- Last updated on 2024.09.21 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Anurophorinae

Subfamilia Anurophorinae Börner C, 1901:42 key  key  key  key

Genus Number
of species
Genera with number of species
  Syn.: Collembola Lipuridæ(sic) Schött, H, 1891:191
  Syn.: ... Bourletiini Börner in Brohmer, 1932
Remark by Melville, R.V. & Smith, J.D.D. 1987:8: Bourletiini Börner in Brohmer, 1932. Placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Family-Group Names in Zoology. Type genus: Bourletia MacGillivray, 1893. Junior objective synonym of Anurophorinae Börner, 1901, the respective type genera of the two families having the same nominal species as type species. Opinion 439.

  Syn.: Isotomidæ(sic) Isotominæ(sic) Bagnall, RS, 1949:531 partim ISS

Remark by Melville, R.V. & Smith, J.D.D. 1987:5: Anurophorinae Börner, 1901. Placed on the Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology. Type genus: Anurophorus Nicolet, [1842]. Opinion 439.
Anurophorus sp. from the USA
2009.11.21 © Thombs, D.

Genus Proctostephanus Börner, C, 1902:606 key

Species cidi Selga, 1958

Species dalii Arbea, JI, 2003:5

Species madeirensis da Gama, 1959

Species provincialis Poinsot & Dallai, 1970

Species sanctiaugustini Cassagnau, 1963

Proctostephanus sanctiaugustini from Algeria
After Bendjaballah M & al, 2018 Fig.15

Species stuckeni Börner, C, 1902:607, t.t.

            Syn.: Proctostephanus Stuckeni(sic) Börner, C, 1902:607,tt IOS
            Syn.: Proctostephanus cidi Selga, 1958 =?

            Syn.: Proctostephanus Stuckeni(sic) Denis, J-R, 1947:12 IOS

Genus Uzelia Absolon, K, 1901:209

Uzelia sp. from the USA
2006 © Bernard, E.
Uzelia sp. from Russia
2006 ©

Species badakschanica Martynova, 1971

Species clavata Jordana, R et Ardanaz, A, 1981:37

Species dahli (Börner, 1903) Gisin, 1960:?, s.d.

Species furcata Grinbergs, A, 1962:61

  Forma lutea Grinbergs, A, 1962:63

Species hansoni Mills & Richards, 1953

Species japonica Yosii, 1961

Species kondarensis Martynova, 1971

Species kuehnelti Cassagnau, P, 1954:613

            Syn.: Uzelia kuhnelti(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1954:613 IOS
             Syn.: Uzelia kühnelti(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1954:614 ISS

Species mongolica Martynova, 1975

Species oxoniensis (Bagnall, 1914) Kloet, GS & Hincks, WD, 1945:6

Species setifera Absolon, K, 1901:210, t.t.

            Syn.: Anurophorus sp. Moniez, 1889 =?
            Syn.: Protanurophorus pearmani Womersley & Bagnall in Womersley, 1925
             Syn.: Anurophorus Pearmani(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1953:156 ISS
            Syn.: Uzelia setifera ssp. coniferarum Bagnall, 1939

Uzelia setifera from Poland
After Stach, J., 1947 Plate VI Fig.1.

Species tadjika Martynova, 1971

Genus Tetracanthella Schött, H, 1891:191 key

Tetracanthella pilosa from Norway
After Schött H, 1891 p.191

  Syn.: ... Lubbockia Haller, 1880 nec Claus, 1862
  Syn.: ... Deuterolubbockia Dalla-Torre, 1895

  Syn.: Lipuridæ(sic) Tetrachantella(sic) Schött, H, 1893:TafelVII ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Tetracantella(sic) Fiera, C, Konikiewicz, M et Skarzynski, D, 2013:468 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Tettracanthella(sic) Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:42 ISS
Tetracanthella sp. from the USA
2024.02.08 © G, S.
Tetracanthella sp. from the USA
With 4 anal spines
2024.02.08 © G, S.

Species sp.1 Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:33

Species sp.2 Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:31

Species acuminata Cassagnau, P, 1959:223

Species afurcata Handschin, 1919

Species albanordica Peja, 1985

Species alpina Carl, J, 1901:255

Species alticola Deharveng, 1987

Species andalusiaca Deharveng, 1987

Tetracanthella andalusiaca from Spain
After Fiera C & al, 2013 Fig.1

Species annulata Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:35

Tetracanthella annulata from Far East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2019 Fig.6

Species antoni Potapov, 1997

Species apenninica Parisi, V, 2007:24

Species arctica Cassagnau, P, 1959:234

            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Hammer, 1944
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Wahlgreni(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:234 ISS
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Christiansen & Bellinger, 1998 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella iberica Steiner, 1958

Tetracanthella arctica from Norway
2011 © Fjellberg, A.

  Subspecies estaranhensis Cassagnau, P, 1959:236

Species ariegica Deharveng & Bedos, 1997

Tetracanthella bellingeri from the USA
2006 © Bernard, E.
Species bellingeri Deharveng, 1978

Species bichaeta Potapov, M et Deharveng, L, 2005:87

Species bipartita Cassagnau, P, 1959:231

Species borsa Dányi, L et Traser, G, 2008:213

Species bosnia Palissa & Zivadinovic, 1974

Tetracanthella brachyura
2005 © Brocklehurst, K.
Species brachyura Bagnall, 1949

Species brevempodialis Gisin, 1963

Species brevifurca Stach, J, 1930:287

Species caerulea (Haller, 1880) Schäffer, 1900

            Syn.: Lubbockia cærulea(sic) Haller, 1880 IOS
             Syn.: Lubbockia cærulea(sic) MacGillivray, AD, 1893:318 ISS
             Syn.: Lubbockia Coerulea(sic) Carl, J, 1899:274,sd ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella coerulea(sic) Schäffer, 1900 ISS

Species calcarata Deharveng, 1987

Species californica Deharveng, 1978

Species cantabrica Deharveng, 1987

Species carpatica Stach, 1947

Species cassagnaui Gisin, H, 1962:19

Species caucasica Stach, J, 1947:32

Species christianseni Cassagnau, P, 1959:217

            Syn.: Tetracanthella Christianseni(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:217 IOS

Species clandestina Deharveng, 1987

Species coiffaiti Deharveng, 1987

Species corsica Potapov, M et Deharveng, L, 2005:89

Species czernovae Kutyreva, 1980

Species dallaii Deharveng, 1987

Species deficiens Steiner, 1958

Species deharvengi Potapov, 1997

Species doftana Fiera, C, Konikiewicz, M et Skarzynski, D, 2013:468

Tetracanthella doftana from Romania
After Fiera C & al, 2013 Fig.2

Species dorsoduplex Xie, Potapov & Sun, 2019

Species elevata Cassagnau, P, 1959:237

Species emucronata Deharveng, 1987

Species ethelae Wray, 1945

             Syn.: Tetracanthella Ethelae(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:219 ISS
Tetracanthella ethelae from the USA
2018.05.08 © Caterino, M.
Tetracanthella ethelae from the USA
2018.05.29 © Caterino, M.
Tetracanthella ethelae from the USA
2018.05.29 © Caterino, M.
Tetracanthella ethelae from the USA
2018.08.15 © Caterino, M.

Species fjellbergi Deharveng, 1987

            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica auct.
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni auct.

Species fluorina Raynal, 1972

Species franzi Cassagnau, P, 1959:240

            Syn.: Tetracanthella Franzi(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:240 IOS
            Syn.: Tetracanthella montana Stach, 1947, a.p.

Species fusca Potapov, M et Deharveng, L, 2005:91

Species gallica Deharveng, 1987

Species gamae Deharveng, 1987

Species gisini Cassagnau, P, 1959:239

            Syn.: Tetracanthella Gisini(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:239 IOS

Species grinbergsi Deharveng, 1987

Species gruiae Rusek, 1979

Species hatipari Potapov & Kuchiev, 1993

Species hellenica Deharveng, 1987

Species hygropetrica Cassagnau, P, 1954:615

            Syn.: Tetracanthella matthesii Gisin, H, 1960:164 =?

  Subspecies matthesii da Gama, 1959

            Syn.: Tetracanthella ethelae Paclt, J, 1961:229 =?

             Syn.: Tetracanthella matthesi(sic) Paclt, J, 1961:222 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella matthesi(sic) Paclt, J, 1961:229 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella hygropetrica ssp. matthesi(sic) da Gama, MM in Dallai, R, 1986:41 ISS

Species hystrix Cassagnau, P, 1959:242

            Syn.: Tetracanthella montana Stach, 1947

Species ignisiana Dányi, L et Traser, G, 2008:216

Tetracanthella ignisiana from Romania
After Dányi L & Traser G, 2008 Fig.20

Species intermedia Palissa, 1968

Species irregularis Deharveng, 1987

Species juneaui Potapov, 1997

Species kendalli Bagnall, 1939

             Syn.: Tetracanthella Kendalli(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1953:154 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Kendalli(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:244 ISS

Species ksenemani Nosek, 1964

Species luxemburgensis Stomp, 1968

Tetracanthella luxemburgensis from Luxembourg
After Stomp N & Weiner WM, 2005 Fig.4

Species manschurica Kutyreva, 1980

Tetracanthella manschurica from Far East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2019 Fig.7

Species martini Simón-Benito, JC et Luciáñez Sánchez, MJ, 1998:234

Species martynovae Potapov, 1997

            Syn.: Tetracanthella britannica MacLean & al, 1978 cf
            Syn.: Tetracanthella britannica Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:52,cf

Species montana Stach, 1947, a.p.

            Syn.: Tetracanthella bescidica Potapov, MB et Karpus, IJ, 1993:32

Species nitida Deharveng, 1987

Species orientalis Martynova in Martynova & al, 1977

Tetracanthella orientalis from Far East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2019 Fig.40

Species osetica Potapov & Kuchiev, 1993

Species pacifica Rusek & Marshall, 1977

Species perezi Delamare Deboutteville, 1943

            Syn.: Tetracanthella reticulata Cassagnau, P, 1953:151

             Syn.: Tetracanthella Perezi(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1946:67 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Perezi(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1953:154 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Perezi(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:223 ISS

Species pericarpathica Kaprus, IJ et Tsalan, JV, 2009:176

Tetracanthella pericarpathica from Ukraine
After Kaprus' IJ & Tsalan JV, 2009 Fig.2.1
             Syn.: Tetracanthella pericarpatica(sic) Fiera, C, Konikiewicz, M et Skarzynski, D, 2013:471 ISS

Species pilosa Schött, H, 1891:192, t.t.

Tetracanthella pilosa from Norway
After Schött H, 1891 p.191

            Syn.: ... coerulea Haller, 1880
            Syn.: Tetracanthella Delamarei(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1953:150 IOS
            Syn.: Tetracanthella Delamarei(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:221 IOS

Tetrachantella(sic) pilosa from Norway
After Schött H, 1893 Taf.VII Fig.2
Tetracanthella pilosa from Algeria
After Bendjaballah M & al, 2018 Fig.17
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
2021.02.23 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
4 anal spines (*)
2021.02.23 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
Abd.5 with distinctly clavate macrosetae
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
Small furcula
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
Dens with 3 posterior setae
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
Collophore with exposed short apical vesicles
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
2021.02.27 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa juv. from Belgium
Silhouette in profile
2021.03.04 © Janssens, F.
Leg.: Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa juv. from Belgium
4 anal spines
2021.03.04 © Janssens, F.
Leg.: Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa juv. from Belgium
Furcula very small
2021.03.04 © Janssens, F.
Leg.: Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa juv. from Belgium
Foot with short unguiculus
2021.03.04 © Janssens, F.
Leg.: Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
2022.01.18 © Huskens, M.-L.
Tetracanthella pilosa from Belgium
4 anal spines
2022.01.18 © Huskens, M.-L.

Species proxima Steiner, 1955

Species pseudomontana Cassagnau, P, 1953:152

Species pyrenaica Cassagnau, P, 1953:152

Species quinqueoculata Simón-Benito, JC et Luciáñez Sánchez, MJ, 1998:231

Species raynalae Deharveng, 1987

Species recta Deharveng, 1987

            Syn.: Tetracanthella tubercolata(sic) Parisi, V, 2007:20

Species reducta von Törne, 1955

Species religiosa Deharveng, 1987

Species schalleri Hemmer, 1992

Species selgae Deharveng, 1987

Species septemsetosa Martynova, 1971

Species serrana Steiner, 1955

Species sexsetosa Martynova, 1971

Species sibirica Deharveng, 1987

            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Folsom, 1919 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Folsom, 1937 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Hammer, 1938 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Weber, 1950 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Hammer, 1953 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Hurd & Lindquist, 1958 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella wahlgreni Danks, 1981 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Martynova, 1971
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Bondarenko, 1975
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica MacLean & al, 1978
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Christiansen & Bellinger, 1998 =?
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Deharveng, 1987
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Babenko & Fjellberg, 2006
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Babenko, 2010
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Babenko, 2017
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:51
            Syn.: Tetracanthella arctica Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:51,cf

Species sigillata Deharveng, 1987

Species similis Deharveng, 1987

Species specifica Palissa, 1968

Species stachi Cassagnau, P, 1959:240

            Syn.: Tetracanthella Stachi(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:240 IOS

Species stebaevae Deharveng, 1987

Tetracantella stebaevae from FE Russia
Spines on abd.6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.21

Species steineri Deharveng, 1987

Species strenzkei Gisin, 1949

            Syn.: Tetracanthella lichnidis Bagnall, 1949

             Syn.: Tetracanthella Strenzkei(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1954:617 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Strenzkei(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:225 ISS
Tetracanthella strenzkei from the UK
2013.04.25 © Shaw, P.

Species subdeficiens Deharveng, 1987

Species suursarensis Linnaniemi, 1912

Species sylvatica Yosii, 1939

Tetracanthella sylvatica from Japan
After Potapov M & al, 2019 Fig.5

Species tarbae Potapov & Kuchiev, 1993

Species tardoki Potapov, M, Brinev, A et Sun, X, 2019:45

Tetracanthella tardoki from Far East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2019 Fig.41

Species transylvanica Cassagnau, P, 1959:243

             Syn.: Tetracanthella transsylvanica(sic) Gisin, 1960 ISS

Species travei Deharveng, 1987

Species tuberculata Cassagnau, P, 1954:617

             Syn.: Tetracanthella tubercolata(sic) Parisi, V, 2007:20 ISS
  Subspecies orbaicetensis Cassagnau, P, 1959:230

Species uniseta Deharveng, 1987

Species wahlgreni Axelson, 1907

            Syn.: Tetracanthella coerulea Schäffer, 1900
            Syn.: Tetracanthella pilosa Schött, 1891, partim

Tetracanthella wahlgreni from Arctica
After Folsom JW, 1919 Plate 4 Fig.33
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Wahlgreni(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1953:154 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella Wahlgreni(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1959:234 ISS
Tetracantella wahlgreni from the UK
2012.12.16 © Murray, A.
Tetracantella wahlgreni from the UK
2012.12.16 © Murray, A.
Tetracantella wahlgreni from the UK
Four anal spines
2012.12.16 © Murray, A.
Tetracantella wahlgreni from FE Russia
Spines on abd.6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.20

Species wui Xie, Potapov & Sun, 2019

Genus Blissia Rusek, 1985

Species glabra Rusek, 1985

Blissia glabra from Canada
Spines on abd.6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.22

Species robusta Fjellberg, A et Potapov, MB, 1998:87

Blissia robusta from Canada
Spines on abd.5+6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.23

Genus Pentacanthella Deharveng, 1979

Species decemoculata Deharveng, 1979

Genus Sibiracanthella Potapov & Stebaeva, 1995

  Syn.: Isotomidae Sibirocanthella(sic) Potapov, MB, Bu, Y, Huang, C-W, Gao, Y et Luan, Y-X, 2010:15 ISS

Species nuda Stebaeva & Potapov, 1995

Species rara (Dunger, WG, 1982:38)

Sibiracantella rara from FE Russia
Spines on abd.6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.24

Species sohondo Potapov & Stebaeva, 1995

Genus Dimorphacanthella Potapov, MB, Bu, Y, Huang, C-W, Gao, Y et Luan, Y-X, 2010:14

  Syn.: Isotomidae Dimorphocanthella(sic) Potapov, MB, Bu, Y, Huang, C-W, Gao, Y et Luan, Y-X, 2010:15 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Dimorphocanthella(sic) Potapov, M, Nakamori, T, Saitoh, S, Kuznetsova, N et Babenko, A, 2017:321 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Dimorphocanthella(sic) Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Bu, Y, 2022:80 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Dimorphocanthella(sic) Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Bu, Y, 2022:81 ISS

Species anommatos (Chen & Yin, 1984 tt) Potapov, MB, Bu, Y, Huang, C-W, Gao, Y & Luan, Y-X, 2010:16

Dimorphacanthella anommatos from China
Adult specimen with 4 anal spines
Juvenile specimen with 2 anal spines
After Potapov MB et al, 2010 Fig.3,4
            Syn.: Uzelia anommatos Yue & Yin, 1999

Species mediaseta Potapov, MB, Bu, Y, Huang, C-W, Gao, Y et Luan, Y-X, 2010:19

Dimorphacantella mediaseta from China
Spines on abd.6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.25

Species sichuanensis Gao Y-X et Bu Y in Gao, Y-X, Bu, Y, He, L et Li, K, 2020:2

Dimorphacantella sichuanensis from China
After Gao Y-X & al, 2020 Fig.1

Genus Martynovella Deharveng, 1979

Species nana (Martynova, 1967)

  Subspecies kirgisica Martynova, 1978

Genus Tuvia Grinbergs, A, 1962:61

Species chinensis Chen, B-R et Yin, W-Y, 1983:173

Species prima Grinbergs, A, 1962:61, t.t.

