Last updated on
by Frans Janssens
Peter F. Bellinger (),
Department of Biology, California State University, Northridge, CA 91330, USA
Kenneth A. Christiansen,
Department of Biology, Grinnell College, PO Box V3, Grinnell, IA 50112-0806, USA
Invalid names in brackets. Valid junior synonyms in parentheses.
This list of generic names, the assignment of status, and the associated key
are tentative. Comments and corrections are solicited.
Family Isotomidae
Aackia Yosii, 1966
- Type species karakoramensis Yosii, 1966
Acanthisotoma see Isotoma
Acanthomurus Womersley, 1934
- Type species plumbeus Womersley,
Agrenia Börner, 1906
- Type species Isotoma bidenticulata
Tullberg, 1876
Alloschaefferia seen Tomocerura
Antarcticinella Salmon, 1965
- Type species monoculata Salmon,
Antarctophorus Potapov, 1993
- Type species Anurophorus subpolaris
Salmon, 1942
Anurophoruzelia - see Anurophorus
Anurophorus Nicolet, 1842
- Type species laricis Nicolet, 1842
- (Anurophorouzelia Stach, 1947
- - Type species Uzelia rara Yosii,
- [Bourletia MacGillivray, 1893
- - Type species Anurophorus
laricis Nicolet, 1842]
[Apoeona] - see Isotoma
Appendisotoma - see Proisotoma
Araucanocyrtus Massoud & Rapoport, 1968
- Type species fileri
Massoud & Rapoport, 1968
Archisotoma Linnaniemi, 1912
- Type species Isotoma besselsi
Packard, 1877
Arlea Womersley, 1939
- Type species Isotomina lucifuga Arlé, 1939
- [Falcisotomina Stach, 1947
- - Type species Isotomina lucifuga
Arlé, 1939]
Astephanus see Coloburella
Australomia - see Cryptopygus
Australotoma - see Isotoma, Setocerura, Tomocerus?
Axelsonia Börner, 1906
- Type species thalassophila Börner, 1907
- (Moniezina Denis, 1922
- - Type species Isotoma littoralis
Moniez, 1890)
Bagnallella - see Folsomia
[Ballistrura] - see Proisotoma
Ballistura - see Proisotoma
Bathyterra - see Cryptopygus
[Biacantha] - see Martynovella
Blissia Rusek, 1985
- Type species glabra Rusek, 1985
Boernerella - see Coloburella
Bonetrura Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980
- Type species
Guthriella boneti Yosii, 1962
[Bourletia] - see Anurophorus
[Cephalotoma] - see Metisotoma
Cheirotoma - see Isotoma
Chisotoma - see Hydroisotoma
Clavisotoma - see Proisotoma
Cliforga - see Proisotoma
Coloburella Latzel, 1918
- Type species reticulata Latzel, 1918
- (Astephanus Denis, 1926
- - Type species linnaniemii Denis,
- (Boernerella Denis, 1925
- - Type species zangherii Denis, 1925
- (Neobeckerella Wray, 1952
- - Type species allusa Wray, 1952)
- Subgenus Paranurophorus Denis, 1929
- - Type species
simplex Denis, 1929
Cranisotoma - see Proisotoma
Cryptopygus Willem, 1901
- Type species antarcticus Willem, 1901
- (Parafolsomia Salmon, 1949
- - Type species decemoculata Salmon,
- (Proisotomina Salmon, 1948
- - Type species Isotomina subalpina
Salmon, 1944)
- (Proisotomodes Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species Isotoma
bipunctata Axelson, 1903)
- Subgenus? Bathyterra Rusek, 1996
- - Type species
bipartita Rusek, 1996
Subgenus Cryptopygus s.str.
