- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the genera of Hymenaphorurini

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

Adrian Smolis, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Wroclaw University, 51-148 Wroclaw, Poland
Dariusz Skarzynski, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Wroclaw University, 51-148 Wroclaw, Poland
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Third antennal segment sense organ with papilla-like cuticular
          prominence................................................ 2
        Third antennal segment sense organ without papilla-like
          cuticular prominence...................................... 5
2(1).   Furca reduced to small area of fine granulation with 2-4
          posterior setulae; third antennal segment sense organ with
          five papilla; tibiotarsi with 9 or 11 distal setae........ 3
        Furca reduced to small area of fine granulation without
          posterior setulae (fig.1); third antennal segment sense
          organ with four papilla (fig.2); tibiotarsi with 10 distal
          setae............................................. Kennethia


3(2).   Areas of stronger granulation absent; furca with two posterior
          setulae; parapseudocelli absent; setae apically pointed;
          body with pseudocelli............................... Arneria
        Areas of stronger granulation present; furca with two or four
          posterior setulae; parapseudocelli absent or present; setae
          apically pointed or macrosetae rod-like and apically blunt;
          body without pseudocelli.................................. 4
4(3).   Macrosetae apically pointed; furca with two posterior setulae;
          body without parapseudocelli..................... Reducturus
        Macrosetae rod-like and apically blunt; furca with four
          posterior setulae (fig.3); body with parapseudocelli always
          located outside of areas of coarser granulation. Dinochiurus

5(1).   Third abdominal tergum with submedial pseudocelli........... 6
        Third abdominal tergum without submedial pseudocelli....... 10
6(5).   Furca reduced to finely granulated area with or without
          posterior setulae; tenaculum absent....................... 7
        Furca reduced to two knobs with 3 + 3 or 4 + 4 setulae;
          tenaculum present......................................... 9
7(6).   Labium with five papillae, papilla E present; third antennal
          segment sense organ with five guard setae................. 8
        Labium with four papillae, papilla E absent; third antennal
          segment sense organ with four guard setae..... Hymenaphorura
8(7).   Granular areas of fourth abdominal tergum fused together
          midline into one plate; labium 0 type with apically pointed
          papillae; body with parapseudocelli............. Sacaphorura
        Granular areas of fourth abdominal tergum separated by two
          medial parallel rows of smaller granules; labium A thickened
          and apically blunt; body without parapseudocelli............
           ............................................... Vexaphorura
9(6).   Body fusiform; antennal area with pseudocelli..... Kalaphorura
        Body oval-eliptical; antennal area without pseudocelli........
           ............................................. Psyllaphorura
10(5).  Thoracic and abdominal dorsolateral pseudocelli absent, in
          this position parapseudocelli present.................... 11
        Thoracic and abdominal dorsolateral pseudocelli present.......
           .............................................. Wandaphorura
11(10). Furca reduced to a small area of fine granulation with four
          setulae arranged in one row or an arch located in a middle
          part of sternum iv; terga with all setae apically pointed;
          vesicles in postantennal organ of three kinds: simple,
          bilobed and multilobed located perpendicularly or obliquely
          to the long axis of the organ................. Heteraphorura
        Furca reduced to a small depression with two small, posterior
          setae, in contact with the border between abdominal sterna
          iii and iv; terga with two kinds of setae: blunt rod-like
          mesosetae and pointed microsetae; vesicles in postantennal
          organ compound................................ Paronychiurus


1 Probolaphorura Dunger, 1976, and Protaphorurodes Bagnall, 1949, are not included in the key because of insufficient descriptions.