Genus Heptacanthella Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Bu, Y, 2022:81

Species yinae Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Bu, Y, 2022:82, t.t.

Heptacanthella yinae from China
After Gao Y, Potapov M & Bu Y, 2022 Fig.1

Genus Appendisotoma Stach, 1947

  Syn.: Collembola Physurotoma Gisin, H, 1960:186
  Syn.: Proisotominæ(sic) Vesiculotoma Bagnall, RS, 1949:537
  Syn.: Isotomidae Vesiculotoma Gisin, H, 1960:186
  Syn.: Collembola Vesiculotoma Ellis, WN et Bellinger, PF, 1973:6
  Syn.: Isotomidae Salmonia Baijal, HN, 1958:352

Species sp.1 Janssens F sensu Hart, 1973

            Syn.: Proisotoma (Appendisotoma) sp.1 Hart, JW, 1973:193

Species sp.2 Janssens F sensu Hart, 1973

            Syn.: Proisotoma (Appendisotoma) sp.2 Hart, JW, 1973:193

Species sp.3 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2013

            Syn.: Appendisotoma sp.undescribed Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:14

Species sp.4 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2013

            Syn.: Appendisotoma sp.undescribed Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:14

Species abiskoensis (Agrell, 1939) Potapov, 1988

Appendisotoma abiskoensis from Moldova
After Busmachiu G, Bedos A & Deharveng L, 2015 Fig.3A

Species absoloni (Rusek, 1966) Gisin, 1967

            Syn.: Appendisotoma bulbosa ssp. europaea Nosek, J, 1964:14 =?
            Syn.: Appendisotoma bulbosa ssp. europaea Nosek, 1967 =?

Appendisotoma absoloni from Moldova
After Busmachiu G, Bedos A & Deharveng L, 2015 Fig.3B

Species aera Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species bisetosa Martynova, 1969

Species bulbosa (Folsom JW in Mills, HB, 1934:52) Nosek, 1964

Species dubia (Christiansen & Bellinger, 1981) Palacios-Vargas & Mejía, 1988:20

Species europaea von Törne, 1955

Species franzi (Haybach, G, 1962:95) Dányi, L & Traser, G, 2008:44

Species juliannae Traser, G, Thibaud, J-M et Najt, J, 1993:222

Species macgillivrayi (Dalla Torre, 1895)

            Syn.: Achorutes longispinus MacGillivray, AD, 1893:315 nec Tullberg
             Syn.: Achorutes longispina(sic) Bagnall, RS, 1949:536 ISS

Species mitra Uchida, H et Tamura, H, 1968:347

Species monomorpha Potapov, M, Babenko, A, Bu, Y, Bayartogtokh, B, Gulgenova, A et Luan, Y-X, 2024:487

Species montana Martynova, 1969

Species nidicola (Agrell, 1939) Potapov, M, 2001:67

Proisotoma nidicola from Sweden
2023.10.12 © Biol. Mus. Lund Univ.

Species obsoleta (Mac Gillivray, 1896)

Species sibirica Stebaeva, 1985

Species stebayevae (Grinbergs, A, 1962:63) Sokolovskaya, 1989

            Syn.: Appendisotoma xinjiangica Xie, G-L et Chen, J-X, 2008:46 =?

Species tridentata (Baijal, HN, 1958:353) Potapov, 2001

Salmonia tridentata from the Himalaya
After Baijal HN, 1958 Fig.4A.

             Syn.: Appendisotoma tridentate(sic) Santeshwari, X, Raghuraman, M et Singh, J, 2015:572 ISS
Appendisotoma tridentate(sic) from India
After Santeshwari, Raghuraman M & Singh J, 2015 p.573

Species veca (Wray, 1952) Fjellberg, A, 1984:86

Species vesiculata (Folsom, JW, 1937:57) Fjellberg, A, 1984:86, t.t.

Appendisotoma vesiculata from the USA
2006 © Bernard, E.

Species woodi Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species xinjiangica (Hao & Huang, 1995) Potapov, 2001

Genus Womersleyella Salmon, JT, 1944:142

Species niveata Salmon, JT, 1944:142, t.t.

Genus Stachanorema Wray, 1957

?Stachanorema? sp. from the USA
2020.02.23 © Lee, C.
?Stachanorema? sp. from the USA
Ventral aspect
2020.02.23 © Lee, C.
?Stachanorema? sp. from the USA
Dentes distinctly reduced
2020.02.23 © Lee, C.

Species arnaudi Wray, 1957

Species contra Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species tolerans Babenko, 1994

Genus Antarctophorus Potapov, 1992

Species subpolaris (Salmon, 1962) Block, 1984

             Syn.: Antarctophorus sudpolaris(sic) Hopkin, SP, 1998:118 ISS
             Syn.: Antarctophorus sudpolaris(sic) Hopkin, SP, 2002:208 ISS
Anurophorus subpolaris from Antarctica
2008 © Univ of Waikato.

Genus Cryptopygus Willem, V, 1901:261 key

  Syn.: Isotoma Isotomina Börner, 1903, partim, sensu Ellis, 1976
  Syn.: Proisotoma isotomina(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C in Paulian, R, 1952:66 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Australomia Bagnall, 1949
  Syn.: Isotominae Parafolsomia Salmon, JT, 1949:19
  Syn.: Isotomidae Parafolsomia Wise, KAJ, 1974:209
  Syn.: ... Neocryptopygus Salmon, 1965
  Syn.: Isotomidae Neocryptus(sic) Greenslade, P, 1995:318 ISS
  Syn.: ... Gressittacantha Wise, 1967
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Gressittacantha Greenslade, 2015
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Gressitacantha(sic) Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:109 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Spinurosomia Wise, KAJ, 1974:209
  Syn.: Isotomidae Hemisotoma Mari Mutt, JA, 1976:122
  Syn.: Isotomidae Hemisotoma Greenslade, P in Houston, WWK, 1994:67
  Syn.: Isotomidae Hemisotoma Rusek, J, 2002:303
  Syn.: Isotomidae Proisotomodes Rusek, J, 2002:303

  Syn.: Isotomidae Cryptopigus(sic) Ivanoff, 1913 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Cryptpygos(sic) Christiansen, 1951 ISS
Cryptopygus sp. from Antarctica
2003 © Stevens, M.

  Syn.: Isotomidae Cryptopygys(sic) Fjellberg, A, 2007:67 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Cryptopigus(sic) Greenslade, P, 2010:238 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Cryptopigus(sic) Salazar Martínez, AE, Narváez Beinhorn, MJ et Bernava Laborde, V, 2017:105 ISS
  Syn.: Collembola Crytopygus(sic) Shaw, P, 2017:148 ISS
  Syn.: Entomobryidae(lapsus) Crytopygus(sic) Shaw, P, 2017:171 ISS
Abd.6 fused to 5
Modified after Potapov M & al, 2021 Fig.1 left
Cryptopygus sp. from Australia
2021.07.06 © Hobern, D.
Cryptopygus sp. from Australia
2021.07.06 © Hobern, D.
Cryptopygus sp. from Australia
2021.07.06 © Hobern, D.
Cryptopygus sp. from Canada
Colony in carapace of dead crab
in low tidal zone
2024.02.05 © Chu, J.
Cryptopygus sp. from Canada
Abd.5-6 fused
Eye in 2 patches
2024.02.05 © Chu, J.
Cryptopygus sp. juv. from Canada
Body light brown
Head with anterior blue patch
2024.02.05 © Chu, J.
Cryptopygus sp. from the USA
2024.02.16 © Gruver, Be.
Cryptopygus sp. from the USA
Hatchling 0.38 mm
2024.02.16 © Gruver, Be.

Species sp.0 Janssens F sensu Bulavintsev, 1990

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp. Bulavintsev, 1990
            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp. Greenslade, P, 2010:240

Species sp.1 Janssens F sensu Convey & al, 1996

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.nov. Convey, P, Greenslade, P, Richard, KJ et Block, W, 1996:1

Species sp.2 Janssens F sensu Potapov, 2001

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp. Potapov, 2001
            Syn.: Cryptopyguscomplex sp.8 Potapov, M, Babenko, A et Fjellberg, A, 2006:74

Species sp.3 Janssens F sensu Potapov, 2001

            Syn.: Mucrosomia sp. Potapov, M, 2001:359
            Syn.: Cryptopyguscomplex sp.9 Potapov, M, Babenko, A et Fjellberg, A, 2006:74

Species sp.4 Janssens F sensu Stevens & al, 2006

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.1 Stevens, MI, Greenslade, P, Hogg, ID et Sunnucks, P, 2006:876

Species sp.5 Janssens F sensu Stevens & al, 2006

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.2 Stevens, MI, Greenslade, P, Hogg, ID et Sunnucks, P, 2006:876

Species sp.6 Janssens F sensu Stevens & al, 2006

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.3 Stevens, MI, Greenslade, P, Hogg, ID et Sunnucks, P, 2006:876

Species sp.7 Janssens F sensu Stevens & al, 2006

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.4 Stevens, MI, Greenslade, P, Hogg, ID et Sunnucks, P, 2006:876

Species sp.8 Janssens F sensu Stevens & al, 2006

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.5 Stevens, MI, Greenslade, P, Hogg, ID et Sunnucks, P, 2006:876

Species sp.9 Janssens F sensu Stevens & al, 2006

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.6 Stevens, MI, Greenslade, P, Hogg, ID et Sunnucks, P, 2006:876

Species sp.10 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2017

            Syn.: Cryptopygus (antarcticus-complex) sp.1 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:141

Species sp.11 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2017

            Syn.: Cryptopygus (antarcticus-complex) sp.2 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:141

Species sp.12 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2017

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.5 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:141

Species abulbus Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:106

Cryptopygus abulbus from South Africa
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.3

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.3 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:141

Species agreni (Börner, 1903), t.t.

            Syn.: Proisotoma (Isotomina) similis Gisin, 1944
            Syn.: Proisotoma (Proisotoma) decemoculata Folsom, JW, 1937:60
            Syn.: Proisotoma decemoculata Poole in Poole & Gentili, 1997,nec Womersley, 1935

             Syn.: Isotoma (Isotomina) Ågreni(sic) Ågren, H, 1904:19 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomina ågreni(sic) Bagnall, RS, 1949:94 ISS

Species albus Yosii, 1939

Species albaredai Selga, 1962

Species ambus Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Cryptopygus ambus from the USA
2007.09.07 © Snider, R.

Species andinus Díaz & Najt, 1995

Species annobonensis Selga, 1962

Species anomala Linnaniemi, 1912

Species antarcticus Willem, V, 1901:261, t.t.

            Syn.: Cryptopygus crassus Carpenter, GH, 1907:476
Cryptopygus crassus from Antarctica
After Carpenter GH, 1907 Plate II Fig.14

            Syn.: Cryptopygus nanjiensis Yue & Tamura, 2001
            Syn.: Cryptopygus nanjiensis Shao, H, Zhang, Y, KE, X, Yue, Q et Yin, W, 2000:589

Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
After Willem V, 1902 Pl.III Fig.7
Cryptopygus antarcticus from the Falkland Islands
Stamp of 13 P, 1982
Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
After Schaller F & Kopeszki H, 1991 Abb.1
Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
After Schaller F & Kopeszki H, 1991 Abb.3
Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
Egg packet
After Schaller F & Kopeszki H, 1991 Abb.4
Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
Egg after chorion split
After Schaller F & Kopeszki H, 1991 Abb.5
Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
After Rusek, J, 2002 Fig.1A
Cryptopygus antarcticus from Antarctica
After Davis, G. in Greenslade, P., 2006 Fig.63

  Subspecies maximus Deharveng, 1981

  Subspecies travei Deharveng, 1981

Species araucanus Massoud & Rapoport, 1968

Species arcticus Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species badasa Greenslade, 1995

             Syn.: Cryptopygus badasu(sic) Ohyama & Shimada, 1998 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus badasu(sic) Greenslade, P, 2010:239 ISS

Species beijiangensis Hao & Huang, 1995

Species benhami Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1980:615

Cryptopygus benhami from the USA
2023.03.25 © Wang, G.
Cryptopygus benhami from the USA
Mucro bidentate
2023.03.25 © Wang, G.
Cryptopygus benhami from the USA
Third foot
Unguis with inner tooth
2023.03.25 © Wang, G.
Cryptopygus benhami from the USA
Manubrium anterior side
With 1+1 macrosetae
2023.03.25 © Wang, G.

Species binoculatus Deharveng, 1981

Species bulbus Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:102

Cryptopygus bulbus from South Africa
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.2
Cryptopygus bulbus from South Africa
Ventral aspect
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.1

Species campbellensis Wise, 1964

Species cardusi Selga, 1962

Species cinctus Wahlgren, E, 1906:11

Species cisantarcticus Wise, 1967

Cryptopygus cisantarcticus from Antarctica
2008 © Univ of Waikato.

Species clavatus (Schött, H, 1893:73) Fjellberg, A, 2007:67

            Syn.: Proisotoma admaritima Murphy, 1953
            Syn.: Proisotoma admaritima Fjellberg, A, 2007:67

Cryptopygus clavatus from the UK
2023.04.09 © Jaron, K.
Leg.: Ebdon, S.; Det.: Fjellberg, A.
Cryptopygus clavatus from the UK
2023.04.09 © Jaron, K.
Leg.: Ebdon, S.; Det.: Fjellberg, A.
Cryptopygus clavatus from the UK
Eye with 6 ocelli (A-F)
2023.04.09 © Jaron, K.
Leg.: Ebdon, S.; Det.: Fjellberg, A.

Species coenobitus Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2024:90

Cryptopygus coenobitus from Mexico
After Palacios-Vargas JG, 2024 Fig.1
Remark by Janssens, F. 2024.10.21: According to the etymology, the new epithet name is "a noun in appostion after the genus of the hermit crab", which is "Coenobita". Thus as in "The Cryptopygus (named after) the hermit crab". However, given the author applied the inflexion "-us" to the name, modifying "coenobita" into "coenobitus", it is clear that the epithet name is not a noun but an adjective. As in "The Cryptopygus belonging to the hermit crab".

Species constrictus (Folsom, JW, 1937:64) Zorrilla, 1985

Species decemoculatus (Salmon, JT, 1949:20) Wise, KAJ, 1974:210

Species delamarei Poinsot, 1970

Species elegans (Rapoport & Izarra, 1962) Mari Mutt, JA & Bellinger, PF, 1990:70

Species elegans (Cardoso MA, 1973:16, nec Rapoport & Izarra, 1962)

Species exilis (Gisin, 1960) Bernard, EC, 1977:76

Species hirsutus (Denis, 1931) Rapoport, 1971

            Syn.: Isotomina neomuelleri Winter, C, 1963:494 nn
Remark by Winter, C. 1963:395: 37 von mir neu aufgestellte Arten bzw. Formen sind in der vorliegende Arbeit mit n.sp. bzw. n.f. (ohne Autorennamen) bezeichnet und müssen bis zu ihrer Beschreibung (voraussichtlich im kommenden Jahr) als Nomina nuda betrachtet werden.

            Syn.: Isotomina neomuelleri Winter, C, 1967:56

Species indecisus Massoud & Rapoport, 1968

Species indicus Brown, 1932

Species inflatus Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:112

Cryptopygus inflatus from South Africa
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.24

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.4 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:141

Species insignis Massoud & Rapoport, 1968

Species interruptus Schött, 1927

Species kahuziensis Martynova, 1978

Isotomina lamellata from New Zealand
After Salmon, J.T. 1941 Pl.53 Fig.221.
Species lamellatus (Salmon, JT, 1941:334)

Species lapponicus (Brown, 1931)

Species lawrencei Deharveng, 1981

Species longisensillus Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:114

Cryptopygus longisensillus from South Africa
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.25

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.7 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:142

Species mauretanica Handschin, 1925

Species minimus Salmon, 1941

Species nivicolus (Salmon, 1965) Beet al, 2016

Neocryptopygus nivicolus from Antarctica
2008 © Univ of Waikato.

