- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Pseudosinella

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

Kenneth A. Christiansen, Department of Biology, Grinnell College, PO Box V3, Grinnell, IA 50112-0806, USA
Peter F. Bellinger (), Department of Biology, California State University, Northridge, CA 91330, USA
Rafael Jordana, Department of Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Navarra, 31080 Pamplona, Spain
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


An experimental inter-active version of this key is also available for evaluation.


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).     Habitat cave.............................................. 2
          Habitat surface......................................... 122
          Habitat both cave and surface........................... 202
2(1).     Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent.......................... 3
          Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present........................ 74

3(2).     Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent.............. 4
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present............ 41

4(3).     Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate........................ 5
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate......................... 16
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................. 18
5(4).     Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 0............................................... 6
          Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 1.............................................. 13

6(5).     P (fig.4) absent.......................................... 7
          P (fig.4) present......................................... 9

7(6).     Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            up to 15............................................. nata
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50........................................ martelii 17
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65............................................. lava
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74................................................ 8
8(7).     B (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            r (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; m1 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta.......... testa
          B (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; r (fig.5) smooth microchaeta; m1 (fig.)
            absent; m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta......... palaciosi

9(6).     Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59........................ martelii 17
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49.............................. ops
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99............................... 10
          Maximum length 3 to 3.49................................. 11
          Maximum length 4 to 4.99................................. 12
10(9).    Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.6) peg or
            rod-like.......................................... georgia
          Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.6) expanded.....
             .................................................... bona
          Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            paddle-shaped....................................... fonsa

11(9).    Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; median(M) 4th abd dorsal
            macrochaetae (fig.3) 2; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            acuminate; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; apical organ of
            third antennal segment (fig.6) expanded............. pecki
          Q1 (fig.4) absent; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 3; tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate; m2 (fig.)
            smooth macrochaeta with supplementary seta; apical organ
            of third antennal segment (fig.6) peg or rod-like... dubia
12(9).    B (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta with supplementary seta; antennal/cephalic
            diagonal 6 or more; cephalic seta r1 (fig.2) present;
            cephalic seta r2 (fig.2) present............ christianseni
          B (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 4 to 5.99; cephalic seta r1
            (fig.2) absent; cephalic seta r2 (fig.2) absent... spinosa
13(5).    Maximum length 1 to 1.19............................. espana
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59........................ martelii 17
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79................ duodecimpunctata 21
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19........................... oromii
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99............................ leoni
          Maximum length 3 to 3.49................................. 14
14(13).   A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            clavate................................................ 15
          A (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            acuminate......................................... voylesi
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            truncate........................................... crypta
15(14).   B (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; r (fig.5) absent; m1 (fig.)
            smooth macrochaeta; region located Mexico, Central
            America, West Indies; apical organ of third antennal
            segment (fig.6) peg or rod-like.................. reddelli
          B (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; r (fig.5) smooth
            microchaeta; m1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; region
            located Europe and North Africa; apical organ of third
            antennal segment (fig.6) paddle-shaped............ riojana
16(4).    Maximum length 1 to 1.19................................. 17
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59...................... brevicornis
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19........................ mucronata
17(16).   Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate; number of teeth of
            inner unguis (fig.1) 2; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.)
            fully developed; number of eyes per side 0; region located
            North America...................................... espana
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate; number of teeth of inner
            unguis (fig.1) 3; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent;
            number of eyes per side 5; region located Europe and North
            Africa............................................ joupani
18(4).    Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent..................... 19
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) minute..................... 34
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) weak.................... maros
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) fully developed........ espana
19(18).   Region located Europe and North Africa................... 20
          Region located North America............................. 32
          Region located Mexico, Central America, West Indies.. bonita
20(19).   Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39............................... 21
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59............................... 22
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79............................... 25
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19............................... 26
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49............................... 31
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99......................... truncata
21(20).   A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; p (fig.4) absent; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; anterior
            lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 0;
            median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 3...........
             ............................................ octophthalma
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; p (fig.4) present; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2; anterior
            lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 1;
            median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 2. impediens
22(20).   Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate.............. christiani
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate........................ 23
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) truncate................... stompi
23(22).   A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; p (fig.4) absent; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; thoracic seg
            3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; supplementary seta
            (fig.7) absent.................................. ksenemani 2
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; p (fig.4) present; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3; thoracic seg
            3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; supplementary seta
            (fig.7) present........................................ 24

24(23).   L2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; m1 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta...................................... alfonsii
          L2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; m1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta.................................. subefficiens
25(20).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49....... dodecophthalma
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59.......... dodecopsis 19
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 2.6 to 2.69.......... carthusiana
26(20).   Number of eyes per side 0................................ 27
          Number of eyes per side 1....................... astronomica
          Number of eyes per side 6..................... kwartirnikovi
27(26).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89................... 28
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49................... 29
28(27).   Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2.......... aspinata
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3......... plachteri
29(27).   Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate...................... 30
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate................ propinqua 18
30(29).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 2; m2
            (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; apical organ of third antennal segment
            (fig.6) peg or rod-like............................. aueri
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 4;
            median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 3; m2
            (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            paddle-shaped............................... salisburgiana
31(20).   Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; inner setae manubrial
            plaque (fig.8) 2............................... cassagnaui
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present; inner setae manubrial
            plaque (fig.8) 3............................. superoculata

