- Last updated on 2024.08.30 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Arrhopalites

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

Douglas Zeppelini Filho, F.F.C.L.R.P., Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 14040-901, Brasil
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


An alternative and experimental inter-active key is also available for evaluation.


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Seta B10 female subanal appendages cylindrical and acuminate..
           ......................................................... 2
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages flat with apex and edge
          brushlike................................................. 6
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages flat and pectinate...... 20
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages flat and smooth......... 36
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages spatular with apex and edge
          serrate.................................................. 38
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages gutterlike with fringed
          apex..................................................... 46
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages gutterlike with cylindrical
          apex..................................................... 55
        Seta B10 female subanal appendages bifid or trifid and
          serrate.................................................. 61
2(1).   Fourth antennal segment (ANT IV) n subsegments ringed; ANT IV
          7 subsegments........................................... gul
        Fourth antennal segment (ANT IV) n subsegments free; ANT IV 6
          subsegments............................................... 3
        Fourth antennal segment (ANT IV) n undivided; ANT IV
          undivided................................................. 5
3(2).   Seta E3 normal; Seta L1 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Seta A3
          normal............................................... boneti
        Seta E3 spinelike; Seta L1 strongly spinelike; Seta IL2
          strongly spinelike; Seta A3 strongly spinelike...... dudichi
        Seta E3 strongly spinelike; Seta L1 spinelike; Seta IL2
          spinelike; Seta A3 spinelike.............................. 4
4(3).   Seta M1 present; Corner tooth of unguiculus I present; Apical
          filament of unguiculus II exceeding the apex of unguis II;
          Seta E7 present; Seta L3 spinelike................ styriacus
        Seta M1 absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent; Apical
          filament of unguiculus II short; Seta E7 absent; Seta L3
          absent........................................... slovacicus
5(2).   Seta A3 normal; Seta L1 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Seta M5
          absent; Inner tooth of unguis I normal............... spnovr
        Seta A3 spinelike; Seta L1 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike; Seta
          M5 present; Inner tooth of unguis I absent.......... nivalis
6(1).   ANT IV undivided............................................ 7
        ANT IV 5 subsegments........................................ 9
        ANT IV 6 subsegments....................................... 14
        ANT IV 7 subsegments....................................... 17
        ANT IV 8 subsegments........................ changbaishanensis
7(6).   Apical filament of unguiculus III present; Seta ve5 absent;
          Seta E1 strong articulated spine; Seta E2 spinelike; Seta E3
          spinelike................................................. 8
        Apical filament of unguiculus III absent; Seta ve5 present;
          Seta E1 spinelike; Seta E2 normal; Seta E3 normal...........
           ................................................ pukouensis
8(7).   Apical organ sensillae in separate pits; Seta Api normal;
          Number of setae on the metatrochanter 3 setae; Tunica of
          unguis II weak; Tunica of unguis III weak..... postumicoides
        Apical organ sensillae in a single pit; Seta Api slender and
          short; Number of setae on the metatrochanter 4 setae; Tunica
          of unguis II absent; Tunica of unguis III absent... ezoensis
9(6).   Seta L3 normal......................................... dubius
        Seta L3 spinelike.......................................... 10
        Seta L3 absent......................................... lewisi
10(9).  Seta C3 normal.......................................... bimus
        Seta C3 swollen at the base................................ 11
        Seta C3 winged............................................. 13
11(10). Seta L1 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Seta Ape slender; Seta A3
          normal; Seta L2 normal................................... 12
        Seta L1 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike; Seta Ape short,
          cylindrical and acuminate; Seta A3 spinelike; Seta L2
          spinelike....................................... secundarius
12(11). Inner tooth of unguis I normal; Seta D7 present...... pygmaeus
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Seta D7 absent..... postumicus