(Australomia Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Folsomia loftyensis Womersley, 1934)
(Hemisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Isotoma thermophila Axelson, 1900)
(Mucrosomia Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Folsomia
garretti Bagnall, 1939)
(Spinurosomia Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Folsomia novaezealandiae Salmon, 1943)
(Zealandotoma Salmon, 1964
- Type species
Isotomina novazealandia Salmon, 1941)
Subgenus? Isotomina Börner, 1903
- Type species agreni
Börner, 1903
Subgenus Rhodanella Salmon, 1945
- Type species
Vertagopus minos Denis, 1928
[Rhodesia Womersley, 1934, nec Warren, 1905 Type
species Vertagopus minos Denis, 1928]
(Stachisotoma Salmon, 1964
- Type species Isotomina
lamellata Salmon, 1941)
Dagamaea Yosii, 1965
- Type species japonica Yosii, 1965
Denisia - see Isotomiella
Desoria - see Isotoma
Deuterolubbockia - see Tetracanthella
[Dimorphiella] - see Dimorphotoma
Dimorphotoma Grinbergs, 1975
- Type species Proisotoma
(Dimorphiella) muriphila Grinbergs, 1968
- [Dimorphiella Grinbergs, 1968, nec Valkanov, 1928
- Type
species Proisotoma (Dimorphiella) muriphila Grinbergs, 1968]
[Eosotoma] - see Hydroisotoma
[Euisotoma] - see Isotoma
[Falcisotomina] see Arlea
Folsomia Willem, 1902
- Type species candida Willem, 1902
- (Bagnallella Salmon, 1951
- - Type species Folsomia
sedecimocellata Salmon, 1943)
- (Holotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species silvestrii Folsom,
- (Litsteria Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species quadrioculata
Tullberg, 1871)
- (Litsterodes Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species folsomiella Bagnall,
- = Folsomia sexoculata of Bagnall, not of Tullberg))
- (Stachomia Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species Folsomia decemoculata
Stach, 1946)
Folsomides Stach, 1922
- Type species parvulus Stach, 1922
- (Jacksoniella Denis, 1931
- - Type species Proisotoma perparva
Jackson, 1927)
- (Subisotoma Stach, 1947
- - Type species Isotoma pusilla
Schäffer, 1900)
- (Varisotoma Salmon, 1964
- - Type species Isotoma angularis
Axelson, 1905)
Folsomidiella - see Proisotoma
Folsomina Denis, 1931
- Type species onychiurina Denis, 1931
Folsomotoma - see Isotoma
[Frisonia] - see Proisotoma
Gnathisotoma Cassagnau, 1958
- Type species bicolor Cassagnau,
Gnathofolsomia Deharveng & Christian, 1984
- Type species palpata
Deharveng & Christian, 1984
Granisotoma - see Isotoma
Gressittacantha Wise, 1967
- Type species terranova Wise, 1967
Guthriella - see Proisotoma
Halisotoma - see Isotoma
Haploisotoma Izarra, 1965
- Type species ventanensis Izarra, 1965
Hemisomia - see Proisotoma
Hemisotoma - see Cryptopygus
Heteroisotoma - see Isotoma
Holotoma - see Proisotoma
[Holotomodes Bagnall, 1949
- Type species hibernica Bagnall, 1949,
nomen nudum]
Holurotoma - see Isotoma
Hydroisotoma Stach, 1947
- Type species Isotoma schaefferi
Krausbauer, 1898
- (Chisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species Archisotoma dimorpha
Denis, 1922)
- [Eosotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species schaefferi Krausbauer,
Ianstachia - see Proisotoma
Isotoma Bourlet, 1839
- Type species viridis Bourlet, 1839
- [Euisotoma Börner, 1901
- - Type species Isotoma viridis
Bourlet, 1839]
- (Acanthisotoma Bonet, 1942
- - Type species spinicauda Bonet,
- (Australotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species Isotoma (Isotoma)
swani Womersley, 1934)??? a Tomocerus?