Species novaezealandiae (Salmon, JT, 1943:74) Wise, KAJ, 1974:210

            Syn.: Folsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1943:74 IOS

            Syn.: Folsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Stach, 1947 IOS
            Syn.: Parafolsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1949:20 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1958:707 IOS
            Syn.: Spinurosomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:332 IOS
            Syn.: Parafolsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:359 IOS
            Syn.: Parafolsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1965:646 IOS
            Syn.: Spinurosomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:646 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia novae-zealandiae(sic) Wise, KAJ, 1974:209 IOS
             Syn.: Folsomia nova-zealandi(sic) Christiansen, 1986 ISS

Species novazealandia (Salmon, JT, 1941:334) Bellinger, PF & Christiansen, KA, 2000:1

            Syn.: Isotomina nova-zealandia(sic) Salmon, JT, 1941:334 IOS
            Syn.: Zealandotoma nova-zealandia(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:359 IOS

Species oeensis (Caroli, 1914)

Species parallelus (Wahlgren, 1901) Wahlgren, 1907

Species parasiticus (Salmon, JT, 1943:380) Wise, KAJ, 1974:211

Species patagonicus Izarra, 1972

Species pentatomus (Börner, C, 1906:172) Mari Mutt & Bellinger, 1990:71

Species perisi Selga, 1960

Species pilosus (Womersley, 1934) Greenslade P in Harris, Reeves & Sympson, 1982

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp. cf. cisantarcticus Greenslade P, 1974

Species postantennalis Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:109

Cryptopygus postantennalis from South Africa
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.23

            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp.6 Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:142

Species pseudominuta (Schött, 1927)

Species quadrioculatus (Rapoport, 1963) Mari Mutt, JA & Bellinger, PF, 1990:71

Species quadrioculatus2

            Syn.: Parafolsomia quadrioculatus2 Wise, 1970 nec Rapoport, 1963
            Syn.: Cryptopygus wisei Lawrence u

Species quadrioculatus3 Yoshii, R, 1995:45

            Syn.: Cryptopygus quadrioculatus3 Yoshii, 1995 nec Rapoport, 1963
            Syn.: Cryptopygus quadriocellatus(sic) Thibaud, J-M, 2009:500 lapsus

Species quinqueoculatus Izarra, 1970

            Syn.: Cryptopygus quinqueoculatus Rapoport & Najt, 1966,nn

Species reagens Enderlein, 1909

            Syn.: Isotoma reagens Vanhöffen, 1908 nn
            Syn.: Cryptopygus reagens Vanhöffen, 1908 nn
            Syn.: Cryptopygus reagens Enderlein, 1908 nn
            Syn.: Cryptopygus reagens Enderlein, 1909 nn

Species roberti (Fjellberg, 1991) Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C & Deharveng, L, 2017:132

Species scapelliferus (Gisin, 1955) Dunger, 1970

             Syn.: Isotomina scalpellifera(sic) Goto, HE et Lawrence, PN in Kloet, GS et Hincks, WD, 1964:8 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomina scapelifera(sic) Jordana, R, 1980:101 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopigus(sic) scapelifera(sic) Jordana, R, 1980:101 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomia(sic) scapelifera(sic) Jordana, R, 1980:105 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomina scapillifera?(sic) Camousseight, A, 1999:6 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma scapelliferus(sic) Potapov, M et Babenko, A, 2014:15 ISS

Species separatus (Denis, 1931) Mari Mutt, JA & Bellinger, PF, 1990:71

            Syn.: Proisotoma (isotomina(sic) separata Delamare Deboutteville, C in Paulian, R, 1952:66
             Syn.: Cryptopygus separata(sic) Loranger, G, Ponge, J-F, Blanchart, E et Lavelle, P, 1998:24 ISS

Species sphagneticolus (Linnaniemi, WM, 1912:171)

             Syn.: Isotomina sphagneticus?(sic) Camousseight, A, 1999:6 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus sphagneticola(sic) Babenko, A, Stebaeva, S et Turnbull, MS, 2019:53 ISS

Species subalpinus (Salmon, JT, 1944:147)

Species subantarcticus Wise, KAJ, 1970:192

Species sverdrupi Lawrence, 1978

Crytopygus (sic) sverdrupi from Antarctica
After Thibaud J-M & D'Haese C, 2010 Fig.36
2009 © D'Haese, C.

Species tasmaniensis Womersley, H, 1942:25

Cryptopygus tasmaniensis from Australia
After Womersley H, 1942 Fig.2A

Species terranovus (Wise, 1967) Potapov, M, Babenko, A & Fjellberg, A, 2006:73

             Syn.: Cryptopygus-complex terranova(sic) Potapov, M, Babenko, A et Fjellberg, A, 2006:73 ISS
Gressittacantha terranova from Antarctica
2008 © Univ of Waikato.

Species tingus Queiroz & de Mendonça, 2010

Species tricuspis Enderlein, 1909

            Syn.: Parafolsomia quadrioculata Wise, KAJ, 1970:194

Species tridentatus (Handschin, E, 1929:237)

Cryptopygus tridentatus from India
After Santeshwari, Raghuraman M & Singh J, 2015 p.573

Species triglenus Ellis, WN, 1976:287

Species trioculatus Izarra, 1972

Species ulrikeae (Najt & Thibaud, 1987) Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C & Deharveng, L, 2017:141

Species vtorovi Martynova, 1978

Species yosiii de Izarra, DC, 1965:269

            Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) de Izarra, DC, 1965:269 IOS
Cryptopygus yosii(sic) from Argentina
After de Izarra, 1965 Fig.18

             Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) Izarra, 1970 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) Mari Mutt, JA et Bellinger, PF, 1990:73 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) Camousseight, A, 1999:6 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) Potapov, 2001 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) Potapov, M, Babenko, A et Fjellberg, A, 2006:73 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus yosii(sic) Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:143 ISS

Species zenderi (Winter, C, 1967:54) Hazelton, 1978

            Syn.: Isotomina zenderi Winter, C, 1967:54 nec Winter, 1963
            Syn.: Isotomina debilis f. checayensis Winter, C, 1963:493 nn
Remark by Winter, C. 1963:395: 37 von mir neu aufgestellte Arten bzw. Formen sind in der vorliegende Arbeit mit n.sp. bzw. n.f. (ohne Autorennamen) bezeichnet und müssen bis zu ihrer Beschreibung (voraussichtlich im kommenden Jahr) als Nomina nuda betrachtet werden.

            Syn.: Isotomina debilis f. checayensis Winter, C, 1967:54

Genus Pauropygus Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:2

Pauropygus caussaneli from Mauritania
Pleural fold on mouth cone with 2 finger-like processes
After Potapov M & al, 2013 Fig.20

  Syn.: Isotomidae Cryptopygus Thibaud, J-M, 2015:357

Species caussaneli (Thibaud, 1996) Potapov, M, Gao, Y & Deharveng, L, 2013:8

            Syn.: Cryptopygus riebi Barra, J-A, 1997:470
            Syn.: Cryptopygus riebi Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:8
            Syn.: Cryptopygus axayacatl Palacios-Vargas, JG et Thibaud, J-M, 2001:164 partim
            Syn.: Cryptopygus axayacatl Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:11

             Syn.: Cryptopygus caussanelli(sic) Thibaud, J-M, 2007:185 ISS
Pauropygus caussaneli from Mauritania
After Potapov M & al, 2013 Fig.2

Species pacificus Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:11

Species projectus Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:4, t.t.

Pauropygus projectus from New Caledonia
After Potapov M & al, 2013 Fig.1

Genus Hemisotoma Bagnall, RS, 1949:94

  Syn.: ... Cryptomina Lawrence u
  Syn.: Isotominae Isotomina Bagnall, RS, 1949:94
  Syn.: Isotomidae Isotomia(sic) Loksa, I, 1978:60 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Cyrptopygus(sic) Kahrarian, M et Arbea, J, 2013:92 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Cryptopgus(sic) de Lima, ECA, Lopes, BCH, Oliveira-Neto, MA, de Mendonça, MC et Zeppelini, D, 2022:7 ISS

Species aquae (Bacon, 1914) Janssens, 2024

             Syn.: Cryptopygus aquae(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1980:613 ISS
Remark by Janssens, F. 2024.02.16: The species epithet 'aquae' = 'of (the) water' is the feminine genitive singular declension. Given Cryptopygus is masculine the epithet should have been masculine as well ('aqui'), given the gender of the species epithet should match the gender of the genus. This mismatch is clear evidence of an inadvertent error that must be corrected (Art.32.5.1).

             Syn.: Cryptopygus aquae(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:678 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus aquae(sic) Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:50 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus aquae(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ et Vázquez-González, M, 2012:110 ISS
Remark by Janssens, F. 2024.02.16: Given Christiansen & Bellinger (1980:622) consider that 'aquae' could be part of 'thermophila', 'aquae' is here transfered to the genus 'Hemisotoma' in line with 'thermophila'.
Hemisotoma aquae from the USA
2023.12.23 © Wang, G.
Hemisotoma aquae from the USA
2023.12.23 © Wang, G.
Hemisotoma aquae from the USA
Postantennal organ
2023.12.23 © Wang, G.
Hemisotoma aquae from the USA
Unguis with inner tooth
2023.12.23 © Wang, G.
Hemisotoma aquae from the USA
2023.12.23 © Wang, G.
Hemisotoma aquae from the USA
Ocelli form 2 distinctly separate groups
A-D+H and E-G
2023.12.23 © Wang, G.

Species bibasiosetis (Potapov & Stebaeva, 1999) Rusek, J, 2002:307

Species bituberculata (Wahlgren, E, 1906:4) Jordana, R & Baquero, E, 2010:364

             Syn.: Hemisotoma bituberculatus(sic) Jordana, R et Baquero, E, 2010:364 ISS

Species orientalis (Stach, J, 1947:275) Cox, 1982

Isotomina orientalis from Poland
After Stach, J., 1947 Plate XXXI Fig.1.

Species pontica (Stach, 1947) Kahrarian, M & Arbea, J, 2013:92

Hemisotoma pontica from Iran
After Kahrarian M & Arbea J, 2013 Fig.6
Hemisotoma pontica from France
Abd.5+6 dorsomedially fused
2018.01.27 © Picard, J.
Hemisotoma pontica from France
Eyepatch with 5 ocelli
2018.01.27 © Picard, J.
Hemisotoma pontica juv. from France
2018.01.27 © Picard, J.
Hemisotoma pontica from France
Third foot with long narrow unguis(**),
and unguiculus with large exad lamella (*)
2018.01.27 © Picard, J.
Hemisotoma pontica from Holland
2021.12.05 © Kamsteeg, G.
Hemisotoma pontica from Holland
Eye with 3+2 ocelli
2021.12.05 © Kamsteeg, G.
Hemisotoma pontica from Holland
2021.12.05 © Kamsteeg, G.

Species posteroculata (Stach, 1947) Rusek, J, 2002:307

Species quadrioculata (Martynova, 1967) Shayanmehr, M, Mirab-Balou, M & Kaprus, I, 2017:2

            Syn.: Isotomina quadrioculata Martynova, 1967, nec Rapoport, 1963
            Syn.: Cryptomina martynovae Lawrence u

             Syn.: Hemisotoma quadrioculatus(sic) Shayanmehr, M, Mirab-Balou, M et Kaprus, I, 2017:2 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma quadrioculatus(sic) Shayanmehr, M, Mirab-Balou, M et Kaprus, I, 2017:3 ISS
Hemisotoma quadrioculatus(sic) from Iran
Modified after Shayanmehr M & al, 2017 Fig.2a

Species similis (James, 1933) Babenko, A, Stebaeva, S & Turnbull, MS, 2019:59

Species subpontica Thibaud, 2010

            Syn.: Hemisotoma subponticus(sic) Thibaud, 2010 IOS
            Syn.: Hemisotoma subponticus(sic) Thibaud, J-M, 2013:241 IOS

Species thermophila (Axelson, 1900:9) Bagnall, RS, 1949:95, t.t., B

            Syn.: Isotoma lombokensis Schött, 1901
            Syn.: Proisotoma (Isotomina) thermophila var. anomala Linnanieimi, 1912
            Syn.: Proisotoma (Isotomina) thermophila var. impunctata Linnanieimi, 1912
            Syn.: Isotoma bituberculata Wahlgren, 1912
            Syn.: Isotomina thermophila f. C.R.I Denis, 1931 IOS
            Syn.: Isotomina thermophila f. C.R.I Denis, 1933 IOS
            Syn.: Isotomina termophila(sic) f. Costa Rica Winter, C, 1963:495
            Syn.: Isotomina thermophila f. Costa Rica I Winter, C, 1967:59
            Syn.: Isotoma linnaniemia Womersley, 1934
             Syn.: Isotoma linnaniemi(sic) Womersley, H, 1936:321 ISS
            Syn.: Proisotoma (Isotomina) sexoculata Womersley, 1934
            Syn.: Isotoma decemoculata Womersley, H, 1935:216
            Syn.: Proisotoma (Proisotoma) cognata Folsom, JW, 1937:65
            Syn.: Proisotoma constructua Folsom, 1937
            Syn.: Proisotoma (Proisotoma) tenelloides Folsom, JW, 1937:62
            Syn.: Isotoma (Isotoma) pentomma Womersley, H, 1939:165
            Syn.: Isotomina martiniquae Stach, 1947
            Syn.: Isotomina salaymehi Christiansen, K, 1958:72
Isotomina salaymehi from Lebanon
After Christiansen, K., 1958 Pl.9 Fig.14.

            Syn.: Isotomina termophila(sic) f. peruensis Winter, C, 1963:494 nn
Remark by Winter, C. 1963:395: 37 von mir neu aufgestellte Arten bzw. Formen sind in der vorliegende Arbeit mit n.sp. bzw. n.f. (ohne Autorennamen) bezeichnet und müssen bis zu ihrer Beschreibung (voraussichtlich im kommenden Jahr) als Nomina nuda betrachtet werden.

            Syn.: Isotomina thermophila ssp. costaricensis Winter, C, 1967:59
            Syn.: Cryptopygus orientalis Poinsot, 1971
            Syn.: Cryptopygus constrictus Bellinger, PF et Christiansen, KA, 1974:34
            Syn.: Isotomina thermophila ssp. galapagoensis Jacquemart, 1975 in Peck SB & Jacquemart J, 2011:3 u
             Syn.: Cryptopygus aquae(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1980:622 =? ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus aquae(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:687 =? ISS
            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp1 Lima & Zeppelini, 2015
            Syn.: Cryptopgus(sic) sp1 de Lima, ECA, Lopes, BCH, Oliveira-Neto, MA, de Mendonça, MC et Zeppelini, D, 2022:7
            Syn.: Cryptopygus sp2 Lima & Zeppelini, 2015
            Syn.: Cryptopgus(sic) sp2 de Lima, ECA, Lopes, BCH, Oliveira-Neto, MA, de Mendonça, MC et Zeppelini, D, 2022:7

Isotomina thermophila from Poland
After Stach, J., 1947 Plate XXX Fig.1.
             Syn.: Isotomina termophila(sic) f. pr. Winter, C, 1963:474 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomina termophila(sic) f. pr. Winter, C, 1963:494 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomina termophila(sic) Cardoso, MA, 1966:90 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopigus(sic) termophilus(sic) Miranda, RA, Palacios-Vargas, JG, Garcia, CN et Pescador, RA, 1995:103 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophila(sic) Skidmore, RE, 1995:55 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophila(sic) Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:50 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus termophilus(sic) Liu, Y-Q, Hou, D-B et Li, Z-C, 1998:127 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus termophilus(sic) Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2000:30 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophylus(sic) Arbea, JI et Blasco-Zumeta, J, 2001:35 ISS
             Syn.: Cryphopygus(sic) thermophilus Bonte, D, Van Heuverswyn, F et Mertens, J, 2002:22 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopyhus(sic) thermophilus Bonte, D, Van Heuverswyn, F et Mertens, J, 2002:24 ISS
Hemisotoma thermophila from Europe
With foil seta
After Rusek, J, 2002 Fig.3

             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophylus(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ, Palacios-Vargas, JG, Castaño-Meneses, G et Carcía-Calderón, N, 2003:191 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophila(sic) Shaw, P, 2003:7 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophylus(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ, Palacios-Vargas, JG et Castaño-Meneses, G, 2005:172 ISS
Cryptopygus thermophilus from the UK
2005 © Hopkin, S.P.

             Syn.: Cryptopyguscomplex thermophila(sic) Potapov, M, Babenko, A et Fjellberg, A, 2006:73 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophyla(sic) Fiera, C, 2007:20 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophylus(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ, Palacios-Vargas, JG et Castaño-Meneses, G, 2008:4 ISS
Hemisotoma thermophila from Australia
2008.11.19 © PADIL
Det. Greenslade, P.

             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophyla(sic) Fiera, C, 2009:870 ISS
Cryptopygus thermophilus from India
After Mandal GP & Hazra AK, 2009 Fig.24g

             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophilus(sic) Zeppelini, D, Bellini, BC, Creao-Duarte, AJ et Hernández, MIM, 2009:1165 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma termopila(sic) Magaña-Martinez,CS et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2010:76 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophilus(sic) Jordana, R et Baquero, E, 2010:364 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophilus(sic) Thibaud, J-M, 2011:10 ISS
Hemisotoma thermophila from Holland
2011.03.05 © van Duinen, J.
Hemisotoma thermophila from the USA
2011.12.11 © Kouri, J.

             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophylus(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ et Vázquez-González, M, 2012:110 ISS
Hemisotoma thermophila from Holland
2012.10.18 © van Duinen, J.
Hemisotoma thermophila from the UK
2012.12.26 © Wilkinson, K.
Hemisotoma thermophila from Holland
2013.02.25 © van Duinen, J.
Hemisotoma thermophila from France
2013.03.31 © Sandra.
Hemisotoma thermophila from the UK
2013.04.10 © Jones, A.