13(10). Seta L1 normal; Seta L2 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Seta IL1
          normal; Seta IL3 normal............................. spnovee
        Seta L1 spinelike; Seta L2 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike; Seta
          IL1 spinelike; Seta IL3 spinelike................. terricola
        Seta L1 strongly spinelike; Seta L2 strongly spinelike; Seta
          IL2 strongly spinelike; Seta IL1 strongly spinelike; Seta
          IL3 strongly spinelike............................ carolynae
14(6).  Apical filament of unguiculus I exceeding the apex of unguis
          I........................................................ 15
        Apical filament of unguiculus I short...................... 16
        Apical filament of unguiculus I absent........... troglophilus
15(14). Tunica of unguis III strong; Corner tooth of unguiculus III
          absent; Tunica of unguis I strong; Tunica of unguis II
          strong; Apex of mucron gutterlike.................. texensis
        Tunica of unguis III absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus III
          present; Tunica of unguis I absent; Tunica of unguis II
          absent; Apex of mucron spoon shaped.................. caedus
16(14). Seta L1 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Seta M1 absent; Seta M5
          present; Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent......... silvus
        Seta L1 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike; Seta M1 present; Seta
          M5 absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus I present...... lacuna
17(6).  Apical filament of unguiculus I exceeding the apex of unguis
          I; Apical filament of unguiculus II exceeding the apex of
          unguis II................................................ 18
        Apical filament of unguiculus I short; Apical filament of
          unguiculus II short.................................. clarus
        Apical filament of unguiculus I absent; Apical filament of
          unguiculus II absent.................................. sacer
18(17). Seta M4 present; Corner tooth of unguiculus III present;
          Inferior edge of mucron normal; Seta Api slender and short;
          Number of setae on the metatrochanter 4 setae............ 19
        Seta M4 absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent;
          Inferior edge of mucron narrowed at the distal half; Seta
          Api normal; Number of setae on the metatrochanter 3 setae...
           .............................................. nanjingensis
19(18). Apical organ sensillae in separate pits; Seta Ape short,
          cylindrical and acuminate; Apical filament of unguiculus III
          present; Seta E3 strongly spinelike; Seta C8 swollen at the
          base.................................................. habei
        Apical organ sensillae in a single pit; Seta Ape slender;
          Apical filament of unguiculus III absent; Seta E3 normal;
          Seta C8 normal................................. giovannensis
20(1).  ANT IV undivided....................................... spnov1
        ANT IV 5 subsegments....................................... 21
        ANT IV 6 subsegments....................................... 31
        ANT IV 7 subsegments....................................... 34
        ANT IV 8 subsegments................................ subboneti
        ANT IV more than 10 subsegments......................... uenoi
21(20). Seta E2 normal............................................. 22
        Seta E2 spinelike............................ pseudoappendices
22(21). Seta C8 normal............................................. 23
        Seta C8 swollen at the base................................ 25
        Seta C8 winged............................................. 30
        Seta C8 dentate at the base.................. infrasecundarius
23(22). Tunica of unguis III strong........................ kolymensis
        Tunica of unguis III weak........................ thermophilus
        Tunica of unguis III absent................................ 24
24(23). Corner tooth of unguiculus I present; Seta E3 normal; Seta E7
          present; Traces of pigments absent..................... ater
        Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent; Seta E3 spinelike; Seta
          E7 absent; Traces of pigments present...... infrasecundarius
25(22). Apical filament of unguiculus III present.................. 26
        Apical filament of unguiculus III absent.............. benitus
26(25). Traces of pigments present................................. 27
        Traces of pigments absent.................................. 29
27(26). Inner tooth of unguis I normal; Tunica of unguis II absent;
          Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent...................... 28
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Tunica of unguis II weak;
          Corner tooth of unguiculus I present.............. alticolus
28(27). Number of setae on the metatrochanter 4 setae; Corner tooth of
          unguiculus II absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent;
          Apex of mucron gutterlike; Seta E3 strongly spinelike.......