- Subgenus? Cheirotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species
Isotoma spatulata Chamberlain, 1943
Subgenus Desoria Nicolet, 1841
- Type species saltans Nicolet,
[Apoeona Gistl, 1848
- Type species Desoria saltans
Nicolet, 1841]
(Isotomurodes Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Isotoma
(Isotoma) gelida Folsom, 1937
(Panurotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Isotoma
(Isotoma) marissa Folsom, 1937)
(Pedisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species subaequalis
Folsom, 1937)
(Sensiterga Murphy, 1959
- Type species infuscata
Murphy, 1959)
(Spinisotoma Stach, 1926
- Type species pectinata
Stach, 1926)
Subgenus? Folsomotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Isotoma bioculata Womersley, 1934
(Sorensia Salmon, 1949
- Type species subflava Salmon, 1949)
Subgenus Granisotoma Stach, 1947
- Type species Proisotoma
(Proisotoma) rainieri Folsom, 1937
[Neosotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Proisotoma (Proisotoma) rainieri Folsom, 1937]
(Panchaetoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Isotoma
communa MacGillivray, 1896
Subgenus Halisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Isotoma maritima Tullberg, 1871
Subgenus? Heteroisotoma Stach, 1947
- Type species
andrei Mills, 1934
[Pathisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species andrei Mills,
(Sibirisotoma Rusek, 1991
- Type species
stebajevae Rusek, 1991)
Subgenus Isotoma s.str.
(Tetracanthura Martynova, 1971
- Type species
mirabilis Martynova, 1971)
Subgenus Myopia Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980.
- Type species
alaskana Christiansen & Bellinger,1980.
Subgenus Najtia Arlé & Mendonça, 1986..
- Type species
vicaria Arlé, 1959
Subgenus? Parisotoma Bagnall, 1940
- Type species
notabilis Schäffer, 1896
(Holurotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species dividua
Salmon, 1944
? (Parisotomodes Bagnall, 1949
- Type species quinquedentata
Salmon, 1943)
Subgenus Pseudisotoma Handschin, 1924
- Type species
Isotoma sensibilis Tullberg, 1876
Subgenus? Pseudosorensia Izarra, 1972 Type
species fueguensis Izarra, 1972
Subgenus Psammisotoma Greenslade & Deharveng, 1986
- Type species
kingae Greenslade & Deharveng, 1986
Subgenus Sericeotoma Potapov, 1991
- Type species
knissi Potapov, 1991
Subgenus Vertagopus Börner, 1906
- Type species
Desoria cinerea Nicolet, 1842
(Papillomurus Salmon, 1941
- Type species fuscus
Salmon, 1941)
Isotomedia Salmon, 1944
- Type species trisetosa Salmon, 1944
Isotomiella Bagnall, 1939
- Type species minor Schäffer, 1896
- (Denisia Folsom, 1932
- - Type species falcata Folsom, 1932)
Isotomina - see Cryptopygus
Isotominella Delamare, 1948
- Type species geophila Delamare, 1948
Isotomodella Martynova, 1968
- Type species pusilla Martynova,
Isotomodes Linnaniemi, 1907
- Type species Isotoma producta
Axelson, 1905 (
- =Isotoma elongata Axelson, 1903 nec
MacGillivray, 1896)
Isotomurodes - see Isotoma
Isotomurus Börner, 1906
- Type species Podura palustris Müller,
- (Proisotomurus Womersley, 1934
- - Type species papillatus
Womersley, 1934)
Jacksoniella - see Folsomides
Jesenikia Rusek, 1997
- Type species filiformis Rusek, 1997
Jestella Najt, 1978
- Type species siva Najt, 1978
Litsteria - see Folsomia
Litsterodes - see Folsomia
Louisotoma - see Proisotoma
[Lubbockia] - see Tetracanthella
Marisotoma Fjellberg, 1997
- Type species canaliculata Fjellberg,
Martynovella Deharveng, 1979