32(19).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 3.5 to 3.99............... gisini
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 6 or more..................... 33
33(32).   Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.6) expanded.....
             ........................................... christianseni
          Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            paddle-shaped..................................... boneti 23
34(18).   M1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta............................ 35
          M1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.......................... 39
35(34).   Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.6) peg or
            rod-like............................................... 36
          Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            paddle-shaped.......................................... 37
36(35).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59............ vandeli 3
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89......... infernalis
37(35).   Number of eyes per side 0; inner setae manubrial plaque
            (fig.8) 2.............................................. 38
          Number of eyes per side 1; inner setae manubrial plaque
            (fig.8) 3.......................................... alpina
38(37).   Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49.......................... dallaii
          Maximum length 3 to 3.49............................. concii
39(34).   Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.6) peg or
            rod-like.......................................... vandeli 4
          Apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            paddle-shaped.......................................... 40
40(39).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59.............. vandeli 5
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89............ insubrica
41(3).    Region located Europe and North Africa................... 42
          Region located North America............................. 68
          Region located Mexico, Central America, West Indies...... 72
          Region located South America.................... brevicornis
42(41).   Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2................ 43
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3................ 45
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 4................ 65
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 0................ 67
43(42).   Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59........................ martelii 17
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19......................... lamperti 1
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49...................... oxybarensis
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99............................... 44
44(43).   Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.)
            minute; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 3;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) present............... sollaudi
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; unquiculus wing tooth
            (fig.1) absent; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 2; supplementary seta (fig.7) absent... cavernarum
45(42).   Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate...................... 46
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate........................ 52
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) truncate....................... 63
46(45).   Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            up to 15...................................... carthusiana
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            16 to 20............................................... 47
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            21 to 30...................................... unguiculata
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50............................................... 48
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            51 to 57............................................... 51
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65.......................................... inflata
47(46).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2.......
             ............................................. jeanpierrei
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3.......
             ........................................... unguilonginea
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 4.......
             ............................................... passaueri
48(46).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate....................... 49
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate................. intemerata
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................. 50
49(48).   Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01
            to 1.29......................................... martelii 17
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9
            to 2.49...................................... arrasatensis
50(48).   A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; p (fig.4) absent; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; thoracic seg
            3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; supplementary seta
            (fig.7) absent........................... duodecimocellata
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; p (fig.4) present; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3; thoracic seg
            3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; supplementary seta
            (fig.7) present.................................... gineti
51(46).   E (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            maximum length 2.5 to 2.99; L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            L2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta................ heteromurina
          E (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; maximum length 2.2 to 2.49; L1 (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta; L2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.....
             .............................................. racovitzai
52(45).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate....................... 53
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate......................... 55
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................. 61
53(52).   Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            21 to 30........................................... duprei
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50............................................... 54
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65....................................... binoculata
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74..................................... subilliciens
54(53).   Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01
            to 1.29......................................... martelii 17
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9
            to 2.49...................................... arrasatensis
55(52).   Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent........................ 56
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present....................... 60
56(55).   Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65............................................... 57
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74............................................... 58
57(56).   L2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            r (fig.5) smooth microchaeta; L1 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta........ azorica
          L2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; r (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.....
             ............................................ subduodecima
58(56).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01 to 1.29............. joupani
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49................... 59
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59......... subduodecima
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89......... subduodecima
59(58).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; r (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta; a (fig.4) smooth microchaeta........
             ............................................ subduodecima
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; r (fig.)
            smooth microchaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta........
             ............................................ subilliciens
60(55).   Maximum length 1 to 1.19............................ joupani
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79.......................... decepta
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19....................... lleidensis
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99................... superduodecima
61(52).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49......... subilliciens
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59............. encrusae
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89................... 62
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49........... propinqua 18
62(61).   Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; supplementary seta (fig.)
            present; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; r (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; number of eyes per side 6......... huescensis
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; supplementary seta (fig.)
            absent; e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; r (fig.5) smooth
            microchaeta; number of eyes per side 5........... encrusae
63(45).   Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59........................ martelii 17
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49............................... 64
          Maximum length 3 to 3.49....................... theodoridesi
64(63).   L2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; p (fig.4) present; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae
            number (fig.3) 2............................. arrasatensis
          L2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; a (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; p (fig.4) absent; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae
            number (fig.3) 0................................ substygia
65(42).   Maximum length 0.61 to 0.79........................... decui
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59............................... 66
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79.................... bidenticulata 6
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19.......................... bessoni
66(65).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate; distance distal unpaired
            ungual tooth from base/total unguis 41 to 50;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01 to 1.29......... martelii 17
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate; distance distal unpaired
            ungual tooth from base/total unguis 75 to 80;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59....................
             ........................................... bidenticulata 7
67(42).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate; maximum length 1.4 to
            1.59; distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from
            base/total unguis 41 to 50...................... martelii 17
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen; maximum length 1.6
            to 1.79; distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from
            base/total unguis up to 15..................... cabidochei
68(41).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate....................... 69
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................. 70
69(68).   P (fig.4) absent; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta
            number (fig.3) 3; r (fig.5) absent; maximum length 1.8 to