           ................................................... sericus
        Number of setae on the metatrochanter 3 setae; Corner tooth of
          unguiculus II present; Corner tooth of unguiculus III
          present; Apex of mucron spoon shaped; Seta E3 spinelike.....
           .......................................... infrasecundarius
29(26). Seta E7 present; Seta L3 spinelike; Seta C5 branched; Seta C9
          normal; Apical organ sensillae in separate pits........ pavo
        Seta E7 absent; Seta L3 normal; Seta C5 winged; Seta C9
          swollen at the base; Apical organ sensillae in a single pit.
           ............................................... madonnensis
30(22). Number of setae on the metatrochanter 4 setae; Corner tooth of
          unguiculus I present; Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent;
          Seta E3 strongly spinelike; Seta E7 present...... whitesidei
        Number of setae on the metatrochanter 3 setae; Corner tooth of
          unguiculus I absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus III present;
          Seta E3 spinelike; Seta E7 absent.......... infrasecundarius
31(20). Seta M1 present; Seta E7 present........................... 32
        Seta M1 absent; Seta E7 absent......................... hirtus
32(31). Seta C5 normal....................................... jeanneli
        Seta C5 swollen at the base....................... longicornis
        Seta C5 winged...................................... marshalli
        Seta C5 branched........................................... 33
33(32). Seta L2 normal; Seta IL1 strongly spinelike; Seta IL2 strongly
          spinelike; Seta IL3 normal; Inner tooth of unguis I absent..
           ............................................. principalisPo
        Seta L2 spinelike; Seta IL1 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike;
          Seta IL3 spinelike; Inner tooth of unguis I normal..........
           ............................................. principalisAl
34(20). Tunica of unguis III strong........................ bellingeri
        Tunica of unguis III weak................................ arca
        Tunica of unguis III absent................................ 35
35(34). Seta A3 normal; Seta L1 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Inner tooth
          of unguis I normal; Apical filament of unguiculus II short..
           .................................................. hubbardi
        Seta A3 spinelike; Seta L1 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike;
          Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Apical filament of
          unguiculus II exceeding the apex of unguis II........ yosiii
36(1).  Inner tooth of unguis I normal......................... spnov3
        Inner tooth of unguis I filamentous.................. diversus
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent............................. 37
37(36). Corner tooth of unguiculus I present; Apical filament of
          unguiculus I exceeding the apex of unguis I; Apical filament
          of unguiculus III present; Seta L3 absent; Seta M5 present..
           .......................................... acanthophthalmus
        Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent; Apical filament of
          unguiculus I short; Apical filament of unguiculus III
          absent; Seta L3 spinelike; Seta M5 absent.... microphthalmus
38(1).  Seta C4 swollen at the base................................ 39
        Seta C4 winged............................................. 41
        Seta C4 dentate at the base................................ 42
        Seta C4 branched........................................... 43
39(38). Inner tooth of unguis I normal; Apical filament of unguiculus
          I exceeding the apex of unguis I; Seta E3 strongly
          spinelike; ANT IV 5 subsegments.......................... 40
        Inner tooth of unguis I filamentous; Apical filament of
          unguiculus I short; Seta E3 normal; ANT IV undivided. spnov2
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Apical filament of unguiculus
          I absent; Seta E3 spinelike; ANT IV 8 subsegments. japonicus
40(39). Corner tooth of unguiculus III present; Apex of mucron
          gutterlike; Inferior edge of mucron normal; Seta ve5 absent;
          Seta C8 swollen at the base....................... canzianus
        Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent; Apex of mucron spoon
