentations is received gratefully.
- 1999.11.02-1999.12.01
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on microhabitat utilisation by Entomobrya nivalis by Prinzing
publication received from Dr Luc De Bruyn;
- on the first instar of Hymenaphorura polonica from Poland by Pomorski
- on Folsomia from Bosnia and Hercegovina (Yugoslavia) by Dunger & Zivadinovic
- on the complex Folsomia quadrioculata by Deharveng
publications received from Wim Jacobs;
- on epygeic Entomobryomorpha from the Netherlands by De Bie & Dop
- on the chaetotaxy of abdomen VI by Lawrence
publication received from Dr Douglas Zeppelini;
- on the life cycle of Tetracanthella sylvatica from Japan by Takeda
publication received from Dr Luc De Bruyn;
- on the chaetotaxy of Entomobryomorpha by Szeptycki
- on European Arrhopalites by Stach
publication received from Dr Douglas Zeppelini;
- on the anatomy of head and thorax of Dilta littoralis (Machilidae)
compaired to Collembola (Anurida, Onychiurus, Podura, Tomocerus) by Argilas
- A tentative and partial key to the species of Folsomia has been added.
- 1999.12.02-2000.01.01
- Added the new taxa and/or corrections of the publications and/or communications:
- on new cave Megalothorax from Mexico by Palacios-Vargas & Sánchez
- on new Sminthuridae from Mexico by Palacios-Vargas, Cué & Vázquez
publications received from Dr Palacios-Vargas;
- on mass migrations of Hypogastrura socialis from Bayeren by Zernecke
publication received from Dr Zernecke;
- on Collembola in the forest by Jacobs & De Bruyn
publication received from Dr De Bruyn;
- on Bourletiella hortensis as a pest in bareroot nurseries from British Columbia by Thomson & al.
- on the control of Bourletiella hortensis and Sminthurus viridis on seedling brassicas from New Zealand by Addison & Welsh
- on Bourletiella hortensis and Podura aquatica in pitfall surveys from Dooly county by Haney & al.
- on Bourletiella hortensis in conifer nurseries from Canada by South
- on a revision of the species of Agrenia by Fjellberg
- on new Isotomidae from Mongolia by Dunger
- on new Symphypleona from Mongolia by Betsch
- on new Collembola from Central America and the West Indies by Folsom
- on Tomocerinae from North America by Folsom
- Based on the Apterygoten - Datenbank of Adolf Suttrop (1997), we were able
to extend our comprehensive on-line liturature list on Collembola with about
900 titles dated from 1844 to 1971.
This makes the current total count of references about 3600.