             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophyla(sic) Manu, M, Szekely, L, Oromulu, LV, Barbuceanu, D, Honciuc, V, Maican, S, Fiera, C, Purice, D et Ion, M, 2015:287 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophyla(sic) Manu, M, Szekely, L, Oromulu, LV, Barbuceanu, D, Honciuc, V, Maican, S, Fiera, C, Purice, D et Ion, M, 2015:299 ISS
             Syn.: Hemisotoma thermophile(sic) Qazi, F et Shayanmehr, M, 2016:123 ISS
Hemisotoma thermophila from Belgium
2016.10.17 © Janssens, F.

             Syn.: Crytopygus(sic) thermophiles(sic) Shaw, P, 2017:148 ISS
             Syn.: Crytopygus(sic) thermophiles(sic) Shaw, P, 2017:171 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophila(sic) Yadav, RS, 2017:11056 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophila(sic) Yadav, RS, 2017:11057 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermophila(sic) Yadav, RS, 2017:1339 ISS
             Syn.: Cryptopygus thermiphilus(sic) Yadav, RS, Kerketta, D, Kumar, D et Prasad, S, 2018:610 ISS
Hemisotoma thermophila juv. from France
2018.03.13 © Garcelon, P.
Hemisotoma thermophila from Canada
2019.06.05 © Arbour, G.
Hemisotoma thermophila from Belgium
2022.02.24 © Huskens, M.-L.

Species tribasiosetis (Potapov & Stebaeva, 1999) Rusek, J, 2002:307

Genus Micrisotoma Bellinger, PF, 1952:20

  Syn.: Anurophorinae Microisotoma(sic) Potapov, M et Babenko, A, 2014:9 ISS

Species achromata Bellinger, PF, 1952:20

Micrisotoma achromata from Japan
After Yosii R, 1965 Fig.18A
Microisotoma(sic) achromata from Russia
After Potapov M & Babenko A, 2014 Fig.4C

Genus Proisotomodes Bagnall, 1949

  Syn.: Isotomidae Isotomia(sic) Loksa, I, 1978:57 ISS

Species sp.1 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2013

            Syn.: Proisotomodes sp.undescribed Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:14

Species axayacatl (Palacios-Vargas, JG & Thibaud, J-M, 2001:164) Potapov, M, Gao, Y & Deharveng, L, 2013:11

             Syn.: Cryptopygus axayacalt(sic) Thibaud, J-M, 2007:185 ISS

Species bipunctatus (Axelson, WM, 1903:9) Rusek, J, 2002:307, t.t., B

Isotoma bipunctata from Poland
After Stach, J., 1947 Plate XXXIX Fig.1.

             Syn.: Cryptopygus bipunctata(sic) Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:50 ISS
Proisotomodes bipunctatus from Europe
With flattened sensilla
After Rusek, J, 2002 Fig.4
Proisotomodes bipunctatus from the UK
2012.11.15 © Murray, A.

Species debilis (Cassagnau, P, 1959:84) Potapov, M & Babenko, A, 2014:7

Genus Cylindropygus Deharveng, Potapov & Bedos, 2005

Species ferox Deharveng, Potapov & Bedos, 2005

Genus Isotominella Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:402

Species sp.1 Janssens F sensu Potapov & al, 2013

            Syn.: Isotominella sp.undescribed Potapov, M, Gao, Y et Deharveng, L, 2013:14

Species geophila Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:402, t.t.

Isotomiella geophila from Ivory Coast
After Delamare Deboutteville C, 1948 Fig.188
Isotomiella geophila from Ivory Coast
After Delamare Deboutteville C, 1948 Fig.194
Isotominella geophila from Algeria
After Jordana R, Hamra-Kroua S & Baquero E, 2009 Fig.2A

  Subspecies pilosa Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:404

Species laterochaeta Potapov, MB, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2020:120

Isotominella laterochaeta from South Africa
After Potapov MB & al, 2020 Fig.47

Genus Dagamaea Yosii, R, 1965:23

Species danieli Nosek, J, 1974:397

Species fragilis Yoshii, 1995

Species morei Tamura, 2002

Species tenuis (Folsom JW in Mills, HB, 1934:46) habitus lateral (fig. B)

            Syn.: Dagamaea japonica Yosii, R, 1965:24
Dagamaea japonica from Japan
After Yosii R, 1965 Fig.17A

            Syn.: Dagamaea japonica Yosii, R, 1977:154

Dagamaea tenuis from the USA
2016.12.29 © Abela, A.

Genus Aggressopygus Potapov, M et Babenko, A, 2014:7

Species armatus Potapov, M et Babenko, A, 2014:11

Aggressopygus armatus from Russia
After Potapov M & Babenko A, 2014 Fig.4B
            Syn.: Micrisotoma sp.1 Potapov, 2002

Species sibiricus Potapov, M et Babenko, A, 2014:8, t.t.

Aggressopygus sibiricus from Russia
After Potapov M & Babenko A, 2014 Fig.4A

Genus Arlea Womersley, H, 1939:319 key

  Syn.: ... Falcisotomina Stach, 1947

Species adetolai de Mendonça, MC, Abrantes, EA et Fernandes, LH, 2006:58

Species arenicola Abrantes, EA et de Mendonça, MC, 2005:936

Species caeca Rapoport & Rubio, 1968

Species judithnajtae Bernard, EC, 2017:88

Arlea judithnajtae from the USA
After Bernard EC, 2017 Fig.1A

Species lucifuga (Arlé, 1939) Womersley, H, 1939:319, t.t.

Species psammophila de Mendonça, MC, Abrantes, EA et Fernandes, LH, 2006:57

             Syn.: Arlea psamophila(sic) Abrantes, EA et de Mendonça, MC, 2007:55 ISS

Species spinisetis Mendonça & Arlé, 1987

Species tridens Barra, J-A, 1997:472

Genus Rhodanella Salmon, JT, 1945:69

Species fasciata (Carpenter, 1912), t.t.

            Syn.: Isotomina XII-oculata(sic) Carpenter, 1919 IOS
             Syn.: Isotomina 12-oculata(sic) Stach, 1947 ISS
             Syn.: Parafolsomia duodecemoculata(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:359 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma (Isotomina xii-oculata(sic) Lawrence, PN, 1978:266 ISS
            Syn.: Vertagopus minos Denis, 1928
Vertagopus minos ♂ from Rhodesia
After Womersley H, 1934 Fig.6a
Vertagopus minos ♀ from Rhodesia
After Womersley H, 1934 Fig.6b
Rhodanella minos ♂
After Chimitova A & Potapov M, 2011 Fig.7

            Syn.: Proisotoma stachi Goto, 1957

Genus Isotomodes Axelson, 1907 key

Isotomodes sp. from the USA
2023.10.14 © Wang, G.
Isotomodes sp. from the USA
2023.10.14 © Wang, G.

Species alavensis Simón, Luciáñez, Ruiz & Martin, 1995

Species alexius Palacios-Vargas, JG et Kovác, L, 1995:502

            Syn.: Isotomodes sp. Palacios-Vargas, JG et Gómez-Anaya, JA, 1995:10

Species armatus Naglitsch, 1962

Species bahiensis Rapoport, 1962

            Syn.: Isotomodes templetoni Winter, C, 1963:487

Species bisetosus Cassagnau, P, 1959:84

             Syn.: Isotomodes bisetoses(sic) Kapinga, E, Oskarsson, H, Halldórsson, G, Sturludóttir, E et Holmstrup, M, 2022:9 ISS

Species buchardi Thibaud, J-M, 2008:516

Species cariocus Thibaud, J-M et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 1999:29

            Syn.: Isotomodes carioca(sic) Thibaud, J-M et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 1999:29 IOS
             Syn.: Isotomodes carioca(sic) Culik, MP et Zeppelini, DF, 2003:1125 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomodes carioca(sic) Abrantes, EA et de Mendonça, MC, 2007:55 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomodes carioca(sic) Thibaud, J-M, 2007:185 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomurus carioca(sic) da Rocha Neves, AC et de Mendonça, MC, 2014:1 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomodes carioca(sic) Arbea, JI et Kahrarian, M, 2015:82 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomodes carioca(sic) de Lima, ECA, Zeppelini, D et de Mendonça, MC, 2019:52 ISS

Species cassagnaui Izarra, 1969

Species ccoccatirensis Winter, C, 1963:513

Species cuzcoensis Winter, C, 1963:515

Species dagamae Prabhoo, 1971

Species denisi Folsom, JW, 1932:59

Species falsus Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species fernandesae Abrantes, EA et de Mendonça, MC, 2007:?

Species fiscus Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species gamae Izarra, 1971

             Syn.: Isotomodes gammae(sic) Mari Mutt & Bellinger, 1990 ISS

Species gisini da Gama, 1963

Species gredensis Lucianez & Simón, 1989

Species ibanezi Simón & Lucianez, 1989

Species klostermani Bernard, EC, 1973:125

Species korkorensis Arbea, JI et Kahrarian, M, 2015:75

Isotomodes korkorensis from Iran
After Arbea JI & Kahrarian M, 2015 Fig.17-18

Species maroccanus Stach, 1947

Species martae Simón, Luciáñez, Ruiz & Martin, 1995

Species productus (Axelson, WM, 1906:11) Linnaniemi, 1907, t.t., B

            Syn.: Isotoma elongata Axelson, WM, 1903:6
            Syn.: Isotomodes britannicus Bagnall, 1939
            Syn.: ... maroccanus Stach, 1947 =?

Isotomodes productus from New Zealand
After Salmon, J.T., 1941 Pl.51 Fig.189.
Isotomodes productus from Poland
After Stach, J., 1947 Plate XIII Fig.1.

             Syn.: Isotomodes producta(sic) Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:52 ISS

Species pseudoproductus Stach, J, 1965:352

Species quadrisetosus da Gama, 1963

Species rafaeli Arbea, JI, 2006:48

Species rosae Arbea, JI, 2006:46

Species sexsetosus da Gama, 1963

  Subspecies provincialis Poinsot, 1966

Species sotoensis Simón, Luciáñez, Ruiz & Martin, 1995

Species subarmatus Jordana, R et Arbea, JI, 1990:423

Species templetoni Bagnall, 1939

Species trisetosus Denis, 1923

            Syn.: Isotomodes productus var. trisetosa(sic) Denis, 1923 IOS

            Syn.: Isotomodes productus f. plurisetosa(sic) Denis, J-R, 1932:373 IOS
            Syn.: Isotomodes productus var. plurisetosa(sic) Gisin, H, 1960:184 IOS

            Syn.: Isotomodes productus f. trisetosa(sic) Denis, J-R, 1932:373 IOS
            Syn.: Isotomodes productus var. trisetosa(sic) Gisin, H, 1960:184 IOS
            Syn.: Isotomodes productus var. trisetosa(sic) Mari Mutt, JA et Bellinger, PF, 1990:62 IOS

Species tyrrhenicus Fanciulli, Dallai & Meneguz, 2015

Species venezuelensis Rapoport & Maño, 1969

             Syn.: Isotomodes vanezuelensis(sic) González, V, Díaz, M et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 1997:46 ISS

Species xishaensis Chen, 1986

Genus Jesenikia Rusek, J, 1997:115

Species filiformis Rusek, J, 1997:117, t.t.

Jesenikia filiformis from Czechia
After Rusek J, 1997 Fig.3A

Species sensibilis (Cassagnau, P, 1959:80) Potapov, 2001

Genus Pseudanurophorus Stach, 1922

Species alticolus Bagnall, 1949

            Syn.: Pseudanurophorus alticola(sic) Bagnall, 1949 IOS
            Syn.: Pseudanurophorus alticola(sic) Arbea, JI, 2021:29 IOS

Species arcticus Christiansen, KA, 1952:131

            Syn.: Pseudanurophorus arctica(sic) Christiansen, KA, 1952:131 IOS
Pseudanurophorus arctica(sic) from Alaska
After Christiansen K, 1951 Pl.11 Fig.3

             Syn.: Pseudanurophorus arctica(sic) Skidmore, RE, 1995:54 ISS

Species barathrum Potapov M et Gulgenova A in Potapov, M, Huang, C-W, Gulgenova, A et Luan, Y-X, 2020:3

Pseudanurophorus barathrum from Central Asia
After Potapov M & al, 2020 Fig.1

Species binoculatus (Kseneman, 1934) Christiansen, 1951:134, B

Species boerneri Stach, 1922, t.t.

Species cassagnaui Winter, C, 1963:499

Pseudanurophorus cassagnaui from Peru
After Winter C, 1963 Abb.1

Species hissaricus Martynova, 1971

Species isotoma (Börner, 1903) Denis, J-R, 1932:370

            Syn.: Pseudanurophorus isotoma f. capitata Denis, J-R, 1932:370
            Syn.: Pseudanurophorus isotoma f. acuta Denis, J-R, 1932:372
Pseudanurophorus isotoma f. acuta from France
After Denis J-R, 1932 Fig.VI.1
Pseudanurophorus isotoma f. acuta from France
After Denis J-R, 1932 Fig.VI.2

Species lapponicus Agrell, 1939

Species mobilis Potapov, 1997

Species montanus Martynova, 1971

Species octoculatus Martynova, 1971

Species quadrioculatus von Törne, 1955

Genus Anurophorus Nicolet, 1842, n.c.

  Syn.: Podurides(sic) Poduræ(sic) Bourlet, C, 1845:126 partim ISS
  Syn.: Podurides(sic) Adicranus Bourlet, C, 1845:126 partim
  Syn.: Podurides(sic) Adicranus Elditt, HL, 1854:41 partim
  Syn.: Lipuridæ(sic) Lipura Lubbock, J, 1862:600 partim
  Syn.: Aphoruridæ(sic) Bourletia MacGillivray, AD, 1893:313

  Syn.: Podurelles(sic) Anurophorus Nicolet, H in Desor, E, 1841:384 nn
  Syn.: Collembola Anurophus(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1962:228 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Anrophorus(sic) Christiansen, KA in Dindal, DL, 1990:987 ISS
Remark by ICZN. 2007:52: Placed on the Official List of Names in Zoology. Opinion 439.

Anurophorus sp. from the USA
2013.05.12 © Gorring, P.
Anurophorus sp. from the USA
2023.01.02 © Chan, Br.
Anurophorus sp. from the USA
2023.01.02 © Chan, Br.

Species alpinus Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990

Species altus Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Anurophorus asfouri from Lebanon
After Christiansen, K., 1958 Pl.8 Fig.1.
Species asfouri Christiansen, 1958:60

Species atlanticus Fjellberg, 1974

Species balcellsi Selga, 1959

Species barroudensis Cassagnau, P, 1959:78

Anurophorus barroudensis from France
2008.02.07 © Lavoué, Br.
Det.: Arnaud, J.-P.

Species bimus Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species changjiensis Hao & Huang, 1995

Species chukoticus Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990

Species cinereus Potapov, MB, 1997:18

Species coiffaiti Cassagnau, P et Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1955:377

            Syn.: Anurophorus Coiffaiti(sic) Cassagnau, P et Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1955:377 IOS
            Syn.: Anurophorus silvaticus from Azerbaijan =?
             Syn.: Anurophorus sylvaticus(sic) Falahati HosseinAbad, A, Potapov, M, Sarailoo, MH, Mehr, MS et Yazdanian, M, 2013:237 ISS

Anurophorus coiffaiti (bar=2µm)
Rhombic epicuticular ultrastructure
After Nickerl J & al, 2012 Fig.4A

Species continentalis Dunger, WG, 1982:43

Species cuspidatus Stach, 1920

Species duodecimoculatus Steiner, 1958

Species elongatus Fjellberg, A, 1984:201

Species eximius Potapov, MB, 1997:12

Species fulvus Fjellberg, A, 1988:39

Species fjellbergi Potapov, MB, 1997:27

Species ganghwaensis Lee, B-H, 1977:155

             Syn.: Anurophorus ganghwaiensis(sic) Lee, B-H, Kim, B-J et Kim, J-T, 1993:290 ISS

Species hallaensis Chang, G-D, Potapov, M et Park, K-H, 2021:345

Anurophorus hallaensis from South Korea
After Chang G-D , Potapov M & Park K-H, 2021

Species konseli Kseneman, 1936

             Syn.: Anurophorus Konseli(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1953:156 ISS

Species koreanus Potapov, MB, 1997:8

Species laricis Nicolet, H, 1842:53, t.t., B

Anurophorus laricis from Switzerland
After Nicolet, H., 1842 Pl.4 Fig.3.
            Syn.: Adicranus corticinus Bourlet, 1842
Lipura corticina from the UK
After Lubbock J, 1873 Pl.45 Fig.1

            Syn.: Anurophorus laricis var. pallida Absolon, K, 1901:216
            Syn.: Anurophorus clavipilus Stach, 1947

             Syn.: Anurophorus Laricis(sic) Oudemans, JT, 1888:151 ISS
             Syn.: Anurophorus Laricis(sic) Lameere, A, 1895:595,B ISS
Anurophorus laricis from Poland
After Stach, J., 1947 Plate VII Fig.1.
Anurophorus laricis from the UK
2006.04.28 © Storey, M.
Anurophorus laricis from Germany
2008.03.14 © Peters, J.
Anurophorus laricis from France
2009.04.01 © Ramel, A.
Anurophorus laricis from the UK
2011.03.22 © Michaelson, J.
Anurophorus laricis from Holland
2011.07.09 © van Duinen, J.
Anurophorus laricis from Holland
Abdominal segment 6 very short
2011.07.09 © van Duinen, J.
Anurophorus laricis from the UK
2013.04.23 © Michaelson, J.
Anurophorus laricis from the UK
2013.04.23 © Michaelson, J.
Anurophorus laricis from Holland
2014.02.04 © van Duinen, J.
Anurophorus laricis from Holland
2014.03.22 © Baas, A.H.
Anurophorus laricis from Germany
2015.02.15 © Kluck, A.
Anurophorus laricis from Germany
2015.02.22 © Kluck, A.
Anurophorus laricis from Sweden
2015.03.06 © Neergaard, R.
Anurophorus laricis from the UK
2015.12.26 © Barton, T.
Anurophorus laricis juv. from France
2018.04.30 © Picard, J.