          shaped; Inferior edge of mucron narrowed at the distal half;
          Seta ve5 present; Seta C8 normal................. plectrifer
41(38). Inner tooth of unguis I normal; Corner tooth of unguiculus I
          present; Seta E7 present; ANT IV 5 subsegments; Inferior
          edge of mucron narrowed at the distal half........... ruseki
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus I
          absent; Seta E7 absent; ANT IV 7 subsegments; Inferior edge
          of mucron normal................................ octacanthus
42(38). Inner tooth of unguis I normal; Apical filament of unguiculus
          I exceeding the apex of unguis I; ANT IV 5 subsegments;
          Inner tooth of unguis II normal; Corner tooth of unguiculus
          III absent............................................. sapo
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Apical filament of unguiculus
          I short; ANT IV 6 subsegments; Inner tooth of unguis II
          absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus III present..... commorus
43(38). Corner tooth of unguiculus III present; Seta M4 absent..... 44
        Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent; Seta M4 present..... 45
44(43). Seta L2 normal; Tunica of unguis I strong; Apical filament of
          unguiculus III present; Inferior edge of mucron normal; Seta
          E2 spinelike....................................... spinosus
        Seta L2 spinelike; Tunica of unguis I absent; Apical filament
          of unguiculus III absent; Inferior edge of mucron narrowed
          at the distal half; Seta E2 normal................... amarus
45(43). Seta IL3 normal; Seta Ape slender; Tunica of unguis I absent;
          Tunica of unguis II absent; Apical filament of unguiculus II
          exceeding the apex of unguis II................ cochlearifer
        Seta IL3 spinelike; Seta Ape short, cylindrical and acuminate;
          Tunica of unguis I strong; Tunica of unguis II strong;
          Apical filament of unguiculus II absent.............. gisini
46(1).  Tunica of unguis III strong................................ 47
        Tunica of unguis III weak............................ baccetti
        Tunica of unguis III absent................................ 52
47(46). ANT IV undivided................................ alambariensis
        ANT IV 4 subsegments.................................. amorimi
        ANT IV 5 subsegments....................................... 48
        ANT IV 6 subsegments....................................... 49
48(47). Tunica of unguis I strong........................... vazquezae
        Tunica of unguis I absent....................... botuveraensis
49(47). Seta E5 normal; Number of lenses on eyes spots 1 lens; Setae
          ve1 normal............................................... 50
        Seta E5 spinelike; Number of lenses on eyes spots 2 lenses;
          Setae ve1 three spines........................ heteroculatus
50(49). Seta M3 normal; Seta E4 spinelike.......................... 51
        Seta M3 spinelike; Seta E4 normal................. paranaensis
51(50). Seta M4 normal; Inner tooth of unguis I absent; Apical
          filament of unguiculus III absent; Seta C9 swollen at the
          base; Seta M5 normal.............................. gnaspinii
        Seta M4 spinelike; Inner tooth of unguis I normal; Apical
          filament of unguiculus III present; Seta C9 normal; Seta M5
          spinelike.......................................... anulifer
52(46). Inner tooth of unguis I normal............................. 53
        Inner tooth of unguis I absent............................. 54
53(52). Seta M5 present; Apical filament of unguiculus III absent;
          Seta M4 spinelike; Seta Ape short, cylindrical and
          acuminate; Setae ve3 paired......................... harveyi
        Seta M5 absent; Apical filament of unguiculus III present;
          Seta M4 normal; Seta Ape slender; Setae ve3 unpaired........
           ................................................... minutus
54(52). Apical filament of unguiculus I exceeding the apex of unguis
          I; Apical filament of unguiculus II exceeding the apex of
          unguis II; Apical filament of unguiculus III present; Setae
          ve3 paired; Seta C3 winged........................ lawrencei
        Apical filament of unguiculus I short; Apical filament of
          unguiculus II short; Apical filament of unguiculus III
          absent; Setae ve3 unpaired; Seta C3 swollen at the base.....