            2.19; distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from
            base/total unguis 31 to 35........................... orba
          P (fig.4) present; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta
            number (fig.3) 4; r (fig.5) ciliated microchaeta; maximum
            length 1.6 to 1.79; distance distal unpaired ungual tooth
            from base/total unguis 66 to 74...................... vita
70(68).   Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent..................... 71
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) fully developed.. parattenuata
71(70).   Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2........... boneti 23
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3...... meganporteri
72(41).   A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta........................... yuca
          A (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta............. kenchristianseni
          A (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta............................. 73
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta......................... cava
73(72).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal up to 1................. bonita
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49.............. volca
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 3 to 3.49.............. huautla
74(2).    Region located Europe and North Africa................... 75
          Region located North America............................ 115
          Region located Mexico, Central America, West Indies..... 118
          Region located Asia.......................... chiangdaoensis
75(74).   Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate...................... 76
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate....................... 107
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) truncate...................... 114
76(75).   Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59............................... 77
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79............................... 81
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19............................... 84
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49............................... 97
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99.............................. 104
          Maximum length 3.5 to 3.99...................... subterranea 8
77(76).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate....................... 78
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate......................... 80
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen........ feneriensis
78(77).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01 to 1.29........... martelii 17
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49................... 79
79(78).   Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            36 to 40......................................... styriaca
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50......................................... styriaca
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74....................................... inaequalis
80(77).   L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 3; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) present................. dobati
          L1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; a (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 0; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) absent............... bulgarica
81(76).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0.......
             ........................................ vertamicoriensis
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1.......
             .................................................. stygia
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2.......
             .............................................. eskualduna
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3.... 82
82(81).   L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 1; m2 (fig.)
            smooth macrochaeta; number of teeth of inner unguis
            (fig.1) 2.................................... subcentralis
          L1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2;
            m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; number of teeth of inner
            unguis (fig.1) 3....................................... 83
83(82).   Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; dorsal cephalic
            macrochaeta t (fig.2) present; unquiculus shape (fig.)
            basally swollen; apical organ of third antennal segment
            (fig.6) paddle-shaped............................. aelleni
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present; dorsal cephalic
            macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.)
            clavate; apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            peg or rod-like.................................... curtii
84(76).   Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent..................... 85
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) minute..................... 94
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) weak....................... 96
85(84).   Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate....................... 86
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate......................... 87
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................. 89
86(85).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49....... aggtelekiensis
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 2.6 to 2.69............... boneti
87(85).   L2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.)
            present; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta............................................ 88
          L2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent;
            e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta.................................. vornatscheri
88(87).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; median(M)
            4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 2; m1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta..................................... subdobati
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 4;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 3; median(M)
            4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 3; m1 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta...................................... balazuci
89(85).   Number of eyes per side 0................................ 90
          Number of eyes per side 1.............................. lesi
          Number of eyes per side 6............................ goughi
          Number of eyes per side 7............................ goughi
90(89).   Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent............. 91
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present............ 93
91(90).   Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89............ centralis
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49................... 92
92(91).   Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            16 to 20................................... aggtelekiensis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            31 to 35.................................... caladairensis
93(90).   Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            up to 15..................................... kersmaekersi
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            16 to 20................................... aggtelekiensis
94(84).   L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; supplementary seta (fig.)
            present; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; dorsal cephalic
            macrochaeta s (fig.2) present; m1 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta............................................ 95
          L1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; supplementary seta (fig.)
            absent; e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; dorsal cephalic
            macrochaeta s (fig.2) absent; m1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta...................................... lamperti 9
95(94).   Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; q2 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 4; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.)
            3; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta................... denisi
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; q2 (fig.4) ciliated
            microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 3; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.)
            2; m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta................. jesusi
96(84).   Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2; unquiculus shape
            (fig.1) acuminate; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49.
             ............................................... strinatii
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3; unquiculus shape
            (fig.1) basally swollen; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to
            1.89............................................... paclti
97(76).   Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0.......
             ............................................. ashmoleorum
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3.... 98
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 4... 103
98(97).   Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) absent............. 99
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) present........... 101
99(98).   L2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; p (fig.4) present; e (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta; supplementary seta (fig.7) present....... 100
          L2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; a (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; p (fig.4) absent; e (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; supplementary seta (fig.7) absent... chapmani
100(99).  Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            31 to 35........................................... virei 10
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50......................................... subvirei
101(98).  Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            21 to 30....................................... melatensis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            31 to 35...................................... subterranea
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50.............................................. 102
102(101). Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89........... subinflata
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49. tarraconensis 11
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 2.6 to 2.69. tarraconensis 12
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 2.7 to 2.79. tarraconensis 12
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 2.8 to 2.99. tarraconensis 12
103(97).  Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; median(M) 4th
            abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 2; number of teeth of
            inner unguis (fig.1) 3; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t
            (fig.2) present; unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate.........
             ........................................... barcelonensis
          Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 3; median(M) 4th
            abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 3; number of teeth of
            inner unguis (fig.1) 2; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t
            (fig.2) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen..
             ................................................. delhezi
104(76).  Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2............... 105
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3............... 106
105(104). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 1; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.)