Species lohi Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1992:117

Species lydiae Lucianez & Simón, 1989

Species massoudi Poinsot, 1970

Species mongolicus Dunger, WG, 1982:45

Species montanus Martynova, 1968

Species nitrophilus Potapov, MB, 1997:29

Species olympicus Potapov, MB, 1997:5

Species oredonensis Cassagnau, P, 1953:155

Anurophorus oredonsensis from France
2019.05.22 © Tiky, S.
Anurophorus oredonsensis from France
2019.05.22 © Tiky, S.
Anurophorus oredonsensis from France
2019.05.22 © Tiky, S.

Species orientalis Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990

Species pacificus Potapov, MB, 1997:22

Species palearcticus Potapov, MB, 1997:32

Species pseudolaricis Loksa, I, 1978:56

Species racovitzai Denis, J-R, 1932:368

            Syn.: Anurophorus Racovitzai(sic) Denis, J-R, 1932:368 IOS

Species rarus (Yosii, 1939)

Species satchelli Goto, 1956

            Syn.: ... delamarei Selga, 1957
            Syn.: Anurophorus unguiculus Shaw, P, Faria, C et Emerson, B, 2013:165 =?

Species scheueri Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980

Species senex Fjellberg, A, 1984:202

Species sensibilis Potapov, MB, 1997:7

Species septentrionalis Palissa, 1966

Species septentrionalis2 Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1980:535

Anurophorus (Anurophorus) septentrionalis from the USA
After Christiansen K & Bellinger P, 1980 Fig.462A
            Syn.: Anurophorus laricis Guthrie, JE, 1903:98
            Syn.: Anurophorus laricis Folsom, 1937
Anurophorus laricis from the USA
After Maynard EA PlateI Fig.6
Anurophorus laricis from the USA
After Maynard EA PlateIX Fig.146

Anurophorus nr septentrionalis from the USA
2016.06.12 © Eiseman, C.
Anurophorus nr septentrionalis from the USA
Abd.5+6 fused
2016.06.12 © Eiseman, C.
Anurophorus nr septentrionalis from the USA
Eyepatch with 8 ocelli
2016.06.12 © Eiseman, C.

Species serratus Deharveng, 1976

Species silvaticus Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990

Species sorosi Potapov, MB, 1997:9

Species spinosus Dallai, R, 1971:342

Species stepposus Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990

Species szeptyckii Potapov, MB, 1997:18

Species trisensillus Potapov, MB, 1997:11

Species unguiculus Bagnall, 1940

            Syn.: Anurophorus unguiculus Shaw, P, Faria, C et Emerson, B, 2013:165,is

Species ursi Potapov & Stebaeva, 1990

Species utahensis (Wray, 1958) Poole, RW in Poole, RW & Gentili, P, 1997:50

Genus Micranurophorus Bernard, EC, 1977:75 key

  Syn.: Isotomidae Micraurophorus(sic) Petersen, H, 2011:475 ISS

Species musci Bernard, EC, 1977:75, t.t.

            Syn.: Micranurophorus schalleri Christian, E, 1986:121

Species valdelatensis Simón-Benito, JC, Luciáñez Sánchez, MJ et M Ruiz Ortega, 1996:48

Genus Mucrosomia Bagnall, 1949

  Syn.: Anurophorinae Bathyterra Rusek, J, 1996:207
  Syn.: Isotomidae Crytopygus(sic) Greenslade, P, 2010:235 ISS

?Mucrosomia? sp. from the USA
2023.12.26 © Wang, G.
?Mucrosomia? sp. from the USA
Abdominal segmentation
2023.12.26 © Wang, G.
?Mucrosomia? sp. from the USA
Postantennal organ narrow elongate
2023.12.26 © Wang, G.
?Mucrosomia? sp. from the USA
Mucro with 3 teeth
and 2 basal spines
2023.12.26 © Wang, G.
?Mucrosomia? sp. from the USA
2023.12.26 © Wang, G.

Species alticola de Mendonça, MC et Queiroz, GC, 2013:217

Species bipartita (Rusek, J, 1996:207) Potapov, M, 2001:359

Species caeca (Wahlgren, E, 1906:12) Potapov, M, 2001:359

            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaroides Womersley, 1934 excluded from Australian fauna
            Syn.: Folsomia lunata Salmon, 1943
            Syn.: Folsomia lunata Wise, KAJ, 1974:209
            Syn.: Parafolsomia litorea Salmon, JT, 1949:20
             Syn.: Parafolsomia littorea(sic) Knox, 1968 ISS
            Syn.: Parafolsomia litorea Wise, KAJ, 1974:210
            Syn.: Parafolsomia litorea Wise, 1977
            Syn.: Parafolsomia litorea Lawrence YYYY
            Syn.: Parafolsomia litorea Mari Mutt, JA et Bellinger, PF, 1990:70
Parafolsomia littorea(sic) from New Zealand
2023 © TePapa Museum
Leg.: Sorensen SH, 1945.11.15; Det.: Salmon JT, 1946

            Syn.: Isotomina nerudai Rapoport, EH et Rubio, IR, 1963:120
Isotomina nerudai from Chile
After Rapoport EH & Rubio IR, 1963 Fig.75
Isotomina nerudai from Chile
Chaetotaxy of head + mesothorax
After Rapoport EH & Rubio IR, 1963 Fig.76

            Syn.: Isotomina zenderi Winter, C, 1963:493 nn
Remark by Winter, C. 1963:395: 37 von mir neu aufgestellte Arten bzw. Formen sind in der vorliegende Arbeit mit n.sp. bzw. n.f. (ohne Autorennamen) bezeichnet und müssen bis zu ihrer Beschreibung (voraussichtlich im kommenden Jahr) als Nomina nuda betrachtet werden.

            Syn.: Isotomina zenderi Winter, C, 1967:52
            Syn.: Isotomina zenderi Mari Mutt, JA et Bellinger, PF, 1990:73
            Syn.: Parafolsomia sp. Wise, 1970
            Syn.: Folsomia novaezealandiae Lawrence YYYY
            Syn.: Parafolsomia novaezealandiae Lawrence YYYY
            Syn.: Spinurosomia novaezealandiae Lawrence YYYY
ParaFolsomia(sic) novae-zealandiae(sic) from New Zealand
2023 © TePapa Museum
Leg.: Salmon JT, 1942.11.20; Det.: Salmon JT, 1942

Species garretti (Bagnall, 1939 tt) Bagnall, 1949, B

            Syn.: Isotomina caeca Gisin, 1960, nec Wahlgren, 1906
             Syn.: Cryptopygus coecus(sic) Fratello & al., 1989 ISS
            Syn.: Cryptopygus gisini Massoud & Rapoport, 1968

             Syn.: Cryptopygus garetti(sic) Dunger, W et Zivadinovic, J, 1989:1 ISS
Cryptopygus garretti from the UK
Post-antennal organ
2005 © Hopkin, S.P.

Genus Haploisotoma de Izarra, DC, 1965:271

Species ventanensis de Izarra, DC, 1965:271, t.t.

Haploisotoma ventanensis from Argentina
After de Izarra, 1965 Fig.25

Genus Pectenisotoma Gruia, M, 1983:193

Species theodori Gruia, M, 1983:193, t.t.

Genus Yosiiella Hüther, 1967

Species mira Hüther, 1967, t.t.

Yosiiella mira from Peru
After Cipola NG & Villalobos EAH, 2022 Fig.1A
Yosiiella mira from Peru
After Cipola NG & Villalobos EAH, 2022 Fig.1B
Yosiiella mira from Peru
Abd.5 and abd.6 with 2 spines
After Cipola NG & Villalobos EAH, 2022 Fig.1C

Genus Archisotoma Linnaniemi, WM, 1912:118 key  key

  Syn.: Collembola Isotama(sic) Childs, GH, 1915:39 ISS
Archisotoma sp. from Holland
2018.09.30 © van Leeuwen, J.

Species sp.1 Arbea, JI et Ariza, E, 2012:206

Species sp.2 Arbea, JI et Ariza, E, 2012:206

Species arariboia da Rocha Neves, AC et de Mendonça, MC, 2014:2

Species besselsi (Packard, AS, 1877:52) Linnaniemi, WM, 1912:119, t.t.

            Syn.: Isotoma Besselsii(sic) Packard, AS, 1877:52,tt IOS
            Syn.: Isotoma pulchella Moniez, 1891
            Syn.: Isotoma spitzbergensis(sic) Lubbock, 1898 IOS
             Syn.: Isotoma spitzbergensis(sic) Carpenter, GH, 1907:474 ISS
            Syn.: Isotoma arctica Scherbakow, 1899
            Syn.: Isotoma janmayensis Wahlgren, 1900
            Syn.: Isotoma bidenticula Bacon, 1912
            Syn.: Isotoma klovstadi Enderlein, 1912
            Syn.: Proisotoma laguna Folsom, JW, 1937:118

             Syn.: Isotoma Besselsii(sic) MacGillivray, 1891 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma Besselsii(sic) MacGillivray, 1896 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma Besselsi(sic) Willem, 1902 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma Besselsii(sic) Davenport, 1903 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma Beselsii(sic) Imms, AD in Herdman, WA, 1906:77 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma Beselsii(sic) Carpenter, GH, 1907:474 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma besselsii(sic) Nielsen, 1909 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma besselsii(sic) Bacon, 1912 ISS
             Syn.: Isotoma besselsii(sic) Bacon, 1914 ISS
             Syn.: Isotama(sic) besselsii(sic) Childs, GH, 1915:39 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma beselsi(sic) Carpenter & Philips, 1922 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma Besselsi(sic) Denis, J-R, 1924:197 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma Besselsi(sic) Willem, V, 1925:617 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma beselsi(sic) Carpenter, 1927 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma Besselsi(sic) van den Bruel, WE, 1945:38 ISS
             Syn.: Archistoma(sic) lesselsi(sic) Obenberger, J, 1955:95 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Strenzke, 1958 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Arlé, 1959 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Hepburn & Ross, 1964 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:347 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Palacios-Vargas, 1983 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Christiansen & Bellinger, 1988 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Mari Mutt, JA et Bellinger, PF, 1990:73,is ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Palacios-Vargas & Gómez-Anaya, 1994 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma besselsii(sic) Camousseight, A, 1999:6 ISS
  Subspecies uniseriata Strenzke, 1955

Species bothrilongaequalis Thibaud & Ndiaye, 2006

Species brucei (Carpenter, GH, 1907:474) Womersley, H, 1936:321

            Syn.: Isotoma Brucei(sic) Carpenter, GH, 1907:474 IOS
Isotoma Brucei(sic) from Antarctica
After Carpenter GH, 1907 Plate I Fig.1

             Syn.: Archisotoma Brucei(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:40 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma Brucei(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1957:394 ISS
Archisotoma brucei from Antarctica
After Carpenter, 1907 in Greenslade, P., 2006 Fig.61.1.

Species catiae Abrantes, EA et de Mendonça, MC, 2007:55

Species gourbaultae Thibaud, 1993

             Syn.: Archisotoma interstialis(sic) Palacios-Vargas, 1997 ISS

             Syn.: Archisotoma gorbaultae(sic) da Rocha Neves, AC et de Mendonça, MC, 2014:2 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma gorbaultae(sic) de Lima, ECA, Zeppelini, D et de Mendonça, MC, 2019:52 ISS
Archisotoma gourbaultae from Mexico
2022.05.24 © Palacios-Vargas J.
Archisotoma gourbaultae from Mexico
2022.05.24 © Palacios-Vargas J.

Species heraultensis Christian, E et Thibaud, J-M, 1996:94

             Syn.: Archisotoma heraultae(sic) Christian & Thibaud, 1996 ISS

Species interstitialis Delamare Deboutteville, 1953

            Syn.: Archisotoma Renaudi(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, 1956 IOS
            Syn.: Archisotoma xavieri Cardoso, MA, 1966:84
            Syn.: Archisotoma utinomii Yosii, R, 1977:154 =?

             Syn.: Archisotoma intertialis(sic) Selga, 1960 ISS
             Syn.: Archisotoma interstialis(sic) Poinsot, N, 1972:677 ISS

Species jariani de Lima, ECA, Zeppelini, D et de Mendonça, MC, 2019:53

Species litoralis Thibaud, J-M et Weiner, WM in Najt, J et Matile, L, 1997:81

Species madagascariensis Thibaud, J-M, 2008:513

Species martae Fjellberg, A et Jucevica, E, 2000:21

Species mayotti Thibaud, 2011

Species megalops Bagnall, 1939

            Syn.: Archisotoma subbrucei Delamare Deboutteville, 1953

Species nigricans Bagnall, 1939

Species pauliani Delamare Deboutteville, 1953

             Syn.: Archisotoma pauliana(sic) Salmon, JT, 1964:348 ISS

Species poinsotae da Gama, 1968

Species polaris Fjellberg & Poinsot, 1975

Species pulchella (Moniez, 1890) Denis, 1923, B

             Syn.: Archisotoma pullchella(sic) Thibaud, J-M et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2001:350 ISS

Species quadrioculata Fjellberg, A, 1988:40

Archisotoma quadrioculata from Norway
After Fjellberg, A, 1988 Fig.4A

Species sabulosa Barra, J-A, 1997:474

Species senegalensis Thibaud & Ndiaye, 2006

Species subtheae Thibaud & Boumezzough, 2006

             Syn.: Archisotoma subthea(sic) de Lima, ECA, Zeppelini, D et de Mendonça, MC, 2019:59 ISS

Species theae Fjellberg, 1980

Species utinomii Yosii, 1971

            Syn.: Archisotoma tokiokai Yosii, 1971

Species vaoensis Thibaud, J-M et Weiner, WM in Najt, J et Matile, L, 1997:81

Species vareli Sterzynska & Ehrnsberger, 2000

Genus Folsomia Willem, 1902 key  key  key  key

  Syn.: Proisotominae Holotoma Bagnall, RS, 1949:93
  Syn.: Collembola Bagnallella Salmon, 1951
  Syn.: Proisotominae Holotomodes Bagnall, RS, 1949:94 u?
  Syn.: Collembola Holotomodes Salmon, JT, 1965:645
  Syn.: Collembola Holotomodes Ellis, WN et Bellinger, PF, 1973:24
Remark by Ellis, W.N. &Bellinger, P.F. 1973:24: The validity of this generic name has been challenged on the grounds that its type species is a nomen nudum and that the generic name therefore does not meet the requirements of article 13 (b). Ambiguities in the Code make it impossible to settle the question at this time.

  Syn.: Isotomidae Folsoma(sic) Poinsot, N, 1972:682 ISS
Remark by ICZN. 2007:322: Placed on the Official List of Names in Zoology. Opinion 1431.

Folsomia sp. from Belgium
2009.03.09 © Janssens, F.
Folsomia sp. from Holland
2012.08.31 © van Duinen, J.
Folsomia sp. from the UK
2012.11.27 © Murray, A.
Folsomia candida from the UK
Abdominal segments 4-6 fused
2014.01.25 © Scyrene., B
Folsomia sp. from Canada
Narrow elliptic post-antennal organ (PAO)
2016.02.06 © Hochhalter, R.
Folsomia sp. from Spain
2016.02.18 © Baquero, E.
Folsomia sp. from Belgium
Abd.4-6 fused
2017.10.24 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia sp. from Taiwan
2021.08.26 © Cheng, H.-J.
Folsoma fimetaria (upper) + candida (lower) from Europe
Modified after Kovacevic M & al, 2022 Fig.1AB

  Syn.: Collembola Fosolmia(sic) Zhang, S, Xie, Z, Dou, Y, Sun, X, Chang, L et Wu, D, 2022:9 ISS
Folsomia sp. from Belgium
2024.01.24 © Huskens, M.-L.

