- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the genera of Tomoceridae

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.


Check the rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Mucro shape elongate with 3 or more teeth projecting dorsally
          (fig.1a).................................................. 2
        Mucro shape short falcate or with only distal teeth
          (fig.1b&c)............................................... 11

2(1).   Mucro basally with 1 tooth (fig.2a)......................... 3
        Mucro basally with 2 teeth, sometimes far apart (fig.2b&c).. 4

3(2).   Third antennal segment 3 or more times as long as fourth......
           ............................................ Monodontocerus
        Third antennal segment less than 2 times as long as fourth....
           ................................................. Novacerus
4(2).   Base of dentes with 1 or more large lateral outer macrochaetae
          (fig.3)................................................... 5
        Base of dentes without large lateral outer macrochaetae..... 7

5(4).   Clear trochanteral organ present on femur and trochanter
          (fig.4b)......................................... Plutomurus
        Clear trochanteral organ present only on femur (fig.4a)..... 6

6(5).   Tenent hair acuminate, 1 + 1 outer dental macrochaetae........
           ................................................. Tomolonus
        Tenent hair clavate, 2 + 2 or more outer dental macrochaetae..
           .............................................. Aphaenomurus
7(4).   Eyes absent or vestigial.................................... 8
        Eyes present and well developed............................. 9
8(7).   Trochanteral organ absent.......................... Tritomurus
        Trochanteral organ present on trochanter and femur (fig.4b)...
           ................................................ Lethemurus
9(7).   Dens with an inner swollen spine like scale (fig.5)...........
           .......................................... Pogonognathellus
        Dens without an inner swollen spine like scale............. 10

10(9).  Toothlet on basal dental tooth of mucro absent (fig.6b).......
           ................................................ Tomocerina
        Toothlet on basal dental tooth of mucro present (fig.6a)......
           ................................................. Tomocerus

11(1).  Mucro falcate (fig.1c)..................................... 12
        Mucro with 3-4 distal teeth (fig.1b)....................... 15
12(11). Third antennal segment much shorter than fourth (fig.7).......
           ............................................. Antennacyrtus
        Third antennal segment slightly shorter to longer than fourth.
           ........................................................ 13

13(12). Mesothorax not projecting far over head (fig.8b)........... 14
        Mesothorax projecting far over head (fig.8a)..................
           ...................................... Pseudolepidophorella

14(13). Scales absent......................................... Millsia
        Scales present................................. Lepidophorella
15(11). Head with small postantennal organ (fig.9)......... Lasofinius
        Head without postantennal organ................... Neophorella