            2; supplementary seta (fig.7) present; cephalic seta r3
            (fig.2) present.................................. pyrenaea
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 4;
            anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 0; median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.)
            3; supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; cephalic seta r3
            (fig.2) absent................................... chauvini
106(104). Median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 2; distance
            distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 36 to
            40.............................................. pieltaini
          Median(M) 4th abd dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 3; distance
            distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 21 to
            30.............................................. antennata
107(75).  Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate...................... 108
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate........................ 110
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................ 111
108(107). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            21 to 30........................................... duprei
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50........................................ martelii 17
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65.............................................. 109
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74..................................... subilliciens
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            75 to 80.................................. duodecimoculata
109(108). A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; r (fig.5) ciliated
            microchaeta; maximum length 2.5 to 2.99............ luquei
          A (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; r (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; maximum length 2.2 to 2.49.......... beruetei
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; r (fig.5) smooth
            microchaeta; maximum length 1.4 to 1.59........ binoculata
110(107). A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; q1 (fig.4) absent; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; r (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number
            (fig.3) 0...................................... lleidensis
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; q1 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 3; r (fig.5) smooth microchaeta; thoracic seg 3
            macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2................ subilliciens
111(107). Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2........... lunaris
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3............... 112
112(111). Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49.................. 113
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59............. manuelae
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49.......... handschini 20
113(112). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) present; m2 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta......... seyleri
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; m2 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.. subilliciens
114(75).  Number of eyes per side 0; maximum length 1.4 to 1.59;
            distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total
            unguis 41 to 50................................. martelii 17
          Number of eyes per side 4; maximum length 1.6 to 1.79;
            distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total
            unguis 58 to 65................................ aramendiai
115(74).  Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39.............................. 116
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59.............................. 117
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79........................... granda
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19......................... espanita
          Maximum length 2.2 to 2.49.......................... vespera
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99............................ fonsa
          Maximum length 3 to 3.49............................. flatua
116(115). A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1; number of teeth of inner
            unguis (fig.1) 2; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) fully
            developed; m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.......... certa
          A (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2; number of teeth of inner
            unguis (fig.1) 3; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent; m2
            (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta........................ erehwon
117(115). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) weak; m2 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta............................ josemarii
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2;
            unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent; m2 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; L1 (fig.)
            smooth macrochaeta.................................. extra
118(74).  Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0.......
             ................................................ rabonica
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1... 119
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2. finca
119(118). Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 0............................................. 120
          Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 1............................................. 121
120(119). R (fig.5) smooth microchaeta; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            acuminate; maximum length 1.8 to 2.19; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis up to 15;
            inner setae manubrial plaque (fig.8) 3.............. volca
          R (fig.5) absent; tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate; maximum
            length 1.6 to 1.79; distance distal unpaired ungual tooth
            from base/total unguis 75 to 80; inner setae manubrial
            plaque (fig.8) 2........................... petrustrinatii
121(119). E (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            a (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; b (fig.4) smooth
            macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta........... vera
          E (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; b (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.....
             .................................................... cava
122(1).   Region located Europe and North Africa.................. 123
          Region located North America............................ 182
          Region located Mexico, Central America, West Indies..... 183
          Region located South America............................ 184
          Region located Sub-Saharan Africa....................... 187
          Region located Asia..................................... 188
          Region located Australia................................ 196
          Region located Oceania.................................. 198
          Region located New Zealand.............................. 201
123(122). Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2............... 124
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3............... 125
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 4............... 171
124(123). Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            clavate; ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent; unquiculus
            shape (fig.1) acuminate....................... lafargensis
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; tenent hair shape (fig.)
            acuminate; ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present; unquiculus
            shape (fig.1) clavate........................... ghirkhani
125(123). Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent.................... 126
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) minute.................... 162
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) weak.............. tietarensis
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) fully developed........... 165
126(125). Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) absent............ 127
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) present........... 153
127(126). Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate..................... 128
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate....................... 132
128(127). Number of eyes per side 0............................... 129
          Number of eyes per side 1.......................... jordanai
          Number of eyes per side 2............................... 130
          Number of eyes per side 3........................... serrana
          Number of eyes per side 4...................... luenganensis
129(128). Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39....................... jacetanica
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79......................... maritima
130(128). Maximum length 0.8 to 0.99......................... absoloni
          Maximum length 1 to 1.19............................ angelae
          Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39.............................. 131
131(130). A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; p (fig.4) absent; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; supplementary
            seta (fig.7) absent; m1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta......
             ................................................ thibaudi
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; p (fig.4) present; posterior
            thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1; supplementary
            seta (fig.7) present; m1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta.......
             ................................................ leclerci
132(127). P (fig.4) absent........................................ 133
          P (fig.4) present....................................... 139
133(132). Number of eyes per side 0....................... handschini 20
          Number of eyes per side 2........................ turolensis
          Number of eyes per side 3............................... 134
          Number of eyes per side 4............................... 137
          Number of eyes per side 5............................... 138
          Number of eyes per side 6...................... cansiliensis
134(133). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0... 135
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1... 136
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3.......
             ............................................... marcuzzii
135(134). M2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; distance distal unpaired
            ungual tooth from base/total unguis 66 to 74; no. outer
            setae manubrial plaque (fig.8) 3..................... edax
          M2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; distance distal unpaired
            ungual tooth from base/total unguis 58 to 65; no. outer
            setae manubrial plaque (fig.8) 1................. hermanni
136(134). Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.)
            acuminate; apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            expanded; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59;
            differentiated inner seta on hind tibiotarsus (fig.)
            unclear or absent.............................. zaragozana
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present; unquiculus shape (fig.)
            clavate; apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            peg or rod-like; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49;
            differentiated inner seta on hind tibiotarsus (fig.)
            clear, acuminate................................ templadoi