Species sp.0 Janssens F sensu Bagnall, 1949

            Syn.: Holotoma sp.undescribed Bagnall, RS, 1949:94

Species sp.0A Janssens F sensu Bagnall, 1949

            Syn.: Holotomodes sp.ined. Bagnall, RS, 1949:94
            Syn.: Holotomodes hibernica(sic) Bagnall, RS, 1949:94 nn IOS
            Syn.: Holotomodes hibernicus Ellis, WN et Bellinger, PF, 1973:24 nn
            Syn.: Folsomia hibernica Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:50 nn

Species sp.0B Janssens F sensu Bagnall, 1949

            Syn.: Holotomodes sp.awaiting description Bagnall, RS, 1949:94

Species sp.0C Janssens F sensu Bagnall, 1949

            Syn.: Holotomodes sp.awaiting description Bagnall, RS, 1949:94

Species sp.1 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.2 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.3 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.4 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.5 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.6 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.7 Potapov, MB, 2000:235

Species sp.8 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.9 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.10 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.11 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.12 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.13 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.14 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.15 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.16 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.17 Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species sp.18 Potapov, MB et Chimitova, A, 2009:55

Species sp.19 Potapov, MB et Chimitova, A, 2009:55

Species sp.20 Potapov, MB et Chimitova, A, 2009:55

Species sp.21 Potapov, MB et Chimitova, A, 2009:55

Species sp.22 Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:14

Species sp.23 Kahrarian, M et Arbea, J, 2013:92

Folsomia n.sp. from Iran
After Kahrarian M & Arbea J, 2013 Fig.5

Species sp.24 Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:319

Species abrupta Potapov & Deharveng, 2000

Species achaeta Bagnall, 1939

            Syn.: Folsomia achaeta Shaw, P, Faria, C et Emerson, B, 2013:165,is

Species agrelli Gisin, 1944

            Syn.: Folsomia quadrioculata f. 2-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:5 IOS

Species albens Kaprus, IJ et Potapov, MB, 1999:355

Species alpigena Stach, 1947

Species alpina Kseneman, 1936

Species altaica Martynova, 1974:18

Species altamontana Yosii, 1971

             Syn.: Folsomia altamomtana(sic) Berezina, OG et Potapov, MB, 2006:9 ISS

Species amazonae Winter, C, 1963:504

Species americana Stach, 1947

Species amplissima Potapov & Babenko, 2000

Species amurica Potapov M et Kuznetsova N in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:13

Folsomia amurica from East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.39

Species ancestor Potapov & Babenko, 2000

Species annamariae Winter, C, 1963:506

Species antricola Loksa, I, 1959:37

Folsomia antricola from Hungary
After Loksa I, 1959 Fig.1A

Species aquatica Wang & Wu, 2012

Species arena Potapov MB et Babenko A in Potapov, MB, 2006:16

Folsomia arena from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2006 Fig.19

Species arunachalensis Mandal, GP, 2018:112

Folsomia arunachalensis from India
After Mandal GP, 2018 Plate.2 Fig.1

Species asiatica Martynova, 1971

Folsomia asiatica from Iran
After Arbea JI & Kahrarian M, 2015 Fig.1

Species atropolaris Potapov & Babenko, 2000

Species australica Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:137

            Syn.: Folsomia loftyensis Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:15,aff

Remark by Greenslade, P. 2017.09.19:il: The Lord Howe Island specimens should have been used as holotypes. The species name australica is inappropriate as the species only occurres in New South Wales and Victoria.
Species baicalica Stebaeva & Potapov, 1998

Species baida Potapov, MB, 2006:12

Folsomia baida from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2006 Fig.2

Species baijali Prabhoo, 1971

Species bashkira Potapov MB et Kuznetsova N in Potapov, MB, 2006:14

Folsomia bashkira from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2006 Fig.4

Species bidentata Lee, B-H, 1973:446

             Syn.: Folsomia bidenetata(sic) Lee, B-H, Kim, B-J et Kim, J-T, 1993:290 ISS

Species binoculata (Wahlgren, 1899)

Species biparis Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:305

Species bisetosa Gisin, 1953

Species bisetosella Fjellberg, A, 2005:111

Species bogojevicae Dunger W in Dunger, W et Zivadinovic, J, 1989:3

            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Simon JC in Arbea, JI, 2016:426

Folsomia bogojevicae ♂ from Spain
After Arbea JI, 2016 Fig.1
Folsomia bogojevicae juv. from Spain
After Arbea JI, 2016 Fig.7

Species borealis Potapov & Babenko, 2000

Species brevicauda Agrell, 1939

Species brevifurca (Bagnall, 1949) Goto, HE & Lawrence, PN in Kloet, GS & Hincks, WD, 1964:7

             Syn.: Folsomia brevifurcata(sic) Loksa, I, 1964:96 ISS
            Syn.: Folsomia brevifurca Dunger, W et Zivadinovic, J, 1989:1,sd
            Syn.: Folsomia brevifurca Potapov, M, 2001:185,sd
Remark by Potapov, M. 2001:186: As was shown by Lawrence (1973), the species was described from a single juvenile, so it became a species dubia.

            Syn.: Folsomia brevifurca Shaw, P, Faria, C et Emerson, B, 2013:165,is

Species brevisensilla Potapov & Babenko, 2000

Species breviseta Potapov M et Kuznetsova N in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:7

Folsomia breviseta from East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.12

Species britannica Stach, 1947

Species calcarea Potapov M in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:27

Folsomia calcarea from Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.69

Species candida Willem, V, 1902:280, t.t., B, B

            Syn.: Isotoma fimetaria var. caldaria Axelson, WM, 1905:790
            Syn.: Folsomia dubia Kinoshita, 1917
            Syn.: Folsomia dubia Kinoshita, 1932
            Syn.: Folsomia dubia Yosii, R, 1977:153
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria var. dentata Folsom, JW, 1927:7
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Stach, 1929
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Geyer & Mann, 1940
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Bonet, F, 1931:380,B
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Wolf, B, 1938:120,B
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Leruth, R, 1939:199,B
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Folsom, 1932
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Womersley, 1934
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Womersley, H, 1939:145
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Yosii, 1939
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Uchida, 1940
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Uchida, 1952
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Yosii, 1955
            Syn.: Entomobrya emeraldica Rayment, 1937
            Syn.: Folsomia distincta Bagnall, 1939
            Syn.: Folsomia kingi Bagnall, 1939
            Syn.: Folsomia lawrencei Szeptycki, A et Weiner, WM in Razowski J, 1990:27
Remark by Janssens, F. 2021.07.16: Note 24 of Szeptycki & Weiner in Razowski (1990:27) : is to be interpreted as "The species litsteri is described on the basis of immature specimens of F. candida, hence litsteri = candida, while specimens of litsteri from Poland mainly concern F. lawrencei, hence lawrencei = litsteri." And then putting the 2 opinions together makes lawrencei (from Poland) = candida.

            Syn.: Folsomia litsteri Lawrence, 1973
             Syn.: Folsomia listeri(sic) Szeptycki, A et Weiner, WM in Razowski J, 1990:27 ISS
            Syn.: Folsomia litsteri Potapov, M, 2001:186
Remark by Potapov, M. 2001:188: According to the accurate study of types by Lawrence (1973), F. litsteri, F. distincta and F. kingi (described as three independent species) are the growth stages of this large-sized species [candida].

            Syn.: Folsomia litsteri Hopkin, SP, 2007:98 partim
            Syn.: Folsomia fontis Yosii, R, 1953:67
            Syn.: Folsomia fontis Yosii, R, 1977:153
            Syn.: Folsomia cavicola Cassagnau, P et Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1955:381
            Syn.: Folsomia abchasica Martynova, 1964
            Syn.: Folsomia candida var. indistincta Green, 1964

Folsomia candida from the UK
2003 © Hopkin, S.P.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2005 © CEH.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2005 © CEH.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2006.04.08 © Read, D.
Folsomia candida from Germany
2006.12.26 © Kohl, F.
Folsomia candida from Germany
2007.12.14 © Pageler, J.
Folsomia candida from Germany
2007.12.14 © Pageler, J.
Folsomia candida from France, juvenile
2007 © Raveton, M.
Remark by Dányi, L. & Traser, G. 2008:47: Data of Stach (1929) and Geyer & Mann (1940) were corrected by Loksa (1960:49).

Folsomia candida from France
After Tully, T., 2008 ©
First instar 0.35mm
Folsomia candida from Spain
After Baquero, E., 2009.05.22 ©
In laboratory culture
Folsomia candida from the USA
2011.03.02 © Justis, S.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2012.08.21 © Murray, A.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2012.08.21 © Murray, A.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2012.09.05 © Murray, A.
Folsomia candida from the UK
With brown gut
2013.01.26 © Murray, A.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2013.01.26 © Murray, A.
Folsomia candida from the UK
2014.01.25 © Scyrene., B
Folsomia candida from Holland
2014.10.21 © van Duinen, J.
Folsomia candida from Holland
2019.12.10 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia candida from Holland
2019.12.10 © Kamsteeg, G.

Species cephalota Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:8

Folsomia cephalota from China
After Bu Y & al, 2017 Fig.6
Folsomia cephalota subadult ♀ from China
After Bu Y & al, 2017 Fig.2

Species checae Lucianez & Simon, 2003

Species ciliata Babenko & Bulavintsev, 1993

             Syn.: Folsomia (fimetaria-group) cilaita(sic) Mandal, GP, 2018:113 ISS

Species clavipila Cassagnau, P, 1954:619

Species coeruleogrisea (Hammer, 1938) Fjellberg, A, 2007:35

            Syn.: Isotomina gracilis Stach, 1962 nec Latzel, 1922
            Syn.: Folsomia alpha Christiansen, KA et Tucker, BE, 1977:371
Folsomia alpha from the USA
After Christiansen KA & Tucker BE, 1977 Fig.1A

            Syn.: Folsomia janstachi Potapov & Babenko, 2000

             Syn.: Cryptopygus coeruleogrisea(sic) Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:50 ISS

Species continentalis Potapov & Dunger, 2000

Species cryptophila Potapov & Babenko, 2000

             Syn.: Folsomia (fimetaria-group) cryptopila(sic) Potapov, MB et Chimitova, A, 2009:55 ISS

Species culter Potapov, MB et Chimitova, A, 2009:49

Folsomia culter from Russia
After Potapov MB & Chimitova A, 2009 Fig.1

Species decaxiophthalma Ford, 1962

Species decemoculata Stach, J, 1946:29

             Syn.: Folsomia 10-oculata(sic) Parisi, V, 2007:22 ISS

Species decophthalma Steiner, 1958

Species decopsis Steiner, 1958

Species diplophthalma (Axelson, 1902) Axelson, 1907, B

            Syn.: Isotoma cacuminum Wahlgren, 1906
            Syn.: Isotoma binoculata Collinge & Shoebotham, 1909, nec Wahlgren, 1899
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma var. caeca Kseneman, M, 1935:12
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma var. pallida Kseneman, M, 1938:462
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma f. 4-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:13 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma ab. 2-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:7 IOS

            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma f. anocellata Maynard, EA, 1951:87

             Syn.: Folsomia diplopthalma(sic) Salmon, JT, 1943:73 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia diplophtalma(sic) Jacobs, W, 1997:71,B ISS
Folsomia diplophthalma from Japan
After Suetsugu N, Satoh F & Koike T, 2010 Photo16

Species dorsomediaseta Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:8

Species dovrensis Fjellberg, 1976

             Syn.: Folsomia (fimetaria-group) dovernis(sic) Mandal, GP, 2018:113 ISS

Species duodecimoculata Ford, 1962

            Syn.: Folsomia hoffi Scott, HG, 1961:264 partim holotype

             Syn.: Folsomia duodecimaculata(sic) Christiansen & Tucker, 1977 ISS

Species echinosetosa Stebaeva, 1978

Species elongata (MacGillivray, 1896) James, 1933

            Syn.: Isotoma bidenticula Guthrie, JE, 1903:66

             Syn.: Folsomia elongate(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ et Vázquez-González, M, 2012:110 ISS

Species evansensis Fjellberg, A, 1984:203

            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Fjellberg, A, 1984:203 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Fjellberg, A, 1984:193 IOS
Folsomia evansi(sic) from the USA
After Fjellberg A, 1984 Fig.8A

            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Poole, RW in Poole, RW et Gentili, P, 1997:50 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:692 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:693 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:696 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia evansi(sic) Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:707 IOS
Remark by Janssens, F. 2023.11.16: According to the etymology : "Named after the type locality, Mt. Evans" it was the intension of the author to name the new species after a location not after a person. Hence the intention was to create a toponym not a patronym. However, the name 'evansi' refers to a male person called 'Evans' not to a location called 'Evans'. This does not match the etymology. This mismatch is clear evidence of an inadvertent error that must be corrected (Art.32.5.1). 'evansensis' refers to the type location as intended by the author.

Species fimetaria (Linnæus, C, 1758:609) Willem, V, 1925:626, B

            Syn.: Podura terrestris alba Linnæus, C, 1746:343
            Syn.: Podura fimaria Linnæus, C, 1748:67
             Syn.: Podura Terrestris(sic) Scopoli, JA, 1763:379 ISS
            Syn.: Isotoma alba Tullberg, 1871
            Syn.: ... nitida Becker, 1902
            Syn.: Isotoma splendes Becker, 1902
            Syn.: Folsomia dubia Kinoshita, 1917

             Syn.: Podura Fimetaria(sic) Bourlet, C, 1845:153 ISS
             Syn.: Podura Fimetaria(sic) Bourlet, C, 1845:155 ISS
Isotoma fimetaria from Europe
After Börner in Escherich K, 1923 Abb.1a
Folsomia fimetaria from the UK
Feeding instar showing gut contents
2012.12.09 © Murray, A.
Folsomia fimetaria from Czechia
Feeding instar showing gut contents
2015.02.13 © Deml, M.

             Syn.: Folsomia fimentaria(sic) Kovacevic, M, Amorim, MJB, Hackenberger, BK et Scott-Fordsmand, JJ, 2022:4 ISS

Species fimetarioides (Axelson, WM, 1903:8) Handschin, 1929:59, B

             Syn.: Folsomia fimetariodes(sic) Hopkin, 1997 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia (fimetaria-group) fimetariodes(sic) Mandal, GP, 2018:113 ISS

Species fumosa Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:313

Folsomia fumosa from Buryat Republic
After Potapov M & Gulgenova A, 2013 Fig.11

Species gebhardti Loksa, I, 1964:95

Species giustii Dallai, R, 1970:451

Species hasegawai Yosii, R, 1959:117

Species heterocellata Stebaeva & Potapov, 1998

Species heterothorax Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:309

Folsomia heterothorax from Buryat Republic
After Potapov M & Gulgenova A, 2013 Fig.2

Species hexasetosa Lee, B-H, 1977:157

             Syn.: Folsomia hexasetasa(sic) Lee, B-H, Kim, B-J et Kim, J-T, 1993:290 ISS

Species hidakana Uchida, H et Tamura, H, 1968:7

Folsomia hidakana from Japan
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.13

Species highlandia Wray, DL, 1950:95

Species hissarica Martynova, 1971

Species hodgei Maynard, EA, 1951:86

Species hoffi Scott, HG, 1961:264 partim paratypes

            Syn.: Proisotoma hoffi Scott, 1962

Species hrabei Rusek, 1984

Species hubeiensis Ding, Huang & Chen, 2006

Species imadatei Tamura & Zhao, 2000

Species imparis Potapov M et Hasegawa M in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:16

Species inoculata Stach, J, 1946:34

            Syn.: Folsomia ezoensis Yosii, R, 1965:27
            Syn.: Folsomia ezoensis Yosii, R, 1977:154
            Syn.: Folsomia ezoensis Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:31
            Syn.: Folsomia spinosa Zivadinovic, 1973

Folsomia inoculata from the UK
Post-antennal organ
2004 © Hopkin, S.P.
Folsomia inoculata from the UK
Basal dental ridges toothlike extended
2008.04.04 © Shaw, P.
Folsomia inoculata from the UK
2+2 anterior manubrial setae
2008.04.04 © Shaw, P.
Folsomia inoculata from East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.81
             Syn.: Folsomia noculata(sic) Shaw, P et Trewhella, S, 2019:10 ISS
Folsomia inoculata from Holland
2019.01.02 © Krediet, A.
Folsomia inoculata from Holland
Basal dental ridges toothlike extended (*)
2019.01.02 © Krediet, A.
Folsomia inoculata from Belgium
2019.03.24 © Krediet, A.

Species kerni Gisin, 1948

Species kirgisica Martynova, 1973

Species ksenemani Stach, 1947

            Syn.: Folsomia pseudodiplophthalma Stach, 1947
             Syn.: Folsomia pseudo(sic) Poinsot, N, 1972:680 ISS

Species kuramotoi Yoshii, 1995

Species kurushica Potapov, MB, Abdurakhmanov, GM et Aitekova, MM, 2001:?