- Type species Biacantha nana
Martynova, 1967
- [Biacantha Martynova, 1967, nec Wolfgang, 1954
- - Type species
nana Martynova, 1967]
Metisotoma Maynard, 1951
- Type species spiniseta Maynard, 1951
- [Cephalotoma Bagnall, 1949, nec Lesne, 1911
- - Type species
Isotoma grandiceps Reuter, 1891]
Micranurophorus Bernard, 1977
- Type species musci Bernard, 1977
Micrisotoma Bellinger,1952
- Type species achromata Bellinger,
Millsia Womersley, 1942
- Type species tiegsi Womersley, 1942 -
Moniezina - see Axelsonia
Mucracanthus Stebaeva, 1976
- Type species altaicus Stebaeva, 1976
Mucrosomia - see Cryptopygus
Mucrotoma Rapoport & Rubio, 1963
- Type species leuca Rapoport &
Rubio, 1963
Myopia - see Isotoma
Najtia - see Isotoma
Narynia Martynova, 1968
- Type species setosa Martynova, 1968
Neobeckerella - see Coloburella
Neocryptopygus Salmon, 1965
- Type species nivicolus Salmon, 1965
Neophorella Womersley, 1934
- Type species dubia Womersley, 1934 [IN
[Neosotoma] - see Isotoma
Octodontophora Chelnokov, 1990
- Type species ornata Chelnokov,
Pachyotoma - see Proisotoma
Panchaetoma - see Isotoma
Panurotoma - see Isotoma
Papillomurus - see Isotoma
Paracerura Deharveng & Oliveira, 1994
- Type species virgata
Deharveng & Oliveira, 1994
Parafolsomia - see Cryptopygus
Paranurophorus - see Coloburella
Parisotoma - see Isotoma
Parisotomodes - see Isotoma
[Paruselia] - see Uzelia
Pathisotoma - see Isotoma
Pectenisotoma Gruia, 1983
- Type species theodori Gruia, 1983
Pedisotoma - see Isotoma
Pentacanthella Deharveng, 1979
- Type species decemoculata
Deharveng, 1979
Pentapleotoma - see- Uzelia
Physurotoma - see Proisotoma
Procerura Salmon, 1941
- Type species violacea Salmon, 1941
- (Salmonides Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species Procerura fasciata
Salmon, 1941)
Proctostephanus Börner, 1902
- Type species stuckeni Börner, 1902
Proisotoma Börner, 1901
- Type species Isotoma minuta Tullberg,
Did we get anything we can use out of our failed project?
- Subgenus Appendisotoma Stach, 1947
- Type species Proisotoma
(Proisotoma) vesiculata Folsom, 1937
- (Cliforga Wray, 1952
- - Type species Spinisotoma (Cliforga)
alleghaniensis Wray, 1952)
Synonymy from Bernard in litt.
- [Frisonia Wray, 1952 nec Ricker, 1943
- Type
species Spinisotoma (Frisonia) veca Wray, 1952]
- (Hemisomia Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species Proisotoma guthriei
Linnaniemi, 1912
- = Isotoma minima Guthrie, 1903, not
of Absolon, 1901)
- (Physurotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species
Proisotoma (Proisotoma) bulbosa Folsom, 1937)
- (Scutisotomodes Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species
Achorutes [longispinus MacGillivray, 1893 nec Tullberg,
- = macgillivrayi Dalla Torre, 1895
- (Vesiculotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species
Proisotoma (Proisotoma) vesiculata Folsom, 1937)
Subgenus Ballistura Börner, 1906
- Type species
Isotoma schoetti Dalla Torre, 1895
["Ballistrura" auctt.]
(Clavisotoma Ellis, 1970
- Type species
Proisotoma tuberculata Stach, 1947)
(Guthriella Börner, 1906
- Type species muskegis
Guthrie, 1903)
(Louisotoma Wray, 1958
- Type species vernoga Wray, 1958)
Subgenus? Ianstachia Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Proisotoma
caucasica Stach, 1947 (or synonym of Pachyotoma?)
Deharveng, 1977 (valid), 1979 (syn. Pachotoma)
Subgenus Pachyotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Isotoma crassicauda Tullberg, 1871
Subgenus Proisotoma s.str.
(Cranisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Isotoma
(Proisotoma) immersa Folsom, 1924)
(Folsomidiella Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
inaequalis Bagnall, 1949)
(Holotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species Folsomia
silvestrii Folsom, 1937)
(Scutisotoma Bagnall, 1949
- Type species
Proisotoma (Proisotoma) titusi Folsom, 1937)
Proisotomina - see Cryptopygus
Proisotomodes - see Cryptopygus
Proisotomurus - see Isotomurus
Protanurophorus - see Uzelia
Psammisotoma - see Isotoma
Pseudanurophorus Stach, 1922
- Type species boerneri Stach, 1922
Potapov, 1997
Pseudisotoma - see Isotoma
Pseudofolsomia Martynova, 1967
- Type species acanthella
Martynova, 1967
Deharveng, 1979
Pseudosorensia - see Isotoma
Pteronychella Börner, 1909
- Type species perpulchra Börner, 1909
Yosii, 1939, 1961
Rhodanella - see Cryptopygus
[Rhodesia - see Cryptopygus]
Sahacanthella Potapov & Stebaeva, 1994
- Type species kele Potapov &
Stebaeva, 1994
Salmonia Baijal, 1958
- Type species tridentata Baijal, 1958
Salmonides - see Procerura
Scutisotoma - see Proisotoma
Scutisotomodes - see Proisotoma
Secotomodes Potapov, 1988
- Type species sibiricus Potapov, 1988
Semicerura Maynard, 1951
- Type species bishopi Maynard, 1951
Martynova, 1969
Sensiterga - see Isotoma
Sericeotoma - see Isotoma
Setocerura Salmon, 1949
- Type species Tomocerura rubenota Salmon,
Deharveng & Oliveira, 1994
- (Australotoma Bagnall, 1949
- - Type species swani Womersley,
1934) If these are synonyms, Australotoma has
Greenslade, 1994
Sibiracanthella Potapov & Stebaeva, 1994
- Type species nuda
Potapov & Stebaeva, 1994
Sibirisotoma - see Isotoma
Sorensia - see Isotoma
Spinisotoma - see Isotoma
Spinocerura Salmon, 1941
- Type species capillata Salmon, 1941
Greenslade, 1989
Spinurosomia - see Cryptopygus
Stachanorema Wray, 1957
- Type species arnaudi Wray, 1957
Babenko, 1994
Stachisotoma - see Cryptopygus
Stachomia - see Folsomia
Subisotoma - see Folsomides
Tetracanthella Schött, 1891
- Type species pilosa Schött, 1891
- (Deuterolubbockia Dalla Torre, 1895
- - Type species coerulea
Haller, 1880
- [Lubbockia Haller, 1880, nec Claus, 1862
- - Type species
coerulea Haller, 1880]
- [Tetrachantella of Schött - invalid subsequent spelling]
Deharveng, 1987
Tetracanthura - see Isotoma
Tetrachantella - see Tetracanthella
Tiancanthella Rusek, 1979
- Type species martynovae Rusek,
Tibiolatra Salmon, 1941
- Type species latronigra Salmon, 1941
Tomocerura Wahlgren, 1901
- Type species picta Wahlgren, 1901
Greenslade, 1989
- (Alloschaefferia Börner, 1903
- - Type species Isotoma conjungens
Schäffer, 1897)
Synonymy following Wahlgren, 1906; no recent description of type
Tuvia Grinbergs, 1962
- Type species prima Grinbergs, 1962
Deharveng, 1979; Dunger, 1982
Uzelia Absolon, 1901
- Type species setifera Absolon, 1901
- (Pentapleotoma Börner, 1903
- - Type species dahlii Börner, 1903)
Potapov & Stebaeva, 1994 - Tetracanthella b.?
- [Paruzelia Martynova,1971, nec Melichar, 1903. No type
selected] May be a valid subgenus but needs a name.
- (Protanurophorus Bagnall & Womersley, 1925
- - Type species
Tetracanthella oxoniensis Bagnall, 1914)
Lawrence, 1967
Varisotoma - see Folsomides
Vertagopus - see Isotoma
Vesiculotoma - see Proisotoma
Weberacantha Christiansen, 1951
- Type species octa Christiansen,
Womersleyella Salmon, 1944
- Type species niveata Salmon, 1944
Yosiiella Hüther, 1967
- Type species mira Hüther, 1967
Deharveng, 1979
Zealandotoma - see Cryptopygus