137(133). Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; ungual wing tooth (fig.)
            present; unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate; r (fig.)
            ciliated microchaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t
            (fig.2) absent............................... luenganensis
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; ungual wing tooth (fig.)
            absent; unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate; r (fig.5) smooth
            microchaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.)
            present........................................... xabieri
138(133). L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; q1 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) absent; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta.......
             ................................................ huetheri
          L1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; q1 (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) present; m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta....
             ........................................... turiasonensis
139(132). Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent....................... 140
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present...................... 149
140(139). Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent........................ 141
          Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present....................... 147
141(140). A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta............................ 142
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta.......................... 145
142(141). Number of eyes per side 4............................... 143
          Number of eyes per side 5............................... 144
143(142). Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 0; apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            peg or rod-like; maximum length 0.8 to 0.99... canariensis
          Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 1; apical organ of third antennal segment (fig.)
            expanded; maximum length 1.6 to 1.79................ picta
144(142). Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate............... variabilis
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate................. fjellbergi
145(141). L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta........................................ fallax
          L1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; m2 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta........................................... 146
146(145). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; distance
            distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 58 to
            65............................................... apuanica
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; distance
            distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 66 to
            74........................................... subilliciens
147(140). Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01 to 1.29............. pallida
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49.................. 148
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89............... horaki
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49.......... handschini 20
148(147). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0.......
             ............................................... hercynica
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1.......
             ................................................ bohemica
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3.......
             ............................................ subilliciens
149(139). Number of eyes per side 0............................... 150
          Number of eyes per side 3........................ annemariae
          Number of eyes per side 5............................. mauli
          Number of eyes per side 6............................... 152
150(149). Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent........................ 151
          Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present............... handschini 20
151(150). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0..............
             ........................................... pseudodecepta
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 1.... illiciens
152(149). Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.)
            basally swollen; a (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; r (fig.)
            smooth microchaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.)
            absent.......................................... terricola
          Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present; unquiculus shape (fig.)
            acuminate; a (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; r (fig.)
            ciliated microchaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t
            (fig.2) present............................... navarrensis
153(126). Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate...................... 154
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate........................ 156
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen................ 159
154(153). Number of eyes per side 0.......................... maritima
          Number of eyes per side 1.............................. pori
          Number of eyes per side 2........................ biocellata
          Number of eyes per side 3............................... 155
          Number of eyes per side 5........................... pygmaea
155(154). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            51 to 57; antennal/cephalic diagonal 6 or more............
             ............................................ burgalensis 22
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59..........
             ............................................ occidentalis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            75 to 80; antennal/cephalic diagonal 3 to 3.49............
             ........................................... montiscarmeli
156(153). Maximum length 0.8 to 0.99.............................. 157
          Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39........................... albida
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59................... imparipunctata
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19.......................... charoae
157(156). Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) absent; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to
            1.49.................................................. 158
          Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 1; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) present; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to
            1.59............................................. astarini
158(157). Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1; supplementary seta (fig.)
            absent; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present;
            distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total
            unguis 66 to 74................................ ksenemani 13
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2
            macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0; supplementary seta (fig.)
            present; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent;
            distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total
            unguis 75 to 80................................... ciliata
159(153). Number of eyes per side 0............................... 160
          Number of eyes per side 3........................... hauseri
          Number of eyes per side 4............................... 161
160(159). Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent.................. recipiens
          Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present............... handschini 20
161(159). Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; supplementary seta (fig.)
            present; maximum length 1 to 1.19; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 66 to 74.....
             ........................................... azerbaidzhani
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; supplementary seta (fig.)
