- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Isotomiella

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

L'ubomír Kovác, Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of P.J. Safárik, Kosice, Slovak Republic
José G. Palacios-Vargas, Laboratorio de Ecologia y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciensas, UNAM, México D.F.
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Mucro bidentate or tridentate............................... 2
        Mucro rudimentary or falciform............................. 40
2(1).   Mucro bidentate............................................. 3
        Mucro tridentate........................................... 15
3(2).   Dens with 6 ventral and 1 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1 + 1
          ventro-distal setae....................................... 4
        Dens with at least 10 ventral and 4 dorsal setae; manubrium
          with 1 + 1 or more ventro-distal setae.................... 5
4(3).   Sensillar formula: 3?/00012; third tibiotarsus with 2
          cuticular digitations............................. distincta
        Sensillar formula: 32/11215; third tibiotarsus with 4
          cuticular digitations.............................. digitata
5(3).   Dens with 10-14 ventral and 2-4 dorsal setae................ 6
        Dens with at least 15 ventral and 5-6 dorsal setae.......... 9
6(5).   Dens with 10-13 ventral and 4 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1 +
          1 or 2 + 2 ventro-distal setae............................ 7
        Dens with 10-14 ventral and 2 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1-2
          + 1-2 ventro-distal setae.......................... spinifer
7(6).   Manubrium with 1 + 1 ventro-distal setae; sensillar formula:
          32/11212.................................................. 8
        Manubrium with 2 + 2 ventro-distal setae; sensillar formula:
          32/00135.......................................... delamarei
8(7).   Second tibiotarsus and third tibiotarsus with 1 distal spine..
           .................................................... canina
        Second tibiotarsus and third tibiotarsus without modified
          setae............................................ quadriseta
9(5).   Dens with 17-36 ventral setae; manubrium with 2 + 2 or more
          ventro-distal setae...................................... 10
        Dens with up to 17 ventral setae; manubrium with 1 + 1
          ventro-distal setae...................................... 13
10(9).  Dens with 17-25 ventral and 5 dorsal setae; manubrium with 2 +
          2 ventro-distal setae.................................... 11
        Dens with 36 ventral and 5 dorsal setae; manubrium with 5 + 5
          ventro-distal setae.............................. aluluminor
11(10). Axial setae pattern of first to fourth abdominal segment: 4,
          4, 4, 6.................................................. 12
        Axial setae pattern of first to fourth abdominal segment: 6,
          6, 6, 6............................................... alulu
12(11). Fourth antennal segment sensilla s1-6 normal; macrosetae
          pattern second thoracic segment to fourth abdominal segment:
          1, 1/1, 2, 4, 4.................................. nummulifer
        Fourth antennal segment sensilla s1-6 very reduced; macrosetae
          pattern second thoracic segment to fourth abdominal segment:
          1, 1/1, 3, 3, 4..................................... fellina
13(9).  Manubrium with 1 or 2 lateral setae; sensillar formula
          different from 32/00125.................................. 14
        Manubrium without lateral setae; sensillar formula: 32/00125..
           ................................................... sodwana
14(13). Dens with 5 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1 lateral seta;
          sensillar pattern: 32/11152; third tibiotarsus with 2 strong
          distal setae...................................... bidentata
        Dens with 6 dorsal setae; manubrium with 2 lateral setae;
          sensillar pattern: 32/12325; third tibiotarsus distal setae
          normal............................................ dupliseta
15(2).  Dens with more than 14 ventral and 5-7 dorsal setae........ 16
        Dens with up to 14 ventral and 3-4 dorsal setae............ 39
16(15). Dens with 15-36 ventral setae; manubrium with less than 5 + 5
          ventro-distal setae...................................... 17
        Dens with 24-79 ventral setae; manubrium with 5 + 5 or more
          ventro-distal setae...................................... 20
17(16). Manubrium with 1 + 1 ventro-distal and 1 lateral seta. barrana
        Manubrium with 2-4 + 2-4 ventro-distal setae............... 18
18(17). Dens with 15-19 ventral and 5 dorsal setae; manubrium with 2-4
          + 2-4 ventro-distal and 2-3 lateral setae........ deforestai
        Dens with 27-36 ventral and 5-6 dorsal setae; manubrium with 4
          + 4 ventro-distal setae.................................. 19
19(18). Dens with 27-28 ventral and 5 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1-2
          lateral setae...................................... edaphica
        Dens with 32-36 ventral and 6 dorsal setae; manubrium with 3
          lateral setae.................................... hygrophila
20(16). Manubrium with 5 + 5 ventro-distal setae................... 21
        Manubrium with 6 + 6 ventro-distal and 4 lateral setae,
          unpaired ventro-proximal setae on manubrium absent..........
           ................................................ sensillata
21(20). Dens with 5 dorsal setae................................... 22
        Dens with 6-7 dorsal setae................................. 23
22(21). Dens with 28-32 ventral setae; manubrium with 4-5 + 4-5
          ventro-distal, 2-3 unpaired ventro-proximal and 2-3 lateral