Species kuznetsovae Potapov MB in Potapov, MB et Taskaeva, AA, 2009:1

Folsomia kuznetsovae from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2009 Fig.14
             Syn.: Folsomia kuznetsove(sic) Schulz, H-J et Potapov, M, 2010:63 ISS

Species laconica Potapov M et Kuznetsova N in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:21

Folsomia laconica from East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.51

Species litsteri Bagnall, 1939

            Syn.: Folsomia lawrencei Rusek, 1984
             Syn.: Folsomia lawrancei(sic) Sterzynska, 1990 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia lawrensei(sic) Kaprus, 1998 ISS
            Syn.: Folsomia lawrencei Hopkin, SP, 2007:23
            Syn.: Folsomia lawrencei Fjellberg, A, 2007:47

             Syn.: Folsomia listeri(sic) auctt. ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia listeri(sic) Christiansen & Tucker, 1977 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia listeri(sic) Szeptycki & Weiner in Razowski, 1990 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia litseri(sic) Hopkin, 1997 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia listeri(sic) Irmler, U, 2006:54 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia listeri(sic) Auclerc, A, Ponge, JF, Barot, S et Dubs, F, 2009:1599 ISS

Species loftyensis Womersley, 1934

Folsomia loftyensis from Australia
After Potapov MB & Greenslade P, 2010 Fig.1

Species longdeica Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:11

             Syn.: Folsomia (heterocellata-group) longde(sic) Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:1 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia (heterocellata-group) longde(sic) Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:9 ISS

Species longidens Potapov & Babenko, 2000

Species longiseta Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:12

Species lunata Salmon, JT, 1943:73

Species macrochaetosa Martynova, Berman & Chelnokov, 1977

Species macroseta Ford, 1962

Species magadani Martynova, 1977

Species manolachei Bagnall, 1939, Bhabitus lateral

            Syn.: Folsomia anophthalma Axelson, 1902
            Syn.: Isotoma quadrioculata var. pallida Axelson, WM, 1905:791
            Syn.: Folsomia nana Gisin, 1957
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Selga, 1971
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Selga D in Arbea, JI, 2016:426
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Steiner W in Arbea, JI, 2016:426
            Syn.: Folsomia spinosa Zivadinovic, 1973

             Syn.: Folsomia manobechei(sic) Bagnall, 1939 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia manobechei(sic) Gisin, H, 1960:178 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia monobechei(sic) Goto, HE et Lawrence, PN in Kloet, GS et Hincks, WD, 1964:7 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia monolachei(sic) Jordana, R, 1980:105 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia monolachei(sic) Christian, E, 1985:143 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia manolacheri(sic) Kaprus, IJ, Pomorski, RJ, Skarzynski, D et Potapov, MB, 2005:897 ISS ONB ano aut:Dányi,%L.%&%Traser,%G.
Remark by Janssens, F. 2008:48: The [Hungarian] data of Folsomia quadrioculata (Tullberg) reported by Dunger (1975) included "Folsomia nana Gisin" [= Folsomia manolachei] as well.

Folsomia manolachei from the UK
2012.12.08 © Murray, A.
Folsomia manolachei from the UK
2013.02.02 © Nurcombe, E.
Folsomia manolachei from the UK
2013.02.02 © Nurcombe, E.
Folsomia manolachei from the UK
Eye with 2 distinctly separated ocelli
2013.02.02 © Nurcombe, E.
Folsomia manolachei from Holland
2018.02.21 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia manolachei from Holland
Two separated ocelli (*)
2018.02.21 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia manolachei from Holland
Setae near posterior margin of abd.3 not reaching abd.4
2018.02.21 © Kamsteeg, G.

Species manubriopilosa Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:13

Species martynovae Potapov, 2001

Folsomia duodecimoculata from Ukraine
After Kaprus IJ, 1997 Fig.1A

Species maximovi Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:314

Species microchaeta Agrell, I, 1939:5

            Syn.: Folsomia microchaeta ab. 2-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:6 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia microchaeta f. 4-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:5 IOS

Species mikhaili Jordana R et Baquero E in Baquero, E, Arbea, J et Jordana, R, 2010:299

Species minipunctata Zhao & Tamura, 1992

             Syn.: Folsomia minipunetata(sic) Liu, Y-Q, Hou, D-B et Li, Z-C, 1998:127 ISS

Species minorae Potapov, M, Janion-Scheepers, C et Deharveng, L, 2017:133

Folsomia minorae from New Zealand
After Potapov M, Janion-Scheepers C & Deharveng L, 2017 Fig.1

Species minuta Lee, B-H et Kim, J-T, 1994:211

Species miradentata Salmon, JT, 1943:74

Species mofettophila Schulz, H-J et Potapov, M, 2010:60

Folsomia mofettophila from Czechia
After Schulz H-J & Potapov M, 2010 Fig.5

Species mongolica Huang C-W et Potapov M in Potapov, M, Huang, C-W, Gulgenova, A et Luan, Y-X, 2020:13

Folsomia mongolica from Central Asia
After Potapov M & al, 2020 Fig.32

Species monoculata (Bagnall, 1949) Goto, HE & Lawrence, PN in Kloet, GS & Hincks, WD, 1964:7

            Syn.: Folsomia monoculata Shaw, P, Faria, C et Emerson, B, 2013:165,is

Species monophthalma Bagnall, 1939

Species montana Martynova, 1971

Species montigena Stach, J, 1946:32

Species najtae Potapov, MB, Fjellberg, A et Bokova, A, 2017:96

Folsomia najtae ♀ from Far East Russia
After Potapov MB, Fjellberg A & Bokova A, 2017 Fig.1A
Folsomia najtae juv. from Far East Russia
After Potapov MB, Fjellberg A & Bokova A, 2017 Fig.2A
Folsomia najtae juv. from Far East Russia
Mobile form
After Potapov MB, Fjellberg A & Bokova A, 2017 Fig.2B

Species nakajimai Yosii, R, 1959:116

Species nanjingensis Ding, Ji & Chen, 2006

Species nigromaculata Najt, 1981

Species nivalis (Packard, AS, 1873:31) Scott, HG, 1961:265

            Syn.: Folsomia duodecimsetosa Hammer, 1953

Folsomia nivalis from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia nivalis from Canada
Manubrium anterior side with 10 setae
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia nivalis from Canada
Dentes tapering, crenulate, apically smooth
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia nivalis from Canada
Mucro bidentate
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia nivalis from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.

Species obscurocellata Potapov & Cassagnau, 2000

Species ocellata Jordana, R, 1980:101

Species octoculata Handschin, 1925

            Syn.: Folsomia uenoea Uchida, 1943
            Syn.: Folsomia uenoea Yosii, R, 1977:154
            Syn.: Parafolsomia trioculata Salmon, 1956

             Syn.: Folsomia octooculata(sic) Potapov, MB, 2000:235 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia (alpina-group) octooculata(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:17 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia (alpina-group) octooculata(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:18 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia (alpina-group) octooculata(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:17,aff ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia (alpina-group) octooculata(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:18,aff ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia octooculata(sic) Potapov, MB, Fjellberg, A et Bokova, A, 2017:96 ISS

Species orientalis Martynova, 1977

Species ozeana Yosii, 1954

            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Yosii, 1939

             Syn.: Folsomia oézana(sic) Lee, B-H et Kim, J-T, 1994:214 ISS

Species palaearctica Potapov & Babenko, 2000

            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma McClure, 1943 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Hammer, 1953 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Mills & Richards, 1953 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Oliver, 1963 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Bohnsack, 1968 cf =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Challet & Bohnsack, 1968 cf =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma MacLean & al, 1977 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma MacLean & al, 1978 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Danks, 1981 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Ryan, 1981 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Toda & Tanno, 1983 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Fjellberg, 1986 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Babenko, 1993 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Fjellberg, 1994 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Skidmore, RE, 1995:55 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Babenko & Bulavintsev, 1997 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Christiansen & Bellinger, 1998 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Niwranski & al, 2002 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma Babenko, A, Stebaeva, S et Turnbull, MS, 2019:54 =?

             Syn.: Folsomia (quadrioculata-group) palearctica(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:18 ISS

Species paoinflata Potapov MB et Stebaeva S in Potapov, MB, 2006:18

Species penicula Bagnall, 1939

            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma var. tetrophthalma Kseneman, 1934 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia tetrophthalma Gisin, 1946
            Syn.: Folsomia multiseta Stach, 1947
            Syn.: Folsomia multiseta ssp. dives Stach, 1947
            Syn.: Folsomia ksenemani Christiansen, 1959

             Syn.: Folsomia peniculata(sic) Matiz & al, 2006 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia peniculata(sic) Yadav, RS, 2017:11056 ISS
Folsomia penicula from Algeria
After Zoughailech A, 2017 Fig.59
Folsomia penicula from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia penicula from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia penicula from Canada
Eye in 2 subequal patches
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia penicula from Canada
Post-antennal organ long and bent
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia penicula from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia penicula from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia penicula from Canada
2021.12.12 © Brousseau, P.-M.

Species picea Christiansen, KA et Tucker, BE, 1977:374

Folsomia picea from the USA
After Christiansen KA & Tucker BE, 1977 Fig.1C

Species plenosensilla Bu, Y, Gao, Y, Potapov, M et Huang, C-W, 2017:13

Species postsensilis Potapov, M et Gao, Y, 2012:54

Folsomia postsensilis from China
After Potapov M & Gao Y, 2012 Fig.12

Species potapovi Babenko, AB, 2007:375

Species prima Mills, HB, 1931:3

            Syn.: Folsomia quadrioculata Folsom, 1928, partim
            Syn.: Folsomia silvestrii Folsom, JW, 1937:20
             Syn.: Folsomia silvestri(sic) Stach, 1947 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia silvestri(sic) Scott, HG, 1961:266 ISS

Folsomia prima from the USA
2009.03.07 © Bergen, L.
Folsomia prima from the USA
2009.03.07 © Bergen, L.
Folsomia prima from Canada
2021.10.21 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia prima from Canada
Clavate tenent macroseta broken (?)
Unguis with inner tooth (*)
2021.10.21 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia prima from Canada
Dental ridges tooth-like extended (*)
2021.10.21 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia prima from Canada
Mucro bidentate
2021.10.21 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia prima from Canada
2021.10.21 © Brousseau, P.-M.
Folsomia prima from Canada
Foot with distinctive clavate tenent macroseta
2021.10.21 © Brousseau, P.-M.

Species pseudodecemoculata Stebaeva, 1971

             Syn.: Folsomia pseudodecimoculata(sic) Potapov, MB, 2000:236 ISS
Folsomia pseudodecemoculata ♂ from China
After Bu Y & al, 2017 Fig.3

Species pseudodiplophthalma Stach, 1947

Species pseudovtorovi Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:321

Species pusilla Salmon, JT, 1944:143

Species pyrenaea Cassagnau, P, 1954:622

            Syn.: Folsomia sexoculata var. pyrenæa(sic) Cassagnau, P, 1954:622 IOS

Species quadrioculata (Tullberg, 1871) Linnaniemi, 1907, B

            Syn.: Folsomia anophthalma Axelson, 1902
            Syn.: Isotoma quadrioculata var. pallida Axelson, WM, 1905:791
            Syn.: Folsomia gracilis Latzel, 1922
            Syn.: Folsomia quadrioculata f. 4-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:2 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia diplophthalma f. 4-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:6 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia quadrioculata ab. 2-punctata(sic) Agrell, I, 1939:5 IOS
            Syn.: Folsomia manolachei Bagnall, 1939
            Syn.: Folsomia quadrioculata ssp. americana Stach, 1947
            Syn.: Folsomia nana Gisin, 1957
            Syn.: Folsomia monosetosa Rusek, 1966
            Syn.: Folsomia sp. De Bie, P et Dop, H, 1980:A63 map
            Syn.: Folsomia spec. De Bie, P et Dop, H, 1980:7

             Syn.: Isotoma 4-oculata(sic) Absolon, K, 1901:33 ISS
Folsomia quadrioculata from New Zealand
After Salmon JT, 1941 Pl.49 Fig.154

             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Cassagnau, P in Vandel, A, 1958:3379 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:36 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:38 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:39 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:40 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:43 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:46 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Haybach, G, 1959:Tab.VIII ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Delamare Deboutteville & Jacquemart, 1961 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Poole, 1961 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Betsch, J-M et Cassagnau, P, 1966:125 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Peterson, AJ, 1971:82 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia quadriculata(sic) Martynova, EF, 1974:19 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Deharveng, L, 1982:613,gr ISS
Folsomia quadrioculata from the UK
2005 © Brocklehurst, K.

             Syn.: Folsomia quadriculata(sic) Matiz & al, 2006 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia 4-oculata(sic) Parisi, V, 2007:22 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia quadrioculala(sic) Busmachiu, G, 2010:154 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia quadriociulata(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:18,gr ISS
Folsomia quadrioculata (bar=2µm)
Rhombic epicuticular ultrastructure
After Nickerl J & al, 2012 Fig.4C

Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
2012.10.30 © van Duinen, J.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
Fused 4th-6th abdominal segments
2012.10.30 © van Duinen, J.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
Eye with 2 distinctly separated ocelli
2012.10.30 © van Duinen, J.
Folsomia quadrioculata juv. from Switzerland
2012.11.30 © Murray, A.

             Syn.: Folsomia qudrioculata(sic) Zhang, F, Chen, Z, Dong, R-R, Deharveng, L, Stevens, MI, Huang, Y-H et Zhu, CD, 2014:233 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia qudrioculata(sic) Zhang, F, Chen, Z, Dong, R-R, Deharveng, L, Stevens, MI, Huang, Y-H et Zhu, CD, 2014:235 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia qudrioculata(sic) Zhang, F, Chen, Z, Dong, R-R, Deharveng, L, Stevens, MI, Huang, Y-H et Zhu, CD, 2014:236 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia qudrioculata(sic) Zhang, F, Chen, Z, Dong, R-R, Deharveng, L, Stevens, MI, Huang, Y-H et Zhu, CD, 2014:237 ISS
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
2014.10.28 © van Duinen, J.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Germany
2015.01.07 © Mattew, M.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Germany
Four distinctly separated ocelli
2015.01.07 © Mattew, M.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Germany
2015.02.15 © Mattew, M.

             Syn.: Folsomia quadriocullata(sic) Raschmanová, N, Miklisová, D et Kovác, L, 2016:189 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia quadriocula(sic) Zhang, F, Pan, Z-X, Wu, J, Ding, Y-H, Yu, D-Y et Wang, B-X, 2016:599 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia qudrioculata(sic) Zhang, F, Pan, Z-X, Wu, J, Ding, Y-H, Yu, D-Y et Wang, B-X, 2016:615 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia quadriculata(sic) Yadav, RS, 2017:11056 ISS
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
2018.02.15 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
Eyepatch with 2 isolated ocelli
2018.02.15 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
Terminal macrosetae relatively long
2018.02.15 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
2018.11.23 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
2019.10.26 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
2019.10.26 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
2020.01.07 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
Eyepatch with 1 anterior + 1 posterior ocellus
2020.01.07 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
Abd.3 with posterior setae that reach over intersegmental membrane
2020.01.07 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
2020.01.07 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
2020.11.09 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
Two ocelli
2020.11.09 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
Eye with 2 widely spaced ocelli
2021.01.05 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Belgium
2021.03.09 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
2022.12.27 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia quadrioculata from Holland
Cephalic pattern
2022.12.27 © Kamsteeg, G.

Species regularis Hammer, 1953

            Syn.: Folsomia ozeana Yosii, R, 1977:154
            Syn.: Folsomia agrelli Skidmore, RE, 1995:55
            Syn.: Folsomia agrelli Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980
            Syn.: Folsomia agrelli Babenko, A, Stebaeva, S et Turnbull, MS, 2019:54

             Syn.: Folsomia regulars(sic) Suetsugu, N, Satoh, F et Koike, T, 2010:59 ISS
Folsomia regularis from Canada
2014.02.02 © Hochhalter, R.
Folsomia regularis from Canada
2014.02.02 © Hochhalter, R.

Species riozoyoshiii Potapov & Cassagnau, 2000

             Syn.: Folsomia (quadrioculata-group) riozoyoshii(sic) Potapov, MB et Greenslade, P, 2010:18 ISS

Species rossica Potapov & Dunger, 2000

Species salmoni Stach, 1947

Species sanjiangensis Wang & Wu, 2012

Species santokhi (Baijal, HN, 1958:351)

Bagnallela santokhi from the Himalaya
After Baijal HN, 1958 Fig.3A.
"Folsomia santokhi"(sic) from India
After Santeshwari, Raghuraman M & Singh J, 2015 p.573
See note by Janssens F, 2016.11.02
Remark by Janssens, F. 2016.11.02: Folsomia is to be excluded for the record of Santeshwari et al., 2015:573 from India given abd.4-6 are not fused. Cryptopygus sp. might be a better match given only abd.5-6 are fused.

