- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Friesea, partim

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

José G. Palacios-Vargas, Laboratorio Ecologia y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Departamento Biologia, Facultad Ciensas, UNAM 04510, México
György Traser, University Sopron, Department for Forest Protection, P.O.B. 132, H-9401 Sopron, Hungary
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Anal spines 6............................................... 2
        Anal spines less than 6.................................... 20
2(1).   Eyes absent................................................. 3
        Eyes present................................................ 4
3(2).   Anal spines serrate; tibiotarsi without tenent hairs..........
           .............................................. lijiangensis
        Anal spines smooth; tibiotarsi with two dorsal acuminate
          tenent hairs........................................ tatrica
4(2).   Eyes 8 + 8.................................................. 5
        Eyes less than 7 + 7....................................... 13
5(4).   Furcula absent.............................................. 6
        Furcula present, but reduced....................... handschini
6(5).   Tibiotarsi with capitate tenent hairs....................... 7
        Tibiotarsi without capitate tenent hairs............. ladeiroi
7(6).   Tibiotarsi with five or more capitate tenent hairs.......... 8
        Tibiotarsi with one or two capitate tenent hairs........... 12
8(7).   Body with plurichaetosis.................................... 9
        Body without plurichaetosis................................ 10
9(8).   Apical bulb bilobated................................... rothi
        Apical bulb with three lobulations............. palafoxaliciae
10(8).  Anal spines rather spiniform........................ xitlensis
        Anal spines well differentiated............................ 11
11(10). Fifth abdominal segment and sixth abdominal segment with a
          pair of long and capitate setae each................ carlota
        Fifth abdominal segment and sixth abdominal segment without
          long and capitate setae......................... mandibulata
12(7).  Anal spines ciliate; tibiotarsi with two tenent hairs.........
           ............................................... bonariensis 5
        Anal spines smooth; tibiotarsi with only one tenent hair......
           .................................................. lagrecai
13(4).  Eyes 6 + 6....................................... nigrimontana
        Eyes less than 6 + 6....................................... 14
14(13). Body with plurichaetosis; eyes 5 + 5....................... 15
        Body without plurichaetosis; eyes less than 5 + 5.......... 16
15(14). Mucro absent; sixth abdominal segment with six capitate setae;
          tibiotarsi with 8 - 10 strong capitate tenent hairs.... fara
        Mucro present; sixth abdominal segment with acuminate setae;
          tibiotarsi with four strong capitate tenent hairs..... flava
16(14). Eyes 2 + 2................................................. 17
        Eyes 3 + 3................................................. 19
17(16). Furcula absent.................................... subterranea
        Furcula present, but reduced............................... 18
18(17). Dens with three dental setae; fifth abdominal segment with 2
          setae a2......................................... deharvengi
        Dens with two dental setae; fifth abdominal segment without 2
          setae a2.......................................... alaskella
19(16). Furcula absent...................................... daliensis
        Furcula present, but without mucro................. sexoculata
20(1).  Dens absent; mucro absent.................................. 21
        Dens present; mucro absent or present...................... 24
21(20). Tenaculum absent........................................... 22
        Tenaculum present.................................... colorata 1
22(21). Sixth abdominal segment with 2 spines............... monteiroi
        Sixth abdominal segment without spines..................... 23
23(22). Fourth antennal segment with 5 sensilla.............. haldanei 2
        Fourth antennal segment with 6 sensilla........ sphaerulaphora
24(20). Mucro absent............................................... 25
        Mucro present.............................................. 29
25(24). Sixth abdominal segment with anal spines................... 26
        Sixth abdominal segment without anal spines................ 28
26(25). Sixth abdominal segment with 2 anal spines.......... landwehri
        Sixth abdominal segment with 3 anal spines................. 27
27(26). Tenent hairs absent.................................... albida 3
        Tenent hairs present................................... albida
28(25). Sixth abdominal segment with 8 spiniform setae; tibiotarsi
          without tenent hairs................................ inermis
        Sixth abdominal segment without spiniform setae; tibiotarsi
          with 3 tenent hairs............................... decipiens 4
29(24). Tenaculum with 2 teeth on each ramus....................... 30
        Tenaculum with 3 teeth on each ramus............. decemoculata
30(29). Mucro minus; tibiotarsi 1 to 3 with 2, 2 and 3 tenent hairs...
           ...................................................... pati
        Mucro unciform; tibiotarsi without tenent hairs....... laszloi


1 Friesea gadeai(sic) sunk to synonymy with colorata by Arbea & Jordana, 1997.

2 As Friesea haldeni(sic).

3 Friesea nevadensis sunk to synonymy with albida by Arbea & Jordana, 1997.

4 As Friesea decipines(sic).

5 As Friesea bonarensis(sic).

6 Friesea subterranea caeca Rubio 1974 from Chile was excluded, because of the brief description.