          setae........................................... leksawasdii
        Dens with 40-45 ventral setae; manubrium with 5 + 5
          ventro-distal, 3-4 unpaired ventro-proximal and 3-4 lateral
          setae............................................... barisan
23(21). Unpaired ventro-proximal setae on manubrium absent......... 24
        Unpaired ventro-proximal setae on manubrium present........ 34
24(23). Dens with 24-32 ventral setae.............................. 25
        Dens with 35-62 ventral setae.............................. 26
25(24). Dens with 24-28 ventral setae; manubrium with 3 lateral setae;
          anapleurum-katapleurum-coxa on the proleg with 1, 1, 2
          setae................................................. dubia
        Dens with 29-32 ventral setae; manubrium with 3-4 lateral
          setae; anapleurum-katapleurum-coxa on the proleg with 1, 3,
          2 (3) setae....................................... thiollayi
26(24). Axial setae pattern first to fourth abdominal segment: 6, 6,
          6, 6-8................................................... 27
        Axial setae pattern first to fourth abdominal segment: 8-9, 8,
          7-9, 6.......................................... unguiculata
27(26). Tubus ventralis with 1 + 1 posterior seta.......... barivierai
        Tubus ventralis with 2 + 2 or 3 + 3 posterior setae........ 28
28(27). First abdominal segment with lateral field devoid of setae....
           .......................................... symetrimucronata
        First abdominal segment without lateral field devoid of setae.
           ........................................................ 29
29(28). Tubus ventralis with 2 + 2 posterior setae................. 30
        Tubus ventralis with 3 + 3 posterior setae.............. arlei
30(29). Manubrium with 3 lateral setae............................. 31
        Manubrium with 4 lateral setae............................. 32
31(30). Dens with 37-41 ventral setae; ciliated setae on first
          antennal segment present........................... cribrata
        Dens with more than 36 ventral setae; ciliated setae on first
          antennal segment absent............................... minor
32(30). Ciliated setae on first antennal segment absent............ 33
        Ciliated setae on first antennal segment present.... granulata
33(32). Fourth antennal segment with 10 supplementary sensilla; second
          to third abdominal segment with ciliated ventro-lateral
          mesosetae; sensillum spl (v):giii=1.2............... insulae
        Fourth antennal segment with 8 supplementary sensilla; second
          to third abdominal segment with all ventro-lateral mesosetae
          smooth; sensillum spl (v):giii=0.9.................. similis
34(23). Manubrium with 2-4 ventro-proximal setae................... 35
        Manubrium with around 8 ventro-proximal and 4 lateral setae...
           ................................................. paraminor
35(34). Dens with 6 dorsal setae................................... 36
        Dens with 7 dorsal setae.......................... madeirensis
36(35). Dens with 29-38 ventral setae................... inthanonensis
        Dens with more than 40 ventral setae....................... 37
37(36). Dens with 41-43 ventral setae....................... amazonica
        Dens with 45-54 ventral setae.............................. 38
38(37). Ciliated setae on first antennal segment absent; dens with
          47-54 ventral setae; manubrium with 2-4 ventro-proximal and
          4 lateral setae..................................... hirsuta
        Ciliated setae on first antennal segment present; dens with
          45-51 ventral setae; manubrium with 2-3 ventro-proximal and
          3-4 lateral setae.................................. michonae
39(15). Dens with 12-14 ventral and 4 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1 +
          1 ventro-distal and 0-2 lateral setae............. brevidens
        Dens with 9-10 ventral and 3 dorsal setae; manubrium with 3-5
          + 3-5 ventro-distal and 3 lateral setae............. spinosa
40(1).  Mucro falciform............................................ 41
        Mucro rudimentary.......................................... 42
41(40). Dens with 15 ventral and 3 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1 + 1
          ventro-distal and 1-2 lateral setae................... annae
        Dens with 6 ventral and 1 dorsal setae; manubrium with 1 + 1
          ventro-distal setae, lateral setae on manubrium absent......
           ................................................... falcata
42(40). Second and third thoracic segment with 2 and 1 sensilla
          respectively; sensilla s1-6 on fourth antennal segment
          small; spl sensillum on fifth and sixth abdominal segment
          shorter than giii................................... proxima
        Second and third thoracic segment with 3 and 1 (2) sensilla
          respectively; sensilla s1-6 on fourth antennal segment
          normal; spl sensillum on fifth and sixth abdominal segment 3
          times longer than giii............................... barrai


1 Isotomiella gracilimucronata Rusek, 1981 from Iraq with tridentate mucro, 4+4 ventro-distal and 2 lateral setae on manubrium, close to Isotomiella edaphica Bedos & Deharveng, 1994 described from Thailand is not included in the key since insufficient information on the principal characters in the original description.

2 Isotomiella ciliata Cardoso, 1969 from Mozambique with tridentate mucro, 5+5 ventro-distal and 1 ventro-proximal seta on manubrium is not included in the key since insufficient information on the principal characters in the original description.

3 Isotomiella muscorum (Schäffer, 1900) from Germany with bidentate mucro is not included in the key since insufficient information on the principal characters in the original description.
