Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Oligaphorura | ![]() |
This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.
Igor J. Kaprus',
State Museum of Natural History, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Teatral'na St.18, UA-79008 L'viv, Ukraine
Wanda M. Weiner,
Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Slawkowska 17, Pl-31016 Kraków, Poland
Frans Janssens,
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium
1(0). Third antennal segment sense organ with sense clubs of other structure................................................. 2 Third antennal segment sense organ with strongly papillate sense clubs............................................ gela 2(1). Third thoracic tergum not with 3 + 3 pseudocelli............ 3 Third thoracic tergum with 3 + 3 pseudocelli................ 5 3(2). First thoracic tergum with 0 + 0 pseudocelli; second thoracic tergum with 2 + 2 pseudocelli; third thoracic tergum with 2 + 2 pseudocelli, pseudocellar formula dorsally: 32/022/22243....................................... melittae First thoracic tergum with 1 pseudocelli; second thoracic tergum with 4 + 4 pseudocelli; third thoracic tergum with 4 + 4 pseudocelli........................................... 4 4(3). Pseudocellar formula dorsally: 3, 3/0, 4........... kurtshevae Pseudocellar formula dorsally: 4, 3/1, 4, 4/5, 4, 4, 5, 3..... ................................................... montana 5(2). First thoracic tergum with 0 + 0 pseudocelli................ 6 First thoracic tergum with 1 + 1 pseudocelli............... 10 6(5). First to third abdominal terga with 3 + 3 pseudocelli each.. 7 First to third abdominal terga with 4 + 4 pseudocelli each, pseudocellar formula dorsally: 32/033/44454............... 9 7(6). Fourth abdominal tergum with 3 + 3 pseudocelli; third antennal segment sense organ with four guard chaetae. tottabetsuensis Fourth abdominal tergum with 4 + 4 pseudocelli; third antennal segment sense organ with five guard chaetae............... 8 8(7). Postantennal organ as long as 2.0 nearest pseudocellus........ ................................................. pingicola Postantennal organ as long as 3.5 nearest pseudocellus........ ................................................... koreana 9(6). Empodial appendage with distinct basal lamella; thoracic sterna ii and iii with 1 + 1 chaetae each........... reversa Empodial appendage without distinct basal lamella; thoracic sterna ii and iii without chaetae...................... nuda 10(5). Fourth abdominal tergum with 5 + 5 pseudocelli............. 11 Fourth abdominal tergum with less then 5 + 5 pseudocelli... 14 11(10). Third thoracic tergum with microsensilla................... 12 Third thoracic tergum without microsensilla.......... sabulosa 12(11). Pseudocellar formula dorsally: 3, 2/1, 3, 3/3, 3, 3, 5, 3; macrochaetae strongly developed; thoracic sterna ii and iii with chaetae.................................... aborigensis Pseudocellar formula dorsally: 3, 2/1, 3, 3/3, 3, 3, 5, 4 (5); macrochaetae poorly differentiated; thoracic sterna ii and iii without chaetae...................................... 13 13(12). Head with one pseudocellus situated on antennal base and two others outside; parapseudocellar formula 0/000/122201; antennal segment ii with 12-13 chaetae............. judithae Head with two pseudocelli situated on antennal base and one outside; parapseudocellar formula 0/000/121201; antennal segment ii with 15 chaetae......................... linderae 14(10). Fourth abdominal tergum with 3 + 3 pseudocelli, pseudocellar formula dorsally: 32/133/33333..................... palissai Fourth abdominal tergum with 4 + 4 pseudocelli, pseudocellar formula dorsally: 32/133/33343........................... 15 15(14). Third thoracic tergum with microsensilla................... 16 Third thoracic tergum without microsensilla................ 17 16(15). Fifth abdominal tergum with m1 chaetae longer than a1 and p1; labial type AC; antennal segment i in adults with 9 chaetae; claws with small lateral teeth................. groenlandica Fifth abdominal tergum with m1 chaetae shorter than a1 and p1; labial type A; antennal segment i in adults with 8 chaetae; claws without lateral teeth........................ schoetti 17(15). Labial type A; third antennal segment sense organ with granulated sense clubs; ventral tube with 8 + 8 chaetae..... ...................................................... ursi Labial type AB; third antennal segment sense organ with ribbed sense clubs; ventral tube with 6 + 6 chaetae....... tuvinica