- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Sensillanura

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

José G. Palacios-Vargas, Ecología y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciensas, UNAM, 04510 México D.F.
Elihú Catalán, Ecología y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciensas, UNAM, 04510 México D.F.
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


The rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa is to be provided.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0). Eyes 2 + 2, pigmented......................................... 2
      Eyes absent................................................... 4
2(1). Setae clearly barbulate.................................. illina
      Setae smooth or only slightly serrate......................... 3
3(2). Cephalic seta 0 absent; dorso-external tubercles on first to
        third abdominal segment with 3 setae........... santizaragozai
      Cephalic seta 0 present; dorso-external tubercles on first to
        third abdominal segment with 2 setae................ austriaca
4(1). Most of body setae acuminate.............................. caeca
      Most of body setae capitate.............................. bullsa


1 Sensillanura barberi and S. millsi seem close to S. austriaca, but until they are redescribed, they can not be included in the key.