Species sensibilis Kseneman, 1934

            Syn.: Isotomina pazae Selga, 1966

Species sensivillosa Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:317

Folsomia sensivillosa from Buryat Republic
After Potapov M & Gulgenova A, 2013 Fig.20

Species setifrontalis Potapov & Marusik, 2000

Species setosa Gisin, 1953

Species setula Christiansen, KA et Tucker, BE, 1977:376

Folsomia setula from the USA
After Christiansen KA & Tucker BE, 1977 Fig.2A

Species sexoculata (Tullberg, 1871) Handschin, 1929:57, B

            Syn.: ... sexoculata ssp. alpigena Stach, 1947
            Syn.: Folsomia anglicana Paclt, 1952
            Syn.: Folsomia sexoculata ssp. britannica Stach, 1947
            Syn.: ... folsomiella Bagnall, 1949
            Syn.: ... sexoculata var. pyrenaea Cassagnau, 1954

Folsomia sexoculata from Germany
After Handschin in Pistor D, 1955 Abb.6
             Syn.: Folsomia 6-oculata(sic) Parisi, V, 2007:22 ISS
             Syn.: Tetracanthella(sic) 6-oculata(sic) Parisi, V, 2007:23 lapsus ISS
Folsomia sexoculata from Norway
2010.03.24 © Haraldseide, H.
Folsomia sexoculata from Norway
2010.03.24 © Haraldseide, H.
Folsomia sexoculata from the UK
2012.01.10 © Jones, A.
Folsomia sexoculata from the UK
2012.01.10 © Jones, A.
Folsomia sexoculata from the UK
2012.01.10 © Jones, A.
Folsomia sexoculata from the UK
2012.01.12 © Jones, A.
Folsomia sexoculata from Canada
2012.02.09 © Hochhalter, R.
Folsomia sexoculata from the UK
2012.09.12 © Jones, A.
Folsomia sexoculata from France
2012.11.03 © Quintin, C.
Folsomia sexoculata from the UK
2012.11.27 © Murray, A.
Folsomia sexoculata from the USA
2016.12.07 © Dobbs, Br.
Folsomia sexoculata from the USA
2016.12.07 © Dobbs, Br.
Folsomia sexoculata from France
Body segments with transverse spotted band
2019.02.04 © Garcelon, P.
Folsomia sexoculata from France
Eyepatch with 3 ocelli
2019.02.04 © Garcelon, P.
Folsomia sexoculata from Belgium
2019.10.23 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia sexoculata from Belgium
Three ocelli in 2 distinct groups
Two anterior + one posterior
2019.10.23 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia sexoculata from Belgium
Cephalic dorsal pattern
2019.10.23 © Huskens, M.-L.
Folsomia sexoculata from Holland
2022.12.31 © Kamsteeg, G.

Species similis Bagnall, 1939:57, B

            Syn.: Isotoma bipunctata Womersley, 1939

             Syn.: Folsomia simile(sic) Falahati HosseinAbad, A, Mehr, MS et Khyroodin, A, 2013:258 ISS
Folsomia similis from Iran
After Arbea JI & Kahrarian M, 2015 Fig.7
Folsomia similis from Holland
2019.11.16 © Kamsteeg, G.
Det.: Berg, M.
Folsomia similis from Holland
With 1+1 ocelli
2019.11.16 © Kamsteeg, G.
Det.: Berg, M.
Folsomia similis from Holland
With 1+1 ocelli
2019.12.10 © Kamsteeg, G.
Det.: Berg, M.
Folsomia similis from Holland
With 1+1 ocelli
2021.12.16 © Kamsteeg, G.
Folsomia similis from Germany
With 1+1 ocelli
2024.03.18 © Rose, A.
Folsomia similis from Germany
With 1+1 ocelli
2024.03.18 © Rose, A.

Species sparsosetosa Potapov, M et Stebaeva, S, 1997:130

Folsomia sparsosetosa from Russia
After Potapov M & Stebaeva S, 1997 Fig.27

Species spinosa Kseneman, 1936, B

            Syn.: Folsomia aspinosa Bartosova, 1958
            Syn.: Folsomia montigena Stach, 1946

Folsomia spinosa from the UK
PAO longer than width of ant.1
2012.12.25 © Murray, A.
Folsomia spinosa from the UK
2012.12.25 © Murray, A.
Folsomia spinosa from the UK
2012.12.25 © Murray, A.

Species stebaevi Potapov MB et Stevaeva S in Potapov, MB, 2006:19

Folsomia stebaevi from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2006 Fig.43

Species stella Christiansen, KA et Tucker, BE, 1977:379

Folsomia stella from the USA
After Christiansen KA & Tucker BE, 1977 Fig.2C

            Syn.: Isotoma manubriata Macgillivray, 1896 =?
            Syn.: Isotoma manubriata Christiansen, KA et Tucker, BE, 1977:382 =?
            Syn.: Isotoma manubriata Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1980:630 =?
            Syn.: Isotoma manubriata Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:697 =?
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Folsom, JW, 1937:28 partim
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Stach, J, 1947:154 partim
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Maynard, EA, 1951:84 partim
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Salmon, JT, 1964:334 partim
            Syn.: Folsomia fimetaria Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:732 partim
            Syn.: Folsomia candida Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:732
            Syn.: Folsomia nivalis Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1998:732

Folsomia stella from the USA
Posterior macrosetae smooth and acuminate
2020.05.29 © Speer, J.H.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Unguis without inner or lateral teeth
2020.05.29 © Speer, J.H.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Mucro bidentate, subapical tooth distinctly larger
2020.05.29 © Speer, J.H.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Pigment absent
Eyes absent
2023.03.19 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
2023.03.19 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Unguis without inner or lateral teeth
2023.03.19 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Posterior macrosetae smooth and acuminate
2023.03.23 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Pigment absent
Eyes absent
2023.10.28 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
2023.10.28 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Anterior side of manubrium with 2 lateral arrays of 3 setae
2023.10.28 © Wang, G.
Folsomia stella from the USA
Mucro bidentate, subapical tooth distinctly larger
2023.10.28 © Wang, G.

Species strenzkei Nosek, 1963

Species sylvia Wray, DL, 1953:148

             Syn.: Folsomia sylviae(sic) Mari Mutt & Bellinger, 1990 ISS

Species taigicola Stebaeva & Potapov, 1998

Species taimyrica Martynova & al., 1973

Species tatarica Martynova, 1964

Folsomia tatarica from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2006 Fig.3

Species tertia Potapov M in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:25

Species tesari Dunger, 1970

Species thalassophila Bagnall, 1940

Species tianshanica Martynova, 1969

            Syn.: Folsomia tianschanica(sic) Martynova, 1969 IOS

             Syn.: Folsomia tianschanica(sic) Rusek, 1973 ISS
             Syn.: Folsomia tianschanica(sic) Potapov, M et Stebaeva, S, 1997:130 ISS

Species torpeda Potapov MB et Taskaeva A in Potapov, MB, 2006:11

Folsomia torpeda from Russia
After Potapov MB, 2006 Fig.1

Species trisensilla Potapov M in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:23

Folsomia trisensilla from East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.50

Species trisetata Jordana, R et Ardanaz, A, 1981:41

Species tubulata Potapov M et Babenko A in Potapov, M, Hasegawa, M, Kuznetsova, N, Babenko, A et Kuprin, A, 2018:29

Folsomia tubulata from East Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2018 Fig.70

Species uniparis Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:322

Folsomia uniparis from Buryat Republic
After Potapov M & Gulgenova A, 2013 Fig.31

Species uniramia Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:323

Folsomia uniramia ♂ from Buryat Republic
After Potapov M & Gulgenova A, 2013 Fig.32

Species variabilis Fjellberg, A, 1984:202

Folsomia variabilis from the USA
After Fjellberg A, 1984 Fig.7I

Species vasilyevi Berezina, OG et Potapov, MB, 2006:9

Species villosa Potapov & Marusik, 2000

Species vitimica Potapov, M et Gulgenova, A, 2013:325

Folsomia vitimica from Buryat Republic
After Potapov M & Gulgenova A, 2013 Fig.39

Species volgensis Martynova, 1967

Species vtorovi Martynova, 1971

Species wanxianensis Ji, M, Ding, Y-F et Chen, J-X, 2007:59

            Syn.: Folsomia wanxianesis(sic) Ji, M, Ding, Y-F et Chen, J-X, 2007:59 IOS

Species wellingdae Potapov, M et Culik, MP, 2002:69

Genus Gnathofolsomia Deharveng, L et Christian, E, 1984:97

Species contrapunctata (Kseneman, 1950) Potapov, MB, 2000:236

Species palpata Deharveng, L et Christian, E, 1984:98, t.t.

Genus Isotomiella Bagnall, 1939 key

  Syn.: Isotominae Denisia Folsom, JW, 1932:61
  Syn.: Isotomidae Isotoma Leleup, N, 1948:10,B
  Syn.: Isotomidae Isotomellia(sic) Greenslade, P in Houston, WWK, 1994:78 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomiella minor King, Hutchinson & Greenslade P, 1976
  Syn.: Isotomiella minor Greenslade P & Thompson, 1981
  Syn.: Isotomiella minor King, Greenslade P & Hutchinson, 1985
  Syn.: Isotomiella minor Greenslade P & Greenslade PJM in Striganova, 1987

  Syn.: Isotominae Isotominella(sic) Snider, RJ, 1967:216 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Isotomiela(sic) Zeppelini Filho, D et Castaño Meneses, G, 1995:10 ISS
  Syn.: Isotomidae Isotomiela(sic) Cutz-Pool, LQ et Vázquez-González, M, 2012:106 ISS
Isotomiella sp. from Taiwan
2021.08.12 © Cheng, H.-J.

Species alulu Christiansen, K et Bellinger, P, 1992:147

Species aluluminor Yoshii, R, 1995:47

Species annae Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:313

Species amazonica Oliveira & Deharveng, 1990

Species arlei Oliveira & Deharveng, 1990

Species barisan Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:315

Species barivierai Deharveng, 1988

Species barrai Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species barrana de Mendonça, MC et Abrantes, EA, 2007:?

Species bidentata Delamare Deboutteville, 1950

Species brevidens Bedos & Deharveng, 1994

Species canina de Mendonça, MC et Fernandes, LH, 2003:2

Species ciliata Cardoso, MA, 1969:115

Isotomiella ciliata from Mozambique
After Cardoso MA, 1969 Fig.I.1

Species cribrata Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:320

             Syn.: Isotomiella (minor-group) cribata(sic) de Mendonça, MC et Queiroz, GC, 2017:387 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomiella (minor-group) cribata(sic) de Mendonça, MC et Queiroz, GC, 2017:388 ISS

Species deforestai Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:316

Species deharvengi Gao & Potapov, 2011

Species delamarei Barra, 1968

Species denticulata de Mendonça, MC et Queiroz, GC, 2017:386

Species digitata Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species distincta de Mendonça, MC et Fernandes, LH, 2003:113

Species dubia Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:318

Species dupliseta Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species edaphica Bedos & Deharveng, 1994

Species falcata de Mendonça, MC et Fernandes, LH, 2003:113

Species fellina de Mendonça, MC et Fernandes, LH, 2003:5

Species gracilimucronata Rusek, 1981

Species granulata Oliveira & Deharveng, 1990

Species hirsuta Bedos & Deharveng, 1994

Species hygrophila Sterzynska, M et Kaprus, I, 2001:275

Species insulae Barra, J-A, 2006:65

Species inthanonensis Bedos & Deharveng, 1994

Species leksawasdii Bedos & Deharveng, 1994

Species longisensilla Gao & Potapov, 2011

Species louisi de Mendonça, MC et Queiroz, GC, 2016:1

Species macedoi de Mendonça, MC, Abrantes, EA et Neves, ACR, 2012:22

Species madeirensis da Gama, 1959

Species michonae Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:322

Species minor (Schäffer, 1896) Yosii, 1939, t.t., B

            Syn.: Isotoma muscorum Schäffer, 1900 =?
            Syn.: Denisia falcata Folsom, JW, 1932:61
            Syn.: Isotomiella distinguenda Bagnall, 1939
            Syn.: Isotomiella africana minor(sic) Delamare Deboutteville, C, 1948:310 nn IOS
            Syn.: Isotomiella media Gisin, 1948
            Syn.: Isotomiella sp. De Bie, P et Dop, H, 1980:A62 map
            Syn.: Isotomiella spec. De Bie, P et Dop, H, 1980:7

Isotoma minor from Russia
After Scherbakov AM, 1898 Table II Fig.14
Isotomiella minor from Holland
2012.10.31 © van Duinen, J.
Isotomiella minor from Holland
2012.10.31 © van Duinen, J.
Isotomiella minor from Holland
2012.10.31 © van Duinen, J.
Isotomiella minor juv. from Belgium
2018.10.14 © Huskens, M.-L.
Isotomiella minor juv. from Belgium
Ant.4 with distinct sensilla (*)
2018.10.14 © Huskens, M.-L.
Isotomiella minor from Portugal
2019.02.16 © Almeida, J.
Isotomiella minor from Belgium
2019.08.11 © Huskens, M.-L.
Isotomiella minor from Belgium
2020.02.05 © Huskens, M.-L.
?Isotomiella minor? from the UK
2020.02.17 © Barton, T.
Isotomiella minor from Holland
Abd.5+6 fused
2020.12.01 © Kamsteeg, G.
Isotomiella minor from Belgium
2024.03.21 © Huskens, M.-L.

Species muscorum (Schäffer, 1900) Kovác, L & Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2008:11

Species nummulifer Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species paraminor Gisin, 1942

            Syn.: Isotomiella minor ssp. bulgarica Stach, J, 1947:305
            Syn.: Isotomiella paraminor var. madeirensis da Gama, 1959

Species proxima de Mendonça, MC et Fernandes, LH, 2003:111

Species quadriseta Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species sensillata Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species similis Oliveira & Deharveng, 1990

Species sodwana Barra, J-A, 1997:466

Species spinifer Deharveng & Oliveira, 1990

Species spinosa Deharveng, L et Fjellberg, A, 1993:121

Isotomiella spinosa from the Seychelles
After Deharveng L & Flellberg A, 1993 Fig.10

Species symetrimucronata (Najt & Thibaud, 1987) Mari Mutt, JA & Bellinger, PF, 1990:82

            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Greenslade & Greenslade, 1980 =?
            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Greenslade P & Thompson, 1981
            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Oliveira, EP et Deharveng, L, 1995:373 =?
            Syn.: Isotomiella prussianae Oliveira & Deharveng, 1990

             Syn.: Isotomiella symmetrimucronata(sic) Culik, MP, de Souza, JL et Ventura, JA, 2002:52 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomiella symmetrimucronata(sic) Culik, MP, Martins, DS et Ventura, JA, 2006:5 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomiella simmetrimucronata(sic) Anichkin, AE, Belyaeva, NV, Dovgobrod, IG, Shveenkova, YB et Tiunov, AV, 2007:500 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomiella simmetrimucronata(sic) Anichkin, AE, Belyaeva, NV, Dovgobrod, IG, Shveenkova, YB et Tiunov, AV, 2007:501 ISS
             Syn.: Isotomiella symmetrimucronata(sic) Greenslade, P et Potapov, M, 2008:91 ISS

Species tamurai Tanaka & Niijima, 2009

            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Tanaka, 1970 =?
            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Tanaka & al, 1978 =?
            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Tanaka & Kitazawa, 1982 =?
            Syn.: Isotomiella minor Hasegawa, M, Suma, Y, Tanaka, S et Ichisawa, K, 2017:158 =?

Species thiollayi Deharveng, L et Suhardjono, YR, 1994:319

             Syn.: Isotomiella thiollay(sic) Kovác, L et Palacios-Vargas, JG, 2008:12 ISS

Species trianoensis Arbea, JI et Prieto, CE, 2021:27

Isotomiella trianoensis from Spain
After Arbea JI & Prieto CE, 2021 Fig.1

Species uai de Mendonça, MC, Abrantes, EA et Neves, ACR, 2012:26

Species unguiculata Deharveng, 1989

Species yinae Tamura & Zhao, 2000

Genus Mucracanthus Stebaeva, 1976

Species altaicus Stebaeva, 1976

Species ischimicus Stebaeva, 1984

Genus Octodontophora Tshelnokov, 1990

  Syn.: Anurophorinae Octodonthophora(sic) Potapov, M, Nakamori, T, Saitoh, S, Kuznetsova, N et Babenko, A, 2017:312 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Octodonthophora(sic) Potapov, M, Nakamori, T, Saitoh, S, Kuznetsova, N et Babenko, A, 2017:319 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Octodonthophora(sic) Potapov, M, Nakamori, T, Saitoh, S, Kuznetsova, N et Babenko, A, 2017:321 ISS
  Syn.: Anurophorinae Octodonthophora(sic) Potapov, M, Nakamori, T, Saitoh, S, Kuznetsova, N et Babenko, A, 2017:322 ISS

Species ornata Tshelnokov, 1990, t.t.

Octodonthophora(sic) ornata from FE Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.13
Octodonthophora(sic) ornata from FE Russia
Spines on abd.5+6
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.15

Genus Pseudofolsomia Martynova, 1967

Species acanthella Martynova, 1967

Species spinata (Martynova, 1964)

Genus Sahacanthella Potapov & Stebaeva, 1995

Species kele Potapov & Stebaeva, 1995

Sahacanthella kele from FE Russia
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.1

Species saoriae Nakamori T et Potapov M in Potapov, M, Nakamori, T, Saitoh, S, Kuznetsova, N et Babenko, A, 2017:314

Sahacanthella saoriae from Japan
After Potapov M & al, 2017 Fig.2
            Syn.: Anurophorinae sp. Suma, 1997
            Syn.: Sahacanthella kele Suma, 2008
            Syn.: Sahacanthella kele Niijima & Hasegawa, 2011 cf
            Syn.: Sahacanthella kele Aoki, 2015 cf

Genus Secotomodes Potapov, 1988

Species caucasicus Potapov, 1988

Species sibiricus Potapov, 1988

Genus Tiancanthella Rusek, 1979

Species martynovae Rusek, 1979