            absent; maximum length 1.2 to 1.39; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 58 to 65.....
             ............................................... lenkorani
162(125). Number of eyes per side 0............................... 163
          Number of eyes per side 3............................ simoni
          Number of eyes per side 5........................ difficilis
163(162). Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent; maximum length
            1.6 to 1.79........................................ pongei
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present; maximum
            length 1.2 to 1.39.................................... 164
164(163). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) present; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 66 to 74;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49........ praecipiens
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 58 to 65;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59............. noseki
165(125). Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate..................... 166
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate....................... 167
166(165). Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5
            to 1.59......................................... anderseni
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9
            to 2.49......................................... halophila
167(165). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0... 168
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1... 169
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2... 170
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3.......
             .................................................. bachae
168(167). L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; e (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; r (fig.)
            smooth microchaeta; m1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta... gamae
          L1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated
            microchaeta; e (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; r (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta; m1 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta.....
             ........................................ pseudopetterseni
169(167). Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent; ungual wing tooth (fig.)
            present; number of eyes per side 2; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 58 to 65.....
             ................................................ espanoli
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present; ungual wing tooth
            (fig.1) absent; number of eyes per side 3; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 75 to 80.....
             ................................................. arretzi
170(167). Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; unquiculus
            shape (fig.1) acuminate; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to
            1.89............................................ soriensis
          Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; unquiculus
            shape (fig.1) basally swollen; antennal/cephalic diagonal
            1.5 to 1.59.................................... petterseni
171(123). Maximum length up to 0.6.......................... paprivata
          Maximum length 0.8 to 0.99.............................. 172
          Maximum length 1 to 1.19................................ 173
          Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39.............................. 174
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59.............................. 178
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79.............................. 179
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19.............................. 180
172(171). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49............ ciliata
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59........ cordobensis
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 2;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89........ cementensis
173(171). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65.................................... torcuatoensis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            81 to 90.......................................... cobosae
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            91 or more........................................ aidamar
174(171). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50..................................... logrognensis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            51 to 57....................................... leivaensis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65.............................................. 175
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74.............................................. 176
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            75 to 80.............................................. 177
175(174). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) present; unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate;
            r (fig.5) ciliated microchaeta................ burgalensis
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 1; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally
            swollen; r (fig.5) smooth microchaeta.............. selgae
176(174). E (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            a (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; q1 (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 0..................................... gutierrezae
          E (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; q1 (fig.)
            smooth microchaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta
            number (fig.3) 3.................................. aeolica
177(174). E (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; ungual wing
            tooth (fig.1) absent............................. tyrrhena
          E (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number
            (fig.3) 2; thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 1;
            ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present................. helenae
178(171). Number of eyes per side 0; r (fig.5) absent.......... hrabei
          Number of eyes per side 3; r (fig.5) ciliated microchaeta...
             ............................................... moldavica
          Number of eyes per side 5; r (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta...
             ............................................. sandelsorum
179(171). A (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta;
            tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate; unquiculus wing tooth
            (fig.1) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate.... picta
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; q1 (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate;
            unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) minute; unquiculus shape
            (fig.1) acuminate.................................... ioni
180(171). Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59................ codri
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89.................. 181
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49............... gruiae
181(180). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen; number of eyes
            per side 0; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) absent;
            dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent...... larisae
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate; number of eyes per
            side 3; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) present;
            dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present... simpatica
182(122). Maximum length 0.8 to 0.99........................ sanguinea
          Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39............................. sera
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19........................... rolfsi
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99.......................... folsomi
183(122). Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; q2 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta................................. biunguiculata