           .................................................... millsi
55(1).  Tunica of unguis III strong................................ 56
        Tunica of unguis III weak......................... hedrosensis
        Tunica of unguis III absent................................ 58
56(55). ANT IV undivided.................................... coecusPol
        ANT IV 3 subsegments................................ ulehlovae
        ANT IV 4 subsegments................................. incertus
        ANT IV 5 subsegments....................................... 57
57(56). Seta A3 normal; Seta M4 absent; Seta Ape short, cylindrical
          and acuminate; Tunica of unguis I strong; Corner tooth of
          unguiculus I present.............................. antrobius
        Seta A3 spinelike; Seta M4 present; Seta Ape slender; Tunica
          of unguis I absent; Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent.....
           ................................................. coecusAla
58(55). Inner tooth of unguis III normal; Seta E5 normal........... 59
        Inner tooth of unguis III filamentous; Seta E5 spinelike......
           ................................................... spnovaa
59(58). Number of setae on the metatrochanter 4 setae; Seta L2
          spinelike............................................ tenuis
        Number of setae on the metatrochanter 3 setae; Seta L2 normal.
           ........................................................ 60
60(59). Number of lenses on eyes spots 1 lens; Corner tooth of
          unguiculus III present; Apex of mucron gutterlike; Inferior
          edge of mucron normal; Seta ve5 absent............. chopardi
        Number of lenses on eyes spots no lenses on eyes; Corner tooth
          of unguiculus III absent; Apex of mucron spoon shaped;
          Inferior edge of mucron narrowed at the distal half; Seta
          ve5 present.......................................... loczyi
61(1).  Corner tooth of unguiculus I present....................... 62
        Corner tooth of unguiculus I absent........................ 71
62(61). Apical filament of unguiculus II exceeding the apex of unguis
          II....................................................... 63
        Apical filament of unguiculus II short..................... 69
        Apical filament of unguiculus II absent.................... 70
63(62). Tunica of unguis II weak; Tunica of unguis III strong..... jay
        Tunica of unguis II absent; Tunica of unguis III absent.... 64
64(63). Apical filament of unguiculus III present.................. 65
        Apical filament of unguiculus III absent.............. obtusus
65(64). Corner tooth of unguiculus III present..................... 66
        Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent...................... 67
66(65). Seta IL2 normal; Seta IL3 normal; Inner tooth of unguis I
          normal; Seta A3 normal; Seta L1 normal.......... intermedius
        Seta IL2 spinelike; Seta IL3 spinelike; Inner tooth of unguis
          I absent; Seta A3 spinelike; Seta L1 spinelike........ altus
67(65). Corner tooth of unguiculus II present...................... 68
        Corner tooth of unguiculus II absent.................. elegans
68(67). Seta IL3 normal; Seta A3 normal; Seta L1 normal; Seta IL2
          normal; Seta IL1 normal...................... chiangdaoensis
        Seta IL3 spinelike; Seta A3 spinelike; Seta L1 spinelike; Seta
          IL2 spinelike; Seta IL1 spinelike................... bifidus
69(62). Apex of mucron gutterlike; Seta E3 normal; Seta L3 normal;
          Seta C3 swollen at the base; Seta C4 swollen at the base....
           .................................................... sextus
        Apex of mucron spoon shaped; Seta E3 strongly spinelike; Seta
          L3 spinelike; Seta C3 normal; Seta C4 normal.... carpathicus
70(62). Corner tooth of unguiculus III present; ANT IV 8 subsegments;
          Seta D2 absent................................... buekkensis
        Corner tooth of unguiculus III absent; ANT IV 9 subsegments;
          Seta D2 present.............................. aggtelekiensis
71(61). Seta C2 smooth; Seta C9 normal; Seta D4 present............ 72
        Seta C2 ciliate; Seta C9 swollen at the base; Seta D4 absent..
           ................................................... ornatus
72(71). Seta L2 normal; Seta IL1 normal; Seta IL2 normal; Seta IL3
          normal; Seta M5 absent............................. furcatus
        Seta L2 spinelike; Seta IL1 spinelike; Seta IL2 spinelike;
          Seta IL3 spinelike; Seta M5 present................... mauli