          Q1 (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; q2 (fig.4) ciliated
            microchaeta.................................. lahainaensis
          Q1 (fig.4) absent; q2 (fig.4) absent................ violeta
184(122). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            36 to 40........................................ peruensis
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            41 to 50.............................................. 185
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74........................................ rapoporti
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            75 to 80....................................... intermixta
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            81 to 90.............................................. 186
185(184). M2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; q2 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate; number
            of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3; unquiculus wing tooth
            (fig.1) fully developed......................... federicoi
          M2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; q2 (fig.4) absent; tenent
            hair shape (fig.1) clavate; number of teeth of inner
            unguis (fig.1) 2; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent....
             ............................................... metallica
186(184). Number of eyes per side 0; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01
            to 1.29.......................................... gleycola
          Number of eyes per side 5; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to
            1.49.............................................. confusa
187(122). Number of eyes per side 0....................... praecipiens
          Number of eyes per side 1......................... biguttata
          Number of eyes per side 2.................... imparipunctata
188(122). Number of eyes per side 0............................... 189
          Number of eyes per side 2............................... 191
          Number of eyes per side 3...................... sensillifera
          Number of eyes per side 4............................... 192
          Number of eyes per side 5.................. pseudolanuginosa
          Number of eyes per side 6............................... 195
189(188). Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2............ montis
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3............... 190
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 4........ bellingeri
190(189). Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent; unquiculus shape
            (fig.1) clavate; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89...
             ................................................ yosiiana
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) fully developed; unquiculus
            shape (fig.1) basally swollen; antennal/cephalic diagonal
            1.5 to 1.59.................................... petterseni
191(188). Maximum length 0.61 to 0.79...................... baghdadica
          Maximum length 0.8 to 0.99..................... genghizkhani
192(188). Maximum length up to 0.6................................ 193
          Maximum length 0.61 to 0.79............................. 194
          Maximum length 1 to 1.19............................. vallis
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19............................. paxi
193(192). R (fig.5) smooth microchaeta; a (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal
            macrochaetae (fig.3) 1; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s
            (fig.2) present; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.)
            present......................................... mutabilis
          R (fig.5) absent; a (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; anterior
            lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 0;
            dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) absent; dorsal
            cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent.............. tumula
194(192). A (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; q1 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49; b
            (fig.4) smooth microchaeta................... tridentifera
          A (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta; q1 (fig.4) ciliated
            macrochaeta; antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49; b
            (fig.4) ciliated macrochaeta....................... staryi
          A (fig.4) absent; q1 (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.01 to 1.29; b (fig.)
            ciliated microchaeta........................... grinnellia
195(188). Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 2...................
             ........................................... sandakanicus 24
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 3........ segamanus 24
          Number of teeth of inner unguis (fig.1) 4...................
             ........................................... sepilokensis 24
196(122). Number of eyes per side 1; maximum length 5 or more;
            unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate............. unioculata
          Number of eyes per side 6; maximum length 1.4 to 1.59;
            unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate...................... 197
197(196). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            up to 15......................................... spelunca
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            66 to 74......................................... fasciata
198(122). Q2 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta........................... 199
          Q2 (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta......................... 200
          Q2 (fig.4) absent.................................. fujiokai
199(198). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            tenent hair shape (fig.1) truncate; unquiculus shape
            (fig.1) clavate; number of eyes per side 4; maximum length
            1.2 to 1.39.................................. kalalauensis
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate; unquiculus shape
            (fig.1) acuminate; number of eyes per side 6; maximum
            length 1.6 to 1.79............................... ashmolae
200(198). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 0;
            tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate; number of teeth of
            inner unguis (fig.1) 2; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.)
            fully developed; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.)
            absent....................................... lahainaensis
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate; number of teeth of
            inner unguis (fig.1) 3; unquiculus wing tooth (fig.)
            absent; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present.....
             ................................................. miratio
201(122). Maximum length 0.8 to 0.99; distance distal unpaired ungual
            tooth from base/total unguis 41 to 50; antennal/cephalic
            diagonal 1.01 to 1.29........................ dispadentata
          Maximum length 1 to 1.19; distance distal unpaired ungual
            tooth from base/total unguis 91 or more; antennal/cephalic
            diagonal 1.5 to 1.59......................... insoloculata
          Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39; distance distal unpaired ungual
            tooth from base/total unguis 36 to 40; antennal/cephalic
            diagonal 1.6 to 1.89........................... nonoculata
202(1).   Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) absent.................... 203
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) minute.................... 223
          Unquiculus wing tooth (fig.1) fully developed........... 224
203(202). Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) absent........................ 204
          Ungual wing tooth (fig.1) present....................... 221
204(203). Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) absent............ 205
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.2) present........... 208
205(204). Maximum length 1.2 to 1.39............................ alba 14
          Maximum length 1.4 to 1.59........................... stachi
          Maximum length 1.6 to 1.79.............................. 206
          Maximum length 1.8 to 2.19........................ efficiens
          Maximum length 2.5 to 2.99.............................. 207
          Maximum length 3.5 to 3.99.......................... hirsuta
206(205). E (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta;
            q1 (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; anterior lateral(P) fourth
            abdominal dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 1; m2 (fig.5) smooth
            macrochaeta................................... sexoculata 14
          E (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta; L1 (fig.5) ciliated
            macrochaeta; q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; anterior
            lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae (fig.3) 0;
            m2 (fig.5) ciliated macrochaeta................... collina
207(205). B (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; distance distal unpaired
            ungual tooth from base/total unguis 66 to 74;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59; apical organ of
            third antennal segment (fig.6) peg or rod-like;
            differentiated inner seta on hind tibiotarsus (fig.)
            clear, acuminate..................................... aera
          B (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; distance distal unpaired
            ungual tooth from base/total unguis 58 to 65;
            antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.6 to 1.89; apical organ of
            third antennal segment (fig.6) expanded; differentiated
            inner seta on hind tibiotarsus (fig.9) unclear or absent.
             ................................................ argentea
208(204). Tenent hair shape (fig.1) acuminate............... decipiens
          Tenent hair shape (fig.1) clavate....................... 209
209(208). Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 0............................................. 210
          Anterior lateral(P) fourth abdominal dorsal macrochaetae
            (fig.3) 1............................................. 211
210(209). Number of eyes per side 0; maximum length 0.61 to 0.79......
             .............................................. infrequens
          Number of eyes per side 2; maximum length up to 0.6.........
             ............................................... insularum
          Number of eyes per side 3; maximum length 0.8 to 0.99.......
             .............................................. trioculata
          Number of eyes per side 4; maximum length 1.4 to 1.59.......
             .................................................. stachi
211(209). Supplementary seta (fig.7) absent....................... 212
          Supplementary seta (fig.7) present...................... 220
212(211). Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) absent............ 213
          Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta s (fig.2) present........... 219
213(212). Cephalic seta r0 (fig.2) absent......................... 214
          Cephalic seta r0 (fig.2) present........................ 217
214(213). Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0............ 215
          Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 1......... stachi
          Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2............ 216
          Thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 3......... stachi
215(214). Number of eyes per side 4; maximum length 1.4 to 1.59.......
             .................................................. stachi
          Number of eyes per side 5; maximum length 1 to 1.19.........
             ............................................... wahlgreni
216(214). Region located Europe and North Africa; distance distal
            unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis 66 to 74.....
             ............................................ subilliciens
          Region located Asia; distance distal unpaired ungual tooth
            from base/total unguis 58 to 65.................... stachi
217(213). Region located Europe and North Africa.................. 218
          Region located Asia.................................. stachi
218(217). Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 1;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 0; a (fig.)
            smooth microchaeta.............................. zygophora
          Posterior thoracic seg 2 macrochaeta number (fig.3) 3;
            thoracic seg 3 macrochaetae number (fig.3) 2; a (fig.)
            ciliated macrochaeta......................... subilliciens
219(212). Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            up to 15; differentiated inner seta on hind tibiotarsus
            (fig.9) clear, truncate or clavate......... octopunctata 14
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            58 to 65; differentiated inner seta on hind tibiotarsus
            (fig.9) unclear or absent......................... stachi
          Distance distal unpaired ungual tooth from base/total unguis
            75 to 80; differentiated inner seta on hind tibiotarsus
            (fig.9) clear, acuminate................... octopunctata 15
220(211). Unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate; number of eyes per side
            4.................................................. stachi
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate; number of eyes per side 2.
             ................................................... alba 15
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen; number of eyes per
            side 3........................................ sexoculata 15
221(203). Antennal/cephalic diagonal up to 1...................... hui
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.3 to 1.49......... subilliciens
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.5 to 1.59........... immaculata
          Antennal/cephalic diagonal 1.9 to 2.49.................. 222
222(221). Unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate; number of eyes per side 6.
             .............................................. suboculata
          Unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen; number of eyes per
            side 0........................................ handschini 20
223(202). Q1 (fig.4) smooth microchaeta; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t
            (fig.2) absent; unquiculus shape (fig.1) basally swollen;
            number of eyes per side 0; maximum length 2.2 to 2.49.....
             ................................................ vandeli 16
          Q1 (fig.4) absent; dorsal cephalic macrochaeta t (fig.)
            present; unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate; number of eyes
            per side 6; maximum length 1.8 to 2.19....... problematica
224(202). Q1 (fig.4) ciliated microchaeta; q2 (fig.4) ciliated
            microchaeta; unquiculus shape (fig.1) clavate; maximum
            length 1 to 1.19; m2 (fig.5) absent.................. caoi
          Q1 (fig.4) smooth macrochaeta; q2 (fig.4) smooth
            microchaeta; unquiculus shape (fig.1) acuminate; maximum
            length 1.8 to 2.19; m2 (fig.5) smooth macrochaeta.........
             ................................................ violenta


1. As lamperti lamperti.

2. Sensu Gisin - da Gama.

3. As vandeli meridionalis.

4. As vandeli relicta.

5. As vandeli praealpina.

6. As bidenticulata crenelata.

7. As bidenticulata bidenticulata.

8. As subterranea baztanensis.

9. As lamperti germanica.

10. With the current characters and states, Pseudosinella subvirei can only be distinguished from virei in the relative position of the distal tooth on the claw.

11. As tarraconensis tarraconensis.

12. As tarraconensis longicornis.

13. Sensu Hüther.

14. From America.

15. From Europe.

16. As vandeli vandeli.

17. martelii has been sunk to synonymy with immaculata by Schött (1902 cfr Handschin, 1929).

18. propinqua has been sunk to synonymy with decipiens by Goto & Lawrence in Kloet & Hincks (1964).

19. As dodecopsis caerulea.

20. handschini has been sunk to synonymy with decipiens by Goto & Lawrence in Kloet & Hincks (1964).

21. duodecimpunctata has been sunk to synonymy with duodecimoculata by Dallai & Malatesta (1983).

22. ????

23. Of Christiansen, K. 1960:24 nec Bagnall 1941.

24. Currently in Lepidocyrtus.
